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GB/T 33291-2016 English PDF

GB/T 33291-2016_English: PDF (GB/T33291-2016)
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GB/T 33291-2016English260 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Measurement method of pressure-composition-temperature for reversable hydrogen absorption and desorption of hydrides Valid GB/T 33291-2016

Standard ID GB/T 33291-2016 (GB/T33291-2016)
Description (Translated English) Measurement method of pressure-composition-temperature for reversable hydrogen absorption & desorption of hydrides
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard F19
Word Count Estimation 15,180
Date of Issue 2016-12-13
Date of Implementation 2017-07-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 3634.2; GB 4962-2008; GB/T 16943; GB/T 24499
Drafting Organization Beijing Nonferrous Metals Research Institute, China Standardization Research Institute, Tsinghua University, South China University of Technology, Zhejiang University, Nankai University
Administrative Organization National Hydrogen Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 309)
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Notice No.246 of 2016
Proposing organization National Hydrogen Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 309)
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This standard specifies the pressure-composition-isotherm (P-C-T) test method for hydride reversible hydrogen absorption and desorption. This standard is suitable for testing the hydrogen and hydrogen pressure of metal hydrides, complex hydrides, chemical hydrides and physical adsorption hydrogen storage materials with reversible hydrogen absorption and desorption characteristics in the range of 77 K ~ 873 K and pressure 0 ~ 75 MPa - composition - isotherm (PCT).

GB/T 33291-2016 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.180 F 19 Measurement method of pressure-composition-temperature for reversable hydrogen absorption & desorption of hydrides ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 13, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2017 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions... 5  4 Symbols and marks ... 6  5 Test method and principle ... 7  5.1 Test method ... 7  5.2 Test principle ... 7  6 Test device ... 8  6.1 Device composition ... 8  Figure 1 -- Test device composition diagram ... 9  6.2 Technical requirements for test system ... 9  6.2.1 Calibration of equipment and instruments ... 9  6.2.2 Pressure sensor ... 9  6.2.3 System leak rate ... 9  6.2.4 Connecting pipes ... 9  6.2.5 Temperature fluctuation ... 9  6.2.6 Hydrogen purity ... 9  6.2.7 Helium purity ... 9  6.3 Volume calibration of test system ... 10  7 Preparation before the test ... 11  7.1 Sample shape and sample size ... 11  7.1.1 Sample shape ... 11  7.1.2 Sample size ... 11  7.2 Filling of samples ... 11  7.3 Calibration of sample chamber volume ... 12  7.3.1 Calibration method ... 12  7.3.2 Calibration steps ... 12  7.3.3 Calibration times ... 13  7.4 Sample activation ... 13  7.4.1 Classification of the original state of the sample ... 13  7.4.2 Hydrogen-containing samples ... 13  7.4.3 Hydrogen-free samples ... 13  8 P-C-T tests ... 14  8.1 Temperature setting ... 14  8.2 Hydrogenation P-C-T test ... 14  8.3 Dehydrogenation P-C-T test ... 15  8.4 Determination of pressure balance ... 15  8.5 Processing of test results ... 16  8.6 Sample removal and storage ... 16  9 Calculation of hydrogenation/dehydrogenation capacity ... 16  9.1 One-step hydrogenation/dehydrogenation capacity ΔC(m)a/ΔC(m)d ... 16  9.2 Total hydrogenation/dehydrogenation capacity Ca/Cd ... 17  Annex A (informative) P-C-T curve test report ... 18  Annex B (informative) Typical P-C-T curve ... 19  Figure B.1 -- P-C-T curve of Ti-Mn metal hydride hydrogen storage materials under different annealing conditions ... 19  Figure B.2 -- P-C-T curve of NaAlH4 complex hydride hydrogen storage materials ... 20  Bibliography... 21  Measurement method of pressure-composition-temperature for reversable hydrogen absorption & desorption of hydrides 1 Scope This Standard specifies the measurement method of pressure-composition-temperature for reversable hydrogen absorption & desorption of hydrides. This Standard is applicable to testing the pressure-composition-temperature (P-C-T) of metal hydrides, complex hydrides, chemical hydrides and physical adsorption hydrogen storage materials that have reversible hydrogen absorption and desorption characteristics within the range of which the temperature is 77K~873K and the pressure is 0~75MPa. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 3634.2, Hydrogen - Part 2: Pore hydrogen, high pure hydrogen and ultrapure hydrogen GB 4962-2008, Technical safety regulation for gaseous hydrogen use GB/T 16943, Gas for electronic industry - Helium GB/T 24499, Technology glossary for gaseous hydrogen, hydrogen energy and hydrogen energy system 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 24499 as well as the followings apply. 3.1 one-step hydrogenation capacity After the hydride has undergone a pressure change at a constant temperature and reached a steady state, the ratio of the hydrogen adsorbed in the hydride material to the original mass of the hydride. 3.2 one-step dehydrogenation capacity After the hydride has undergone a pressure change at a constant temperature and reached a steady state, the ratio of the mass of hydrogen released in the hydride material to the original mass of the hydride. 3.3 total hydrogenation capacity; Ca The sum of multiple consecutive one-step hydrogenation capacity of the hydride. 3.4 total dehydrogenation capacity; Cd The sum of multiple consecutive one-step dehydrogenation capacity of the hydride. 4 Symbols and marks The following symbols apply to this document. w - The mass of the hydride material, in g. Tsam - The temperature of the sample chamber, in K. Tsys - The ambient temperature of test system, in K. Tcon - The sample connection pipe temperature, in K. Psam - The pressure in the sample chamber, in MPa. Psys - The test system pressure, in MPa. Psys(n) - The system test pressure in the nth step test, in MPa, n=0,1,2,3…. Peq - The equilibrium pressure, in MPa. Vsam - The volume of the sample chamber, in mL. Vsys - The test system volume, in mL. Vcon - The volume of the sample connection pipeline, in mL. Vb - The volume of the steel ball, in mL. Vx - The volume of the blank sample chamber in the unknown state, in mL. Vi - The valve and number, i=1,2,3,4,5,6. Pi - The measured pressure value during testing, i=1,2,3,4,5,6, x. R - The ideal gas constant, R=8.314472J·mol-1 K-1. Zsys - The hydrogen compression factor at pressure Psys and temperature Tsys. Zsam - The compression factor of hydrogen gas at pressure Psam and temperature Tsam. Zcon - The hydrogen compressibility factor at pressure Psam and temperature Tcon. Z'sys - The hydrogen compressibility factor at pressure Peq and temperature Tsys. Z'sam - The hydrogen compressibility factor at pressure Peq and temperature Tsam. Z'con - The hydrogen compressibility factor at pressure Peq and temperature Tcon. Mr - The relative molecular mass of hydrogen, in g/mol. Ca - The total hydrogenation capacity, in wt%. Cd - The total dehydrogenation capacity, in wt%. ΔC(m)a - The one-step hydrogenation capacity, in wt%. ΔC(m)d - The one-step dehydrogenation capacity, in wt%. m - The number of steps to repeat the one-step hydrogenation/dehydrogenation measurement process. NOTE 1: Vsys refers to the sum of the volume of the internal connecting pipes when the accumulator D and the valves V1, V2, V4, V5 and V6 are in the closed state. NOTE 2: Vcon refers to the volume of the connecting pipe between the valve V3 and the constant temperature zone of the sample chamber, as shown by the dotted box in Figure 1. NOTE 3: Vsam refers to the empty volume in the sample chamber after filling with a sample of which its mass is w. 5 Test method and principle 5.1 Test method The test uses the isovolumic method. 5.2 Test principle At a certain temperature, introduce hydrogen gas of known pressure into a container of known volume. Connect the hydride reactor to the vessel. Hydrogenation or Figure 1 -- Test device composition diagram 6.2 Technical requirements for test system 6.2.1 Calibration of equipment and instruments The equipment and instruments used in this test method shall be regularly calibrated by a qualified inspection agency in accordance with the relevant national standards. 6.2.2 Pressure sensor The accuracy of the pressure sensor shall not be less than 0.5‰. The significant figures of the test value under the highest working pressure shall be no less than 5 digits. 6.2.3 System leak rate The pressure drop of the system under the maximum working pressure within 24h shall not be greater than 0.1% of the maximum working pressure. 6.2.4 Connecting pipes Connecting pipes shall be internally polished stainless-steel pipes. They shall comply with the provisions of 4.4.4 in GB 4962-2008. 6.2.5 Temperature fluctuation The fluctuation of the ambient temperature of the test system and the working temperature of the sample chamber shall not exceed ±0.5K. 6.2.6 Hydrogen purity The purity of hydrogen shall meet the requirements of high-purity hydrogen in GB/T 3634.2. 6.2.7 Helium purity The purity of helium shall meet the requirements of high-purity helium in GB/T 16943. 7 Preparation before the test 7.1 Sample shape and sample size 7.1.1 Sample shape Block sample For block samples, it is advisable to use mechanical crushing method to make granular samples of 0.5mm~1.0mm. Fine powder sample For fine powder samples, it is advisable to use the mechanical tableting method to make them into flake samples. The tableting pressure shall not be lower than 20MPa. 7.1.2 Sample size Metal hydride hydrogen storage materials For metal hydride hydrogen storage material samples, the mass shall be 1.0g~2.0g. The sample volume shall not exceed 50% of the sample chamber volume. Other hydride hydrogen storage materials in this Standard For other hydride hydrogen storage material samples in this Standard, the mass shall not be less than 0.5g. The sample volume shall not exceed 50% of the sample chamber volume. Weighing accuracy of sample It shall use a weighing tool with an accuracy of not less than 0.2mg to weigh the sample. 7.2 Filling of samples The filling of the sample shall be carried out as follows: a) Open valve V1 and valve V3. Fill the sample chamber with about 0.1MPa of helium; b) Close valve V1 and valve V3. Open the sample chamber H. Load the sample into the sample chamber H. Seal the sample chamber H; c) Open valve V3 and valve V5. Vacuum the sample chamber to better than 0.1Pa; d) Close valve V5. Open valve V1. Fill the sample chamber with helium to the maximum test pressure of the sample. Detect if the sample chamber has leakage; e) When there is no leakage in the sample chamber, open valve V4. Reduce the sample chamber pressure to about 0.1MPa. Close valve V4. NOTE: For samples with high activity in the air, the filling of the samples shall be carried out in a protective atmosphere. 7.3 Calibration of sample chamber volume 7.3.1 Calibration method Sample chamber volume calibration for granular samples For the samples made in, the volume of the sample chamber can be calibrated at room temperature. Sample chamber volume calibration for powdered samples For samples made in, it shall start at room temperature. Carry out the calibration of sample chamber volume Vsam at Tsam temperature every 20K~50K. The calibrated maximum temperature shall not exceed the minimum temperature for the thermal decomposition of the sample to release hydrogen. When the deviation of the sample chamber volume measured at three consecutive temperature points is less than 1.5%, the average value is taken as the final sample chamber volume Vsam. 7.3.2 Calibration steps Calibration shall be performed as follows: a) Open valve V3 and valve V5. After the system is evacuated to better than 0.1Pa, close valve V5; b) After the sample chamber temperature Tsam is stable, open the valve V1. Fill the sample chamber with helium. After the pressure is stable, record the pressure P5 (P5 shall not be greater than 1.0MPa); c) Close valve V3. Open valve V5. Evacuate the system to better than 0.1Pa. Close valve V5; d) Open valve V3. Record stable post-pressure P6. Calculate the sample chamber volume Vsam according to formula (4). the pressure is stable; d) Open valve V3 to introduce hydrogen into the sample chamber. After the pressure is stable, record the pressure Peq; e) Use formula (5) to calculate the hydrogenation capacity of the sample; f) Repeat steps a)~e). The activation is completed until the deviation of the hydrogenation capacity obtained during the two consecutive activation processes is less than 2%; g) When the activation is completed, repeat step a). Wait for the P-C-T test. 8 P-C-T tests 8.1 Temperature setting The temperature setting shall be carried out as follows: a) Set the system temperature to (298±0.5)K; b) Set the sample chamber temperature to the P-C-T test temperature Tsam and maintain a constant temperature. 8.2 Hydrogenation P-C-T test The hydrogenation P-C-T test shall be carried out according to the following steps: a) Record the sample chamber pressure Psam. Close valve V3. Open valve V2. Fill the system with hydrogen. After the system pressure is stable, record the system pressure Psys(0); b) Open valve V3. Connect the system and the sample chamber. When the pressure meets the equilibrium condition of 8.4, record the equilibrium pressure Peq, sample chamber temperature Tsam, and system temperature Tsys. Close valve V3. Complete a one-step hydrogenation. The equilibrium pressure Peq is defined as the sample chamber pressure Psam for the next hydrogenation test. Calculate the one-step hydrogenation capacity ΔC(m) of the sample according to formula (5). Obtain a set of pressure and hydrogenation capacity data. c) Increase system pressure by ΔPsys. After the system pressure is stable, record the system pressure Psys(n). Proceed to the one-step hydrogenation test according to step b). If the difference ΔPeq between the (n+1)th and nth equilibrium pressures is less than 0.5‰ of the full scale of the system, then the system pressure rise ΔPsys shall be increased by 1.5 times in the (n+2)th one-step hydrogenation measurement. Otherwise, continue to adjust the system pressure according to ΔPsys. d) Repeat the one-step hydrogenation steps. The number of steps shall not be less than 10. e) When the system equilibrium pressure reaches the maximum hydrogenation pressure specified by the sample, the hydrogenation P-C-T test is completed. 8.3 Dehydrogenation P-C-T test The dehydrogenation P-C-T test shall be carried out as follows: a) Record the sample chamber pressure Psam. According to the sample chamber pressure Psam, the system volume Vsys and the sample chamber volume Vsam, adjust the initial pressure Psys(0) of the system; b) Open valve V3. Connect the system and sample chamber. When the pressure meets the equilibrium condition of 8.4, record the pressure Peq, the sample chamber temperature Tsam, and the system temperature Tsys. Close valve V3. The one-step dehydrogenation of the sample is completed. The pressure Peq is defined as the new pressure Psam of the sample chamber for the next one-step dehydrogenation. Calculate the one-step dehydrogenation capacity ΔC(m) of hydride according to formula (5). Obtain a set of pressure and dehydrogenation capacity data. c) Proceed to the one-step dehydrogenation test according to step b). If the pressure difference between the (n+1)th and nth times after stabilization ΔPeq=Peq(n)-Peq(n+1) is less than 0.5‰ of the full scale of the system, then the system pressure variable ΔPsys shall be increased by 1.5 times in the (n+2)th system one-step dehydrogenation measurement. Otherwise, continue to adjust the system pressure according to ΔPsys. d) Repeat the one-step dehydrogenation steps. The number of steps shall not be less than 10. Until the final pressure Peq is not greater than 0.5‰ of the full scale of the system, the dehydrogenation P-C-T test is completed. 8.4 Determination of pressure balance When the pressure change value within 30min is not greater than 0.5‰ of the full scale of the system, the pressure is considered to be balanced. Otherwise, continue to determine the pressure balance for the next 30min until the pressure balance is reached. ......

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