GB/T 33141-2016_English: PDF (GB/T33141-2016)
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Magnesium lithium alloys ingots
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GB/T 33141-2016
Standard ID | GB/T 33141-2016 (GB/T33141-2016) | Description (Translated English) | Magnesium lithium alloys ingots | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H60 | Classification of International Standard | 77.120.20 | Word Count Estimation | 10,184 | Date of Issue | 2016-10-13 | Date of Implementation | 2017-09-01 | Drafting Organization | Xi'an Quartet ultra - light Material Co., Ltd | Administrative Organization | National Standard Committee on Nonferrous Metals (SAC/TC 243) | Regulation (derived from) | National Standard Notice No.1716 of 2016 | Proposing organization | China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association | Issuing agency(ies) | General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee |
GB/T 33141-2016
ICS 77.120.20
H 60
Magnesium Lithium Alloys Ingots
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Requirements ... 4
4 Test Methods ... 7
5 Inspection Rules ... 7
6 Marking, Package, Transportation, Storage and Quality Certificate ... 9
7 Ordering List (or Contract) Contents ... 10
Magnesium Lithium Alloys Ingots
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking,
package, transportation, storage, quality certificate and ordering list (or content) of the
magnesium lithium alloys ingots.
This Standard is applicable to the magnesium lithium alloys ingots (hereinafter referred
to as ingots).
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 4297 Inspection Method for Macrostructure of Wrought Magnesium Alloy
GB/T 5153 Designation and Composition of Wrought Magnesium and Magnesium
GB/T 10125 Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres - Salt Spray Tests
GB/T 13748 (all parts) Chemical Analysis Methods of Magnesium and Magnesium
GB/T 32792 Packaging, Marking, Transportation and Storage of Magnesium Alloy
Processing Products
YS/T 627 Wrought Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys Rotundity Ingots
YS/T 695 Wrought Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys Rectangle Ingots
3 Requirements
3.1 Product classification
4 Test Methods
4.1 Chemical compositions
The arbitration analysis of the ingot chemical compositions shall be carried out
according to the method specified in GB/T 13748. Where GB/T 13748 does not provide
the provisions, it shall be performed as per the method specified by the supplier and
the purchaser.
4.2 Size deviation
The size deviation of the ingot shall be carried out as per the method specified in YS/T
627 or YS/T 695.
4.3 Macrostructure
The macrostructure test of the ingot shall be carried out as per the method specified
in GB/T 4297.
4.4 Appearance quality
Generally, the appearance quality shall be visually examined. If necessary, use the
grinding method to determine the depth of the surface defects.
4.5 Corrosion performance
The salt spray corrosion performance shall be carried out as per the method specified
in GB/T 10125; the test piece shall be degreased and de-rusted before the test.
4.6 Others
Other requirements are determined through the negotiation between the supplier and
the purchaser.
5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Inspection and acceptance
5.1.1 The product shall be inspected by the supplier’s technical (or quality supervision)
department to ensure that the product quality conform to the provisions of this Standard
and purchasing list (or contract); and fill in the quality certificate.
5.1.2 The purchaser shall inspect the received products according to the provisions of
this Standard. When the inspection result is inconsistent with the provisions of this
Standard and ordering list (or contract), it shall be submitted to the supplier in the
batch is judged unqualified.
5.5.2 If the size deviation of any ingot is unqualified, then such ingot is judged to be
5.5.3 When there are cracks and flux slag in the macrostructure test result, then such
batch is judged to be unqualified; the judgment of other inclusions shall be determined
through the negotiation between the supplier and the purchaser.
5.5.4 When the appearance quality is unqualified, then judge the single ingot is
unqualified; but the supplier is allowed to reprocess to the qualified and deliver then. If
the ingot is still unqualified after processing, then judge the single ingot is unqualified.
5.5.5 When the corrosion performance is unqualified, judge such batch unqualified.
6 Marking, Package, Transportation, Storage and
Quality Certificate
6.1 Marking
6.1.1 The end face of each ingot shall be marked with grade, melting time, sequence
number and state.
6.1.2 Each bundle of ingots shall be provided with two labels indicating:
a) Seal from the supplier’s technical supervision department;
b) Product name;
c) Grade;
d) State;
e) Batch number.
6.2 Package, transportation and storage
The packaging method of the ingots shall be agreed by the supplier and the purchaser;
and indicated in the contract. The transportation and storage shall be as stipulate din
GB/T 32792.
6.3 Quality certificate
Each batch of ingots shall have a quality certificate meeting the requirements of this
Standard, indicating: