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GB/T 3246.1-2024 English PDF (GB/T 3246.1-2012, GB/T 3246.1-2000)

GB/T 3246.1-2024_English: PDF (GB/T3246.1-2024)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 3246.1-2024English1060 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy products - Part 1: Inspection method for microstructure Valid GB/T 3246.1-2024
GB/T 3246.1-2012English315 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products -- Part 1: Inspection method for microstructure Obsolete GB/T 3246.1-2012
GB/T 3246.1-2000English759 Add to Cart 5 days [Need to translate] Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys products inspection method for microstructure Obsolete GB/T 3246.1-2000
GB/T 3246-1982EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] Aluminum and aluminum alloys--Inspection method of microstructure for wrought products Obsolete GB/T 3246-1982

Standard ID GB/T 3246.1-2024 (GB/T3246.1-2024)
Description (Translated English) Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy products -- Part 1: Inspection method for microstructure
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H25
Classification of International Standard 77.040.99
Word Count Estimation 78,780
Date of Issue 2024-03-15
Date of Implementation 2024-10-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 3246.1-2012
Administrative Organization National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 243)
Proposing organization China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 3246.1-2012 (GB/T3246.1-2012)
Description (Translated English) Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products. Part 1: Inspection method for microstructure
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H24
Classification of International Standard 77.040.99
Word Count Estimation 23,272
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 3246.1-2000
Adopted Standard ASTM E112-1996 (2010), NEQ; ASTM E3-2011, NEQ; ASTM E1558-1999 (2004), NEQ; ASTM E407-2007, NEQ
Drafting Organization Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee of non-ferrous metals
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Bulletin No. 41 of 2012
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard specifies the aluminum and aluminum alloy ingot (or billet), Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet, strip, foil, tubes, rods, wire, forgings (hereinafter referred to as processed products) microstructure testing using test solution and s

Standard ID GB/T 3246.1-2000 (GB/T3246.1-2000)
Description (Translated English) Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys products inspection method for microstructure
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H23
Classification of International Standard 77.040.30
Word Count Estimation 19,126
Date of Issue 2000/6/9
Date of Implementation 2000/11/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 3246-1982
Drafting Organization Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization China Non-ferrous metals industry standard Institute of Metrology and Quality
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Bulletin 2012 No. 41
Proposing organization National Nonferrous Metals Industry Bureau
Issuing agency(ies) State Quality and Technical Supervision
Summary This Standard specifies the deformation companion and aluminum materials, sample preparation products, olive significant organizational test, and corrosion, gun organizations such as the face and grain size determination. This Standard is applicable to deform the sail and aluminum materials, products microstructure examination.

GB/T 3246.1-2024 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.040.99 CCS H 25 Replacing GB/T 3246.1-2012 Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products - Part 1.Inspection method for microstructure ISSUED ON. MARCH 15, 2024 IMPLEMENTED ON. OCTOBER 01, 2024 Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation; National Standardization Administration. Table of Contents Foreword... 3 Introduction... 5 1 Scope... 6 2 Normative references... 6 3 Terms and definitions... 7 4 Optical (metallographic) microscopy... 17 5 Scanning electron microscopy... 29 6 Transmission electron microscopy... 29 7 Result expression... 30 8 Test report... 30 Appendix A (Informative) Typical microstructure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products... 32 Appendix B (Normative) Determination of grain size... 78 Appendix C (Normative) Determination of the second phase and particle size... 89 References... 92 Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products - Part 1.Inspection method for microstructure 1 Scope This document describes the inspection method of microstructure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products. This document is applicable to the microstructure inspection of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy ingots (or ingots), plates, strips, foils, tubes, bars, molds, wires, forgings and other processed products, using optical (metallographic) microscopes, scanning electron microscopes, transmission electron microscopes and other instruments. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential terms of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods GB/T 8005.1 Aluminium and aluminium alloy terms and definitions - Part 1. Product and method of processing and treatment GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and judgement of limiting values JJF 1914 Calibration specification for metallurgical microscopes YS/T 1623 Inspection of aging precipitated phases of aluminum alloys transmission electron microscope method YS/T 1624 Method for evaluating the homogenization effect of aluminum alloy ingots - The fine new particles that are precipitated from the matrix phase by the deformation aluminum alloy below the end of crystallization temperature (i.e., within the solid temperature range) are called precipitation phases, which has a size of 0.001 μm ~ 0.5 μm, as shown in Figure 10.According to the alloy process characteristics, the precipitation phase can be subdivided into aging precipitation phase and sediment precipitation phase. Usually, the sediment precipitation phase is also called the category II particles; the aging precipitation phase is also called the category III particles. Precipitation phases can be further divided into the following categories. ● The phase that precipitates from the supersaturated solid solution obtained after solution treatment at the aging temperature is called the aging precipitation phase, or aging phase for short. This phase appears in alloy systems that can be strengthened by heat treatment. ● The phase that precipitates from the saturated solid solution during the soaking/annealing process or when the temperature is lowered above the aging temperature is called the sediment precipitation phase, or precipitation phase for short. - In particle-reinforced wrought aluminum alloys, the externally or internally added reinforcing particles are called reinforcing phases, including SiC, Al2O3, TiB2, TiO2 and other particles, which have a particle size of 0.05 μm ~ 10 μm, see Figure 11. Note 2.According to the different distribution characteristics of the second phase, it mainly includes the following two types. - Dispersed phase. In a broad sense, it refers to the fine dispersed solid phase, which is precipitated from the supersaturated solid solution or formed in the chemical heat treatment layer and formed under other production conditions, including aging phase, precipitation phase, reinforcing phase. In a narrow sense, it specifically refers to the particles with submicron/nanoscale precipitated in the homogenization heat treatment temperature range of 2×××, 6×××, 7××× wrought aluminum alloys, containing transition metal elements, with a size of generally 0.01 μm ~ 0.5 μm, including Al20Mn3Cu2, Al12Mg2Cr, Al3Zr, Al3Sc, etc. - Coarse phase. It refers to the coarse non-dispersed solid phase. It is mainly the residual crystalline phase, including the primary phase and the eutectic phase. 4.2.16 Plush cloth. 4.2.17 Synthetic leather. 4.2.18 Diamond. The particle size is 3 μm. 4.2.19 Diamond. The particle size is 9 μm. 4.2.20 Silica suspension. The particle size is 0.04 μm. 4.2.21 Alumina suspension. The particle size is 0.05 μm. 4.2.22 Rough polishing agent. Use a suspension of chromium trioxide mixed with water with high concentration and coarse particles or other polishing materials. 4.2.23 Fine polishing agent. Use a suspension of chromium trioxide mixed with water with a relatively low concentration and fine particles, or other polishing materials. 4.2.24 Fine polishing agent. Use a suspension of magnesium oxide or extremely fine aluminum trioxide mixed with water, or other polishing materials. 4.2.25 Water-based lubricant. 4.2.26 Kerosene. 4.3 Instruments and equipment 4.3.1 Optical (metallographic) microscope. In accordance with JJF 1914, it shall be equipped with an eyepiece scale plate of not less than 0.1 mm (or integrated with the eyepiece). The magnification should be 50 times ~ 500 times. 4.3.2 Metallographic polishing machine. 4.3.3 Vibration polishing machine. 4.3.4 Electrolytic polishing and anode film-making device, see Figure 15.Lead plate or stainless steel plate shall be used as the cathode. the cladding layer thickness along the length direction using an eyepiece micrometer. The measurement points shall be no less than 5 and the average value shall be calculated. When required by the purchaser, the cladding ratio V can be calculated according to formula (1). The value is expressed as a percentage. The calculation result is expressed to two decimal places. The value is rounded off according to the provisions of GB/T 8170. Where. t - Average cladding layer thickness, in millimeters (mm); h - Total plate thickness, in millimeters (mm). 4.5.4 Copper diffusion inspection When preparing the specimen for copper diffusion depth inspection, electrolytic polishing can be used to check whether the copper diffusion penetrates or the maximum depth of copper diffusion in the aluminum cladding on both sides can be measured with an eyepiece micrometer. 4.5.5 Inspection of remaining casting structure Inspect the microstructure. If the wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products show a microstructure in which the dendrites are not completely broken [see Figure 14b)], it is judged that there is remaining casting structure. 4.5.6 Determination of grain size The grain size determination is carried out in accordance with Appendix B. The typical anodic film polarized grain structure is shown in Figure A.1 ~ Figure A.88. 4.5.7 Determination of the second phase and particle size The determination of the second phase and particle size is carried out in accordance with Appendix C. 4.5.8 Observation and analysis of the morphology and distribution of the second phase The type of the second phase (such as primary phase, eutectic phase, precipitation phase, etc.) can be determined, by observing the microstructural characteristics of the second phase, such as morphology, size, distribution; then the phase composition of some phases can be preliminarily determined. The method for determining the phase composition of the primary phase and eutectic phase is shown in T/CNIA 0161. Observation and analysis of the aging phase is carried out in accordance with the provisions of YS/T 1623. 4.5.9 Homogenization effect evaluation The homogenization effect evaluation method shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of YS/T 1624. 4.5.10 Microscopic slag inspection Use 200 times magnification to scan within the inspection area of the specimen (preferably 10 mm × 10 mm). Use 500 times magnification to judge the observed suspected slag inclusions. Use 200 times magnification to measure and count the maximum intercept size and number of slag inclusions for each slag inclusion. 4.5.11 Sell zone inspection On the microscopic cross section of the sell zone of the specimen, use the eyepiece micrometer to measure the thickness of the sell zone along the length direction. The measurement points shall be no less than 5 points; the maximum thickness is taken. 4.5.12 Looseness inspection For looseness inspection method, see T/CNIA 0179. 4.5.13 Inspection of inclusion content in aluminum alloy melt For inspection of inclusion content in aluminum alloy melt, see T/CNIA 0150. 5 Scanning electron microscopy For microscopic morphology inspection of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy structures, composition analysis of second phases and defects, determination of average grain size and recrystallization area fraction, auxiliary judgment of eutectic melting structures, failure analysis methods, see T/CNIA 0161. 6 Transmission electron microscopy According to YS/T 1623, microscopic analysis of aging phases is carried out; typical spectra are shown in T/CNIA 0176 (all parts). Appendix B (Normative) Determination of grain size B.1 Method overview The following methods can be used to determine grain size based on the number of grains per unit area or the number of intercepts per unit length. - Comparison method. Compare the grain image observed on the specimen with the standard image of known grain size, to obtain the grain size of the inspected specimen. It is applicable to the measurement of grain size of ingot, equiaxed or nearly equiaxed crystals (aspect ratio not greater than 3.1) or fully recrystallized grain size of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy materials. - Planar grain calculation method. Calculate the number of grains in a known area; use the number of grains per unit area to determine the grain size grade. - Intercept method. It is used for non-uniform equiaxed grain structure. For anisotropic structure, the grain size in three main directions can be measured separately. Under appropriate circumstances, the average grain size can be measured more reasonably. Measurement and calculation can be completed with the help of various types of test instruments. For example, quantitative microscopes and image analyzers. B.2 Comparison method B.2.1 Figures B.1 ~ B.8 are standard rating diagrams for wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy grain sizes, magnified 100 times. The Table in each Figure gives the magnification and the corresponding grain grade index G. At a magnification of 100 times, when the number of grains on the detection area is known, the grain grade index G can be calculated according to formula (B.1). Where. N - Number of grains, in pieces; A - Detection area, in square millimeters (mm2). ......

GB/T 3246.1-2012 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.040.99 H 24 Replacing GB/T 3246.1-2000 Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products - Part 1: Inspection method for microstructure ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 31, 2012 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2013 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Test solutions ... 5 3 Sample preparation ... 6 4 Sample etching ... 9 5 Anodized film formation ... 10 6 Structure inspection ... 12 7 Determination of grain size ... 19 8 Test report ... 29 Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products - Part 1: Inspection method for microstructure 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 3246 specifies the test solution and sample preparation, etching, anodized film formation, structure inspection, grain size determination and test report, etc. for microstructure detection of aluminum and aluminum alloy ingots (or billets), wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy plates, strips, foils, tubes, rods, profiles, wires, forgings (hereinafter referred to as processed products). This Part applies to the microstructure inspection of aluminum and aluminum alloy ingots (or billets) and processed products. 2 Test solutions 2.1 Nitric acid solution (1+4). 2.2 Perchloric acid ethanol solution (1+9). 2.3 Nitric acid solution (1+2.5) ~ nitric acid solution (1+1). 2.4 Etching agent No. 1: hydrofluoric acid solution (1+200). 2.5 Etching agent No. 2: hydrofluoric acid solution (1+1). 2.6 Etching agent No. 3: phosphoric acid solution (1+9). 2.7 Etching agent No. 4: sulfuric acid solution (1+9) ~ sulfuric acid solution (2+8). 2.8 Etching agent No. 5: nitric acid solution (1+3). 2.9 Etching agent No. 6: mix hydrofluoric acid (ρ 1.15 g/mL), hydrochloric acid (ρ 1.19 g/mL), nitric acid (ρ 1.40 g/mL) and water in a volume of (2+3+5+190); mix well. 2.10 Etching agent No. 7: mix hydrofluoric acid (ρ 1.15 g/mL), hydrochloric acid (ρ 1.19 g/mL), nitric acid (ρ 1.40 g/mL) and water in a volume of (2+1+1+76); mix well. 2.11 Etching agent No. 8: mix hydrofluoric acid (ρ 1.15 g/mL), hydrochloric acid (ρ 1.19 g/mL), nitric acid (ρ 1.40 g/mL) and water in a volume of (2+3+5+250); mix well. perpendicular to the main deformation direction, the other structure inspection surfaces of the plate shall be longitudinal sections parallel to the main deformation direction, and the structure inspection surfaces of other processed products shall be transverse sections perpendicular to the main deformation direction. 3.4 Clamping and mounting Samples for measuring the thickness of the cladding layer and the depth of copper diffusion to check the surface layer structure of the product shall be clamped or mounted; small samples can be mounted. An annealed pure aluminum plate must be placed between the samples of the clamping method and the outside of the outer sample of the sample clamp, to ensure that there is no gap between the samples after clamping, and the grinding surface of the outer sample of the sample clamp is smooth. 3.5 Rough processing of samples Use a milling cutter (or file) to remove 1 mm ~ 3 mm from the inspected surface of the sample, and mill or file it into a plane. Then, use sandpaper (whose abrasive particle size should be 68 μm ~ 100 μm) on the grinder for rough grinding along the direction vertical to the knife mark; kerosene or water should be used for cooling and lubrication. Grind off all the knife marks; turn the sample 90°; then use sandpaper (whose abrasive particle size should be 18 μm ~ 35 μm) for fine grinding, until all rough grinding marks are removed. 3.6 Mechanical polishing 3.6.1 Rinse the ground sample with water and polish it on a polishing machine. Usually, the rotation speed of the polishing machine is 300 r/min ~ 600 r/min. During fine polishing, the rotation speed should be 150 r/min ~ 200 r/min. 3.6.2 Rough polishing Perform rough polishing on a polishing disc fitted with baize. Use a suspension of chromium trioxide powder of high concentration and coarse particles mixed with water or other polishing materials as a rough polishing agent. Polish perpendicular to the grinding marks until all the grinding marks disappear, and the grinding surface is smooth and bright without dirt. 3.6.3 Fine polishing Use water to rinse the roughly polished sample; finely polish it on a polishing disc equipped with fine wool (or other silk fabrics with soft fibers). Use a suspension of chromium trioxide powder of low concentration and fine particles mixed with water or other polishing materials as a fine polishing agent. Polish it perpendicular to the traces of rough polishing until there are no traces and dirt on the surface, until a clear structure can be observed on the microscope. 5.2 The anodizing device is the same as that in Figure 1. During the process of film formation, the sample surface (anode) shall be kept at an appropriate distance from the surface of the cathode plate. 5.3 For 1×××, 3×××, 5××× and 6××× series samples, the anodic film-making solution should be phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid solution (2.13). Parameters of the filming process are: a) voltage 20 V ~ 30 V; b) current density 0.1 A/cm2 ~ 0.5 A/cm2; c) time 1 min ~ 3 min; d) temperature 10 °C ~ 40 °C. 5.4 Fluoroboric acid solution (2.14 or 2.15) should be selected as the anodic film- making solution for other aluminum and aluminum alloys. Parameters of the filming process are: a) voltage 20 V ~ 30 V; b) current density 0.1 A/cm2 ~ 0.5 A/cm2; c) time 1 min ~ 3 min; d) temperature 10 °C ~ 40 °C. 6 Structure inspection 6.1 Requirements for microscopic samples Observe the sample under a microscope. The surface of the sample shall be clean, dry, free of water marks, clear and true in structure, and free of corrosion holes. 6.2 Microstructure inspection of cast ingot (billet) Usually, observe the shape of the phase and defects such as looseness and inclusions in the alloy on the unetched sample, and observe the dendrite structure on the etched sample, identify the components of the phase, and observe the burnt structure in the homogenized state. 6.3 Inspection of quenched and annealed samples of processed products Check the grain state and burnt structure on the prepared sample, usually magnified 200 ~ 500 times for observation and photography. 6.4 Distinguishment of burnt structure of aluminum alloy calculation of this method can be done by means of various types of test instruments. For example, quantitative microscopes and image analyzers, etc. 7.4.2 When using the intercept method to measure the grain size, measure the grain size by calculating the average intercept, on the frosted glass or within the representative field of view of the sample, by counting the number of grains intersected by one or several straight lines (usually called the detection line) (the total length of the straight line shall not be less than 50 intercepted gains). 7.4.3 Grain measurement shall be carried out at 3 ~ 5 fields of view randomly selected and separated far away, so as to obtain a reasonable average grain size of the sample. 7.4.4 Calculate the average intercept l according to Formula (9). Where: l – average intercept, in microns (μm); L – the total length of the detection line, in microns (μm); N – the total number of intersections between the detection line and the grain boundary, in points. g – magnification. 7.4.5 The length of the average intercept l, which is slightly lower than the average diameter of grains, can be considered as the average diameter of grains in normal measurement. Reference can be made to the relevant grain size data given in Table 4. 7.4.6 For non-equiaxed grains, the number of grains per cubic millimeter is calculated according to Formula (10). Where: nv – the number of grains per cubic millimeter, in grains per cubic millimeter (grains/mm3); ne – the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the longitudinal direction, in grains per millimeter (grains/mm); nc – the average number of grains per millimeter intersected by a straight line in the horizontal direction, in grains per millimeter (grains/mm); ......

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