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GB/T 31467-2023 English PDF (GB/T 31467.1-2015)

GB/T 31467-2023_English: PDF (GB/T31467-2023)
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GB/T 31467-2023English665 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Electrical performance test methods for Iithium-ion traction battery pack and system of electric vehicles Valid GB/T 31467-2023
GB/T 31467.1-2015English85 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery [Replaced by GB/T 31467-2023] Lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for electric vehicles -- Part 1: Test specification for high power applications Obsolete GB/T 31467.1-2015

Standard ID GB/T 31467-2023 (GB/T31467-2023)
Description (Translated English) Electrical performance test methods for Iithium-ion traction battery pack and system of electric vehicles
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.120
Word Count Estimation 47,418
Date of Issue 2023-11-27
Date of Implementation 2023-11-27
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 31467.1-2015,GB/T 31467.2-2015
Drafting Organization Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd., China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., CATL New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., China New Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., Hive Energy Technology Co., Ltd., China Automotive Research Institute New Energy Vehicle Inspection Center ( Tianjin) Co., Ltd., Guolian Automotive Power Battery Research Institute Co., Ltd., BYD Automobile Industry Co., Ltd., Xinwanda Electric Vehicle Battery Co., Ltd., Anhui Institute of Metrology, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd., Chongqing Changan New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xiaopeng Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., FAW Jiefang Automobile Co., Ltd., Tongji University, Shanghai Automotive Group Co., Ltd., Beijing New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd., Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Nissan (China) Investment
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114)
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 31467.1-2015 (GB/T31467.1-2015)
Description (Translated English) Lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for electric vehicles -- Part 1: Test specification for high power applications
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.080
Word Count Estimation 14,134
Date of Issue 2015-05-15
Date of Implementation 2015-05-15
Quoted Standard GB/T 19596
Adopted Standard ISO 12405-1-2011, NEQ
Drafting Organization Beijing Ka Dake Technology Centre
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Announcement 2015 No. 15
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Standard specifies the test methods of electric vehicles with high-power lithium-ion battery packs and systems electrical properties. This section applies to the load on the electric vehicle, mainly in high-power applications for the purpose of a lithium ion battery pack and battery systems for high-power applications for the purpose of nickel-hydrogen battery packs and systems can be implemented by reference.

GB/T 31467-2023 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.120 CCS T 47 Replacing GB/T 31467.1-2015, GB/T 31467.2-2015 Electrical performance test methods for lithium-ion traction battery pack and system of electric vehicles (ISO 12405-4.2008, Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification for lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems - Part 4.Performance testing, NEQ) ISSUED ON. NOVEMBER 27, 2023 IMPLEMENTED ON. NOVEMBER 27, 2023 Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword... 3 1 Scope... 6 2 Normative references... 6 3 Terms and definitions... 6 4 Symbols and abbreviations... 7 5 General test conditions... 8 5.1 General conditions... 8 5.2 Requirements for test instrument accuracy... 9 5.3 Data recording and recording interval... 9 5.4 Test preparation... 10 6 General tests... 11 6.1 Preprocessing cycle... 11 6.2 Standard cycle... 12 6.3 Method to adjust SOC to n% of test target value... 12 7 Basic performance tests... 13 7.1 Appearance... 13 7.2 Polarity... 13 7.3 Mass and dimensions... 13 7.4 Capacity and energy... 14 7.5 Power and internal resistance... 16 7.6 No load capacity loss... 41 7.7 Capacity loss in storage... 46 7.8 High and low temperature starting power... 47 7.9 Energy round trip efficiency... 49 7.10 Energy density... 54 7.11 Charging performance... 55 7.12 Working condition discharge... 56 Appendix A (Informative) Typical structures of battery packs and battery systems.. 58 A.1 Battery pack... 58 A.2 Battery system... 58 Appendix B (Informative) Test items of battery pack and system... 60 Electrical performance test methods for lithium-ion traction battery pack and system of electric vehicles 1 Scope This document describes the electrical performance test methods for lithium-ion traction battery pack and systems for electric vehicles. This document applies to the development and testing of lithium-ion traction battery pack and systems for electric vehicles. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 19596 Terminology of electric vehicles GB 38031 Electric vehicles traction battery safety requirements 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 19596 and GB 38031, as well as the following terms and definitions, apply to this document. 3.1 High energy application At room temperature, the device characteristics or application characteristics, where the ratio -- BETWEEN the maximum allowable continuous output power (W) of the battery pack or system AND its discharge energy (W·h) at 1 C rate is less than 10. Note. High-energy batteries are generally used in pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. 3.2 5 General test conditions 5.1 General conditions 5.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the test is conducted at room temperature (RT) of 25 °C ± 2 °C, relative humidity of 10% ~ 90%, atmospheric pressure of 86 kPa ~ 106 kPa. 5.1.2 The test sample handover needs to include the necessary operating documents, as well as the interface components required to connect to the test equipment, such as connectors, plugs, including cooling interfaces. See Appendix A for the typical structure of the battery pack and battery system. The manufacturer needs to provide safe operating limits for the battery pack or system, to ensure the safety of the entire test. 5.1.3 When the test target environment temperature changes, the test object shall complete the environmental adaptation process before conducting the test. if there is no active cooling within 1 hour and the difference between the battery cell temperature and the target temperature does not exceed 2 °C, the environment adaptation process is completed. 5.1.4 If the battery pack or system is not suitable for certain tests due to some reasons (such as size or mass), the subsystem of the battery pack or system can be used as the test object to conduct all or part of the test, after agreement between the supplier and the buyer. The subsystem used as the test object shall include all parts related to the vehicle requirements (such as connecting parts or protective parts, etc.). 5.1.5 During the test process, in order to balance the internal reaction and temperature of the battery pack or system. a certain period of standing time is required between certain test steps. During the standing time, the low-voltage electronic control unit of the battery pack or system works normally, such as battery electronic components and BCU, etc. 5.1.6 During the test process, the thermal management system works according to the manufacturer's provisions or BCU's instructions. The ON/OFF status of the thermal management system shall be clearly stated in the test report. For the test of energy round trip efficiency (see 7.9), charging performance (see 7.11), operating discharge (see 7.12), it should turn on the thermal management system. However, for the capacity and energy (see 7.4), power and internal resistance (see 7.5), no load capacity loss (see 7.6), capacity loss during storage (see 7.7), high and low temperature starting power (see 7.8), energy density (see 7.10), it should not turn on the thermal management system OR turn it on after negotiation between the supplier and buyer. 5.1.7 The charge and discharge rate during the test process shall be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of this document. The charge and discharge mechanism and charge and discharge cut-off conditions shall be provided by the manufacturer. The charge and discharge cut-off conditions shall be consistent in different test items. 5.1.8 If the absolute value of the difference -- between the actual capacity of the battery (see and the rated capacity -- exceeds 3% of the rated capacity, it shall be clearly stated in the test report; meanwhile the actual capacity shall be used instead of the rated capacity, for calculation of charge and discharge current and SOC. 5.1.9 Please see Appendix B for the test items, test method clause number, test conditions and other information that need to be performed on the battery pack and system. 5.1.10 The sign of battery discharge current is positive; the sign of charging current is negative. 5.2 Requirements for test instrument accuracy 5.2.1 The accuracy of measuring instruments and meters shall not be lower than the following requirements. - Voltage measuring device. ±0.5% FS; - Current measuring device. ±0.5% FS; - Temperature measuring device. ±1 °C; - Time measuring device. ±0.1 s; - Dimensional measuring device. ±0.1% FS; - Mass measuring device. ±0.1% FS. 5.2.2 During the measurement process, the control accuracy of control instruments, such as charging and discharging devices and temperature control boxes, shall meet the following requirements. - Voltage. ±1%; - Current. ±1%; - Temperature. ±2 °C. 5.3 Data recording and recording interval Unless otherwise stated in some specific test items, the recording interval of test data (such as time, temperature, current, voltage, etc.) shall not be greater than 100 s. 6 General tests 6.1 Preprocessing cycle 6.1.1 Before the formal test begins, the battery pack or system needs to undergo a preprocessing cycle, to ensure that the performance of the battery pack or system is in an activated and stable state during the test. The preprocessing cycle is performed at RT. 6.1.2 The preprocessing cycle steps for high-power battery pack or system are as follows. a) Charge to the charging cut-off condition, which is specified by the manufacturer at a current of not less than 1 C or according to the charging method recommended by the manufacturer; b) Let it stand for 30 minutes or the time specified by the manufacturer; c) Discharge to the discharge cut-off condition specified by the manufacturer, at a current specified by the manufacturer and not less than 1 C; d) Adapt to the environment under RT in accordance with 5.1.3; e) Repeat the above steps a) ~ d) 5 times. 6.1.3 The preprocessing cycle steps for high-energy battery packs or systems are as follows. a) Charge to the charging cut-off condition specified by the manufacturer, at a current of not less than 1/3 C or according to the charging method recommended by the manufacturer; b) Let it stand for 30 minutes or the time specified by the manufacturer; c) Discharge to the discharge cut-off condition specified by the manufacturer, at a current specified by the manufacturer and not less than 1/3 C; d) Adapt to the environment under RT in accordance with 5.1.3; e) Repeat the above steps a) ~ d) 5 times. 6.1.4 If the change in discharge capacity of the battery pack or system for two consecutive times is not higher than 3% of the rated capacity, the battery pack or system is considered to have completed the preprocessing; the preprocessing cycle can be terminated. 6.2 Standard cycle 6.2.1 Follow the specified test steps during the test, to ensure that the battery pack or system is in the same state during the test. The standard cycle is performed under RT and includes a standard discharge process and a standard charging process in sequence. 6.2.2 The standard cycle steps for high-power battery packs or systems are as follows. a) Standard discharge. Discharge to the discharge cut-off condition specified by the manufacturer, at a current specified by the manufacturer and not less than 1 C. Let it stand for 30 min or the time specified by the manufacturer; b) Standard charge. Charge to the charging cut-off conditions specified by the manufacturer, at a current of not less than 1 C or according to the charging method recommended by the manufacturer. Let it stand for 30 minutes or the time specified by the manufacturer. 6.2.3 The standard cycle steps for high-energy battery packs or systems are as follows. a) Standard discharge. Discharge to the discharge cut-off condition specified by the manufacturer, at a current specified by the manufacturer and not less than 1/3 C. Let it stand for 30 min or the time specified by the manufacturer; b) Standard charge. Charge to the charging cut-off conditions specified by the manufacturer, at a current of no less than 1/3 C or according to the charging method recommended by the manufacturer. Let it stand for 30 minutes or the time specified by the manufacturer. 6.2.4 If the time interval between the standard cycle and a new test is greater than 24 hours, a new standard charge is required. 6.2.5 The ambient temperature of the "standard cycle", which is mentioned in this document, is room temperature. However, the ambient temperatures of the "standard discharge" and "standard charge", which are mentioned separately, are subject to the provisions of the specific provisions. 6.3 Method to adjust SOC to n% of test target value 6.3.1 Method for adjusting the SOC of a high-power battery pack or system to n% of the test target value. The initial SOC state of the battery pack or system is m% (m > n); discharge at a constant current of 1 C; the discharge time is (m - n)/100 h. OR adjust the SOC according to the method provided by the manufacturer. After each SOC adjustment, the test object is allowed to stand for 30 minutes before starting a new test. 6.3.2 Method for adjusting the SOC of a high-energy battery pack or system to n% of Note. The coolant mass of liquid cooling method is not included in the calculation. 7.4 Capacity and energy 7.4.1 General conditions The test object is the battery pack or system. The battery pack or system should be tested for capacity and energy, at room temperature, high temperature, low temperature. Let the test sample stand for 30 minutes or reach room temperature, before each charge. The test process adopts constant current discharge; the discharge process stops under the cut-off conditions specified by the manufacturer. The integral of the discharge current over the discharge time is the capacity of the battery pack or system; the integral of the product of the discharge current and voltage over the discharge time is the energy of the battery pack or system. Calculate the discharge capacity and energy of high-power battery packs or systems not less than 1 C, Imax (T) according to; calculate the discharge capacity and energy of high-energy battery packs or systems not less than 1/3 C, Imax (T). Note. Generally, Imax (T) discharge is used to measure the capacity and energy of a battery pack or system, under the maximum allowable discharge current state. Record the curves of the total voltage of the battery pack or system, the highest and lowest cell voltage and time; record the curves of ambient temperature, the highest and lowest monitoring temperature of the sample and the charge and discharge current, the curve of discharge capacity (A·h) and power (W), as well as the curve of discharge energy and SOC. 7.4.2 Capacity and energy testing at room temperature The test is carried out at room temperature according to the test procedures in Table 1.The discharge capacity in step 1.5 is the actual capacity of the battery. Record the voltage of the smallest monitoring unit of the test sample at the end of steps 1.5 and 2.5. greater than 100 ms. 7.5.2 Power and internal resistance test conditions High-power battery pack or system The power and internal resistance test conditions are carried out in accordance with Table 4 and Figure 1.The data to be recorded during the test is as shown in Table 5 and Figure 2. The current during the charge and discharge pulse process is maintained at a constant current, where the discharge current is the maximum allowable pulse discharge current I'max (SOC, T, t) of the test sample. The I'max (SOC, T, t) can be different under different ambient temperatures and SOC, wherein the I'max (SOC, T, t) is provided by the manufacturer. The current during the charging process is 0.75I'max (SOC, T, t). If the voltage of the test sample reaches the discharge voltage limit, which is specified by the manufacturer, during the power and internal resistance test at a certain temperature and SOC, the discharge shall be stopped; the I'max (SOC, T, t) shall be appropriately reduced; then re-conduct the power and internal resistance test at this temperature and SOC, including necessary test preparation and temperature adaptation. The current reduction method is based on the following. a) When charged/discharged at original current, if the time for the test sample voltage to reach the voltage limit specified by the manufacturer is less than 1/2 t, adjust to 50% of the original current value; b) When charged/discharged at original current, if the time for the test sample voltage to reach the voltage limit specified by the manufacturer is between 1/2 t and 2/3 t, adjust to 75% of the original current value; c) When charged/discharged at original current, if the time for the test sample voltage to reach the voltage limit specified by the manufacturer is greater than 2/3 t, adjust to 90% of the original current value. The power and internal resistance tests are conducted at 4 different temperatures, namely 40 °C, RT, 0 °C, -20 °C. The power and internal resistance test conditions are conducted under three different SOC, which are 80% (or the highest allowable state specified by the manufacturer), 50%, 20% (or the lowest allowable state specified by the manufacturer). If the test temperature is lower than the lowest charging temperature of the battery pack or system, the battery pack or system is not allowed to proceed with the charging process. ......

GB/T 31467.1-2015 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.080 T 47 Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles - Part 1. Test Specification for High Power Applications (ISO 12405-1.2011, Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles - Test Specification for Lithium-Ion Traction Battery Packs and Systems - Part 1. High-Power Applications, NEQ) ISSUED ON. MAY 15, 2015 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 15, 2015 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents 1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 4  4 Symbols and abbreviated terms ... 6  5 General test conditions ... 6  5.1 General conditions ... 6  5.2 Accuracy requirements of test instruments ... 8  5.3 Data record ... 8  5.4 Preparation for testing ... 8  6 General test cycle ... 9  6.1 Pretreatment cycle ... 9  6.2 Standard cycle ... 10  7 Basic performances ... 10  7.1 Capacity and energy ... 10  7.2 Power and internal resistance ... 12  7.3 No-load capacity loss ... 17  7.4 Capacity loss during storage ... 18  7.5 High and low-temperature start-up power ... 19  7.6 Energy efficiency ... 20  Annex A (Informative) Typical Structure of Battery Pack and Battery System 22  Annex B (Informative) Test Items of Battery Pack and Battery System ... 24  Foreword GB/T 31467 Lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for Electric vehicles is divided into 3 parts. — Part 1. Test specification for High power applications; — Part 2. Test specification for High energy applications; — Part 3. Safety requirements and test methods. This Part is Part 1 of GB/T 31467. This Part is drafted based on the provisions provided in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Part uses re-drafting method by referring to ISO 12405-1.2011 “Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Road Vehicles - Part 1. High Power Applications”; the consistent degree is not equivalent to ISO 12405-1.2011. This Part was proposed by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. This Part shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (SAC/TC 114). Drafting organizations of this Part. Beijing CATARC Technology Center, Beijing Institute of Technology, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.18 Research Institute, China North Vehicle Research Institute, China FAW Group Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. Technology Center, Ningde New Energy Technology Co., Ltd, Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd., CITIC Guoan MGL Power Source Technology CO., LTD., Hubei Camel Storage Battery Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd., Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Center, Qoros Automotive Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Godsend Power Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Chunlan Clean Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd., Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center Co., Ltd. and Shanghai CENAT Energy Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Part. Meng Xiangfeng, Wang Zhenpo, Wang Cheng, Xiao Chengwei, Wang Fang, Cai Yi, Hu Daozhong, Pei Xiaojuan, Zhang Na, Zhang Jianhua, Liu Shiqiang, Liu Xiaokang, He Xiangyun, Liu Zhengyao, Zhao Shuhong, Zhu Shunliang, Wang Honggmei, Zhu Cheng, Sun Jianping, Wang Bei, Kong Lingguo, Qiu Jie and Guo Yan. Lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for electric vehicles - Part 1. Test specification for high power applications 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 31467 specifies the test methods for electrical performance of high-power lithium-ion traction battery pack and system for electric vehicles. This Part applies to lithium-ion traction battery pack and system that are mounted on electric vehicles and that are mainly for the purpose of high-power applications; Ni-MH traction battery pack and system for the purpose of high power applications may refer to this Part for implementation. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for application of this document. For the dated documents so quoted, only the dated versions apply to this document. For the undated documents so quoted, the latest versions (including all modification sheets) apply to this document. GB/T 19596 Terminology of electric vehicles 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this Part, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 19596 AND the following apply. 3.1 battery electronics Electronic device that collects and possibly monitors thermal or electric data of cells or cell assemblies; it may contains electronics for cell balancing, if necessary. Note. The battery electronics can include a cell controller. The functionality of cell balancing can be controlled by the cell electronics or it can be controlled by the BCU. 3.2 high energy traction battery Traction battery that is designed for the purpose of high energy application. 3.9 high power traction battery Traction battery that is designed for the purpose of high power application. 3.10 high voltage A voltage of which the maximum working voltage is greater than 30 V a.c.(r.m.s.) AND lower than or equal to 1000 V a.c.(r.m.s.); or greater than 60 V d.c. AND lower than or equal to 1500 V d.c. 3.11 low voltage A voltage of which the maximum working voltage is not greater than 30 V a.c.(r.m.s.), or not greater than 60 V d.c. 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms For the purpose of this document, the following symbols and abbreviated terms apply. nC. discharging rate. equal to n time(s) of discharge capacity for 1h; I'max (SOC, T, t). Maximum permissible discharge current for a SOC, at test environment temperature T and pulse duration t; Imax (T). Maximum permissible continuous discharge current under specified test environment temperature; η. Efficiency; RT. room temperature; SOC. state of charge. 5 General test conditions 5.1 General conditions shall be served as the test results or the basis for calculation. 5.4.2 Preparation of battery system The high voltage cells, low voltage cells, cell assemblies, cooling devices and the BCU of battery system shall be connected to the test bench equipment. The active and passive protections of battery pack shall be activated. The test parameters and conditions of the test bench equipment shall fulfill the requirements prescribed in the test procedure; the working parameters of battery system shall be within the reasonable limit range. The value limits shall be transmitted to the test bench equipment by the BCU via bus communication. The cooling device shall be operational according to the controls of the BCU. If necessary, the BCU program shall be adapted by the manufacturer of battery system for the requested test procedure. During the test of battery system, the battery system transmits the parameters of battery state and working limits to the test bench equipment via bus communication; then the test bench equipment controls the test process according to the battery state and working limits. The current, voltage, capacity or energy parameters detected by the test bench equipment shall be served as the test results or the basis for calculation. The uploaded parameters of battery system shall not be taken as the test result or the basis for test. 5.4.3 Mass and volume of test samples Use measuring tool to measure the appearance dimensions of test samples; calculate the volume of test samples in L. Use weighing apparatus to measure the mass of test samples in kg. If test samples contain forced cooling system, then measurement or calculation of the mass and volume shall include cooling system, e.g. cooling pipelines, etc. If cooling system uses liquid cooling mode, then the weight of coolant shall be counted. If cooling system of test samples integrates with the vehicle or other systems after cooling, then only the mass and volume related with test samples are taken into account. When it is difficult to measure, the data and data test basis provided by the manufacturer ma... ......

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