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GB/T 31433-2015 English PDF

GB/T 31433-2015_English: PDF (GB/T31433-2015)
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GB/T 31433-2015English245 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery General specification for building curtain walls, windows and doors Valid GB/T 31433-2015

Standard ID GB/T 31433-2015 (GB/T31433-2015)
Description (Translated English) General specification for building curtain walls, windows and doors
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard P32
Classification of International Standard 91.060
Word Count Estimation 18,147
Date of Issue 2015-04-22
Date of Implementation 2015-12-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 2680; GB/T 7106; GB/T 8484; GB/T 8485; GB/T 9158; GB/T 11976; GB/T 12513; GB/T 14155; GB/T 15227; GB 15763.1; GB 15763.4; GB 16776; GB/T 18091; GB/T 18250; GB/T 21086; GB/T 29043; GB/T 29049; GB/T 29530; GB/T 29737; GB/T 29738; GB/T 29739; GB/T 29908; GB/T 30591; GB 50016; GB 50057; JG/T 397; JGJ 102; JGJ/T 151; ISO 15822; GB/T 5823
Drafting Organization China Architectural Scientific Academy
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee building curtain wall
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Announcement 2015 No. 10
Proposing organization Housing and Urban-Rural Development
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Standard specifies the building walls, doors and windows of the performance classification and selection, requirements and testing. This Standard applies to civil curtain wall and window. This Standard shall not apply to the panel directly attached to the main structure of the wall decoration systems, wall hanging system does not support frame structure; not available for fire doors, escape doors and windows, smoke windows, doors and other special anti-radiation shielding windows.

GB/T 31433-2015 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 91.060 P 32 General specification for building curtain walls, windows and doors ISSUED ON: APRIL 22, 2015 IMPLEMENTED ON: DECEMBER 01, 2015 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of PRC; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 7  4 Performance classification and selection ... 7  5 Requirements ... 8  6 Test ... 17  Appendix A (Normative) Correlation of performance and components ... 20  General specification for building curtain walls, windows and doors 1 Scope This standard specifies the performance classification and selection, requirements and tests of building curtain walls, doors and windows. This standard applies to curtain walls, doors and windows, for civil buildings. This standard does not apply to the external wall decoration systems, whose panels are directly pasted to the main structure AND the external wall dry hanging systems without supporting frame structures. It does not apply to special doors and windows, such as fire doors and windows, escape doors and windows, smoke exhaust windows, radiation shielding doors and windows. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this standard. GB/T 2680 Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar energy transmittance and ultraviolet transmittance for glass in building and related glazing factors GB/T 5823 Terminology for building windows and doors GB/T 7106 Graduations and test methods of air permeability watertightness wind load resistance performance for building external windows and doors GB/T 8484 Graduation and test method for thermal insulating properties of doors and windows GB/T 8485 The graduation and test for airborne sound insulating properties of windows and doors GB/T 9158 Test methods of mechanics performance for windows and doors in building GB/T 11976 Graduation and test method of daylighting properties for external windows GB/T 12513 Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Glazed elements GB/T 14155 Doorsets - Soft heavy body impact test GB/T 15227 Test method of air permeability, watertightness, wind load resistance performance for curtain walls GB 15763.1 Safety glazing materials in building - Part 1: Fire-resistant glass GB 15763.4 Safety glazing materials in building - Part 4: Heat soaked thermally tempered glass GB 16776 Structural silicon sealants for building GB/T 18091 Optical and thermal performance of glass curtain wall GB/T 18250 Graduations and test method for performance of deformation between stories of curtain wall GB/T 21086 Curtain wall for building GB/T 29043 Graduation and test method for thermal insulating properties of curtain walls GB/T 29049 Doorsets - Vertical load test GB/T 29530 Hinged or pivoted doors - Determination of the resistance to static torsion GB/T 29737 Graduations and test method of sand and dust resistance performance for building external windows and doors GB/T 29738 Graduations and test method for performance of exterior windows and doors, curtain walls impacted by windborne debris in windstorm GB/T 29739 Test method of resistance to repeat opening and closing for windows and doors GB/T 29908 Classification and test method of air-blast resistance performance for curtain walls, windows and doors GB/T 30591 Requirements for size coordination for opening of windows and doors in building GB 50016 Code of design on building fire protection and prevention GB 50057 Design code for protection of structures against lightning JG/T 397 Test method for thermal cycling of curtain walls JGJ 102 Technical code for glass curtain wall engineering JGJ/T 151 Calculation specification for thermal performance of windows, doors and glass curtain-walls ISO 15822 Test method of door set opening performance in diagonal deformation - Seismic aspects 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 5823 and GB/T 21086, as well as the following terms and definitions, apply to this document. 3.1 Similar design Characteristics of the design of curtain walls, doors and windows profiles, glass, hardware and other parts or assembly methods, the change of which does not cause performance changes. 3.2 Representative sample A sample, that can represent the performance test results of similar curtain walls, doors and windows, with similar design. 3.3 Fire resistant integrity of windows and doors Under the standard fire resistance test conditions, the ability to prevent flames and hot gas, from penetrating or appearing on the fire-back side, within a certain period of time, when one side of a building's doors and windows is exposed to fire. 4 Performance classification and selection The performance classification and selection of curtain walls, doors and windows shall meet the requirements of Table 1. standards. 5.1.2 The design service life of main components, such as building curtain walls, door and window panels, profiles, etc. shall not be less than 25 years. 5.1.3 The fire and lightning protection requirements of the building curtain wall shall meet the requirements of GB 50016 and GB 50057. 5.1.4 The toughened glass used for building curtain walls shall meet the requirements of JG J102. The toughened glass used for doors and windows shall meet the requirements of GB 15763.4. 5.1.5 For exterior doors and windows with fire resistant integrity requirements, at least one layer of glass used shall meet the requirements of GB 15763.1. For the plastic exterior doors and windows, aluminum-plastic composite exterior doors and windows, steel-plastic co-extruded exterior doors and windows, aluminum-plastic co-extruded exterior doors and windows profiles, the reinforced steel or aluminum lining used shall be connected into a closed frame. Meanwhile, it shall take measures, to prevent the glass from falling off, after being exposed to fire in the glass inlay slot. 5.1.6 The structural adhesive of glass curtain walls and hidden frame windows shall meet the requirements of GB 16776. 5.1.7 The selection of building doors and windows shall meet the requirements of GB/T 30591. 5.2 Performance 5.2.1 Safety Wind load resistance The wind load resistance of curtain walls, doors and windows is based on the grading test pressure p3 as the grading index. The grading shall meet the requirements of Table 2. Table 2 -- Grading of wind load resistance In-plane deformation performance The in-plane deformation performance of exterior doors and curtain walls is ......

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