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GB/T 29862-2013 English PDF

GB/T 29862-2013_English: PDF (GB/T29862-2013)
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Standard ID GB/T 29862-2013 (GB/T29862-2013)
Description (Translated English) Textiles - Identification of fiber content
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard W04
Classification of International Standard 59.080.01
Word Count Estimation 10,160
Quoted Standard GB/T 4146.1; GB/T 11951; GB/T 17685
Drafting Organization Textile Institute of Industrial Standardization
Administrative Organization Standards -based National Textile Technical Committee of Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Bulletin No. 22 of 2013
Proposing organization China Textile Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard specifies the system supports time-bound communications systems, systems and network management. This network management is directed at the same or equivalent to the same communication between each of the application process or the applicati

GB/T 29862-2013 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 59.080.01 W 04 Textiles - Identification of fiber content ISSUED ON. NOVEMBER 12, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 1, 2014 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration Committee. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Terms and definitions ... 4  4 Label requirements for fiber content ... 5  5 Marking principles for fiber content and fiber name ... 6  6 Expression method and examples for fiber content ... 6  7 Fiber content tolerance ... 10  8 Determination of fiber content identification compliance ... 11  Appendix A ... 13  Appendix B ... 14  Textiles - Identification of fiber content 1 Scope This Standard specifies the label requirements, labeling principle, expression method, tolerance and mark compliance determination of fiber content of textiles, and gives mark examples of fiber content of textiles. This Standard applies to domestic sales of textile products. The scope of this Standard does not include the products listed in Appendix A, except as otherwise provided by the nation. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 4146.1 Textiles - Man-made fibers - Part 1. Generic names GB/T 11951 Textiles - Natural fibers - Generic names and definitions GB/T 17685 Down and feather 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Textile products The products that take natural fiber and chemical fiber as main raw material, and are made by spinning, weaving, dyeing and other processing or re-stitching, or recombination, such as yarns, fabrics as well as their finished products. [GB 18401-2010, Definition 3.1] 3.2 Permanent label Label that is permanently attached to the product, and maintained legible during the use of product. [GB 5296.4-2012, Definition 3.5] 4 Label requirements for fiber content 4.1 Each product shall be attached with fiber content label, indicating the name and content of each component fiber in the product. 4.2 Each finished product shall be attached with permanent label of fiber content. 4.3 For products of which the permanent label shall affect product’s use or permanent label is not suitable (for example, fabrics, wools, gloves, socks, etc.), it shall use tag or other forms of label. 4.4 Products with permanent label are not suitable for sales in whole box or whole bag. If fiber content of each product is same, it shall provide fiber content label with sales unit as unit. 4.5 When a packaged product is for sale, if fiber content on textile product cannot be seen clearly (except products that comply with provisions in 4.4), it shall indicate the fiber content on product package or in product description. 4.6 For set product that consists of two or more products, of which fiber content is different; OR set product of which fiber content is same but each product is for sale separately, it shall have independent fiber content label on each product. 4.7 For set product of which fiber content is same and is delivered to final consumer as a set, the information of fiber content shall be only marked on one product. 4.8 If the product is not delivered to final consumer, the fiber content label shall be alternated by business document. 4.9 The material of permanent fiber content label shall be no stimulation to human body. It shall be attached on appropriate position to ensure that information on the label is not covered or hidden. 4.10 Writing on the fiber content label shall be clear, eye-catching; the text shall use standard Chinese characters prescribed by the nation. It shall also use text in other languages; however, identification in Chinese shall prevail. 4.11 Fiber content shall be marked with other content of instructions for use on a same label. If there are different forms of fiber content label on a textile product, it shall maintain the consistency of marked contents. Appendix A (Normative) Textile products not included in the scope of this Standard The following products which contain textile fibers are not included in the scope of this Standard. Textile products are only parts or accessories of the product. The products of which it is unnecessary to indicate the textile fiber contents are as follows. For example, - Disposable products; - Filler and wrapper used for upholstered furniture like chairs, sofas, and mattresses; - Shoes and insoles; - Decorative painting and decorative hanging cloth; - Jewelry, crafts and other small pieces of decorations; - Umbrellas and parasols; - Bags, back bags, packaging cloth and rope; - Pants suspenders, armlets and garters; - Diaper liners; - Crib protector and strollers; - Toys; - Bandages, surgical gowns and other medical textile products; - Pet supplies; - Cleaning cloth; - Wall covering and screen; - Banners; - Artificial flowers; - Industrial textile products. Appendix B (Informative) Marking examples of other fibers or materials B.1 For composite fiber that contains two or more polymer components, it shall use the following method to indicate the fiber name. use the name specified in GB/T 4146.1; list the name of each component + composite fiber; separate components by “/”. Refer to Example 1 and Example 2. Example 1. Example 2. B.2 For modified fiber of which it adds components to change the original chemical properties, it shall use the following method to indicate the fiber name. name of added component + modification + name of original chemical fiber. Refer to Example 3 and Example 4. Example 3. Example 4. B.3 Because molecular chain has fiber that is composed of 50% ~85% (mass) linear macromolecules of acrylonitrile, it shall be marked as “modacrylic”. B.4 For fiber that is composed of two or multiple linear macromolecules in a variety of different chemical properties (the mass shall not exceed 85%), contains at least 85% ester functional group, and of which 50% can be quickly restored to its original length after repeatedly stretching, it shall be marked as “elastomultiester or relasterell-p”. B.5 For other chemical fibers of which the names are not unified, they shall be marked as “new type of ×× fibers”. If necessary, related parties shall prove proof or identification method for “new type of ×× fibers”. B.6 For special animal hair fiber that cannot be identified by proven methods, it shall be marked as “other special animal hair”. 100% Polypropylene / polyester composite fiber 60% Cotton 40% Polyester / nylon composite fiber 100% Protein modified polyvinyl alcohol fiber 70% Wool 30% Protein modified polyacrylonitrile fiber B.7 For other material on textile products, if necessary, the proposed label names shall be. - Paper type yarn. if it were cellulosic material, it shall be marked as “cellulosic material”; - Plant material. names that can be directly marked, such as corn bran, straw; or marked as. “plant material”; - Bird feather. names that can be directly marked, such as peacock feather, ostrich feather; or marked as “bird feather”; - Film. shall be marked as “except film”; or shall be qualitatively marked, for example, “except polyethylene film”; - Metallic yarn, glitter line. if it cannot be determined as metallic-membrane plating, it shall be marked according to its material, for example, “bright yarn. polyester film fiber”; - Leathers, furs. marked according to names specified in relevant standards. ......

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