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GB/T 2893.2-2020 English PDF (GB/T 2893.2-2008)

GB/T 2893.2-2020_English: PDF (GB/T2893.2-2020)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 2893.2-2020English320 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs -- Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels Valid GB/T 2893.2-2020
GB/T 2893.2-2008English919 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs -- Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels Obsolete GB/T 2893.2-2008

Standard ID GB/T 2893.2-2020 (GB/T2893.2-2020)
Description (Translated English) Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs -- Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A22
Classification of International Standard 01.080.10
Word Count Estimation 22,216
Date of Issue 2020-03-31
Date of Implementation 2020-10-01
Drafting Organization China National Institute of Standardization, China Automobile Certification Center Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Graphic Symbol Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 59)
Proposing organization National Graphic Symbol Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 59)
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 2893.2-2008 (GB/T2893.2-2008)
Description (Translated English) Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A22
Classification of International Standard 01.080.10
Word Count Estimation 23,266
Date of Issue 2008-12-30
Date of Implementation 2009-07-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 2893.1; GB/T 15565; GB/T 20000.4
Adopted Standard ISO 3864-2-2004, MOD
Drafting Organization China National Institute of Standardization
Administrative Organization Graphic symbols National Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 25 of 2008 (total 138)
Proposing organization Graphic symbols National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 59)
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the design principles for product safety labels. This section applies to all security issues that may arise industry products, but the provisions of this section do not apply to product safety labels: chemicals, transport of dangerous substances and preparations, existing laws and regulations related to regulatory constraints and some of the content in this section different industries.

GB/T 2893.2-2020 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 01.080.01 A 22 Replacing GB/T 2893.2-2008 Graphical symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels (ISO 3864-2:2016, MOD) ISSUED ON: MARCH 31, 2020 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2020 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  Introduction ... 5  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative references ... 6  3 Terms and definitions... 7  4 Use of safety colors ... 9  4.1 General requirements ... 9  4.2 Contrasting colors ... 9  4.3 Use of colors ... 10  5 Hazard severity panel ... 11  5.1 General requirements ... 11  5.2 Composition of hazard severity panel ... 11  6 Types and composition of product safety labels ... 11  6.1 General requirements ... 11  6.2 Separate safety labels ... 12  6.3 Safety signs with separate text area for supplementary safety information ... 13  6.4 Safety signs with independent text area for supplementary safety information that include hazard severity panel ... 13  6.5 Combination product safety labels which do not contain hazard severity panel ... 14  6.6 Combination product safety labels which contain a hazard severity panel ... 15  6.7 Multiple product safety labels without hazard severity panel ... 15  6.8 Multiple product safety labels with hazard severity panel ... 16  Appendix A (Informative) Guidelines for improving the identifiability of product safety labels ... 17  Appendix B (Informative) Reference value of orange safety color in color system .. 20  Appendix C (Informative) Translation of warning words ... 21  Appendix D (Informative) Example for design of product safety label ... 22  Appendix E (Informative) Things to consider when designing product safety labels 25  References ... 28  Graphical symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels Important note: The colors, which are presented in the electronic files of this Part of GB/T 2893, can NEITHER be viewed on the screen NOR used for printing as actual colors. Although the use of color in this Part complies with the requirements (within the allowable deviation, according to visual inspection), the printed version cannot be used for color matching. For requirements on color matching, please refer to GB/T 2893.4. This Part gives the color reference values, which are quoted from the color sequence system, whilst giving the chromaticity attributes and photometric attributes. 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 2893 specifies the design principles of product safety labels, including the use of safety colors, the composition of the hazard severity panel, the composition of different types of product safety labels, etc. In the Appendix, it provides the reference data, such as the guidelines for improving the identifiability of product safety labels AND the design example of product safety labels. The product safety labels, which are specified in this Part, apply to all products, in which safety-related problems may occur. However, the product safety labels, which are specified in this Part, do not apply to: - Chemicals; - Transport of dangerous substances and preparations; - Industries, that have been bound by relevant regulations AND whose content is different from certain terms of this document. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 2893.1 Graphical symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Part 1: Design principles for safety signs and safety markings (GB/T 2893.1-2013, ISO 3864-1: 2011, MOD) Residual risk Risks that remain, after implementing protective measures. [GB/T 20002.4-2015, Definition 3.8] 3.6 Signal word Words, which are used to draw attention to product safety labels and identify risk categories. Note: Warning words include "Danger", "Warning", "Caution". 3.7 Product safety label Used on a product, a label that informs observers of a potential hazard or hazards AND describes the safety measures or actions required to avoid the hazard. Note: Product safety labels are used to convey information on hazards, precautionary measures to avoid hazards AND/OR the consequences that will result when hazards cannot be avoided. 3.8 Hazard severity panel The area, which is used in a combination product safety label or multiple product safety label, to convey the risk category, which is associated with the hazard. Note: The display area contains general warning signs, a warning, the corresponding background color (see Table 2). 3.9 Supplementary safety information panel The area of the product safety label, where the safety information symbol or safety information text serves as an additional instruction. Note: The supplementary safety information is mainly used to introduce information, such as dangerous consequences or dangerous preventive measures. 3.10 Combination product safety label Product safety labels, which combine safety signs and/or supplementary safety information and/or hazard severity, on the same rectangular label. Note: A combination product safety label conveys only one safety message. 3.11 Multiple product safety label A product safety label, which includes two or more safety signs on the same rectangular label, AND may also include supplementary safety information and/or hazard severity panel. 4 Use of safety colors 4.1 General requirements The use of safety colors, on product safety labels, serves the following basic purposes: a) Make the product safety label easy to notice, by using color to attract people's attention; b) Identify product safety labels AND assign safety meanings to product safety labels and their components. Except for the orange safety color, the chromaticity properties and photometric properties of other safety colors shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 2893.4. The orange safety color is only used in the "warning" hazard severity panel. Table 1 specifies the chromaticity and photometric properties of the orange safety color. Refer to Appendix B, for reference values of the orange safety color in the color system. Table 1 -- Chromaticity coordinates and luminance factors when orange safety color is used for common materials 4.2 Contrasting colors The contrasting color shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 2893.1. The contrasting color of orange is black. Coordinate Determine the corner chromaticity coordinates of the allowable colour range: Standard illuminator D65, 2° field of view Luminance factor 5 Hazard severity panel 5.1 General requirements If it is necessary to indicate the severity level of the hazard, the hazard severity panel shall be added to the upper part of the combination product safety label or the multiple product safety label. As shown in Table 2, the hazard severity panel shall be rectangular in shape AND shall contain the following elements: a) General warning signs (see Figure A.5); b) Color; c) Warning words (the warning words are optional). 5.2 Composition of hazard severity panel A general warning sign shall be included on the hazard severity panel. When using warning words, the warning word is located on the right side of the general warning sign; it is displayed in the center of the hazard severity panel together with the general warning sign; the word height of the warning word shall not exceed the graphic height of the general warning sign. When no warning words are used, the general warning sign is displayed centered on the hazard severity panel (see Table 2). Warning words should use isometric font and bold. When the product is exported outside the country, the warning words should use the language of the corresponding country and region. Appendix C gives the standard expressions of warning words in different languages. 6 Types and composition of product safety labels 6.1 General requirements One or more safety signs shall be included in the product safety label. Product safety labels may be accompanied by one or more areas of supplementary safety information and a hazard severity panel. The supplementary safety information area shall consist of text or supplementary safety information symbols. Product safety labels shall conform to one of the following seven types: a) Separate safety signs; Appendix A (Informative) Guidelines for improving the identifiability of product safety labels A.1 Overview To enhance the comprehensibility of product safety labels, product manufacturers are encouraged, to include information in their product user documentation (e.g., operation manuals, instruction manuals, safety manuals, maintenance manuals, etc.), that helps people understand product safety labels. In the product accompanying documents, in addition to giving the product safety label, giving the contents of A.3 ~ A.5 will help to achieve the purpose of publicizing and explaining to product users, so as to promote people's recognition of the definition of the product safety label, which is specified in this Part. A.2 Graphical symbols Product safety labels always contain graphic symbols in the geometric shape of their safety signs (see A.3). The design principles of graphic symbols for safety signs are given in GB/T 2893.3. If the product safety label has a supplementary safety information symbol, the supplementary safety information symbol will be displayed in a rectangular area. The safety signs and supplementary safety information symbols, which are used on the product safety label, shall be explained in the user documentation, which can enable users to better understand the meaning of the graphic symbols, so that they can quickly identify the safety signs and supplementary safety information symbols in the future. Supplementary information may also be added to other documentation, which is provided with the product, to further clarify the safety signs and supplementary safety information symbols. A.3 Geometry Figure A.1, Figure A.2, Figure A.3 and their text descriptions should be included in the user documentation. Appendix D (Informative) Example for design of product safety label When designing product safety labels, that comply with this Part, the following options are available: - Only use the safety signs, which are specified in GB/T 31523.1, either alone or together on the multiple product safety labels; - Add supplementary safety information text to the safety signs in GB/T 31523.1; - Add the hazard severity panel; - Add supplementary safety information symbol; - Use dividing lines to separate the various components of the product safety label, in a variety of ways. The example, as shown in Figure D.1, can provide a reference for designers, when designing product safety labels, according to the principles given in this Part. Figure D.1 shows various styles for communicating product safety information: - D.1a): product safety label example for 6.1a); - D.1b): product safety label example for 6.1a); - D.1c): product safety label example for 6.1a); - D.1d): product safety label example for 6.1f); - D.1e): product safety label example for 6.1b); - D.1f): product safety label example for 6.1d); - D.1g): product safety label example for 6.1c); - D.1h): product safety label example for 6.1e); - D.1i): product safety label example for 6.1g); - D.1j): product safety label example for 6.1g); - D.1k): product safety label example for 6.1g); Appendix E (Informative) Things to consider when designing product safety labels E.1 Hazard source analysis and risk assessment Before designing a product safety label, it shall assess the hazards of the product AND the risks associated with each hazard. The focus here is to assess what residual risks exist, after protective measures to prevent hazards have been taken, in the product design, AND to determine which hazards shall be addressed, by means of product safety labels. It should avoid the use of too many product safety labels, resulting in an overload of information. For most products, it is not possible to inform the user of all the predictable hazards arising from use or possible misuse, in the form of product safety labels. Safety labels should be used, for those hazards with the greatest risk. Likewise, it is necessary to decide which hazards need to be addressed in user documentation (e.g., product packaging, information sheets, operating and maintenance manuals). Such an assessment can also determine what tolerable risks exist, after proactive preventive measures have been taken (see GB/T 20002.4 for more information on hazard or risk analysis and assessment). E.2 Identify the target user One of the first factors to consider, when designing a product safety label, is the intended target user (i.e., those who will use or maintain the product, OR who may be exposed to the hazard). Identifying the target user can help determine the most appropriate form of product safety label design, to more effectively convey safety information. It needs to decide whether to use a safety sign as a product safety label or a safety sign with a supplementary safety information text area, as a product safety label. The following issues need to be considered: a) Whether it is necessary to use the hazard severity panel; b) If using text, whether it is necessary to translate information points or warnings into foreign languages; c) Whether new product safety labels need to be designed, to better convey the necessary information; d) Whether training is necessary, to reinforce information on product safety labels. Special consideration should be given, according to the type of target user, i.e., general public or specially trained personnel. If part of the target user is visually impaired, consider using touch-safe labels, that include raised graphic elements and/or Braille. The education level of the target user is also one of the considerations, in determining the need for text in product safety labels AND the need for comprehension testing of safety signs. Some of the elements, which are contained in GB/T 5296.1 and ISO/IEC Guide 14, are helpful in designing product safety labels, which are relevant to consumers. E.3 Comprehension testing and evaluation of product safety labels If it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the product safety label, in conveying the intended safety information, the entire label can be evaluated, in a manner deemed appropriate by the product supplier. If the product safety label consists of only one safety sign, the comprehension test can be carried out, according to the requirements of GB/T 16903.2. The pass value for the test shall be set relatively high, to ensure that the intended target user can understand the product safety label. E.4 Determining when to use multiple product safety labels A number of factors shall be considered, when deciding how to more effectively convey product hazard information through labelling. This Part specifies the requirements to be followed, when product safety labels are formed by two or more safety signs OR when formed by one or more safety signs with auxiliary text. Product safety labels can alert people to specific hazards, AND let people know how to avoid the danger. Whether to express the necessary information through words in the label AND whether to include the hazard severity panel in the label, needs to be decided, based on a comprehensive consideration of many factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, the product's intended market, the product's transit abroad during its validity period, the characteristics of the target user, the severity and risk of encountering hazards, difficulties in providing translations, space constraints on the product, general industry practices, the laws and regulations of the corresponding country to which the product is exported, etc. E.5 Size and clarity of product safety labels GB/T 2893.1 provides some guidelines on the size, clarity, viewing distance of safety signs. The color of the product safety label should make it stand out. Product safety labels can be made more conspicuous, by ensuring a contrasting color, between the color of the product safety label and the surface color of the product, to which it is attached, OR by adding a contrasting lining to the product safety label. Product safety labels shall be of a size and legibility, that ensures sufficient legibility, at safe viewing distances from potential hazards. E.6 Placement of product safety labels ......

GB/T 2893.2-2008 Graphical symbols.Safety colors and safety signs. Part 2. Design principles for product safety labels ICS 01.080.10 A22 National Standards of People's Republic of China Graphic symbols safety color and safety signs Part 2. Design Principles for Product Safety Labels (ISO 3864-2..2004, MOD) Posted.2008-12-30 2009-07-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China China National Standardization Administration released Directory Foreword Ⅲ Introduction IV 1 range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions 1 4 safe use of color 2 4.1 General requirements 2 4.2 Contrast 3 4.3 The use of color 3 5 hazardous area 3 5.1 General Requirements 3 5.2 Hazard degree area composition 3 5.3 choice of warnings 3 6 Product Safety Label Types and Composition 4 6.1 General requirements 4 6.2 single safety signs product safety label 4 6.3 Separated product safety label without hazardous area 4 6.4 Separated product safety label with hazard area 5 6.5 Combinatorial product safety label without hazard area 5 6.6 Combined product safety label with hazard area 5 6.7 Multiple Product Safety Labels without Hazard Zone 6 6.8 Multiple Product Safety Labels with Zone of Hazard 7 Appendix A (informative) Guiding principles for improving the identifiability of product safety labels 8 Appendix B (informative) safety color orange color in the system reference value 10 Appendix C (Informative) Warnings written in different languages 11 Appendix D (Informative) Product Safety Label Example 12 Appendix E (informative) Things to consider when designing a product safety label 15 References 17 Figure 1 GB/T 2893.1 prescribed safety signs of the composition 4 Figure 2 Composition of Safety Labels for Separated Products Without Hazard Zone 4 Figure 3 Composition of a security label for a discrete product with a hazard area 5 Figure 4 Composition of a security label for a composite product without a hazardous area 5 Figure 5 Composition of a security label for a composite product with a hazard area 6 Figure 6 Composition of multiple product safety labels without hazardous area 6 Figure 7 Composition of Multiple Product Safety Labels with Zone of Hazard 7 Foreword GB/T 2893 "graphic symbol safety color and safety signs" is divided into four parts. --- Part 1. Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas; --- Part 2. Product safety label design principles; --- Part 3. Design rules for graphical symbols used in safety signs; --- Part 4. Chromaticity properties and photometric properties of materials specification. This section GB/T 2893 Part 2, this part of the revision adopted ISO 3864-2..2004 "graphical symbol of safety colors and safety standards Part 2. Design Principles for Product Safety Labels "(in English). This section made the following editorial changes. --- Some of the statements applicable to international standards changed to apply to our standard statement; --- Remove the foreword of the international standard; --- In the current standard Appendix B (informative) added orange in the Chinese color system reference value. This section compared with ISO 3864-2..2004, there are the following technical differences. --- Modify the use of international standards GB/T 2893.1 instead of the original international standard reference document ISO 3864-1; --- Use GB/T 15565 (all parts) instead of the original international standard reference document ISO 17724; --- Increasing the normative references GB/T 20000.4; --- Remove some of the normative references GB/T 15565 has been provided in the terms; --- This section compared with ISO 3864-2..2004, adjust the appendix in the standard order. This part of the Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix E are informative appendix. This part of the country by the graphical symbol Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC59) and focal point. This section drafted by. China National Institute of Standardization, Certification Center in China, China Consumer Association. The main drafters of this section. Chen Yongquan, White House, strong Yi, Chen Jian, Zhang Liang, Zou Chuan Yu, Zuo Peilan. introduction It is imperative to standardize the signage system that delivers safety information on the product. GB/T 2893 provisions of this part of the production Product safety label design requirements, product safety labels can be used to communicate with the product installation, operation, use, maintenance and (or) disposal and so on Security Information. Product safety labels alert people to specific hazards and confirm how to avoid the hazard. Product safety labels and used in Safety signs on the walls of workplaces and public buildings have different roles. This section GB/T 2893.1 under the provisions of the hazard notification system based on the provisions of the product safety labels facilitate the transmission of information He designed. a) the severity of the hazard; b) Auxiliary safety information presented in the form of words or symbols. To help deliver safety information across linguistic and cultural barriers, the product safety labels shown in this section include safety signs. This section includes not only the design of product safety labels that use only safety signs, but also products that use supplementary graphical symbols and auxiliary text Label design. If the graphic form does not convey the necessary safety information or the combination of safety signs and text is better, Or when certain regulations require the use of text to convey safety information, product safety labels containing text may be used. Education is to provide security All components necessary for any system of information. Since product safety labels may not be sufficient to accommodate the safe operation or maintenance of the product The necessary safety information is therefore available on the product safety label (eg, safety manuals, operating instructions, service manuals, etc.) Content supplement, in order to provide users with other necessary information to ensure safety. Product user files can also be introduced to the user Product safety labels on the safety signs and auxiliary safety information symbol meaning (see Appendix A) and play the role of education. When designing product safety labels, product-related hazards and the corresponding risks should be evaluated. In deciding whether to warn or not There are many factors to consider when placing a product safety label on a product and/or in a user document. These factors include the wind The severity of the hazard, the likelihood of the hazard being encountered, the apparent level of risk, and the type of people at risk. Graphic symbols safety color and safety signs Part 2. Design Principles for Product Safety Labels Important Note. Although the colors in this printed version comply with the requirements of GB/T 2893.1 (visual inspection within permissible deviations) However, the printed version can not be used for color matching. For color matching requirements, please refer to GB/T 2893.1 in the color of the security of color Sexual and photometric properties of the provisions and safety of the color system in the reference value. 1 range GB/T 2893 provisions of this part of the product safety label design principles. This section applies to all industries that may pose a safety issue, but the product safety labels specified in this section does not apply to. ---Chemicals; --- Hazardous substances and preparations of transport; --- There are relevant laws and regulations and some of the contents of this section different from the industry. Note. The products in this section refer to goods manufactured and sold in normal commercial processes, including but not limited to consumer goods and industrial equipment. This section provides The product safety labels are designed to warn users of specific hazards and to advise on ways to avoid them. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this part of GB/T 2893, become the provisions of this section. Any reference to the date of the citation All subsequent amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this section, however, encouraged to be reached under this section The parties to the agreement examine whether the latest versions of these documents are available. For undated references, the latest version applies to this book section. GB/T 2893.1 graphic symbols - Safety colors and safety signs - Part 1. Designation of safety signs in workplaces and public areas Principles (GB/T 2893.1-2004, ISO 3864-1..2002, MOD) GB/T 15565 (all parts) graphic symbol terminology GB/T 20000.4 Guide to standardization Part 4. Safety related standards (GB/T 20000.4-2003, ISO /IEC Guide 51..1999, MOD) 3 Terms and definitions GB/T 15565 and GB/T 20000.4 established and the following terms and definitions apply GB/T 2893 of this section. 3.1 Words used to bring attention to the product safety label and indicate the risk category. 3.2 Used on products to alert viewers of potentially one or more hazards and to describe the label of safety measures or actions required to avoid the hazard. NOTE. Product safety labels are used to convey information about the hazards, precautions to avoid the hazards and/or the consequences that would result if the hazards were unavoidable. 3.3 A product safety label formed by a safety sign not on the same label as an auxiliary safety information area. ......

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