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GB/T 28181-2022 English PDF (GB/T 28181-2016, GB/T 28181-2011)

GB/T 28181-2022_English: PDF (GB/T28181-2022)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 28181-2022English2330 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Technical requirements for information transmission,switch and control in video surveillance networking system for public security Valid GB/T 28181-2022
GB/T 28181-2016English1205 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Technical requirements for information transport, switch and control in video surveillance network system for public security Obsolete GB/T 28181-2016
GB/T 28181-2011EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] [Replaced by GB/T 28181-2016] Security and protection video monitoring network system technical specification for information transport, switch and control Obsolete GB/T 28181-2011

Standard ID GB/T 28181-2022 (GB/T28181-2022)
Description (Translated English) (Technical requirements for information transmission, exchange and control of public security video surveillance networking system)
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of International Standard 13.310
Word Count Estimation 167,131
Date of Issue 2022-12-30
Date of Implementation 2023-07-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 28181-2016
Drafting Organization The First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, National Engineering Laboratory for Video Image Information Intelligent Analysis and Sharing Application Technology, National Information Center, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Uniview Technology Co., Ltd. , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Vimicro Technology Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Security Alarm System Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 100)
Proposing organization Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Management Committee

Standard ID GB/T 28181-2016 (GB/T28181-2016)
Description (Translated English) Technical requirements for information transport, switch and control in video surveillance network system for public security
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A91
Classification of International Standard 13.310
Word Count Estimation 216,231
Date of Issue 2011-12-30
Date of Implementation 2016-08-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 28181-2011
Drafting Organization The first Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, Zhejiang Public Security Technology Research Institute, the Beijing shield security technology development company, Zhejiang Li Yuan Communication Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Yu Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd., China Electronic Technology Standards Institute
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee for Security Alarm System (SAC/TC 100)
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Announcement 2016 No.10
Proposing organization Ministry of Public Security of the People Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People Republic of China

Standard ID GB/T 28181-2011 (GB/T28181-2011)
Description (Translated English) [Replaced by GB/T 28181-2016] Security and protection video monitoring network system technical specification for information transport, switch and control
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A91
Classification of International Standard 13.310
Word Count Estimation 173,177
Date of Issue 2011-12-30
Date of Implementation 2012-06-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 25724-2010; ISO/IEC 13818-1-2000; ISO/IEC 14496-2-2004; ISO/IEC 14496-2-2004/AMD 2-2005; ISO/IEC 14496-4-2004; ISO/IEC 14496-4-2004/AMD 10-2005; ITU-T REC.G.711-1988; ITU-T REC.G.723.1-1996; ITU-T REC.G.729-1996; ITU-T REC. H.264-2005; ITU-T REC.H.264.1-2005; IETF RFC 2030; IETF RFC 2326; IETF RFC 2976; IETF RFC 3261; IETF RFC 3263; IETF RFC 3428; IETF RFC 3550; IETF RFC 3725; IETF RFC 4566
Drafting Organization First Research Institute of Ministry of Public Security
Administrative Organization National Security Alarm System Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 23 of 2011
Proposing organization China Electrotechnical Standardization Technical Committee Environmental electronic products and systems (SAC/TC 297)
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the security video surveillance network system (hereinafter referred to as networked systems) in information transmission, switching, control interconnect structure, communication protocol structure, transmission, switching, control the basic requirements and safety requirements, as well as control and transmission processes and protocol interfaces and other technical requirements. This standard applies to networked video surveillance security monitoring alarm systems and urban network system design, system testing, acceptance and associated equipment R & D and production. May refer to other information systems used.

GB/T 28181-2022 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.310 CCS A 91 Replacing GB/T 28181-2016 Technical requirements for information transmission, switch and control in video surveillance networking system for public security ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 30, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2023 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 5 1 Scope ... 9 2 Normative references ... 9 3 Terms and definitions, abbreviations ... 11 3.1 Terms and definitions ... 11 3.2 Abbreviations ... 14 4 Peer-to-peer networking structure ... 15 4.1 Peer-to-peer networking structure of SIP surveillance realm ... 15 4.2 Peer-to-peer networking structure between SIP surveillance realm and non-SIP surveillance realm ... 18 4.3 Communication protocol structure of networking system ... 20 5 Transmission requirements ... 22 5.1 Requirements for network transmission protocol ... 22 5.2 Requirements for media transfer protocol ... 22 5.3 Information transmission delay time ... 22 5.4 Network transmission bandwidth ... 22 5.5 Network transmission quality ... 22 5.6 Video frame rate ... 23 6 Exchange requirements ... 23 6.1 Uniform encoding rules ... 23 6.2 Media encoding-decoding ... 24 6.3 Media storage encapsulation format ... 24 6.4 Definition of SDP ... 24 6.5 Conversion of network transmission protocol ... 24 6.6 Conversion of control protocol ... 24 6.7 Conversion of media transfer protocol ... 24 6.8 Conversion of media data format ... 24 6.9 Peer-to-peer networking with other systems ... 24 6.10 Signaling character set ... 25 6.11 Multipath cascaded networking structure ... 25 7 Control requirements ... 25 7.1 Registration ... 25 7.2 Real-time video and audio on demand ... 25 7.3 Control ... 26 7.4 Alarm event notification and distribution ... 26 7.5 Device information query ... 26 7.6 Status information submission ... 27 7.7 Retrieval of historical video and audio files ... 27 7.8 Playback of historical video and audio ... 27 7.9 Download of historical video and audio files ... 27 7.10 Network time calibration ... 28 7.11 Subscriptions and notifications ... 28 7.12 Voice broadcast and voice intercom ... 28 7.13 Device software upgrade ... 28 7.14 Image capture ... 28 8 Transmission, exchange, control security requirements ... 28 8.1 Device identity authentication ... 28 8.2 Data encryption ... 29 8.3 SIP signaling authentication ... 29 8.4 Data integrity protection ... 29 8.5 Access control ... 29 8.6 High security level requirements ... 30 9 Control, transmission process and protocol interface... 30 9.1 Registration and deregistration ... 30 9.2 Real-time video and audio on demand ... 34 9.3 Control ... 41 9.4 Alarm event notification and distribution ... 45 9.5 Network device information query ... 48 9.6 Status information submission ... 51 9.7 Device video and audio file retrieval ... 53 9.8 Playback of historical video and audio ... 54 9.9 Video and audio file download ... 64 9.10 Time calibration ... 72 9.11 Subscriptions and notifications ... 73 9.12 Voice broadcast and voice intercom ... 79 9.13 Device software upgrade ... 85 9.14 Image capture ... 88 Annex A (normative) Command set of monitoring and alarm networking system control description protocol (MANSCDP) ... 91 A.1 Command names and descriptions ... 91 A.2 Command definition ... 91 A.3 Front-end device control protocol ... 150 A.4 Extended application of networking system ... 154 Annex B (normative) Command set of monitoring and alarm networking system real- time streaming protocol (MANSRTSP) ... 155 B.1 Command name and description ... 155 B.2 Command definition ... 155 Annex C (normative) RTP-based video and audio data encapsulation ... 160 C.1 PS encapsulation of video and audio data based on RTP ... 160 C.2 RTP-based video and audio elementary stream encapsulation ... 161 Annex D (normative) Video and audio media transmission based on TCP protocol 165 Annex E (normative) Unicode rules ... 166 E.1 Encoding rules ... 166 E.2 Industry code comparison... 168 E.3 Rules for compilation of divisional codes below counties ... 169 Annex F (normative) Technical requirements for video and audio encoding/decoding ... 171 F.1 Basic requirements ... 171 F.2 Technical requirements for video encoding and decoding based on H.264 ... 171 F.3 Technical requirements for video encoding and decoding based on MPEG-4 ... 175 F.4 General requirements for audio coding and decoding ... 178 F.5 G.711 format ... 178 F.6 G.723.1 format ... 178 F.7 G.729 format ... 178 F.8 Technical requirements for SVAC video and SVAC audio encoding and decoding 179 F.9 Technical requirements for H.265 video encoding and decoding ... 179 F.10 AAC format ... 183 Annex G (normative) SDP definition ... 184 Annex H (informative) Technical requirements for camera and platform routing ... 191 H.1 Basic requirements ... 191 H.2 Processing logic ... 192 H.3 Definition of multipath SIP header extension ... 194 H.4 Path push and selection demonstration ... 195 Annex I (normative) Protocol version identification ... 198 Annex J (normative) Instructions for directory query responses ... 199 Annex K (normative) Keep-alive mechanism for media streams ... 205 Annex L (normative) Definition of the Subject header field ... 206 Annex M (normative) Multiple response messaging ... 207 Annex N (normative) Interdomain directory subscription notifications ... 208 N.1 Basic requirements ... 208 N.2 Application scenarios and processing logic ... 208 N.3 Signaling process ... 211 N.4 Protocol interface ... 214 Annex O (normative) The code of the acquisition part type of the camera ... 217 Bibliography ... 222 Technical requirements for information transmission, switch and control in video surveillance networking system for public security 1 Scope This document specifies the peer-to-peer networking structure of the video surveillance networking system for public security (hereinafter referred to as "surveillance networking system"), the basic requirements and security requirements for transmission, exchange, and control, as well as the technical requirements for control, transmission process, and protocol interface. This document is applicable to the scheme design, system testing, acceptance and related device development and production of the video surveillance networking system for public security. Other video surveillance networking systems can be implemented by using this document as reference. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 4754, Industrial classification for national economic activities GB/T 10114-2003, Rules for the code representation of administrative divisions under counties GB 18030, Information technology - Chinese coded character set GB/T 25724, Technical specifications for surveillance video and audio coding GB 35114, Technical requirements for information security of video surveillance network system for public security GA/T 380, Coding rules for public security organs ISO/IEC 13818-1:2019, Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 1: Systems ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004, Information technology – Coding of audio-visual objects - 3.1.3 user terminal A client device that is registered and authorized by a networking system and has operational requirements for data and/or devices within the system. 3.1.4 session initiation protocol; SIP Developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), it is a framework protocol for multi-party multimedia communication. NOTE: Session initiation protocol is a text-based application layer control protocol, independent of the underlying transport protocol. It is used to establish, modify and terminate two-party or multi- party multimedia sessions on IP networks. 3.1.5 session control The process of establishing, modifying or ending a communication between one or more participants. 3.1.6 SIP surveillance realm A monitoring system consisting of front-end device, user terminals, servers, and networks conforming to the provisions of this document. 3.1.7 non-SIP surveillance realm Surveillance systems that do not comply with the provisions of this document. 3.1.8 the third party controller A SIP user agent (UA), capable of creating a session between two other user agents. NOTE: Third party controllers are generally implemented using back-to-back user agents (B2BUA). 3.1.9 the third party call control The third party controller initiates, establishes, and releases sessions between two or more parties, and is responsible for the media negotiation between the parties. 3.1.10 user agent SIP logical end entity specified by IETFRFC 3261. It is composed of user agent client (UAC) and user agent server (UAS). UAC is responsible for initiating calls, and UAS is responsible for receiving calls and responding. 3.1.11 proxy server SIP logical entity specified by IETF RFC 3261. Through it, the request from the user agent client (UAC) is forwarded to the user agent server (UAS), and the response message of the UAS is forwarded back to the UAC. 3.1.12 register server SIP logical entity specified by IETF RFC 3261, which has the function of receiving registration requests, saving the information carried in the requests, and providing location services within the domain. 3.1.13 redirect server SIP logical entity specified by IETF RFC 3261. The server is responsible for planning SIP routing and telling the requester the obtained signaling next-hop address information, so that the requester can directly send a request to the next hop according to this address. 3.1.14 back to back user agent SIP logical entity specified by IETF RFC 3261. It acts as a user agent server (UAS) to receive request messages and process the messages. At the same time, in order to decide how to respond to the request message, it also acts as a user agent client (UAC) to send the request message. NOTE: A back to back user agent (B2BUA) differs from a proxy server in that a B2BUA needs to maintain a state of the conversations it creates. 3.1.15 functional entity A collection of logic units that implement some specific functions. NOTE: A physical device can consist of multiple functional entities. A functional entity may also consist of multiple physical devices. 3.1.16 source device A device that actively initiates a service request. 3.1.17 target device A device that finally responds to service requests. 3.1.18 SIP client An entity that complies with the provisions of IETF RFC 3261 and has the functions of registration, establishment/termination of session connection, reception and playback of video and audio streams, etc. It mainly includes user interface, user agent (UA), media decoding module and media communication module. 3.1.19 SIP device Peer-to-peer networked networking system platforms and devices shall not send application-independent messages to each other's SIP ports. Avoid application- independent messages from occupying SIP message processing resources of networking system platforms and devices. This document is based on basic protocols such as IETF RFC 3261 and specifies the various business functions of monitoring and networking. If this document has special provisions for various functions, it shall follow this document, otherwise it shall follow the reference agreement such as IETF RFC 3261. 4.3.3 Session description protocol The session negotiation and media negotiation of the session establishment process between devices in the networking system shall be described by the IETF RFC 4566 protocol. The main content includes session description, media information description, and time information description. Session negotiation and media negotiation information shall be carried and transmitted in the message body of the SIP message. 4.3.4 Control description protocol Control commands related to front-end device control, alarm information, and device directory information of the networking system shall be described in MANSCDP and shall comply with the provisions of Annex A. Networking system control commands shall be carried and transmitted in the message body of the SIP message MESSAGE. 4.3.5 Media playback control protocol The playback control command of historical video and audio shall use MANSRTSP. The protocol description shall comply with the provisions of Annex B. It shall realize the remote control of video and audio streams such as normal, fast, pause, stop, and random drag and play between devices between end-to-end. The historical media playback control command is carried and transmitted by the message body of the SIP message INFO. 4.3.6 Media transmission and media codec protocol RTP transmission shall be supported when the media stream is transmitted on the IP network of the networking system. The media stream sending source shall support the function of controlling the peak value of media stream sending. The RTP load shall be in one of two formats: Video and audio data or video and audio elementary stream data based on PS encapsulation shall comply with the provisions of Annex C. The transmission of the media stream shall adopt the RTP protocol stipulated in IETF RFC 3550. Provide time stamp information in real-time data transmission and synchronization of each data stream. The RTP timestamps of all RTP packets encapsulated in the same frame of video and audio packets are the same, and different from the RTP timestamps of RTP packets of different frames of video and audio packets. The RTCP protocol stipulated in IETF RFC 3550 shall be adopted to provide reliable guarantee for the sequential transmission of data packets. Provide flow control and congestion control. 5 Transmission requirements 5.1 Requirements for network transmission protocol The network layer of the networking system shall support the IP protocol. The transport layer shall support TCP and UDP protocols. 5.2 Requirements for media transfer protocol Video and audio streams shall support RTP/RTCP protocol when transmitted on IP- based network. The data encapsulation format of video and audio streams shall meet the requirements of 4.3.6. When video and audio streams are transmitted on an IP-based network, it is advisable to extend support for the TCP protocol. The protocol shall comply with the provisions of Annex D. 5.3 Information transmission delay time When networking system information is transmitted via an IP network, the end-to-end information delay time (including the time elapsed during information collection, encoding, network transmission at the sending end, and information decoding and displaying at the receiving end) shall meet the following requirements: a) The end-to-end information delay time between the front-end device and the corresponding device directly connected to the monitoring center shall not be greater than 2 s. b) The end-to-end information delay time between the front-end device and the user terminal device shall not be greater than 4 s. 5.4 Network transmission bandwidth The network bandwidth design of the networking system shall be able to meet the bandwidth requirements of front-end device access to the monitoring center, peer-to- peer networking of monitoring center, and user terminal access to the monitoring center. There shall be allowance. 5.5 Network transmission quality The transmission quality (such as transmission delay, packet loss rate, packet error rate, false packet rate, etc.) of the networking system IP network shall meet the following requirements: 6.2 Media encoding-decoding Video codec in networking system shall adopt SVAC, H.264, H.265 or MPEG-4. SVAC is preferred. The audio encoding-decoding shall be G.711, G.722.1, G.723.1, G.729, SVAC or AAC. Relevant technical requirements shall comply with the provisions of Annex F. 6.3 Media storage encapsulation format The storage and packaging format of media data such as video and audio in the networking system shall be PS format. See ISO/IEC 13818-1:2019 for the format. 6.4 Definition of SDP The SDP content carried by the SIP message body in the networking system shall comply with the relevant requirements of IETF RFC 4566. The required fields shall comply with the provisions of Annex G. 6.5 Conversion of network transmission protocol It shall support the two-way protocol conversion between the network transmission protocol of the non-SIP surveillance realm and the network transmission protocol specified in 5.1. 6.6 Conversion of control protocol It shall support the two-way protocol conversion between the device control protocol in the non-SIP surveillance realm and the session initiation protocol, session description protocol, control description protocol and media playback control protocol specified in 4.3. 6.7 Conversion of media transfer protocol It shall support the two-way protocol conversion between the media transmission protocol and data encapsulation format of the non-SIP surveillance realm and the media transmission protocol specified in 5.2 and the data encapsulation format specified in 4.3.6. 6.8 Conversion of media data format It shall support the conversion of the media data in the non-SIP surveillance realm to the data in the media encoding format specified in 6.2. 6.9 Peer-to-peer networking with other systems The peer-to-peer networking between the networking system and other systems shall comply with the requirements of Annex A and Annex E. 6.10 Signaling character set The SIP signaling character set of networking systems and device shall adopt the encoding format in GB 18030. 6.11 Multipath cascaded networking structure If some networking system management platforms have multiple upper-level platforms, the entire cascaded networking is not the tree structure shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. There is a possibility that the upper-level platform accesses the target device of the lower-level platform through multiple paths. The management platform shall support this function according to the technical requirements in Annex H. 7 Control requirements 7.1 Registration Registration meets the following requirements: a) It shall support the working mode of registering with the SIP server when the device or system enters the networking system. b) Device or system registration shall be extended to support carrying protocol version identification. The protocol version identification shall comply with the provisions of Annex I. c) If the device or system registration is unsuccessful, it is advisable to re-register after a certain random time delay. d) It is advisable to implement the registration redirection function. Dynamically assign access servers to devices, so as to cope with server-side load balancing and fault migration when large-scale devices are connected. e) See 9.1 for the session control process of device or system registration. 7.2 Real-time video and audio on demand Real-time video and audio on demand meets the following requirements: a) It shall support real-time video and audio on demand according to specified device and specified channels. Support multi-user simultaneous demand for the same video and audio resources. b) See 9.2 for the session control process of real-time video and audio on demand. The session description information adopts the format specified in 6.4. 7.3 Control The control meets the following requirements: a) It shall support sending control information to designated devices, such as camera pan/tilt control, video control, arming/disarming of alarm devices, etc., so as to realize the remote control of various actions of the device. b) It shall support remote start, alarm reset, forced key frame, frame zoom in, frame zoom out, guard position control, PTZ precise control and other controls. c) It shall support the formatting of the camera memory card. d) It shall support automatic and manual tracking of targets in live video images. e) It shall support parameter configuration of the device, including basic parameters, video parameter range, SVAC encoding, SVAC decoding, video parameter properties, recording plan, alarm recording, video screen occlusion, screen flip, alarm reporting switch, front-end OSD settings, image capture configuration. f) See 9.3 for the session control process of device control. The device control command SIP message body adopts XML encapsulation, and complies with the provisions of Annex A. 7.4 Alarm event notification and distribution Alarm event notification and distribution shall meet the following requirements: a) It can receive the alarm information sent by the alarm source in real time. Distribute the alarm information to the corresponding user terminals or systems and device in a timely manner according to the alarm handling plan. b) See 9.4 for the session control process of receiving and distributing alarm information. The SIP message body of the alarm event notification command is encapsulated in XML and conforms to the format specified in Annex A. 7.5 Device information query Device information query shall meet the following requirements: a) Support hierarchical query and obtain information such as device directory, device information, device status, device configuration, device preset position, watchdog position, cruise track list, cruise track, PTZ accurate status, memory card status and other information of registered devices or systems in the networking system. b) See 9.5.2 for the query session control process. The SIP message body of the query command for device directory, device information, device status, device configuration, device preset position, guard position, cruise track list, cruise track, PTZ precise status, and memory card status is encapsulated in XML and complies with the provisions of Annex A. c) Support querying the basic information of the device, such as device manufacturer, device model, version, supported protocol type, etc. d) The organization method of the device directory shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of Annex J. 7.6 Status information submission Status information submission shall meet the following requirements: a) Support the collection and detection of monitoring device, alarm device, related servers and connected network systems in the network by actively reporting. b) See 9.6 for the session process of reporting status information. The SIP message body of the status information reporting command is encapsulated in XML and complies with the provisions of Annex A. 7.7 Retrieval of historical video and audio files Retrieval of historical video and audio files shall meet the following requirements: a) Support retrieval of historical video and audio files of a specified time period on a specified device. b) See 9.7 for historical video and audio retrieval process. 7.8 Playback of historical video and audio Playback of historical video and audio meets the following requirements: a) It shall support remote playback of historical video and audio data at a specified time on a specified device or system. The playback process shall support media playback controls such as normal playback, fast playback, slow playback, screen pause, and random drag and drop. b) It shall support the function of video rewinding and rewinding and dragging. c) For the session control and video and audio playback control process of historical video and audio playback, see 9.8. The session description information adopts the format stipulated by the SDP protocol. Video and audio playback control commands shall adopt the MANSRTSP protocol format specified in Annex B. 7.9 Download of historical video and audio files Download of historical video and audio files shall meets the following requirements: a) Support the download of historical video and audio files for a specified period on a specified device. b) See 9.9 for the historical video and audio download process. 7.10 Network time calibration Network time calibration meets the following requirements. a) The IP network access device in the networking system shall support the unified timing of SIP signaling. The access device shall accept the time service carried by the SIP server through the Date field of the message header during registration. b) The IP network server device in the networking system shall support the network unified time calibration service of the NTP (see IETF RFC 2030) protocol. The network time calibration device is divided into clock source and client. It supports the working mode of client/server. The clock source shall support TCP/IP, UDP and NTP protocols, and can output the input or self-generated time signal in standard NTP packet format. 7.11 Subscriptions and notifications It shall support subscription and notification mechanism, event and directory subscription and notification. For specific protocol signaling process, see 9.11. 7.12 Voice broadcast and voice intercom It shall support voice broadcast and voice intercom mechanism. For protocol signaling process, see 9.12. 7.13 Device software upgrade It shall support software upgrades for designated devices. For protocol signaling process, see 9.13. 7.14 Image capture It is advisable to support designated devices for image capture and transfer the captured images to designated positions. For protocol signaling process, see 9.14. 8 Transmission, exchange, control security requirements 8.1 Device identity authentication Device identity authentication meets the following requirements: a) It shall support unified coding for all devices connected to the system. For device ......

GB/T 28181-2016 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.310 A 91 Replacing GB/T 28181-2011 Technical requirements for information transport, switch and control in video surveillance network system for public security ISSUED ON: JULY 12, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON: AUGUST 01, 2016 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 5  1 Scope ... 8  2 Normative references ... 8  3 Terms and definitions, abbreviations ... 10  3.1 Terms and definitions ... 10  3.2 Abbreviations ... 16  4 Interconnection structure ... 18  4.1 Interconnection structure of SIP surveillance domain ... 18  4.2 The interconnection structure of SIP surveillance domain and non-SIP surveillance domain... 21  4.3 Communication protocol structure of networking system ... 23  5 Transmission requirements ... 25  5.1 Network transmission protocol requirements ... 25  5.2 Media transmission protocol requirements ... 25  5.3 Information transmission delay time ... 25  5.4 Network transmission bandwidth ... 25  5.5 Network transmission quality ... 26  5.6 Video frame rate ... 26  6 Exchange requirements ... 26  6.1 Uniform coding rules ... 26  6.2 Media compression codec... 27  6.3 Media storage encapsulation format ... 27  6.4 SDP definition ... 27  6.5 Conversion of network transmission protocol ... 27  6.6 Conversion of control protocol ... 28  6.7 Conversion of media transmission protocol ... 28  6.8 Conversion of media data format ... 28  6.9 Data exchange with other systems ... 28  6.10 Signaling character set ... 28  7 Control requirements ... 28  7.1 Registration ... 28  7.2 Real-time video-audio on-demand ... 29  7.3 Device control ... 29  7.4 Notification and distribution of alarm events ... 29  7.5 Device information query... 29  7.6 Status information report ... 30  7.7 Retrieval of historical video-audio files ... 30  7.8 Playback of historical video-audio ... 30  7.9 Download of historical video-audio files ... 30  7.10 Network timing... 31  7.11 Subscription and notification ... 31  7.12 Voice broadcast and voice intercom ... 31  8 Requirements for transmission, exchange, control security ... 31  8.1 Device identity authentication... 31  8.2 Data encryption ... 32  8.3 SIP signaling authentication ... 32  8.4 Data integrity protection ... 32  8.5 Access control ... 33  9 Control, transmission process and protocol interface ... 33  9.1 Registration and cancellation ... 33  9.2 Real-time video-audio on-demand ... 37  9.3 Device control ... 44  9.4 Notification and distribution of alarm events ... 47  9.5 Network device information query ... 49  9.6 Status information report ... 55  9.7 Device video-audio file retrieval ... 57  9.8 Playback of historical video-audio ... 58  9.9 Download of video-audio file ... 67  9.10 Timing ... 76  9.11 Subscription and notification ... 76  9.12 Voice broadcast and voice intercom ... 81  Appendix A (Normative) Command set of monitoring and alarming network system control description protocol (MANSCDP) ... 90  Appendix B (Normative) Command set of monitoring and networking system real-time streaming protocol (MANSRTSP) command set ... 138  Appendix C (Normative) RTP-based video-audio data encapsulation ... 142  Appendix D (Normative) Uniform coding rules ... 146  Appendix E (Normative) Video-audio coding/decoding technical requirements ... 151  Appendix F (Normative) SDP definition ... 160  Appendix G (Normative) Message format for the interface between networked systems and other systems... 167  Appendix H (Normative) Digital digest signaling authentication process and method ... 185  Appendix I (Normative) Certificate format and certificate revocation list format ... 188  Appendix J (Normative) Signaling message demonstration ... 192  Appendix K (Normative) Definition of subject header field ... 327  Appendix L (Normative) Video-audio media transmission based on TCP protocol ... 328  Appendix M (Normative) Media stream keep-alive mechanism ... 329  Appendix N (Normative) Multi-response message transmission ... 330  Appendix O (Normative) Description of example of catalog query responses ... 331  Appendix P (Normative) Notification of inter-domain catalog subscription ... 336  References ... 344  Technical requirements for information transport, switch and control in video surveillance network system for public security 1 Scope This standard specifies the basic requirements and security requirements for the interconnection structure, transmission, exchange, control in video surveillance network system for public security (hereinafter referred to as the network system), as well as the technical requirements for control, transmission processes and protocol interfaces. This standard applies to the scheme design, system testing, acceptance of video surveillance network system for public security, as well as the development and production of related device. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this standard. GB/T 2260-2007 Codes for the administrative divisions of the Peoples Republic of China GB 2312 Code of Chinese graphic character set for information interchange; Primary set GB/T 2659-2000 Codes for the representation of names of countries and regions GB/T 7408-2005 Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times GB/T 25724-2010 Technical specification of surveillance video-audio coding ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000 Information technology -Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 1: Systems ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004 Information technology - Coding of audio - visual objects - Part 2: Visual ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004/Amd.2:2005 Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 2: Visual (Technical Corrigendum 2) ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004 Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 4: Conformance testing (available in English only) ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.10:2005 Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 4: Conformance testing (available in English only; Technical Corrigendum 10) ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001 Information technology - Coding of audio - Part 5: Referenced software ITU-T Rec. G. 711-1988 Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies ITU-T Rec. G. 722.1-1999 A new low-complexity 14 kHz audio coding standard ITU-T Rec. G. 723.1-1996 Dual rate speech coder for multimedia communications transmitting at 5.3 and 6.3 kbit/s ITU-T Rec. G. 729-1996 Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate- structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP) ITU-T Rec. H. 264-2005 H series: Audio, video and multimedia systems - Audio and video service basics - Active video coding: Advanced video coding for generic audio visual services ITU-TRec.H.264.1-2005 H series: Audio, video and multimedia systems - Audio and video service basics - Active video coding: Conformance specification for H.264 advanced video coding IETF RFC 2030 Simple network time protocol (SNTP) version 4 for IPv4, IPv6 and OSI IETF RFC 2250 RTP Payload Format for MPEG1/MPEG2 Video IETF RFC 2326-1998 (RTSP) Real Time Streaming Protocol IETF RFC 2327 SDP: Session Description Protocol IETF RFC 2976 The SIP INFO Method IETF RFC 3016 RTP Payload Format for MPEG-4 Audio/Visual Streams IETF RFC 3261-2002 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol which is converted by DVR, DVS and other transcoding device from the analog video-audio signal of the front-end analog camera, to the surveillance center through the digital transmission channel. 3.1.8 Analog access The access method of the front-end device or regional surveillance alarm system transmitting analog video-audio signals to the surveillance center through the analog transmission channel. 3.1.9 Analog and digital surveillance system The surveillance systems which have both analog and digital signal control and processing methods. 3.1.10 Digital surveillance system The surveillance system which has only the digital signal control and processing methods. 3.1.11 Session initiation protocol; SIP A framework protocol for multi-party multimedia communication formulated by the Internet Engineering Task Force. Note: It is a text-based application layer control protocol, independent of the underlying transmission protocol, used to establish, modify, terminate two-party or multi-party multimedia sessions on the IP network. Internet Engineering Task Force, namely IETF. 3.1.12 Session control The process of establishing, modifying, or ending communication between one or more participants. 3.1.13 SIP surveillance realm A request message may be transmitted through several proxy servers, each proxy server determines the route independently; the response message is transmitted in the opposite direction of the request message. 3.1.19 Register server The SIP logical entity as specified by IETF RFC 3261, which is a functional server that receives registration requests, saves the information carried in the requests, provides location services in the domain. 3.1.20 Redirect server SIP logical entity specified by IETF RFC 3261, which is responsible for planning SIP call routing. It tells the caller the next hop address information it has obtained, so that the caller sends a request directly to the next hop based on this address, then the redirect server exits the call process. 3.1.21 Back-to-back user agent SIP logical entity as specified by IETF RFC 3261, which acts as a user agent server (UAS) to receive the request message and process the message. At the same time, in order to determine how to respond to the request message, it also acts as a user agent client (UAC) to send the request message. Note: The difference between a back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) and a proxy server is that B2BUA needs to maintain a conversation state it creates. 3.1.22 Functional entity A collection of logical units that implement some specific functions. Note: A physical device can be composed of multiple functional entities; a functional entity can also be composed of multiple physical devices. 3.1.23 Source device/target device The source device represents the party that actively initiates the conversation; the target device represents the party that ultimately responds Provide real-time media stream forwarding services, media storage, historical media information retrieval and on-demand services. The media server receives media data from SIP devices, gateways or other media servers; forwards these data to other single or multiple SIP clients and media servers according to commands. 3.1.28 Secure signal routing gateway It has the function of receiving or forwarding SIP signaling within and outside the domain, completing the transfer of routing information between signaling security routing gateways, and performing addition and identification of routing signaling and signaling identity. It is a SIP server with security functions. 3.1.29 Cascaded networking The two signaling security routing gateways are connected in accordance with the subordinate relationship. The central signaling control server of higher level can call the surveillance resources managed by the lower central signaling control server through the signaling secure routing gateway, whilst the lower central signaling control server can use signaling secure routing gateway to upload the surveillance resources managed by the central signaling control server at the same level to the central signaling control server at the higher level or shares the upper level resources. 3.1.30 Peer-to-peer networking Two signaling security routing gateways are connected according to a level relationship; the central signaling control server can mutually call the surveillance resources of the other central signaling control server with authorization. 3.2 Abbreviations The following abbreviations apply to this document. AES: Advanced Encryption Standard B2BUA: Back to Back User Agent CIF: Common Intermediate Format Interconnected system platforms and devices shall not send application- independent messages to each other’s SIP ports, to avoid application- independent messages occupying the system platform and device’s SIP message processing resources. This standard is based on basic protocols such as IETF RFC 3261, to regulate the various business functions related to surveillance networking. If there are special provisions in this standard, each function shall follow this standard; otherwise it shall follow the reference protocol such as IETF RFC 3261. 4.3.3 Session description protocol The session negotiation and media negotiation in the process of establishing a session between devices in a networked system shall be described by the IETF RFC 4566 protocol. The main content includes session description, media information description, time information description. The session negotiation and media negotiation information shall be carried and transmitted in the message body of the SIP message. 4.3.4 Control description protocol Control commands related to front-end device control, alarm information, device catalog information, etc. of the networked system shall be described by the Monitoring and Alarm Networking System Control Description Protocol (MANSCDP), as shown in Appendix A. Networking system control commands shall be carried and transmitted in the message body of the SIP message. 4.3.5 Media playback control protocol The playback control commands of historical video-audio shall use the Monitoring Alarm Networking System Real-Time Streaming Protocol (MANSRTSP). The protocol description is as shown in Appendix B, to realize the remote control such as normal playback, fast, pause, stop, random drag of the video-audio stream from end to end. The playback control commands of historical media are carried and transmitted in the message body of the SIP message Info. 4.3.6 Media transmission and media codec protocol The media stream shall support RTP transmission when it is transmitted on the IP network of the networked system. The media stream sending source shall support the function of controlling the peak value of the media stream. The RTP payload shall adopt one of the following two formats: video-audio data based on PS package or video-audio elementary stream data, as shown in Appendix C. The transmission of media streams shall use the RTP protocol as specified by IETF RFC 3550, to provide time stamp information in real-time data transmission and the synchronization of each data stream. It shall use the transmission bandwidth of the front-end device connected to the surveillance center shall be not less than 512 kbps. The single-channel network transmission bandwidth of the front-end device connected to the surveillance center in important places shall not be less than 2 Mbps. The single-channel network transmission bandwidth between the surveillance centers at all levels shall not be less than 2.5 Mbps. 5.5 Network transmission quality The transmission quality of the IP network of the networking system (such as transmission delay, packet loss rate, packet error rate, false packet rate, etc.) shall meet the following requirements: a) The upper limit of network delay is 400 ms; b) The upper limit of delay jitter is 50 ms; c) The upper limit of the packet loss rate is 1 × 10-3; d) The upper limit of the packet error rate is 1 × 10-4. 5.6 Video frame rate The video frame rate that can be supported during local recording shall not be less than 25 frames/s. When the image format is CIF, the video frame rate of network transmission shall not be less than 25 frames/s. When the image format is 4CIF or more, the video frame rate transmitted over the network shall be no less than 15 frames/s; the important image information should be 25 frames/s. 6 Exchange requirements 6.1 Uniform coding rules 6.1.1 ID uniform coding rules The networked system shall uniformly code the front-end device, surveillance center device, user terminal ID; the code is globally unique. Coding shall adopt coding rule A (20-digit decimal digital character coding), as shown in D.1. Local application systems may also use coding rule B (18-digit decimal digital character coding), as shown in D.2. The communication between the management platform of the networked system, as well as the communication between the management platform and other systems shall adopt the uniform 6.6 Conversion of control protocol It shall support the two-way protocol conversion between the device control protocol of the non-SIP surveillance domain and the session initiation protocol, session description protocol, control description protocol, media playback control protocol as specified in 4.3. 6.7 Conversion of media transmission protocol It shall support the two-way protocol conversion between the media transmission protocol and data encapsulation format of the non-SIP surveillance domain and the media transmission protocol and data encapsulation format as specified in 5.2. 6.8 Conversion of media data format It shall support the conversion of media data in non-SIP surveillance domains into data conforming to the media encoding format as specified in 6.2. 6.9 Data exchange with other systems The networked system provides interfaces with other application systems such as the integrated alarm handling system and tollgate system through the access gateway. The basic requirements, functional requirements, data specifications, transmission protocols and extension methods of the interface shall meet the requirements of Appendix G. The message format of the networked system and other system interfaces shall meet the requirements of Appendix G. 6.10 Signaling character set The SIP signaling character set of networked systems and device shall adopt the encoding format of GB 2312. 7 Control requirements 7.1 Registration It shall support the working mode of registering with SIP server when the device or system enters the networked system. If the registration of the device or system is unsuccessful, it should be delayed for a certain random time and then re-register. Refer to 9.1 for the session control process of device or system registration. 7.2 Real-time video-audio on-demand It shall support real-time on-demand video on designated device and designated channels; support simultaneous on-demand video on the same image resource by multiple users. See 9.2 for the session control process of real-time video-audio on-demand; the session description information uses the format as specified in 6.4. 7.3 Device control It shall support sending control information to designated device, such as dome/pan-tilt control, video control, arming/disarming of alarm device, etc., to achieve remote control of various actions of the device. The session control process of device control is as shown in 9.3. The device control command adopts the XML format as specified in Appendix A. 7.4 Notification and distribution of alarm events It shall be able to receive the alarm information sent by the alarm source in real time, distribute the alarm information to the corresponding user terminal or system and device in time according to the alarm handling plan. Refer to 9.4 for the session control process of receiving and distributing alarm information. The alarm event notification command adopts the XML format as specified in Appendix A. 7.5 Device information query It shall support hierarchical query and obtain catalog information and status information of registered devices or systems in the networked system. The device catalog information includes device ID, device name, device manufacturer name, device model, device address, device password, device type, device status, device installation address, device attribution unit, parent device ID and other information. Refer to 9.5.2 for the session control process of the device catalog query. The See 9.9 for the historical video-audio download process. 7.10 Network timing The IP network server device in the networked system shall support the unified network timing service of the NTP (see IETF RFC 2030) protocol. The network timing device is divided into a clock source and a client; supports the client/server working mode. The clock source shall support TCP/IP, UDP and NTP protocols; it can output the input or self-generated time signal in a standard NTP packet format. The IP network access device in the networked system shall support the unified timing of SIP signaling. The access device shall accept the time service carried by the Date field of the message header from the SIP server during registration. 7.11 Subscription and notification It should support subscription and notification mechanisms, events and catalog subscriptions and notifications. See 9.11 for the specific protocol signaling process. 7.12 Voice broadcast and voice intercom It should support voice broadcast and voice intercom mechanism. See 9.12 for protocol signaling flow. 8 Requirements for transmission, exchange, control security 8.1 Device identity authentication All device connected to the system shall be uniformly coded. For device coding specifications, see the provisions in 6.1. Access device authentication shall adopt different authentication methods according to different situations. For non-standard SIP devices, it should be authenticated through the gateway. In the case of low-level security applications, the password-based digital digest authentication method shall be used to authenticate the device. For the authentication process, see 9.1 and Chapter 22 of IETF RFC 3261-2002. In the case of high-security applications, digital certificate-based authentication method shall be used to authenticate the device identity. See 9.1 for the 8.5 Access control The networked system shall realize unified user management and authorization. On the basis of identity authentication, the system should adopt attribute-based or role-based access control models to control user access. When accessing across domains, the user identity information carried by the signaling Monitor- User-Identity should be used for access control. 9 Control, transmission process and protocol interface 9.1 Registration and cancellation 9.1.1 Basic requirements for registration and cancellation SIP user agent (SIP UA) such as SIP clients, gateways, SIP devices, networking systems use the Register method as defined in IETF RFC 3261 to register and unregister. Authentication shall be carried out during registration and cancellation. The authentication method shall support the digital digest authentication method. The authentication method of digital certificate should be supported for high security level. The format of the digital certificate conforms to the provisions in Appendix I. The SIP user agent shall refresh the registration with the registration server before the registration expiration time arrives. The refresh registration message process shall be consistent with the process description in, meanwhile follow the provisions of IETF RFC 3261 on refresh registration. If the registration fails, the SIP user agent shall continue to initiate the registration process after a certain period of time. The time interval from the previous registration shall be adjustable. Generally, it shall not be shorter than 60 s. The expiration time of system and device registration shall be configurable; the default value is 86400 s (1 d). The refresh registration message shall be sent before the registration expiration time arrives; the SIP server shall reserve appropriate refresh registration processing time. The registration expiration time shall not be shorter than 3600 s. If the SIP user agent's registration is successful, the SIP server is considered to be online; if the registration fails, the SIP server is considered to be offline. The SIP server considers it to be online after the SIP user agent's registration is successful; it is considered offline when the SIP proxy registration expires. a) 1: The SIP user agent sends a Register request to the SIP server; the value of the Expires field is 0, indicating that the SIP user agent wants to log out; b) 2: The SIP server sends a response 401 to the SIP user agent; provides the authentication system and parameters suitable for the SIP proxy in the WWW_Authenticate field of the response message header; c) 3: The SIP user agent sends a Register request to the SIP server again; gives a letter of trust in the Authorization field of the request, including authentication information; the value of the Expires field is 0; d) 4: The SIP server verifies the request. If it checks that the SIP user agent identity is legal, it sends a successful response 200 OK to the SIP user agent. If the identity is illegal, it sends a denial of service response. See J.3. for message demonstration. 9.2 Real-time video-audio on-demand 9.2.1 Basic requirements for real-time video-audio on-demand Real-time video-audio on-demand SIP messages shall be routed and forwarded through SIP servers in this domain or other domains. The real-time video-audio streams of target devices shall be forwarded through media servers in this domain. Real-time video-audio on-demand uses the Invite method in the SIP protocol (IETF RFC 3261) to achieve session connection; uses the RTP/RTCP protocol (IETF RFC 3550) to achieve media transmission. The signaling process of real-time audio-visual on-demand is divided into two methods: the client initiates actively and the third-party call control. The networked system can choose one or two combined implementation methods. The third-party controller of third-party call control shall be implemented by back-to-back user agents. For third-party call control, see IETF RFC 3725. Real-time video-audio on-demand shall support the media stream keep-alive mechanism as specified in Appendix M. 9.2.2 Command flow Client initiatively initiated The real-time video-audio on-demand process initiated by the client is as shown in Figure 11. The command flow is described as follows: a) 1: The media stream receiver sends an Invite message to the SIP server. The Subject field is carried in the message header field, indicating the on- demand video source ID, the sender's media stream serial number, th...... ......

GB/T 28181-2011 [Replaced by GB/T 28181-2016] Security and protection video monitoring network system technical specification for information transport, switch and control ICS 13.310 A91 National Standards of People's Republic of China Security video surveillance network system Information transmission, exchange, control technical requirements Published on.2011-12-30 2012-06-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China China National Standardization Administration issued Content Foreword III 1 range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions, abbreviations 2 4 interconnection structure 6 5 basic transmission requirements 10 6 Exchange basic requirements 11 7 Control basic requirements 12 8 Transmission, exchange, control security requirements 13 9 Control, Transmission Process and Protocol Interface 14 Appendix A (Normative) Monitoring Alarm Networking System Control Description Protocol (MANSCDP) Command Set 43 Appendix B (Normative) Monitoring Alarm Networking System Real-Time Streaming Protocol (MANSRTSP) Command Set 58 Appendix C (Normative) RTP-based AV data package 60 Appendix D (Normative Appendix) Uniform Coding Rules 62 Appendix E (Normative) Video and Audio Encoding/Decoding Technical Requirements 66 Appendix F (Normative) SDP Definition 73 Appendix G (Normative) Message format for networked systems to interface with other systems 76 Appendix H (Normative Appendix) Digital Summary Signaling Certification Process and Method 87 Appendix I (Normative) Certificate Format and Certificate Revocation List Format 89 Appendix J (Normative Appendix) Signaling Message Model 93 Appendix K (Normative) Subject Header Definition 168 References 169 Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. Please note that the basic content of this standard may involve patents, and the issuing organization of this standard shall not be responsible for identifying these patents. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Security and Alarm System Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC100). This standard was drafted. The First Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, Zhejiang Public Security Science and Technology Research Institute, Beijing Zhongdun Security Technology Development Company, Zhejiang Liyuan Communication Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou H3C Communication Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Guangxin Intelligent Building Research Institute, Shanghai Institute of Microsystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Institute of Electronic Technology Standards. The main drafters of this standard. Chen Chaowu, Jiang Lezhong, House River, Zhao Wendao, Zhang Benfeng, Zhang Yue, He Qinglin, Ma Bokang, Chen Kun, Li Fusheng, Fang Liang, Yu Chen, Li Shuo, Li Shanling, He Jing, Huang Yulin, Wang Xin. Security video surveillance network system Information transmission, exchange, control technical requirements 1 Scope This standard specifies the interconnection of information transmission, exchange and control in the security surveillance video surveillance networking system (hereinafter referred to as the networked system). Structure, communication protocol structure, basic requirements and security requirements for transmission, switching, control, and technologies such as control, transmission procedures, and protocol interfaces Claim. This standard is applicable to the scheme design, system detection and acceptance of the security surveillance video surveillance networking system and the urban surveillance alarm networking system. And related equipment development and production. Other information systems can be referred to. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only dated versions apply to this article. Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 25724-2010 Security and Surveillance Monitoring Digital Video and Audio Codec Technical Requirements ISO /IEC 13818-1.2000 Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated sounds - Part 1 - System (Informa- tiontechnology-Genericcodingofmovingpicturesandassociatedaudioinformation-Part 1.Sys- Tems) ISO /IEC 14496-2.2004 Information technology - Audiovisual object coding - Part 2. Video (Information technology - Codingofaudio-visualobjects-Part 2.Visual) ISO /IEC 14496-2.2004/Amd.2.2005 Information technology - Audiovisual object coding - Part 2. Video/Revision 2. Jane New level of single grade (Informationtechnology-Codingofaudio-visualobjects-Part 2.Visual;Technical Corrigendum2) ISO /IEC 14496-4.2004 Information technology - Audiovisual object coding - Part 4. Compliance test (Informationtechnol- ogy-Codingofaudio-visualobjects-Part 4. Conformancetesting(availableinEnglishonly) ISO /IEC 14496-4.2004/Amd.10.2005 Information technology - Audiovisual object coding - Part 4. Conformance testing/revision Release 10. Consistent extension of level L4a, L5 in simple grades (Informationtechnology-Codingofaudio-visual objects-Part 4. Conformancetesting(availableinEnglishonly;TechnicalCorrigendum10) ITU-TRec.G.711-1988 General part of digital transmission systems. Pulse coding modulation for audio [Pulsecode Modulation(PCM)ofvoicefrequencies] ITU-TRec.G.723.1-1996 General part of digital transmission systems. 5.3 and 6.3 kb Dual rate speech encoder (Dualratespeechcoderformultimediacommunicationstransmittingat5.3 and 6.3 Kbit/s) ITU-TRec.G.729-1996 General part of digital transmission systems. s y 8kbit/s speech coding [Codingofspeechat8kbit/susingconjugate-structurealgebraic-code-excitedlinear Prediction(CS-ACELP)] ITU-TRec.H.264-2005 H series. audio, video and multimedia systems, audio and video services, basic activities, video coding, general Advanced video coding for audio and video services (Advancedvideocodingforgenericaudiovisualservices) ITU-TRec.H.264.1-2005 H series. audio and video and multimedia systems, audio and video services, basic activities, video coding. Conformance specification for H.264 advanced video coding (Conformancespecificationfor H.264advancedvideocoding) IETFRFC2030 Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) version 4 (Simplenetworktimeprotocol (SNTP) ver- sion4forIPv4, IPv6 and OSI) IETFRFC2326 Real-Time Streaming Protocol [(RTSP)RealTimeStreamingProtocol] IETFRFC2976 SIPINFO method (TheSIPINFOMethod) IETFRFC3261 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP. SessionInitiationProtocol) IETFRFC3263 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Locate the SIP server [SessionInitiationProtocol (SIP). LocatingSIPServers] IETFRFC3428 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Instant Messaging Extension [SessionInitiationProtocol (SIP) Extension forInstantMessaging] IETFRFC3550 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP. ATransportProtocolforReal-TimeApplications) IETFRFC3725 Current Best Practice for Third Party Call Control (3PCC) in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) [BestCurrent PracticesforThirdPartyCalControl(3pcc)intheSessionInitiationProtocol(SIP)] IETFRFC4566 Session Description Protocol (SessionDescriptionProtocol) 3 terms and definitions, abbreviations 3.1 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1.1 Security and video surveillance networking system securityandprotectionvideomonitoringnetworksystem For the purpose of security prevention, comprehensive application of video and audio monitoring, communication, computer network, system integration and other technologies, in the city, large venues The functions of information collection, transmission, control, display, storage, processing, etc. built around the network can realize interconnection and mutual interaction between different devices and systems. Integrated network system for communication and mutual control. 3.1.2 Networked system information dataofnetworksystem Information transmitted, exchanged, and controlled within a networked system, including alarm information (analog switch alarm and data protocol type alarm), video Information (analog video signals and digital video signals), audio information (analog audio signals and digital audio signals), device control information (serial port Data and IP network data), device management information (serial data and IP network data), etc. 3.1.3 Front-end device frontenddevice Information collection, coding/processing, storage, transmission, security control and other equipment installed in the monitoring site in the networked system. 3.1.4 Monitoring point monitoringsite The location or location where the front-end equipment is installed or monitored. 3.1.5 Monitoring center monitoringcenter Specific information within the networked system is aggregated, processed, and shared. Note. The monitoring and management personnel herely centrally manage and control the networked system, and use and dispose of the monitoring information. 3.1.6 User terminal userterminal A client device registered and authorized by a networked system that has operational requirements for data and/or devices within the system. 3.1.7 Digital access digitalaccess The front-end device or area monitoring alarm system transmits the digital video and audio signals to the monitoring center through the digital transmission channel. 3.1.8 Analog access to analogaccess The front-end device or regional monitoring alarm system transmits the analog video and audio signals to the monitoring center through the analog transmission channel. 3.1.9 Analog-digital hybrid monitoring system analog-digitalmixedmonitoringsystem There are simultaneous monitoring systems for both analog and digital signal control and processing methods in the monitoring center. 3.1.10 Digital monitoring system digitalmonitoringsystem There are only monitoring systems for digital signal control and processing in the monitoring center. 3.1.11 Session Initiation Protocol SIP. SessionInitiationProtocol Box for multi-party multimedia communication, developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF. Internet Engineering TaskForce) Agreement. Note. It is a text-based application layer control protocol, independent of the underlying transport protocol, used to establish, modify and terminate two or more multimedia on the IP network. Body conversation. 3.1.12 Session control sessioncontrol The process of establishing, modifying, or ending communication between one or more participants. 3.1.13 SIP monitoring domain SIPmonitoringrealm The monitoring network supporting the communication protocol specified in this standard is usually used by the SIP server and the monitoring resources registered on the SIP server. User terminal, network and other components. 3.1.14 Non-SIP monitoring domain non-SIPmonitoringrealm The monitoring network consisting of monitoring resources, user terminals, and networks of the communication protocols specified in this standard is not supported. Non-SIP monitoring domain includes Analog access equipment, digital access equipment that does not support the communication protocol specified in this standard, analog-digital hybrid monitoring system, does not support this standard A digital monitoring system for the SIP protocol. 3.1.15 Third party controller thethirdpartycontroler A SIP User Agent (UA) that creates a session between two other user agents. Third-party controllers generally use the backrest Back User Agent (B2BUA) implementation. 3.1.16 Third party call control thethirdpartycalcontrol The third party controller initiates, establishes, and releases the session between two or more parties, and is responsible for the interaction between the parties. Media consultation. 3.1.17 User agent useragent SIP logical terminal entity specified by IETFRFC3261, consisting of User Agent Client (UAC) and User Agent Server (UAS) groups The UAC is responsible for initiating the call and the UAS is responsible for receiving the call and responding. 3.1.18 Proxy server proxyserver SIP logic entity specified by IETFRFC3261, through which requests from the User Agent Client (UAC) are forwarded to the user generation The server (UAS) forwards the UAS response message back to the UAC. A request message may be transmitted through several proxy servers, each of which independently determines the route; the response message Pass in the opposite direction of the request message. 3.1.19 Registration server registrarserver The SIP logical entity specified by IETFRFC3261 has the function of receiving the registration request, saving the information carried in the request, and A functional server for location services within this domain. 3.1.20 Redirect server redirectserver The SIP logical entity specified by IETFRFC3261 is responsible for planning SIP call routing. It will get the next hop address information of the call Tell the caller so that the caller sends a request directly to the next hop based on this address, after which the redirect server exits the call process. 3.1.21 Back-to-back user agent backtobackuseragent The SIP logical entity specified by IETFRFC3261, which receives the request message as a User Agent Server (UAS) and processes the consumer At the same time, in order to decide how to respond to the request message, it also sends the request message as a User Agent Client (UAC). Note. The Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA) differs from the proxy server in that the B2BUA needs to maintain a dialog state that it creates. 3.1.22 Functional entity A collection of logical units that implement some specific functions. Note. A physical device can consist of multiple functional entities, and a functional entity can also consist of multiple physical devices. 3.1.23 Source device/target device sourcedevice/targetdevice The source device represents the party that initiated the session, and the target device represents the party that ultimately responds to the session. 3.1.24 SIP client SIPclient It has the functions of registration, establishing/terminating session connection, receiving and playing video and audio streams, mainly including user interface and user agent. (UA), media decoding module and media communication module. User agent shall comply with the provisions of IETFRFC3261 for establishing/modifying/terminating Session connection is the main module for session control. The media communication module should be used to implement media transmission and media playback control. 3.1.25 SIP device SIPdevice Functional entities with registration, establishment/termination of session connections and controls, acquisition/codec, and transmission of video and audio streams, mainly including User agent (UA), media acquisition/codec module and media communication module. User agent shall comply with the provisions of IETFRFC3261 and be used to build Establish/modify/terminate the session connection, which is the main module for session control. The media communication module is mainly used to implement media transmission and media playback. control. Note. The implementation of SIP devices in the networked system mainly includes network cameras, video encoding/decoding devices, and digital hard disk recorders that support the SIP protocol. (DVR) and alarm equipment. If the SIP device has multiple channels of video and audio codec, each channel should be a SIP logical UA with unique SIPURI and register with the SIP server. The SIP device itself should also have a unique SIPURI and register with the SIP server. 3.1.26 Central signaling control server centercontrolserver Provides registration, routing, and logic control to SIP clients, SIP devices, media servers, and gateways, and provides The interface communicates with the application server. The logical entities that constitute the central signaling control include a proxy server, a registration server, a redirect server, One or more of back-to-back user agents, etc., are SIP servers responsible for core SIP signaling application processing. 3.1.27 Media server mediaserver Provides real-time media stream forwarding services, providing media storage, historical media information retrieval and on-demand services. Media server reception Media data from devices such as SIP devices, gateways, or other media servers, and forwards the data to other individual or Multiple SIP clients and media servers. 3.1.28 Signaling secure routing gateway securesignalroutinggateway It has the function of receiving or forwarding SIP signaling inside and outside the domain, and completes the routing information routing and routing information between the signaling security routing gateways. The function of adding and authenticating the signaling identity is a SIP server with security functions. 3.1.29 Cascading cascadednetworking The two signaling security routing gateways are connected according to the upper and lower levels, and the upper central signaling control server passes the signaling secure routing network. The lower-level central signaling control server can call the monitoring resources under the jurisdiction of the lower-level central control server, and the lower-level central signaling control server passes the signaling secure routing network. The upper-level center signaling control server uploads the monitoring resources under the jurisdiction of the central-level signaling control server or shares the upper-level resources. 3.1.30 Interconnected Peer-to-Peernetworking The two signaling security routing gateways are connected in a level relationship, and the central signaling control servers are authorized to call each other. The central signaling controls the monitoring resources of the server. 3.2 Abbreviations The following abbreviations apply to this document. AES. Advanced Encryption Standard (AdvancedEncryptionStandard) B2BUA. Back-to-back User Agent (BacktoBackUserAgent) CIF. Common Intermediate Format (CommonIntermediateFormat) DES. Data Encryption Standard (DataEncryptionStandard) DNS. Domain Name System (DomainNameSystem) DVR. Digital Video Recorder (DigitalVideoRecorder) IP. Internet Protocol (InternetProtocol) IPsec. Internet Security Protocol (InternetProtocolSecurity) MANSCDP. Monitoring Alarm Networking System Control Description Protocol (MonitoringandAlarmingNetworkSystemControl DescriptionProtocol) MANSRTSP. Monitoring Alarm Networking System Real-Time Streaming Protocol (MonitoringandAlarmingNetworkSystemReal- TimeStreamingProtocol) MD5. Message Digest 5 (MessageDigestAlgorithm5) NAT/FW. Network Address Translation/Firewall (NetworkAddressTranslatorandFireWal) NTP. Network Time Protocol (NetworkTimeProtocol) NVR. Network Video Recorder (NetworkVideoRecorder) PS. Program Stream (ProgramStream) RTCP. Real-time Transport Control Protocol (Real-timeTransportControlProtocol) RTP. Real-time Transport Protocol (Real-timeTransportProtocol) RTSP. Real-time Streaming Protocol (Real-timeStreamingProtocol) SDP. Session Description Protocol (SessionDescriptionProtocol) SHA. Secure Hash Algorithm (SecureHashAlgorithm) SIP. Session Initiation Protocol (SessionInitiationProtocol) SVAC. Security and Surveillance Monitoring Digital Video and Audio Coding (SurveilanceVideoandAudioCoding) S/MIME. Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (SecureMultipurposeInternetMailExtensions) TCP. Transmission Control Protocol (TransmissionControlProtocol) TLS. Transport Layer Security (TransportLayerSecurity) UA. User Agent (UserAgent) UAC. User Agent Client (UserAgentClient) UAS. User Agent Server (UserAgentServer) UDP. User Datagram Protocol (UserDatagramProtocol) URI. Global Resource Identifier (UniversalResourceIdentifier) XML. Extensible Markup Language (EXtensibleMarkupLanguage) 4 interconnection structure 4.1 SIP monitoring domain interconnection structure 4.1.1 Overview The SIP monitoring domain interconnection structure for information transmission, switching, and control of a networked system is shown in Figure 1, which is described in a single SIP monitoring domain. The connection relationship between functional entities in two cases between different SIP monitoring domains. The channel interconnection protocol between functional entities is divided into session communication. Channel protocol, media (this standard mainly refers to video/audio) stream channel protocol two types, session channel protocol see 4.3.2~4.3.4, media The body flow channel protocol is specified in 4.3.5 and 4.3.6. Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the SIP monitoring domain interconnection structure 4.1.2 Regional Intranet The SIP monitoring domain in the area is composed of SIP client, SIP device, central signaling control server, streaming media server and signaling security road. It consists of functional entities such as gateways. Each functional entity is based on the transmission network to realize information transmission and exchange in the SIP monitoring domain intranet system. And control. 4.1.3 Cross-regional networking Several relatively independent SIP or non-SIP monitoring domains are based on signaling secure routing gateways and streaming media servers, and are transmitted over IP. The network realizes information transmission, exchange and control between the monitoring domains across regions. 4.1.4 Networking method Cascade The two signaling security routing gateways are in a subordinate relationship, and the subordinate signaling security routing gateway takes the initiative to the upper level signaling security routing gateway. The registration is initiated, and the inter-system communication can be performed after the superior signaling security routing gateway authentication and authentication. The schematic diagram of the cascaded multi-level networking structure is shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. The signaling flow should be forwarded step by step; the media stream should be as shown in Figure 3. Mode transfer, also can be transmitted across the media server. Figure 2 Schematic diagram of signaling cascade structure Figure 3 Schematic diagram of media cascade structure Interconnection The signaling security routing gateways are in a level relationship. When the monitoring resources of the SIP monitoring domain of the other party need to be shared, the signaling security routing gateway is used. Initiated to the destination signaling secure routing gateway, and the inter-system communication can be performed after the destination signaling secure routing gateway authentication authentication. The networking diagram of the interconnection mode is shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. The signaling flow should be transmitted through the signaling secure routing gateway. Transferred through the media server. Figure 4 Schematic diagram of signaling interconnection structure Figure 5 Schematic diagram of media interconnection structure 4.2 SIP monitoring domain and non-SIP monitoring domain interconnection structure 4.2.1 Overview The SIP monitoring domain and the non-SIP monitoring domain are interconnected through a gateway. The interconnection structure is shown in Figure 6. The gateway is a non-SIP monitoring domain access SIP monitor The interface device of the control domain converts the information data of the networked system at multiple levels. According to the type of information data converted, the gateway logically It is divided into control protocol gateway and media gateway. Figure 6 Schematic diagram of the interconnection structure between the SIP monitoring domain and the non-SIP monitoring domain 4.2.2 Control Protocol Gateway The control protocol gateway performs network transmission protocols, control protocols, and device addresses between devices in the SIP monitoring domain and non-SIP monitoring domains. Conversion, specific functions should include one or more of the following. a) proxy non-SIP monitoring domain device to register on the SIP server of the SIP monitoring domain; b) performing a two-way protocol conversion between the network transmission protocol of the non-SIP monitoring domain and the network transmission protocol specified in 5.1; c) The device control protocol of the non-SIP monitoring domain and the session initiation protocol, session description protocol, and control description protocol specified in 4.3 And two-way protocol conversion with the media playback control protocol; d) Perform bidirectional address translation between the device address of the non-SI...... ......

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