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GB/T 2522-2017 English PDF (GB/T 2522-2007, GB/T 2522-1988)

GB/T 2522-2017_English: PDF (GB/T2522-2017)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 2522-2017English105 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Methods of test for the determination of coating insulation resistance and coating adhesion of electrical strip and sheet Valid GB/T 2522-2017
GB/T 2522-2007English399 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Methods of test for the determination of surface insulation resistance and lamination factor of electric sheet and strip Obsolete GB/T 2522-2007
GB/T 2522-1988English279 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Magnetic sheet and strip--Methods of measurement of interlamination resistance and lamination factor and coat adhesiveness Obsolete GB/T 2522-1988

Standard ID GB/T 2522-2017 (GB/T2522-2017)
Description (Translated English) Methods of test for the determination of coating insulation resistance and coating adhesion of electrical strip and sheet
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H21
Classification of International Standard 77.040.99
Word Count Estimation 7,778
Date of Issue 2017-07-12
Date of Implementation 2018-04-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 2522-2007
Adopted Standard IEC 60404-11-2012, NEQ
Drafting Organization Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Shougang Corporation, Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute
Administrative Organization National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC / TC 183)
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This standard specifies the electrical steel strip (sheet) coating insulation resistance and adhesion of the test method. This standard is applicable to the testing of insulation resistance and interlaminar resistance of non-oriented and oriented electrical strip (sheet) surfaces, as well as the adhesion of non-oriented and oriented electrical strip (sheet) insulation coatings.

Standard ID GB/T 2522-2007 (GB/T2522-2007)
Description (Translated English) Methods of test for the determination of surface insulation resistance and lamination factor of electric sheet and strip
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H21
Classification of International Standard 77.040.99
Word Count Estimation 10,142
Date of Issue 2007-01-11
Date of Implementation 2007-06-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 2522-1988 Partial
Drafting Organization Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Corporation
Administrative Organization National Electrical Alloy Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) China Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 1 of 2007
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Association
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the electrical steel (belt) surface insulation resistance, coating adhesion testing methods. This standard applies to single-sided or double-sided insulated electrical steel (belt) surface insulation resistance, coating adhesion tests.

Standard ID GB/T 2522-1988 (GB/T2522-1988)
Description (Translated English) Magnetic sheet and strip--Methods of measurement of interlamination resistance and lamination factor and coat adhesiveness
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H21
Classification of International Standard 77.04
Word Count Estimation 7,718
Date of Issue 1988/12/10
Date of Implementation 1990/1/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 2522-1981
Adopted Standard IEC 60404-2-1978, NEQ
Regulation (derived from) China Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 1 of 2007
Issuing agency(ies) State Bureau of Technical Supervision

GB/T 2522-2017 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.040.99 H 21 Replacing GB/T 2522-2007 Methods of Test for the Determination of Coating Insulation Resistance and Coating Adhesion of Electrical Strip and Sheet (IEC 60404-11.2012, Magnetic Materials - Part 11. Method of Test for the Determination of Surface Insulation Resistance of Magnetic Sheet and Strip, NEQ) ISSUED ON. JULY 12, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 01, 2018 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Coating Insulation Resistance Test ... 5 3 Test Method of Coating Adhesion ... 10 Foreword This Standard was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard replaced GB/T 2522-2007 Methods of Test for the Determination of Surface Insulation Resistance and Lamination Factor of Electric Sheet and Strip; compared with GB/T 2522-2007, this Standard has the major changes as follows. --- Change the standard name from Methods of Test for the Determination of Surface Insulation Resistance and Lamination Factor of Electric Sheet and Strip to Methods of Test for the Determination of Coating Insulation Resistance and Coating Adhesion of Electrical Strip and Sheet; --- Modify the test circuit diagram of coating insulation resistance; --- Delete the test method B of coating insulation resistance; --- Add test method with total area of 10 contacts of 1000mm2; --- Modify the provisions of the total current of 10 contacts; --- Add the calculation of interlayer resistance coefficient; --- Add the repeatability and reproducibility requirements for the coating insulation resistance test; --- Add the coating adhesion levels. This Standard was prepared by using re-drafting law and with reference of IEC 60404- 11.2012 Magnetic Materials – Part 11. Method of Test for the Determination of Surface Insulation Resistance of Magnetic Sheet and Strip; the consistency with IEC 60404- 11.2012 is not equivalent. This Standard was proposed by China Iron and Steel Industry Association. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee for Standardization of Steel (SAC/TC 183). Drafting organizations of this Standard. Wuhan Iron and Steel Company Limited, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shougang Corporation, and China Metallurgical Information and Standardization Institute. Chief drafting staffs of this Standard. Liu Jizhong, Shen Jie, Xiang Qian, Shi Jianrui, Wang Yujie, Hu Shoutian, Tang Ling, Gong Jian, Liu Baoshi, Wei Haili, Zhou Xing, and Qiu Yi. Methods of Test for the Determination of Coating Insulation Resistance and Coating Adhesion of Electrical Strip and Sheet 1 Scope This Standard specifies the test methods for the determination of coating insulation resistance and coating adhesion of electrical strip and sheet. This Standard is applicable to the surface insulation resistance and interlayer resistance test of non-oriented and oriented electrical steel strip and sheet; and the insulation coating adhesion test of non-oriented and oriented electrical steel strip and sheet. 2 Coating Insulation Resistance Test 2.1 Measurement principle Franklin Method that can only perform single coating measurement shall be adopted. The device circuit schematic diagram is shown in Figure 1. Under the specified voltage and pressure, press 10 fixed-area metal contacts against a coating surface of the steel plate. Evaluate the effectiveness of surface insulation coating by measuring the current through 10 contacts. Key. Take ±5% or less test method determining the uncertainty to test the total force exerted by all contacts on the specimen under test. 2.4 Device confirmation The confirmation of the device is suitable to take the following three types. a) Under the rated test pressure, apply the contacts and the drilling bit to a clean copper plate; the total current through the 10 contacts shall be 1.0×(1±3%)A; if the actual situation doesn’t match, check the cleanliness of the contacts, the sharpness of the drilling bit and the contact resistance. b) Under the rated test pressure, pressure the carbon paper onto the white paper through the contacts; at this time, even indentation occurs instead of the sign of force concentration. Replace the carbon paper and white paper by a force measurement board that exerts pressure and is displayed by changing the color density. c) Successively connect the 0.1Ω, 1Ω, 10Ω and 100Ω standard resistances in between the drilling bit and contact pole-shoe; the indication value is stable and reach the required current level. 2.5 Test procedures 2.5.1 Place the specimen between the test bench and 10 contacts; slower exert a certain force. exert the force of 1290×(1±5%)N to the total area of 645mm2; exert the force of 2000×(1±5%)N to the total area of 1000mm2, which is equivalent to the pressure of 2N/mm2. 2.5.2 Power the electrode with a regulated power supply, and read the total current (or read by the computer). 2.5.3 If the test is to evaluate the single-side coating insulation quality, take 10 data by the 10 contacts on the 10 representative different areas or 10 test specimens. 2.5.4 If the test is a comprehensive evaluation of double-side coating insulation quality, the 10 contacts shall be tested on 5 representative areas selected from one- side of the steel plate or 5 test specimens; the two-side test shall not be performed within the same area of the test specimen. 2.6 Calculation of coating insulation resistance 2.6.1 Surface insulation resistance coefficient Introduce the 10 measured current values of the 10 parallel contacts into Formula (1), calculate and obtain the surface insulation resistance coefficient (there are 10 measured values for single-side coating, or 5 measured values on each side of the ......

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