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GB/T 25000.1-2021 English PDF (GB/T 25000.1-2010)

GB/T 25000.1-2021_English: PDF (GB/T25000.1-2021)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 25000.1-2021English409 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation(SQuaRE) -- Part 1: Guide to SQuaRE Valid GB/T 25000.1-2021
GB/T 25000.1-2010EnglishRFQ ASK 4 days [Need to translate] Software engineering -- Software product quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) -- Guide to SQuaRE Obsolete GB/T 25000.1-2010

Standard ID GB/T 25000.1-2021 (GB/T25000.1-2021)
Description (Translated English) Systems and software engineering -- Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation(SQuaRE) -- Part 1: Guide to SQuaRE
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard L77
Classification of International Standard 35.080
Word Count Estimation 22,230
Date of Issue 2021-04-30
Date of Implementation 2021-11-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 25000.1-2010
Drafting Organization Beijing Chinese Academy of Sciences Software Center Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Southern Software Network Evaluation Center, Tsinghua University, National Application Software Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Fuzhou Chinese Academy of Sciences Data Research Institute, Shenzhen Saixi Information Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing Software Evaluation Center Co., Ltd., Guangxi Da Translation Technology Co., Ltd., China Electronics Standardization Research Institute, Guokeyuan Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Fujian Electronic Product Supervision and Inspection Institute, Zhejiang Electronic Information Product Inspection Institute, Guangdong Science and Technology Basic Condition Platform Center, Beijing Kaisihao Peng Software Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 28)
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Announcement No. 5 of 2021
Proposing organization National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 28)
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 25000.1-2010 (GB/T25000.1-2010)
Description (Translated English) Software engineering. Software product quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). Guide to SQuaRE
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard L77
Classification of International Standard 35.080
Word Count Estimation 38,388
Date of Issue 2010-09-02
Date of Implementation 2011-02-01
Adopted Standard ISOIEC 25000-2005, IDT
Drafting Organization China Electronics Standardization Institute
Administrative Organization National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 4 of 2010 (total 159)
Proposing organization National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard provides a software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) series of standards guide. Its purpose is to give SQuaRE content, the common reference model and terminology, definitions, and the relationship between files comprehensive overview that allows the user of this standard application according to its intended use in this series of standards. This standard contains GB/T 16260 and GB/T 18905 series of standards and SQuaRE explain the conversion process, and also describes the GB/T 16260 and GB/T 18905 to their original forms how to use the information SQuaRE series of standards expected for but not limited to software product development, acquirers and independent evaluation side, especially those responsible for defining software quality requirements and evaluation of the people responsible for software products. Recommend SCluaRE and GB/T 18906 and GB/T 16260 series of standards users to use the standards as a guide to the implementation of its mandate.

GB/T 25000.1-2021 Systems and software engineering - Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation(SQuaRE) - Part 1.Guide to SQuaRE ICS 35.080 L77 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replace GB/T 25000.1-2010 System and Software Engineering System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) Part 1.SQuaRE guide [ISO /IEC 25000.2014,Systemsandsoftwareengineering- Released on 2021-04-30 and implemented on 2021-11-01 State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration Issued by the National Standardization Management Committee Table of contents Foreword Ⅰ Introduction Ⅲ 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions 1 4 Compliance 7 5 Introduction to each part of GB/T 25000 standard 7 6 GB/T 25000 standard public model 9 Appendix A (informative appendix) The relationship between the GB/T 25000 standard and the relevant national standards or ISO standards 12 Reference 16 System and Software Engineering System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) Part 1.SQuaRE guide 1 Scope This part of GB/T 25000 provides guidelines for the use of the GB/T 25000 overall standard. This part is intended to be the GB/T 25000 standard Provide a comprehensive description of the content, public reference models and definitions, and the relationship between the parts, allowing users to apply this book according to their purpose of use. section. The GB/T 25000 standard is applicable but not limited to developers, purchasers and independent evaluators of systems and software products, especially those responsible for Define the system and software quality requirements, and the personnel who evaluate the system and software products. 2 Normative references There are no normative references in this document. 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. Note. The following definitions apply to all parts of GB/T 25000. 3.1 Attribute The inherent properties or characteristics of an entity. It can be distinguished quantitatively or qualitatively by manual or automated means. Note. GB/T 19000 distinguishes two types of attributes. a persistent characteristic inherent in things; characteristics assigned to products, processes or systems (such as product The price of the product, the owner of the product). The assigned characteristics are not inherent quality characteristics of the product, process, or system. [Source. ISO /IEC /IEEE15939.2017, definition 3.2, with modification] 3.2 Basemeasure A measure defined in accordance with a certain attribute and a method of quantifying it. Note 1.A basic measure is functionally independent of other measures. Note 2.Based on the definition of "basic quantity" in the.2012 edition of the International Metrology Vocabulary-Basic and General Concepts and related terms. [Source. ISO /IEC /IEEE15939.2017, definition 3.3] 3.3 Contextofuse Users, tasks, equipment (hardware, software, and materials), and physical and social environments that use a product. 3.4 Customsoftware Software products developed for specific applications according to user requirements specifications. 5.3 GB/T 25000.10---System and software quality model This part describes the model of system and software product quality and use quality, and gives the characteristics of software product quality and use quality And sub-characteristics. 5.4 GB/T 25000.12---Data quality model This part defines a general data quality model for the data stored in a structured format in a computer system. This part The data quality model defined in can be used to establish data quality requirements, define data quality metrics, or plan and execute data quality evaluations. 5.5 GB/T 25000.20---Quality measurement framework This part gives a public reference model for the measurement of quality measurement elements, software internal quality and software external quality and quality of use, and Provided an introductory explanation. This part provides guidelines for users to select, develop and apply the measures in national standards. 5.6 GB/T 25000.21---Quality measurement elements This part gives a set of recommended definitions and specifications of basic and derived measures, which are expected to be in the entire system and software development life cycle These measures can be applied internally. The measures described in this section can be used as internal software quality, system and software external quality, and system and software external quality. Pieces use quality measurement inputs. 5.7 GB/T 25000.22---Use quality measurement This part describes a set of measures used to measure the quality of use, and provides guidelines for the use of system and software to measure the quality of use. 5.8 GB/T 25000.23---System and software product quality measurement This part defines the quality measurement in order to quantitatively measure the system and software according to the characteristics and sub-characteristics defined in GB/T 25000.10 Product quality, and is intended to be used with GB/T 25000.10. 5.9 GB/T 25000.24---Data quality measurement This part defines quality measures to quantitatively measure data quality based on the characteristics defined in GB/T 25000.12. 5.10 GB/T 25000.30---Quality Requirements Framework This part gives the requirements and guidelines for the process of specifying the quality requirements, and gives the requirements and suggestions for the quality requirements. 5.11 GB/T 25000.40---Evaluation process This part contains requirements and suggestions for evaluating system and software product quality, and clarifies general concepts. This section provides a To describe the process of evaluating system and software product quality, and to specify the requirements for applying this process. 5.12 GB/T 25000.41--Evaluation guidelines for developers, demanders and independent evaluators This part gives specific requirements and suggestions for developers, demanders and independent evaluators. 5.13 GB/T 25000.45---Recoverability evaluation module This section provides specifications for evaluating the recoverability sub-characteristics defined under the reliability characteristics in the quality model. It determines when the information system When the execution of one or more software products included in the system is disturbed, the system and software are in the external quality of fault tolerance and autonomous recovery index Measured. 5.14 GB/T 25000.51---Quality requirements and test rules for ready-to-use software products (RUSP) This part establishes the quality requirements of RUSP software products and the requirements of test documents in RUSP testing, including test plans, test Description and test results. This part provides guidance for the conformity evaluation of RUSP software products. 5.15 GB/T 25000.62---Common Format for Usability Test Report Industry (CIF) This section introduces the overall framework of information related to ease of use. It describes a potential standard of the Industry Common Format (CIF) and records the Specification and evaluation of the ease of use of the interactive system. This part gives a general overview of the CIF framework, content, definitions, and the relationship between the elements of the framework. 6 GB/T 25000 standard public model 6.1 General The following clauses give all public models used in the GB/T 25000 standard. These models form the basis of this standard practice, Further explanations are provided by special and/or detailed standard documents. These models are described as follows. a) The general reference model of GB/T 25000 standard---as a user task function, it provides navigation for GB/T 25000 standard guide; b) System and software product quality life cycle model --- internal quality, external quality and use quality are in the system and software life cycle The view during the period; c) Quality model structure---classify system and software quality into characteristics, sub-characteristics and quality attributes. 6.2 General reference model of GB/T 25000 standard Establish a general reference model of the GB/T 25000 standard (see Figure 2) to help users navigate the GB/T 25000 standard. The selection of appropriate standards and documents from the GB/T 25000 standard depends on the user's role and information needs. In addition to the specific letter with them In addition to the part related to the role of information, it is recommended that all users refer to the general guide at the beginning. Note. The requirements specification and evaluation process have not yet involved data quality evaluation. Appendix A (Informative appendix) The relationship between GB/T 25000 standard and relevant national standards or ISO standards A.1 GB/T 20917-2007 The GB/T 25000 standard has a very close relationship with GB/T 20917, because GB/T 20917 has been integrated with the measurement phase. It can also be applied to the evaluation process defined in the GB/T 25000 standard. GB/T 20917 defines a common process and behavior, which is necessary for the successful identification of the entire project or organizational measurement structure. It is necessary to distinguish, define, select, confirm and improve software measurement. This standard also identifies effective solutions in a project or management context Software technology and management information require the principles and characteristics of the required measurement process. The purpose of GB/T 20917 is. a) Provide a universally defined and tailorable measurement process to support the realization of specific measurements required in the field of software engineering; b) Establish the characteristics of the measurement process to support the integration of process and product measurement data into meaningful information; c) Establish a basis for the collection and utilization of measurement data within the scope of the project to support project estimation and tracking, product evaluation, Process evaluation and improvement needs; d) Define general measurement terms applicable to all users and the entire life cycle. A.2 GB/T 22032-2021 GB/T 22032 establishes a general framework for describing life cycle systems created by humans. It defines a series of processes and related techniques language. These processes can be applied to any level in the system structure. The selected process set can be applied to the entire life cycle, In order to manage and execute the various stages of the system life cycle. The purpose of GB/T 22032, especially in the technical process, is. a) Define the requirements of the system, which can provide users and other stakeholders with the required services in a specific environment; b) Transform the stakeholder and demand-driven perspective of the required service into a technical perspective that can deliver the product required by the service; c) Comprehensive solutions to meet system requirements through architecture design; d) Generate designated system elements; e) Combine a system consistent with the architecture design; f) Confirm that the system has achieved specific design requirements; g) Establish an ability to provide services specified by the needs of stakeholders in the operating environment; h) Provide objective evidence to show that the services provided by the system in use meet the needs of stakeholders; i) Support the ability of a system to provide services. The process used to develop quality requirements in GB/T 25000.30 is based on the technical process of GB/T 22032.On the other hand, in The evaluation process defined in the GB/T 25000 standard can be used to help the "confirmation process" in GB/T 22032. A.3 ISO /IEC 12207.2017 ISO /IEC 12207.2017 has developed a general framework and terminology for the software life cycle. It includes software product supply, development, All processes, activities, and tasks to be applied in the operation and maintenance process. In the development process, developers need to create and record software requirements, including product quality attribute specifications. allowable Guidance on quality characteristics is found in GB/T 25000.10.GB/T 25000.22, GB/T 25000.23 and GB/T 25000.24 are available It can be used to assign quantitative target values to quality requirements. The GB/T 25000 standard can also be used in the development process, mainly for evaluation Intermediate and final software products. A.4 ISO /IEC 15504 ISO /IEC 15504 is a 10-part standard formed on the basis of the experience gained in the SPICE project. It mainly It is used for software process assessment and process capability assessment. The first basic assumption is that the quality of a software product is largely affected by the process of developing it. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the soft The quality of each piece of product needs to improve the quality of the software process. The second assumption is that the quality of the software process is that the process is clearly defined, managed, and measured And the degree of continuous improvement. This is reflected by the process capability. The input for the evaluation is defined in ISO /IEC 15504-2.The GB/T 25000 standard can be used when evaluating the organization’s measurement and quality processes. For a reference. The ISO /IEC 15504 series of standards provide guidelines and identify the measurement framework of process capability and the following requirements. a) Perform evaluation; b) Process reference model; c) Process evaluation model; d) The compliance of the verification process assessment. A.5 ISO 9000 series of standards The ISO 9000 series of standards are designed to assist organizations of all types and sizes to realize and operate an effective quality management system. Types of products, the series of standards include. a) ISO 9000.2015---describes the basic points of the quality management system and specifies the terminology of the quality management system. b) ISO /IEC 90003.2014---provide an organization to apply ISO 9001 for procurement, supply, development, operation and maintenance of computer software Provided a guide. c) ISO 9001.2015-specifies the requirements of a quality management system, in which an organization needs to demonstrate that it can meet customer needs The purpose of the ability to manage and control demanded products is to improve customer satisfaction. d) ISO 9004.2018---provides guidance for the organization's sustainable quality management, while considering the effectiveness and effectiveness of the quality management system rate. The goal of the standard is to improve organizational efficiency and customer and other stakeholder satisfaction. e) ISO 19011.2018---provides guidance for auditing quality and environmental management systems. Together, they form a set of quality management system standards to promote mutual understanding in domestic and international trade. In these international standards The required quality management system requirements and the requirements specified in the ISO /IEC JTC1/SC7 system and software engineering standards are complementary to each other. The quality management system method encourages organizations to analyze customer needs, define processes that help customers to achieve acceptable products, and ensure the process Controllable. The quality management system provides a framework for continuous improvement, increases the possibility of customer satisfaction, and improves the competitive advantage of the organization. Potential. At the same time, it also brings confidence to organizations and customers, and guarantees the provision of products that fully meet their needs. ISO 9000.2015 describes some basic points of the quality management system, which form the subject of the ISO 9000 series of standards, and at the same time The relevant terms are defined. This international standard applies to. a) The organization seeks advantages by implementing the quality management system; b) Organizations gain confidence by satisfying the product needs of their suppliers; c) the user of the product; d) People and organizations (e.g. suppliers, customers and regulatory agencies) who need to reach a consensus on the terms used in quality management; e) Internal or external personnel and organizations that evaluate the organization’s quality management system or audit its compliance according to the requirements of ISO 9001 (E.g. auditors, regulatory agencies and certification bodies); f) Internal or external personnel and institutions that advise or provide training on the organization's quality management system; g) Developers of relevant standards. ISO /IEC 90003.2014 provides guidance for organizations to apply ISO 9001.2008 to obtain, supply, develop, operate and maintain computer software south. This guide is applied to computer systems. a) As part of a commercial contract with another organization; b) As a product available in the marketing department; c) Support the business process of the organization; d) As software embedded in hardware products; e) Provide software operation, maintenance and support services. ISO /IEC 90003.2014 is usually cited as ISO /IEC /JTC1/SC7, especially ISO /IEC 9126, 12207, 15939 And additional guidance to the software engineering standards defined in 15504. This international standard identifies the technology, life cycle model, development process, activity sequence, or organization that should be resolved. Structure-irrelevant issues. The guidelines and the identified issues are expected to be extensive, but not exhaustive. The scope of an organization’s activities includes in addition to In areas other than computer software development, the relationship between the computer software foundation of the organization's quality management system and other aspects should be taken as a whole The body is clearly recorded in the quality management system. ISO 9001.2015 specifies the requirements of a quality management system, in which the organization. a) It needs to demonstrate its ability to provide products that are consistent with the needs of customers and applicable regulations, and b) Aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system. include. 1) The continuous improvement process of the system and the guarantee of customer compliance, and 2) Applicable regulatory requirements. All the requirements of this international standard are universal and are intended to be applicable to organizations of different types, sizes and offering different products. When any requirement of this standard is not applicable due to the characteristics of the organization and its products, it can be considered to be deleted, but this reduction is limited to For a specific subset of requirements. Such reductions must be reasonable and must not affect the organization's provision of products that meet the requirements of customers and applicable laws and regulations. The ability or responsibility of the product. ISO 9004.2018 provides guidance beyond the requirements given in ISO 9001, mainly to consider a quality management system. The effectiveness and efficiency of the department, thereby improving the potential of organizational performance. Compared with ISO 9001, the goal of customer satisfaction and product quality Targets can extend to include the satisfaction of stakeholders and the performance of the organization. This international standard applies to organizational processes and also applies to quality management guidelines that can be deployed and implemented throughout the organization. The standard coke The point is to obtain continuous improvement through the satisfaction measurement of customers and other interested parties. ISO 9004 is composed of guidelines and recommended standards, and is not applicable to certification, regulations, or contracts, nor is it applicable to the implementation of ISO 9001 guide. ISO 19011.2018 provides audit criteria, audit project management, quality management system audit operations, and environmental management system audits. And a guide to the competence of quality and environmental management system auditors. This standard applies to all organizations that need to audit internal and external software quality control and management, and/or environmental management systems. In principle, it is also possible to apply this international standard to other types of audits, evaluations, and evaluations. In this case, it is necessary Special consideration is how to define the required skills of audit team members. A.6 ISO /IEC 29119 ISO /IEC 29119 aims to define an internationally recognized standard for software testing, which can be implemented by any organization in any form Used when testing the software. The ISO /IEC 29119 series consists of the following parts. a) ISO /IEC 29119-1.2013; b) ISO /IEC 29119-2.2013; c) ISO /IEC 29119-3.2013; d) ISO /IEC 29119-4.2015. ISO /IEC 29119-1.2013 provides definitions, context and guidelines for other parts. The document includes a conceptual description of software testing and Some application software testing process methods defined in this standard. The test process model for this part of the standard is based on the test process defined in detail in ISO /IEC 29119-2.2013. ISO /IEC 29119-2.2013 covers the software testing process at the organizational level and test management level, and is used at the dynamic test level. The ISO /IEC 29119-3.2013 test document defines the templates and test cases generated during the testing process. Software testing techniques can be Used in testing, this is defined in the testing technology of ISO /IEC 29119-4. The relationship between the ISO /IEC 29119 series and the GB/T 25000 standard can especially be found in ISO /IEC 29119-4.2015. Reflect, which discusses the testing of quality characteristics. From a more practical software engineering perspective, it is usually recommended to combine software testing and software quality testing. The measurement and evaluation are integrated into a unified and effective testing activity. ......

GB/T 25000.1-2010 Software engineering. Software product quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). Guide to SQuaRE ICS 35.080 L77 National Standards of People's Republic of China Software Engineering Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) SQuaRE Guide Evaluation (SQuaRE) -GuidetoSQuaRE (ISO /IEC 25000.2005, IDT) Issued on. 2010-09-02 2011-02-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Table of Contents Preface Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ 1 Scope 1 2 Compliance 1 3 Normative references 1 4 Terms and definitions 5 SQuaRE. Software product quality requirements and evaluation --- series of standards on product quality requirements and evaluation 7 5.1 SQuaRE series standard organization structure 8 Overview of individual files within a series of standards 8 5.2 SQuaRE 5.3 SQuaRE common model 10 Relations Appendix A (Informative Appendix) SQuaRE series of standards and other ISO standards 13 Appendix B (Informative Appendix) GB/T 18905 and GB/T 16260 16 review Appendix C (Informative Appendix) ISO /IEC 9126, ISO /IEC 14598 series of standards and SQuaRE series of standards between The conversion process and history 26 Appendix D (Informative Appendix) SQuaRE series of standards Application Examples 28 References 31 Foreword This standard is identical with the international standard ISO /IEC 25000.2005 "Software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) SQuaRE Guide "(in English). The standard ISO /IEC 25000.2005 made the following editorial changes. a) According to SQuaRE series of standards other criteria illustrated in Figure 1 illustrates the increase in the extension segment; b) ISO /IEC 25000. B.2.2 2005 Appendix B leads in ISO 8402, but because the standard has been abolished and its contents By the ISO 9000 (ie, GB/T 19000) contains, therefore replaces ISO 8402 for the GB/T 19000. The Standard Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, Appendix D are informative appendices. This standard by the National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee and centralized. The standard by the China Electronics Standardization Institute, Shanghai Baoxin Software Co., Ltd., Shandong Computer Science Center, China Aerospace Science Technology Group Software Testing Center, Shanghai computer software technology development center is responsible for drafting, Shanghai Lu Qixin Information Technology Co., Ltd. is responsible for drafting. The main drafters of this standard. Vang Pao Ai Feng Hui, Chen roots, pillars, Yanggen Xing Dong fire people, Zhao Honglei, Ouyang Shusheng, Li Gang, Wang Ling, Zhanglu Ying, Han Hongjiang. introduction The computer is widely used in growing a variety of applications, and its proper operation for business success and (or) human security often Often at stake. Therefore, the development or selection of high-quality software products is extremely important. For software products quality fully describe and evaluate Software is a key factor to ensure the appropriate quality. In considering the software product desired by defining appropriate quality characteristics to achieve this purpose Mark. It is important provisions and quality characteristics evaluation of each respective software products, whenever possible or use widely accepted measure confirmation. Quality characteristics and associated measurement not only for evaluating a software product, but can also be used to define software quality requirements. SQuaRE Predecessors --- ISO /IEC 9126.1991 has been a relationship of two multi-part international standard. the ISO /IEC 9126 series of standards (soft Products quality) and ISO /IEC 14598 series of standards (Software product evaluation) replaced. The following are a few points due to the two series of standards The actual use of triggered and lead to the development of new SQuaRE series of international standards. a) ISO /IEC 9126 (GB/T 16260) and ISO /IEC 14598 (GB/T 18905) both have a common normative, referential And functional foundation; b) ISO /IEC 9126 (GB/T 16260) and ISO /IEC 14598 (GB/T 18905) consisting of a complementary set of criteria; c) two independent series of standards lifetime inconsistent in standard rooms. The overall goal of the preparation SQuaRE series of international standards is a logical development of the organization, strengthened and unified series of standards Cover two main types of processes, software quality requirements specification and software quality measurement process supported by the software quality evaluation. SQuaRE series The purpose is to assist the international standard quality requirements for the use of those procedures and the evaluation and acquisition of software products to develop people. The series of standards established Software product quality requirements, its measurement and evaluation criteria. It includes property development process consistent positioning in the customer's definition of quality Two-part quality model. In addition, the series provides a standard by the developer, software product's use and evaluation of demand-side mass property measurement Suggest. Special emphasis is SQuaRE series of international standards only focus on software product quality. SQuaRE in ISO /IEC 2500n --- Quality Management Division relates to software product quality requirements specification, measurement and evaluation, and alone, but also very different from the process Quality Management Quality management, process defined in the ISO 9000 series of standards. SQuaRE series of major advantages over its predecessors standard criteria include the following. a) coordinating the software product quality measurement and evaluation guidelines; b) guidance software product quality regulations; c) The ISO /IEC 25020 software product quality measurements constitute the ISO /IEC 15939 Reference Model (GB/T 20917) Coordinated. SQuaRE series of international standards and ISO /IEC 9126 (GB/T 16260) and ISO /IEC 14598 (GB/T 18905) the main difference Differences are as follows. a) introducing a new reference model; b) introducing each segment specific detailed guidance; c) introducing an internal quality measurement element Measurement Division; d) the introduction of quality Division; e) the evaluation process of consolidation and revision; f) introducing the use of practical guidance example configuration; g) and the contents of ISO /IEC 15939 for the coordination and integration. SQuaRE Division consists of the following components. a) ISO /IEC 2500n --- Quality Management Division; b) ISO /IEC 2501n --- Quality Model Division; c) ISO /IEC 2502n --- Quality Measurement Division; d) ISO /IEC 2503n --- quality segments; e) ISO /IEC 2504n --- Quality Assessment Division; f) ISO /IEC 25050 to ISO /IEC 25099 reserved for SQuaRE extend standards and (or) technical report. SQuaRE series of criteria. a) terms and definitions; b) reference model; c) the general guidelines; d) a separate part of the guide; e) requirements for procedures, planning and management, measurement and evaluation criteria purposes. SQuaRE series of standards, including standards for quality and measurement models and quality requirements and evaluation. SQuaRE series of standards will replace GB/T 16260 and GB/T 18905 series of standards. SQuaRE national standards will be GB/T 25000.1 to GB/T 25000.99 given number. GB/T 25000.1 is a new standard, which aims to provide a reference model, the terms, definitions, standards and guidance on technical documentation Practice using the common framework to guide member. Software Engineering Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) SQuaRE Guide 1 Scope This standard provides a software product quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) series of standards usage guidelines. Its purpose is to give SQuaRE Content, a comprehensive overview of the relationship between the common reference model and terminology, definitions, and between each file, allowing the user of this standard according to their purpose of use Application of this series of standards. This standard contains GB T 16260 and GB/T 18905 Series Solutions/Standard and SQuaRE conversion process Release, and also provides information GB/T 16260 and GB/T 18905 in their original form how to use it. SQuaRE series of standards expected to be applied, but not limited to software product development side, demand-side and independent evaluator, particularly those responsible for a given Meaning software quality requirements and people responsible for software product evaluation. Recommendation SQuaRE and GB/T 18905 and GB/T 16260 standard series Prospective users use the standard as a guide to the implementation of its mandate. 2 Compliance This standard does not meet the special provisions, we want to use SQuaRE series of standards users to follow the standard of each file in each series Since compliance provisions. 3 Normative References This standard does not require any normative references. All the information listed in the reference document references. 4 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. Note. The following terms and definitions apply to all parts SQuaRE series of standards. 4.1 Demand-side acquirer Gets or individual or organization purchasing system, software product or software service from a supplier. Note. Based on GB/T 8566-2007. 4.2 Analysis Model analysismodel A combination of one or more base measures and (or) a derived measure and decision criteria associated algorithms or calculations. 4.3 Property attribute The inherent properties or characteristics of the entity, manually or automatically by means of quantitative or qualitative identification. Note 1. Based on the GB/T 20917-2007. To the product, process or system assigned characteristics (such as yield; in things inherently present in a lasting features. Note 2. GB/T 19000 distinguish properties Product price, product owner). Assigned characteristic is not a product, process or system inherent quality characteristics. 4.4 Quality Measure property attributeforqualitymeasure And software product itself, with the use of the software product development process or its related properties. Note. The attribute is used to obtain a quality measure is used to measure the quality of the elements (metric unit). ......

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