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GB/T 21241-2022 English PDF (GB/T 21241-2007)

GB/T 21241-2022_English: PDF (GB/T21241-2022)
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GB/T 21241-2022English80 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers Valid GB/T 21241-2022
GB/T 21241-2007English105 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers Obsolete GB/T 21241-2007

Standard ID GB/T 21241-2022 (GB/T21241-2022)
Description (Translated English) Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Y43
Classification of International Standard 71.100.40
Word Count Estimation 10,181
Date of Issue 2022-12-30
Date of Implementation 2023-07-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 21241-2007
Drafting Organization China Light Daily Chemical Inspection and Certification Co., Ltd., Beijing Green Umbrella Technology Co., Ltd., Blue Moon (China) Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Liby Enterprise Group Co., Ltd., Pengchen New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Perfect (Guangdong) Commodity Co., Ltd. , Fujian Mengjiaolan Daily Chemical Co., Ltd., Transfar Group Co., Ltd. Commodity Branch, Xi'an Youluqing Technology Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Heshunxing Daily Chemical Co., Ltd., China Daily Chemical Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee on Surfactants and Detergents (SAC/TC 272)
Proposing organization State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Management Committee

Standard ID GB/T 21241-2007 (GB/T21241-2007)
Description (Translated English) Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Y43
Classification of International Standard 71.100.35; 71.100.40
Word Count Estimation 8,860
Date of Issue 2007-12-05
Date of Implementation 2008-09-01
Drafting Organization National Cleaning Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Taiyuan)
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee surfactant and detergent
Regulation (derived from) China National Standard Approval Announcement2007 No.12 (Total No.112)
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the sanitary cleaner product categories, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, signs, packaging, transport and storage requirements. This standard applies to the inorganic acid, organic acids, surfactants or other additives as the main raw material complex liquid detergent.

GB/T 21241-2022 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 71.100.40 CCS Y 43 Replacing GB/T 21241-2007 Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers 卫生洁具清洗剂 ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 30, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2023 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; National Standardization Administration. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 6 4 Product categories ... 6 5 Requirements ... 6 6 Test methods ... 7 7 Inspection rules ... 10 8 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 10 Foreword This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents". This document replaces GB/T 21241-2007 "Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers". Compared with GB/T 21241-2007, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows: a) CHANGE the basic requirements (see 5.1; 4.1 of the 2007 edition); b) CHANGE the appearance and stability item requirements (see 5.2; 4.2 of the 2007 edition); c) CHANGE the name of the surfactant content item (see 5.3; 4.3 of the 2007 edition); d) CHANGE the requirements for corrosive items (see 5.3; 4.3 of the 2007 edition); e) ADD the total phosphorus pentoxide content items, requirements, detection methods (see 5.3 and 6.8); f) ADD the remarks on the total acidity weighing quantity (see; g) CHANGE the expression of results of total acidity (see; of the 2007 edition); h) CHANGE the basis for the detection method of total effective substance content (see 6.6; 5.5 of the 2007 edition); i) CHANGE the description of corrosion testing (see 6.7; 5.6 of the 2007 edition); j) CHANGE the inspection rules (see Chapter 7; Chapter 6 of the 2007 edition); k) CHANGE the marking requirements (see 8.1; 7.1 of the 2007 edition); l) CHANGE the packaging requirements (see 8.2; 7.2 of the 2007 edition); m) DELETE the corrosion requirements and test methods for cast iron (see 4.3 and 5.6.2 of the 2007 edition); n) DELETE the quantitative packaging requirements (see 4.4 of the 2007 edition); o) DELETE the shelf life requirement (see 7.4.3 of the 2007 edition). Please note that some content in this document may be subject to patents. The publisher of this document assumes no responsibility for identifying patents. Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers 1 Scope This document stipulates the classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation, storage of toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers. This document is applicable to the production and testing of liquid, paste, gel sanitary ware cleaning products, that are composed of inorganic acids, organic acids, surfactants or other auxiliaries as the main raw materials. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 3810.13-2016 Test methods of ceramic tiles - Part 13: Determination of chemical resistance GB/T 4100-2015 Ceramic tiles GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods GB/T 13173-2021 Surface active agents - Test methods for detergents GB/T 26396 Technical specification for safety of soaps and detergents GB/T 36970 Instruction for use of consumer products - Labelling for detergents QB/T 2117-1995 General water-based metal detergents QB/T 2739 Preparations of standard volumetric solutions of general test methods for washing products QB/T 2951 Inspecting rules for detergent products QB/T 2952 Requirements for detergent marks and packaging Using phenolphthalein as an indicator, titrate the specimen solution with sodium hydroxide standard titration solution until it appears reddish. Calculate the total acidity based on the consumption. 6.5.2 Reagents Sodium hydroxide, c(NaOH) = 0.2 mol/L standard titration solution. Phenolphthalein, 10 g/L indicator solution. 6.5.3 Instruments Erlenmeyer flask, 250 mL. Stopperless alkaline burette, 50 mL. 6.5.4 Procedure Determination Mix the specimen evenly. Weigh 2 g ~ 5 g (accurate to 0.001 g) into an Erlenmeyer flask ( Add 30 mL of distilled water. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution ( Shake well. Use the burette (, to titrate it, using sodium hydroxide standard titration solution (, until it is reddish, which is taken as the end point. Keep 30 s without fading. Note: The sample volume can be adjusted symmetrically according to the content. Result calculation The total acidity is expressed by the mass fraction w of HCl contained in each gram of specimen, which is calculated according to formula (1): Where: c - Concentration of standard titration solution of sodium hydroxide, in moles per liter (mol/L); V - Volume of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution consumed in the titration, in milliliters (mL); m - Mass of the specimen, in grams (g). The results are rounded to the nearest integer using the arithmetic mean. Precision: The absolute difference between two independent test results obtained under repeated conditions is not greater than 5% of the arithmetic mean of the two measured values, provided that the absolute difference is not greater than 5% if it is greater than 5%. 6.6 Total effective substance content If there are no special instructions, the provisions of 7.4.1 in GB/T 13173-2021 shall be followed. 6.7 Corrosiveness 6.7.1 Ceramic tile corrosiveness The measurement is carried out according to the test method of 8.1 in GB/T 3810.13- 2016. The corrosion time is 4 h. The liquid concentration of the test sample is the original solution. The test device is kept at a temperature of (25 ± 2) °C. The ceramic tiles used for the test shall be glazed tiles specified in Appendix L of GB/T 4100-2015. In order to determine the applicability of the pencil test, use an HB pencil to draw several line marks on the untreated part of the glaze. If the line marks can be rubbed off using a damp cloth, it can be used as the test glazed tile sample for testing. However, if it cannot be wiped off, re-select the glazed tile for testing. Use the methods and in GB/T 3810.13-2016 to make determination. If there is no visible change on the surface, meanwhile the HB pencil mark can be rubbed off using a damp cloth, it is judged as qualified. 6.7.2 Corrosion of metal test pieces The corrosion resistance of 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel, H62 brass, Cu/Ni10bCr brass chromium plating is measured according to QB/T 2117-1995; H62 brass is rated according to in QB/T 2117-1995; 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel and Cu/Ni10bCr brass chromium plating are rated according to the following criteria. Soak the general-purpose cleaning agent in the original solution at (25 ± 2) °C for 30 minutes. If necessary, heat the water bath to maintain the solution temperature at (25 ± 2) °C. 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel and Cu/Ni10bCr brass chromium plating (specimen comparison before corrosion): Level 0 - As bright as ever; Level 1 - Uniform and slight discoloration; Grade 2 - Visible discoloration; Grade 3 - Severe and obvious discoloration or corrosion. 6.8 Total phosphorus pentoxide content ......

GB/T 21241-2007 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 71.100.35;71.100.40 Y 43 Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers 卫生洁具清洗剂 ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 05, 2007 IMPLEMENTED ON: SEPTEMBER 01, 2008 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of PRC; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative references ... 4 3 Product classification ... 5 4 Requirements ... 5 5 Test method ... 6 6 Inspection rules ... 9 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 11 Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers 1 Scope This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage requirements of toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers. This standard applies to liquid detergents, which are compounded by inorganic acids, organic acids, surfactants or other auxiliaries, as the main raw materials. 2 Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. For the dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard; however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB/T 3810.13-2006 Test methods of ceramic tiles - Part 13: Determination of chemical resistance (ISO 10545-13:1995, IDT) GB/T 4100-2006 Ceramic tiles (ISO 13006:1998, MOD) GB 9985-2000 Detergents for hand dishwashing GB/T 13173.1 Method of sample division for detergents GB/T 13173.2-2000 General specification for sweep signal generators QB/T 2117-1995 General water-based metal detergents QB/T 2739 Preparations of standard volumetric solutions of general test methods for washing products JJF 1070-2005 Rules of metrological testing for net quantity of products in prepackages with fixed content Order of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China [2005] No.75 "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Measurement of Quantitative Packaged Commodities" 3 Product classification Toilet bowl and ceramic tile cleansers are divided into two types, according to the object of use of the product: Universal - It is suitable for cleaning all sanitary ware; Special type for urinals and toilets - It is suitable for cleaning urinals and toilets. 4 Requirements 4.1 Material requirements The biodegradability of various surfactants, which are used in sanitary ware cleaning agents, shall not be less than 90%. It is recognized that the degradation is safe for the environment (for example, tetra propylene alkyl benzene sulfonate, alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ether shall not be used). 4.2 Sensory indicators 4.2.1 Appearance: Liquid product, homogeneous, without stratification, without suspended solids or precipitation (except for products, to which uniform suspended particle components are added). 4.2.2 Odor: There is no peculiar smell, AND it conforms to the specified fragrance type (except for unflavored products). 4.2.3 Stability: Place it in a refrigerator at -5 °C ± 2 °C, for 24 h. Take it out and restore it to room temperature. Make observation. There shall be no crystallization, precipitation, discoloration. Place it in a thermostat at 40 °C ± 2 °C, for 24 h. Take out for observation immediately. There shall be no delamination, discoloration, turbidity, or change in smell. Note: Stability means that there is no obvious change in appearance, before and after the sample is tested. 4.3 Physical and chemical indicators The physical and chemical indicators of sanitary ware's cleaning agent shall comply with the provisions of Table 1. Pour the sanitary ware's cleaning agent sample into a clean 60 mL glass ground-mouth reagent bottle. Place it in an oven at 40 °C ± 2 °C. Take it out after 24 hours. Check the appearance and smell immediately. Make judgement as required. 5.4 Determination of total acidity 5.4.1 Principle Using phenolphthalein as an indicator; the specimen solution is titrated by sodium hydroxide standard titration solution, until it turns reddish. The total acidity is calculated, according to the consumption. 5.4.2 Reagents a) Sodium hydroxide (GB/T 629), c(NaOH) = 0.2 mol/L standard titration solution; b) Phenolphthalein (GB/T 10729), 10 g/L indicator solution. 5.4.3 Instruments Common laboratory instruments and a) Conical flask, 250 mL; b) Burette without stopper, 50 mL. 5.4.4 Procedure Determination Mix the specimen uniformly. Weigh 2 g ~ 5 g (accurate to 0.001 g) into the conical flask [5.4.3a)]. Add 30 mL of distilled water. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution [5.4.2b)]. Shake well. Use burette [5.4.3b)] to titrate it, through sodium hydroxide standard titration solution, to reddish, which is taken as the end point. It keeps 30 s without fading. Calculation of results The total acidity is expressed by the mass fraction, X, of hydrochloric acid, which is contained in each gram of the specimen, in %. It is calculated according to formula (1): Where: V - The volume of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution, which is consumed in titration, in milliliters (mL); c - The concentration of sodium hydroxide standard titration solution, in mole per liter (mol/L); m - The mass of the specimen, in grams (g). For the results, take the arithmetic mean, which is rounded to one decimal place. Precision: The absolute difference, between two independent test results, which are obtained under repeatability conditions, is not greater than 5% of the arithmetic mean of the two measured values. 5.5 Determination of surfactant content In general, the total active content shall be measured, in accordance with the provisions of 8.1 (Method A) in GB/T 13173.2-2000. When the product formula contains surfactant components, that are insoluble in ethanol, OR it is stipulated in the order contract of the customer that the test result of the total active content does not include water cosolvent, AND it is required to be determined by the chloroform extraction method, THEN, the total active content shall be determined according to A1, in Appendix A of GB 9985-2000. 5.6 Determination of corrosivity 5.6.1 Determination of ceramic tile's corrosivity Make measurement according to 8.1 of GB/T 3810.13-2006; the corrosion time is 4 h; the original solution's temperature is 25 °C ± 2 °C. The ceramic tile, which is used for the test, shall comply with the provisions of Appendix L in GB/T 4100-2006. It shall be judged, according to 8.2 of GB/T 3810.13-2006. If the surface color does not change, AND the HB pencil scratches can be wet-wiped off, THEN, it is judged as qualified. 5.6.2 Determination of corrosivity of metal test strip The corrosion grade of Z30 cast iron and H62 brass shall be determined and graded according to in QB/T 2117-1995. The 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel and Cu/Ni10bCr chrome-plated brass shall be graded, according to the following criteria. For urinal and toilet-specific products, soak them in a 3% 250 mg/kg hard water solution at 25 °C ± 2 °C, for 30 minutes. For universal products, soak them in 25 °C ± 2 °C stock solution, for 30 minutes. 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel and Cu/Ni10bCr brass with chrome-plating (specimen comparison before and after corrosion): Grade 0 - As bright as ever; Grade 1 - Uniform slight discoloration; No secondary sampling shall be carried out, during product quality supervision and inspection AND random inspection, by arbitration institutions. 7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage 7.1 Marking 7.1.1 The signs of product's sales packaging shall comply with the relevant national regulations. It generally shall have the following signs: a) Product name, trademark, type, implemented standard number; b) Production date and shelf life OR product batch number and expiration date; c) Net content; d) The main components of the product; e) Product performance, instructions for use, necessary precautions; f) Producer's name, address, postal code. 7.1.2 The large package of the product shall have the following signs: a) Product name, trademark, type, implemented standard number; b) The production date or product batch number; c) The number of boxes; d) The gross weight of the cargo box and the size of the box; e) The necessary patterns or markings for safe storage and transportation; f) Producer's name, address, postal code. 7.1.3 The signs (patterns or characters) on the packaging shall be upright and firm, clear and beautiful, easy to identify. If the barcode is printed, it shall comply with the relevant regulations of the country. 7.2 Packaging 7.2.1 Requirements for sales packaging For products, which are packaged in plastic bottles or soft plastics, the cap must be tightened; the seal shall be firm; the outer surface of the package shall not be contaminated by leakage. Products with other packaging shall meet the requirements of the product itself, based on the principle of ensuring product quality and use ......

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