GB/T 20234.4-2023_English: PDF (GB/T20234.4-2023)
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Connection set of conductive charging for electric vehicles - Part 4: High power DC charging coupler
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GB/T 20234.4-2023
Standard ID | GB/T 20234.4-2023 (GB/T20234.4-2023) | Description (Translated English) | Connection set of conductive charging for electric vehicles - Part 4: High power DC charging coupler | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | T35 | Classification of International Standard | 43.040.99 | Word Count Estimation | 54,552 | Date of Issue | 2023-09-07 | Date of Implementation | 2024-04-01 | Drafting Organization | State Grid Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Electricity Council, State Grid Corporation of China, State Grid Smart Internet of Vehicles Technology Co., Ltd., Zhangjiagang Youcheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Kangni New Energy Auto Parts Co., Ltd., AVIC Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Yiwa Technology Co., Ltd., Teledian New Energy Co., Ltd., Nari Group Co., Ltd., Xu Ji Group Co., Ltd., Phoenix (Nanjing) New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., China Electrical Equipment Research Institute Co., Ltd., Changyuan Shenrui Relay Automation Co., Ltd., Huawei Digital Energy Technology Co., Ltd., State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company, State Grid Hunan Electric Power Co., Ltd., State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company, BMW (China) Service Co., Ltd. , Daimler Greater China Investment Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | China Electricity Council | Proposing organization | China Electricity Council | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration |
GB/T 20234.4-2023
ChaoJi-1 (Chinese standard GB/T) and compatible CHAdeMO-3.1 (Japanese standard, joint-development with Chinese standard) are consisted of 3 standards. It is suitable for high, medium and low power charging (up to 1.2MW) to meet the needs of safe and fast electric-vehicle charging.
ICS 43.040.99
CCS T 35
Connection set of conductive charging for electric vehicles -
Part 4: High power DC charging coupler
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation.
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 4
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Composition and functions ... 12
5 Interface and parameters ... 13
6 Cable requirements ... 16
7 Thermal management system ... 17
8 Technical requirements ... 18
9 Test methods ... 22
10 Adapters ... 31
11 Identifications ... 37
Appendix A (Normative) Structural dimensions of conductive high-power DC charging
coupler for electric vehicles ... 38
Appendix B (Normative) Space size requirements for electric vehicle connector ... 46
Appendix C (Informative) Example of installation dimensions of electric vehicle
combined inlet ... 47
Appendix D (Normative) Space size requirements for conductive high-power DC
charging adapters for electric vehicles ... 49
Appendix E (Informative) Principle of temperature monitoring of conductive high-
power DC charging adapter for electric vehicles ... 50
Appendix F (Normative) Temperature rise test method for cable assemblies, vehicle
inlets, vehicle adapters for electric vehicle ... 51
Appendix G (Informative) Test method of lockout device ... 71
References ... 73
Connection set of conductive charging for electric vehicles -
Part 4: High power DC charging coupler
1 Scope
This document specifies the composition and function, interface and parameters, cable
requirements, thermal management system, technical requirements, test methods, etc.
of the conductive DC charging connection device for electric vehicles, as well as the
technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules of the adapter.
This document is applicable to the connection device for conductive DC charging of
electric vehicles, whose rated voltage does not exceed 1500V DC and the rated current
does not exceed 800A DC. This document is applicable to the adapter, that connects the
GB/T 20234.3 vehicle connector and the vehicle inlet adapter of this document; its rated
voltage does not exceed 1500V DC.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this
document through normative references in the text. Among them, for dated reference
documents, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for
undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to
this document.
GB/T 1804-2000 General tolerances - Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions
without individual tolerance indications
GB/T 2951.11-2008 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of
electric and optical cables - Part 11: Methods for general application - Measurement
of thickness and overall dimensions
GB/T 3956-2008 Conductors of insulated cables
GB/T 4208 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)
GB/T 11918.1-2014 Plugs, socket-outlet and couplers for industrial purposes - Part
1: General requirements
GB/T 11918.4-2014 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part
4: Switched socket-outlets and connectors with or without interlock
3) PE ground conductor wire: Not less than 6 mm2;
4) Temperature sensor wire (optional): Not less than 0.5 mm2.
c) Cooling duct
1) Cable cooling pipe shall be compatible with the coolant;
2) Place the cooling pipe in an air oven, at 120 °C ± 2 °C for 168 h; carry out
mechanical property test in accordance with Chapter 9 of GB/T 2951.11-2008,
where the change rate of tensile strength and elongation at break shall not
exceed ±30%;
3) If the insulation layer is used as a pipe for the flow of coolant, its material shall
comply with the insulation mechanical physical property requirements, which
are specified in 11.3 of GB/T 33594-2017; meanwhile it shall meet the coolant
compatibility test requirements of 9.23.2.
7 Thermal management system
7.1 Thermal transport device
7.1.1 The coolant shall be environmentally friendly. If a non-degradable coolant is used,
it shall state the recovery method and treatment method.
7.1.2 The coolant shall not use dangerous chemicals, such as highly toxic, flammable,
explosive, highly corrosive and radioactive, in accordance with the "Catalogue of
Hazardous Chemicals" (2015 edition).
7.1.3 When the coolant is a flammable liquid, check the MSDS of the coolant, to
confirm that its closed flash point shall not be lower than 135 °C.
7.1.4 The cable assembly is compatible with multiple types of coolant before use.
Different types of coolant shall not be mixed during use; the type of coolant shall not
be changed after use.
7.1.5 If a non-insulated coolant is used, the cable assembly shall have a leakage
monitoring function. Leakage monitoring should be carried out at the connection of the
vehicle connector's cooling pipe; it shall carry out the design inspection of this function.
7.1.6 The materials of all cable assembly parts, that are in direct contact with the coolant,
shall be compatible with the specified coolant and meet the temperature resistance of -
40 °C ~ +120 °C.
7.1.7 The pipeline of the cable assembly shall be able to withstand the pressure test of
the maximum allowed pressure, which is provided by the manufacturer, plus 100 kPa
(1 bar); the pressure application time is 15 minutes; the pipeline shall not leak.
shall be able to operate correctly.
8.3.2 The charging coupler shall have a lockout function, to prevent the charging
coupler from being disconnected, under load and accidental disconnection.
8.3.3 In the locked state, when an axial force and radial force of 750 N are applied
respectively, the vehicle connector and the vehicle inlet shall not be separated; the
electrical continuity shall be maintained; the lockout device shall be able to work
8.3.4 The lockout device shall be installed on the vehicle inlet AND shall be able to
withstand at least 10000 cycles of use. One cycle is composed of one lockout action
and one unlocking action. The lockout device shall be able to work normally, after the
8.3.5 The lockout device shall have an emergency unlocking function AND shall be
used for at least 100 cycles.
8.4 Plug-in and pull-out force
8.4.1 The force during the entire process of plug-in and pull-out the vehicle connector
from the vehicle inlet shall be less than 120 N.
8.4.2 If the vehicle interface uses a power-assisted device for plug-in and pull-out
operations, the operating force of the power-assisted device shall be less than 120 N.
8.5 Protection against electric shock
The anti-shock protection of charging connection accessories shall comply with the
requirements, which are specified in 6.3.7 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
8.6 Grounding measures
8.6.1 The grounding protection of charging connection accessories shall meet the
requirements, which are specified in 10.1, 10.2, 10.4 of GB/T 11918.1-2014.
8.6.2 The wire connected to the ground terminal shall be a yellow-green two-color wire.
The cross-sectional area of the ground wire shall meet the requirements of Table 4 and
Table 5.
8.7 Terminals and ends
The terminals and ends of the charging connection accessory shall comply with the
requirements, which are specified in 11.1, 11.2, 11.5 of GB/T 11918.1-2014.
8.8 Aging resistance of rubber and thermoplastic materials
The aging resistance of the rubber and thermoplastic materials of the charging
connection accessory shall comply with the requirements, which are specified in 6.3.9
of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
8.9 Degree of protection
8.9.1 The degree of protection of the charging coupler shall meet the requirements of
Chapter 18 of GB/T 11918.1-2014.
8.9.2 After the unmated charging coupler is connected to the accompanying protective
device, the degree of protection of the vehicle connector and vehicle inlet shall be no
less than IP54.
8.9.3 After the vehicle connector and vehicle inlet are connected, their degree of
protection shall not be lower than IP55.
8.9.4 The degree of protection of the cavity, which contains the terminals or ends in the
vehicle connector, shall not be lower than IPX6.
8.9.5 The degree of protection of DC+ and DC- contacts of vehicle connectors and
vehicle inlets shall meet the requirements of IPXXB.
8.10 Insulation resistance and dielectric strength
The insulation resistance and dielectric strength of the charging connection accessory
shall comply with the requirements, which are specified in Chapter 19 of GB/T
11918.1-2014, in which the insulation resistance shall not be less than 500 MΩ.
8.11 Breaking capability
The breaking capability does not apply to the charging connection accessories of this
8.12 Service life (normal operation)
The charging connection accessory shall be subjected to the plug-in and pull-out life
test, according to the method specified in 9.12. After the test, it shall meet the following
- Connection accessories shall function normally;
- No sealant leakage;
- No deterioration of enclosure or partitions;
- No loosening of insulating cap on the pin;
- No loosening of electrical connections or mechanical connections;
The creepage distance, electrical clearance, sealant penetration distance of charging
connection accessories shall comply with the requirements, which are specified in
6.3.15 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
8.18 Thermal resistance, flame resistance, tracking resistance
The thermal resistance, flame resistance, tracking resistance of charging connection
accessories shall comply with the requirements, which are specified in 6.3.16 of GB/T
8.19 Corrosion resistance and rust prevention
The corrosion resistance and rust prevention of charging connection accessories shall
comply with the requirements, which are specified in 6.3.17 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
8.20 Limited short-circuit current withstanding test
The limited short-circuit current withstanding test of charging connection accessories
shall comply with the requirements, which are specified in 6.2.11 of GB/T 20234.1-
8.21 Vehicle rolling
The vehicle connector shall be subjected to the vehicle rolling test, according to the
method specified in 9.21. After the test, it shall meet the following requirements:
a) The degree of protection shall meet the requirements of 8.9;
b) The dielectric strength shall meet the requirements of 8.10;
c) Creepage distance, electrical clearance, sealant penetration distance shall meet the
requirements of 8.17.
8.22 Cable resistance to extrusion
Carry out the cable extrusion resistance test, according to the method specified in of GB/T 33594-2017. The cable shall be undamaged; the insulation withstand
voltage shall meet the requirements; the function shall be normal without leakage;
normal use shall not be affected.
9 Test methods
9.1 General provisions
9.1.1 Test environment
Unless otherwise specified, test environmental conditions shall meet the following
Place the cable assemblies at a suitable location on the cement floor at random. Use
traditional car tires, which have a specification P225/75R15, or other tires which have
the same load index (tire inflation pressure 220 kPa ± 10 kPa), at a load of 5000 N ±
250 N and a speed of 8 km/h ± 2 km/h, to roll the vehicle connector in different
directions. The vehicle connector shall be placed, so that large displacements will not
occur during the rolling process, meanwhile the vehicle connector shall not be stressed
at a single point.
9.22 Cable resistance to extrusion
Conduct the test, according to the method specified in of GB/T 33594-2017.
9.23 Thermal transport device
9.23.1 Coolant flash point
When the coolant is a flammable liquid, confirm that its closed flash point is not less
than 135 °C, according to the material safety data sheet, which is provided by the
9.23.2 Material compatibility test Conductor compatibility test
If the cooling pipe is used as the insulation layer of the conductor, two segments of
samples shall be cut from the charging cable, wherein one segment is used as the tested
sample and the other segment as the control sample. The length of the sample shall be
at least 300 mm.
There shall be no signs of corrosion before the conductor is immersed in the coolant.
Immerse the sample to be tested in the coolant, at 135 °C ± 2 °C for 168 hours. Then
take out the sample to be tested from the coolant. Gently absorb the excess liquid on
the surface of the conductor. Place it at room temperature for 16 h ~ 24 h. By comparing
the surfaces of the tested sample and the control sample, through observation. There
shall be no corrosion on the tested sample. Compatibility test of non-metallic parts
All non-metallic parts of the cable assemblies, that come into contact with the coolant,
shall be compatible. Ten samples need to be prepared for each material, of which 5 are
used as tested samples and the other 5 are used as control samples. The width of the
sample is 25.4 mm ± 0.1 mm; the length is 203 mm ± 1 mm; the thickness is not less
than the thinnest part in the application.
Immerse the sample to be tested in the coolant at 90 °C ± 2 °C for 70 hours. Then take
out the sample to be tested from the coolant. Test the tensile strength and elongation at
break of the tested sample and the control sample, according to the method specified in
GB/T 2951.11. The tensile strength and elongation at break of the tested sample shall
not be less than 60% of the control sample. High-temperature aging test of non-metallic parts
All non-metallic parts in the cable assemblies, that come into contact with the coolant,
shall be resistant to high temperatures. Ten samples need to be prepared for each
material, of which 5 are used as tested samples and the other 5 are used as control
samples. The width of the sample is 25.4 mm ± 0.1 mm; the length is 203 mm ± 1 mm;
the thickness is not less than the thinnest part in the application.
Place the tested sample in a high temperature oven at 120 °C ± 2 °C for 168 hours. Then
take the tested sample out of the high temperature oven. Test the tensile strength and
elongation at break of the tested sample and the control sample, according to the method
specified in GB/T 2951.11. The tensile strength and elongation at break of the tested
sample shall not be less than 60% of the control sample.
9.23.3 Pressure resistance test
Apply a test air pressure of the maximum allowable pressure +100 kPa (1 bar) in the
cooling pipe of the cable assembly; maintain the pressure for 15 minutes. During the
test, the cable assembly shall be completely immersed in water, with a depth not
exceeding 1 m, during which there shall be no visible bubbles on the surface of the
cable assembly.
During the test, if bubbles overflow from the outer surface of the pipe wall, due to the
characteristics of the pipeline material, a liquid pressure holding test can be added. The
test pressure is the maximum allowable pressure +100 kPa; the pressure is maintained
for 15 minutes. Pure water should be used as the liquid medium. Before the test,
waterproof test papers shall be pasted on no less than 3 places on the surface of the pipe
wall, for leakage test. There shall be no discoloration of the test paper during the test.
9.23.4 Thermal transmission failure test
In the event of thermal transmission failure, the cable assembly shall be able to
withstand the rated current for at least 20 s.
At an ambient temperature of 40 °C ± 5 °C, load the cable assembly with rated current
and turn on the thermal transport device. When the DC terminal reaches a thermal stable
state, turn off the thermal transport device and continue to apply the rated current for
20 seconds. After the test, the performance of the cable assembly shall meet the
following requirements:
- There shall be no leakage of the coolant in the cable assembly;
- There is no melting, cracking or deformation of the cable assembly;
The protection against electric shock of the adapter shall meet the relevant requirements,
which are specified in 6.3.7 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
10.3.6 Grounding measures
The grounding measures of the adapter shall meet the relevant requirements, which are
specified in 6.2.4 of GB/T 20234.1-2023. The cross-sectional area of the grounding
protective conductor shall not be less than 16 mm2.
10.3.7 Terminals and ends
The terminals and ends of the adapter shall meet the relevant requirements, which are
specified in 6.3.8 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
10.3.8 Aging resistance of rubber and thermoplastics
The aging resistance of the rubber and thermoplastic materials of the adapter shall meet
the relevant requirements, which are specified in 6.3.9 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
10.3.9 Degree of protection
For type A adapters, the degree of protection of the vehicle interface and connector-
interface, after the adapter is plugged in, shall comply with the standards of the proto
interface. The degree of protection of the middle part shall not be lower than the degree
of protection requirements of the vehicle interface and connector-interface.
For type B adapters and type C adapters, the degree of protection of the vehicle interface
and connector-interface, after the adapter is plugged in, shall comply with the standards
of the proto interface.
10.3.10 Insulation resistance and dielectric strength
The insulation resistance and dielectric strength of the adapter shall meet the
requirements, which are specified in 8.10.
10.3.11 Service life (normal operation)
The service life of the adapter (normal operation) shall meet the requirements, which
are specified in 8.12.
10.3.12 Surface temperature and terminal temperature rise
The surface temperature and terminal temperature rise of the adapter shall meet the
requirements, which are specified in 8.13.
10.3.13 Cables and connections
Cables and connections for type B and type C adapters shall meet the requirements,
which are specified in 8.14.
10.3.14 Mechanical strength
The mechanical strength of the adapter inlet shall meet the relevant requirements, which
are specified in 6.2.10 of GB/T 20234.1-2023. The mechanical strength of the adapter
connector shall meet the relevant requirements, which are specified in 8.15.
Type A adapter shall withstand a load strength of 100 N. The adapter shall not be
separated from the vehicle connector and vehicle inlet. Electrical continuity shall be
maintained; the adapter shall not be damaged.
10.3.15 Screws, current-carrying parts, connections
The screws, current-carrying parts, connections of the adapter shall meet the relevant
requirements, which are specified in 6.3.14 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
10.3.16 Creepage distances, electrical clearances, sealant penetration distances
The creepage distance, electrical clearance, sealant penetration distance of the adapter
shall meet the relevant requirements, which are specified in 6.3.15 of GB/T 20234.1-
10.3.17 Thermal resistance, flame resistance, tracking resistance
The thermal resistance, flame resistance, tracking resistance of the adapter shall meet
the relevant requirements, which are specified in 6.3.16 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
10.3.18 Corrosion and rust resistance
The corrosion resistance and rust prevention of the adapter shall meet the relevant
requirements, which are specified in 6.3.17 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
10.3.19 Limited short-circuit current withstanding test
The limited short-circuit current withstanding test of the adapter shall meet the relevant
requirements, which are specified in 6.2.11 of GB/T 20234.1-2023.
10.3.20 Temperature monitoring
When the rated current of the adapter exceeds 200 A, it shall have temperature
monitoring and communication functions.
10.4 Test method of adapter
10.4.1 General provisions
The general provisions for adapters shall comply with the requirements, which are
Appendix F
Temperature rise test method for cable assemblies, vehicle inlets, vehicle
adapters for electric vehicle
F.1 General
It is suitable for temperature rise testing of the charging cable assemblies, vehicle inlets,
vehicle adapters for electric vehicle. For cable assemblies or vehicle inlets without
thermal transport function, only the temperature rise test shall be carried out; for cable
assemblies or vehicle inlets with thermal transport function, temperature rise test and
temperature sensing test shall be carried out.
F.2 Temperature rise and temperature sensing test of cable assemblies
F.2.1 Temperature rise test of cable assemblies
F.2.1.1 Test conditions
The object to be tested is a cable assembly. The test conditions for temperature rise shall
meet the following requirements.
a) For cable assemblies without thermal transport function, the test shall be carried
out, at an ambient temperature of 20 °C ~ 40 °C; the test results shall be corrected
to the test environment of 40 °C. For cable assemblies with thermal transport
function, the test shall be performed at an ambient temperature of 40 °C ± 5 °C;
there is no forced air convection on the surface of the cable assembly.
b) The cable length of the cable assembly shall be the maximum length, which is
defined by the manufacturer.
c) The cable assembly's temperature rise test reference equipment shall comply with
the provisions of Figure F.1.
d) The cable assembly's temperature rise test device shall comply with the
requirements of Figure F.2.
e) The test current shall be the rated current of the cable assembly.
f) If the cable assembly has a thermal transport function, the thermal exchange
parameters, which are specified by the manufacturer in the product manual, shall
be used.