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GB/T 20081.3-2021 English PDF

GB/T 20081.3-2021_English: PDF (GB/T20081.3-2021)
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GB/T 20081.3-2021English834 Add to Cart 7 days [Need to translate] Pneumatic fluid power -- Compressed air pressure regulators and filter-regulators -- Part 3: Alternative test methods for measuring the flow-rate characteristics of pressure regulators Valid GB/T 20081.3-2021

Standard ID GB/T 20081.3-2021 (GB/T20081.3-2021)
Description (Translated English) Pneumatic fluid power -- Compressed air pressure regulators and filter-regulators -- Part 3: Alternative test methods for measuring the flow-rate characteristics of pressure regulators
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J20
Classification of International Standard 23.100.50
Word Count Estimation 46,468
Date of Issue 2021-08-20
Date of Implementation 2022-03-01
Drafting Organization Zhejiang Yiri Pneumatic Technology Co., Ltd., Ningbo Jiaerling Pneumatic Machinery Co., Ltd., National Pneumatic Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Ningbo Huayi Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Anhui Lion Electric Pump Co., Ltd., Siyika Valve Co., Ltd., Beijing Machinery Industrial Automation Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Hydraulic and Pneumatic Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 3)
Proposing organization China Machinery Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

GB/T 20081.3-2021 Pneumatic fluid power - Compressed air pressure regulators and filter-regulators - Part 3.Alternative test methods for measuring the flow-rate characteristics of pressure regulators ICS 23.100.50 CCSJ20 National Standards of People's Republic of China Pneumatic pressure reducing valve and filter pressure reducing valve Part 3.Test the flow characteristics of the pressure reducing valve Alternative method (ISO 6953-3.2012, IDT) Released on 2021-08-20 2022-03-01 implementation State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration Issued by the National Standardization Management Committee Table of contents Foreword Ⅲ Introduction Ⅳ 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions 2 4 Symbols and units 2 5 Test equipment 2 6 Test procedure 4 7 Presentation of test results 9 8 Marking description 10 Appendix A (informative) Test result example 11 Appendix B (informative) Various data processing methods 25 Appendix C (informative) Visual data processing program 34 Appendix D (Informative) Graphical diagrams of overshoot and undershoot of adjustment pressure response and inlet pressure changes beyond the allowable range 36 Reference 41 Preface This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Part 1.Structure and Drafting Rules of Standardization Documents" Drafting. This document is Part 3 of GB/T 20081 "Pneumatic Pressure Reducing Valves and Filter Pressure Reducing Valves". GB/T 20081 has released the following part. ---Part 1.The main characteristics and product identification requirements that should be included in the business documents; ---Part 2.Test methods for evaluating the main characteristics that should be included in the business documents; ---Part 3.Alternative methods for testing the flow characteristics of the pressure reducing valve. This document uses the translation method to be equivalent to ISO 6953-3.2012 "Pneumatic pressure reducing valves and filter pressure reducing valves Part 3.Test pressure reduction Alternative methods of valve flow characteristics". The Chinese documents that have consistent correspondence with the normatively cited international documents in this document are as follows. ---GB/T 14513.1-2017 Determination of flow characteristics of compressible fluid components used in pneumatics Part 1.Steady-state flow General rules and test methods (ISO 6358-1.2013, IDT) ---GB/T 14513.2-2019 Determination of flow characteristics of compressible fluid components used in pneumatics Part 2.Alternative measurement Test method (ISO 6358-2.2013, IDT) ---GB/T 17446-2012 Fluid Power System and Components Vocabulary (ISO 5598.2008, IDT) ---GB/T 20081.1-2021 Pneumatic pressure reducing valve and filter pressure reducing valve Part 1.Main features that should be included in business documents Sex and product identification requirements (ISO 6953-1.2015, IDT) ---GB/T 20081.2-2021 Pneumatic pressure reducing valve and filter pressure reducing valve Part 2.Evaluation of the main Test methods for key characteristics (ISO 6953-2.2015, IDT) ---GB/T 39956.1-2021 Pneumatic electro-pneumatic pressure control valve Part 1.Main characteristics that should be included in commercial documents (ISO 10094-1.2010, IDT) For ease of use, this document has made the following editorial changes. ---Corrected a few editorial errors in ISO 6953-3.2012, and revised "ISO 10094-2" in Chapter 2 to "ISO 10094-1". Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document is not responsible for identifying patents. This document was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation. This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Hydraulic and Pneumatic Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC3). Drafting organizations of this document. Zhejiang Yiri Pneumatic Technology Co., Ltd., Ningbo Jiaerling Pneumatic Machinery Co., Ltd., National Pneumatic Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Ningbo Huayi Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Anhui Lion Electric Pump Co., Ltd., Siyika Valve Co., Ltd., Beijing Machinery Industrial Automation Research Institute Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this document. Ren Cheli, Wang Jili, Shan Junbo, Lu Jingxia, Jiang Haodi, Xue Jing, Wu Hongwei, Cao Qiaohui. introduction In a pneumatic system, power is transmitted and controlled by compressed air in the loop. Need to reduce or adjust the pressure in the circuit, various reductions Pressure valve and filter pressure reducing valve are components designed to maintain stable air pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to understand some of the performance characteristics of these components to Then determine the adaptability of their application. GB/T 20081 is composed of three parts. ---Part 1.The main characteristics and product identification requirements that should be included in the business documents. The purpose is to stipulate that the business documents should include The main characteristics and product identification requirements of the included pressure reducing valve and filter pressure reducing valve. ---Part 2.Test methods to assess the main characteristics that should be included in the business documents. The purpose is to stipulate the gas according to GB/T 20081.1 The test items, test procedures, and testing of the main characteristics contained in the commercial documents of the dynamic pressure reducing valve and the filter pressure reducing valve are tested. The presentation method of the test results. ---Part 3.Alternative methods for testing the flow characteristics of the pressure reducing valve. The purpose is to specify optional tests for testing the flow characteristics of pneumatic components. 验方法。 Test methods. This document defines an optional test method for the flow characteristics of a pneumatic pressure reducing valve, which uses an isothermal gas tank instead of a flow meter. This method measures the forward flow characteristics by passing the compressed air in the gas tank through the pressure reducing valve under test, and inflating the isothermal gas tank to measure the forward flow characteristics; The compressed air in the tank flows through the tested pressure reducing valve and is discharged to the atmosphere to obtain the overflow flow characteristics. Compared with ISO 6953-2, the test method specified in this document has the following advantages. a) No need for a large flow gas source; b) It is easy to test large flow components; c) Reduce air consumption; d) Shorten the test time. Pneumatic pressure reducing valve and filter pressure reducing valve Part 3.Test the flow characteristics of the pressure reducing valve Alternative method 1 Scope This document specifies optional test methods for testing the flow characteristics of pneumatic components. This document is only applicable to the test of the decreasing part of the hysteresis curve of the forward flow and overflow flow characteristics that meet the following conditions. ---Compared with the response of the pressure change in the inflation and deflation test, the pressure change of the component under test is fast enough and can be ignored; --- There is no overshoot or oscillation in the pressure response. This document specifies the requirements for test equipment, test procedures and test results. This document gives examples of test results (see Appendix A), various data processing methods (see Appendix B), and visual data processing procedures (See Appendix C), and a diagram showing the overshoot and undershoot of the adjustment pressure response and the inlet pressure change beyond the allowable range (see Appendix D). This document applies to the following components. ---Comply with ISO 6953-1 pressure reducing valve and filter pressure reducing valve; ---Electric-pneumatic pressure control valve conforming to ISO 10094; --- Other components, such as overflow valves. Note. If pressure regulation characteristics are required, ISO 6953-2 is applicable. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the indispensable clauses of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, dated quotations Only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to This document. ISO 5598 Fluid power systems and components-Vocabulary (Fluidpowersystemsandcomponents-Vocabulary) ISO 6358-1 Determination of flow characteristics of compressible fluid components used in pneumatics. Part 1.General rules and tests for steady-state flow Test method (Pneumaticfluidpower-Determinationofflow-ratecharacteristicsofcomponents-Part 1. Generalrulesandtestmethodsforsteady-stateflow) ISO 6358-2 Determination of flow characteristics of compressible fluid components used in pneumatics. Part 2.Alternative test methods (Pneu- maticfluidpower-Determinationofflow-ratecharacteristicsofcomponents-Part 2.Alternativetest methods) ISO 6953-1 Pneumatic pressure reducing valve and filter pressure reducing valve Part 1.Main characteristics and product identification to be included in commercial documents Requirements (Pneumaticfluidpower-Compressedairpressureregulatorsandfilter-regulators-Part 1.Main characteristicstobeincludedinliteraturefromsuppliersandproductmarkingrequirements) ISO 6953-2 Pneumatic pressure reducing valves and filter pressure reducing valves Part 2.Tests to assess the main characteristics that should be included in commercial documents Method (Pneumaticfluidpower-Compressedairpressureregulatorsandfilter-regulators-Part 2.Test methodstodeterminethemaincharacteristicstobeincludedinliteraturefromsuppliers) ISO 10094-1 Pneumatic electro-pneumatic pressure control valve Part 1.Main characteristics to be included in commercial documents (Pneumatic fluidpower-Electro-pneumaticpressurecontrolvalves-Part 1.maincharacteristicstoincludeinthe supplier'sliterature) ......

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