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GB/T 20042.2-2023 English PDF (GB/T 20042.2-2008)

GB/T 20042.2-2023_English: PDF (GB/T20042.2-2023)
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GB/T 20042.2-2023English500 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Proton exchange membrane fuel cell -- Part 2: Ganeral technical spcecification of fuel cell stacks Valid GB/T 20042.2-2023
GB/T 20042.2-2008English145 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Proton exchange membrane fuel cell -- General technical specification of fuel cell stacks Obsolete GB/T 20042.2-2008

Standard ID GB/T 20042.2-2023 (GB/T20042.2-2023)
Description (Translated English) Proton exchange membrane fuel cell -- Part 2: Ganeral technical spcecification of fuel cell stacks
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard K82
Classification of International Standard 27.070
Word Count Estimation 32,394
Date of Issue 2023-03-17
Date of Implementation 2023-10-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 20042.2-2008
Drafting Organization Shanghai Shenli Technology Co., Ltd., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jethydro Technology Co., Ltd., Tongji University, Weichai Power Co., Ltd., Wuhan University of Technology, Beijing Yihuatong Technology Co., Ltd., Xinyuan Power Co., Ltd. Company, Xinyan Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Changzheng Tianmin High-tech Co., Ltd., Beijing Institute of Electrical Technology and Economics of Machinery Industry, China Quality Certification Center, China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., Xiangyang Daan Automobile Testing Center Co., Ltd., Shanghai Motor Vehicle Testing and Certification Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., Shanghai Panye Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Guohong Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Wuxi Inspection, Testing and Certification Research Institute, Shanghai Yunliang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Tehi Hydrogen energy detection (Baoding
Administrative Organization National Fuel Cell and Flow Battery Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 342)
Issuing agency(ies) China Electrical Equipment Industry Association

Standard ID GB/T 20042.2-2008 (GB/T20042.2-2008)
Description (Translated English) Proton exchange membrane fuel cell. General technical specification of fuel cell stacks
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard K82
Classification of International Standard 27.070
Word Count Estimation 18,114
Date of Issue 2008-05-20
Date of Implementation 2009-01-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 2423.10; GB/T 2423.55; GB/T 3512; GB 3836; GB 4208; GB 4943; GB/T 5095.8; GB/T 5169; GB/T 5563; GB/T 7826; GB/T 7829; GB/T 15329.1; GB/T 18290; GB/T 20042.1
Drafting Organization Dalian Xinyuan Power Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Fuel Cell Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2008 No. 8 (No. 121 overall)
Proposing organization China Electrical Equipment Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack, security, performance of the basic requirements, type testing, routine test items, test methods and marking and documentation and other requirements. This section applies to proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. This section relates only harmful to human and environmental hazards fuel cell external circumstances, and internal damage to the fuel cell stack protection, they do not affect the safety of the fuel cell stack in addition, this section is not specified. This section does not include the storage of fuel and oxidant and a fuel and oxidant and the conveying device transport process. If there is a better material or new structures, but also through this part of the required inspection and meet the relevant requirements, can also be considered to comply with this section.

GB/T 20042.2-2023 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.070 CCS K 82 Replacing GB/T 20042.2-2008 Proton exchange membrane fuel cell - Part 2: General technical specification of fuel cell stacks ISSUED ON: MARCH 17, 2023 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2023 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4 Introduction ... 7 1 Scope ... 8 2 Normative references ... 8 3 Terms and definitions ... 9 4 Requirements ... 10 4.1 General safety measures ... 10 4.2 Design requirement ... 11 4.3 Technical requirements ... 14 4.4 Instruments and precision requirements ... 15 5 Test methods ... 16 5.1 General ... 16 5.2 Appearance inspection ... 17 5.3 Safety test ... 17 5.4 Gas leakage test ... 19 5.5 Blow-by test ... 20 5.6 Allowable working pressure test ... 22 5.7 Cooling system pressure test ... 24 5.8 Pressure difference test ... 24 5.9 Insulation test ... 25 5.10 Normal operation test ... 26 5.11 Rated power test ... 26 5.12 Electrical overload test ... 27 5.13 Flammable gas concentration test ... 28 5.14 Environmental adaptability test ... 29 5.15 Mass power density of fuel cell stack ... 32 5.16 Volumetric power density of fuel cell stack core ... 32 6 Marking and instructions ... 34 6.1 General provisions ... 34 6.2 Nameplate ... 34 6.3 Marking of connectors ... 34 6.4 Warning signs ... 34 6.5 Technical documents provided to users ... 35 Appendix A (Informative) Parameter reference information of fuel cell stack test sample ... 39 Appendix B (Informative) Fuel cell stack test result record sheet ... 41 Appendix C (Informative) Fuel cell stack electrical efficiency ... 42 References ... 43 Proton exchange membrane fuel cell - Part 2: General technical specification of fuel cell stacks 1 Scope This document specifies the requirements for safety, basic performance, test items, test methods, as well as marking and instructions, of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks (including direct alcohol fuel cell stacks, hereinafter referred to as fuel cell stacks). Note 1: The cell stack mentioned in this document is also called fuel cell stack. Note 2: A better material or a new structure – if any – which can pass the test specified in this document and meet the relevant requirements can also be considered as conforming to this document. This document is applicable to the design and testing of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks (including direct alcohol fuel cell stacks). This document only deals with situations where harm may be caused to the human body and the external environment of the fuel cell stack. As long as the protection of the internal damage of the fuel cell stack does not affect the safety outside the fuel cell stack, no provisions are made in this document. This document does not cover requirements for fuel and oxidizer storage and delivery arrangements. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T 2423.43, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Mounting of specimens for vibration impact and similar dynamic tests GB/T 2423.56, Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random and guidance b) Passively control these energies (such as using pressure relief valves, heat insulation components, etc.) to ensure that the surrounding environment is not endangered when the energy is released. c) Actively control these energies (e.g., by electronic control in fuel cells). In this case, the hazards caused by the failure of the control device shall be considered one by one, and the evaluation of functional safety shall comply with the provisions of IEC 61508 (all parts). On the other hand, the danger can be informed to the fuel cell system integrator manufacturer. d) Provide appropriate safety markings related to residual hazards. 4.2 Design requirement 4.2.1 General requirements Fuel cell stack manufacturers shall design based on risk assessment. The risk assessment shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 7826 and IEC 61508 (all parts). The fuel cell stack and all its components shall: a) Be suitable for the range of temperature, pressure, flow, voltage and current in the intended use; b) Be able to withstand various effects of the environment where the fuel cell stack is located, various operating processes and other conditions that have adverse effects on the fuel cell stack in the intended use. Note: Unless otherwise specified, the gas pressure in this document refers to the gauge pressure. If the fuel cell stack has an enclosed casing, the protection of the casing shall be based on the different use environments of the fuel cell stack, and an appropriate protection grade shall be selected and marked according to the requirements of GB/T 4208. 4.2.2 Characteristics under normal operating conditions When the fuel cell stack is operated under all normal operating conditions specified in the manufacturer’s instructions, it shall not cause any damage. 4.2.3 Fire and ignition Protective measures (e.g., ventilation, gas detection, etc.) shall be taken for the fuel cell stack to ensure that the gas leaking inside or outside the fuel cell stack will not reach its explosive concentration. The design specifications of these measures (e.g., the required ventilation rate) shall be provided by the fuel cell stack manufacturer and explained in the instructions so that the fuel cell system integration manufacturer can take prevention actions to ensure safety. For products that are difficult to take protective measures (ventilation, gas detection, etc.), parts in explosive atmospheres or zones shall be made of flame-retardant materials that meet V-0, V-1 or V-2 specified in Table 2 of GB/T 5169.16-2017. 4.2.4 Piping and fitting assembly General requirements The size of piping shall meet the design requirements, and its material shall meet the temperature and pressure requirements of the expected transportation, and be free from the influence of the fluid medium on the mechanical properties of the pipe. The piping system shall meet the gas leakage test requirements specified in 5.4. The inner surface of the piping shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove particulate matter and organic contaminants, and the piping ports shall be carefully removed from obstructions and burrs. The flexible pipes and related accessories used to transport gas shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 3512, GB/T 5563, GB/T 15329. Special consideration shall be given to the pipelines for transporting hydrogen. Non-metallic piping systems Plastic and rubber tubing, piping and assemblies may be used in the following situations. The non-metallic piping system shall adapt to the combined effect of the maximum operating temperature and the maximum operating pressure, shall not release substances harmful to the fuel cell stack, shall be compatible with other materials and chemicals that come into contact with it during use, repair and maintenance, and shall have sufficient mechanical strength to meet the requirements of 5.6 and 5.7. If necessary, a protection tube or enclosure shall be added to prevent the plastic or rubber pipes on the fuel cell stack from being mechanically damaged. All chambers fitted with plastic or rubber fittings conveying flammable gases shall be protected against possible overheating. If there is such a possibility of overheating, the fuel cell system integrator manufacturer shall be informed of the maximum allowable temperature in this area so that they can provide a control system. The chamber temperature shall be 10 °C lower than the lower limit of the minimum heat distortion temperature of the material used for fuel pipe fittings, otherwise the fuel input shall be cut off. Plastic or rubber materials used in hazardous zones (such as explosive atmospheres) shall be conductive, unless the accumulation of electrostatic charges can be avoided from design. It shall meet the requirements of 7.4.2 in GB/T 3836.1-2021. Metal piping systems b) fuel cell stack and/or single cell voltage. The location of the monitoring point is specified by the fuel cell stack manufacturer and explained to the fuel cell system integration manufacturer. In the case that other methods are used to provide safe operation guarantee for the fuel cell stack, these methods shall have the same safety guarantee capability as temperature and voltage monitoring. 4.3 Technical requirements 4.3.1 Air tightness requirements According to the test method in this document, carry out the air tightness test [gas leakage test (5.4), blow-by test (5.5)] of the fuel cell stack, where the results shall meet the requirements of the manufacturer on the leakage rate in the technical documents; For a fuel cell stack with an enclosed casing with a centralized safety ventilation system and purging procedures, the result of the flammable gas concentration test (5.13) shall be lower than 25% of the lower flammable limit. 4.3.2 Pressure withstand requirements After the fuel cell stack is subjected to the allowable working pressure test (5.6), the cooling system pressure test (5.7) and the pressure difference test (5.8) specified in this document, the fuel cell stack and its components shall not be cracked, permanently deformed or otherwise physically damaged, and shall meet the requirements of 5.4 ~ 5.5. 4.3.3 Insulation performance requirements The design of all insulation structures between the live part and the uncharged conductive part in the fuel cell stack shall meet the corresponding requirements of the relevant standards for electrical insulation structures. The mechanical properties (such as tensile strength) of the materials that affect the function of the structural parts shall be guaranteed. When the temperature of the part where it is located is 20 °C higher than the maximum value of the normal operating temperature (but not lower than 80 °C), it shall still meet the design requirements. Carry out the test according to the method in 5.9. When the fuel cell stack is filled with coolant and the coolant is in a cold state without circulation, the insulation specific resistance of the positive and negative electrodes to the ground shall not be lower than 100 Ω/V. If the requirements cannot be met during the insulation test, the subsequent test shall be stopped, and the test data shall be provided to the system integrator, who shall take measures to reduce the risk. 4.3.4 Output performance requirements When the fuel cell stack operates according to the technical conditions given by the manufacturer, its performance output index [normal operation test (5.10) and rated power test (5.11)] shall not be lower than the value specified by the manufacturer in the technical documents. After the electrical overload test (5.12), the fuel cell stack shall not have cracking, permanent deformation or other physical damage. 4.3.5 Environmental adaptability requirements High and low temperature environment storage requirements After the fuel cell stack is subjected to the low-temperature storage test (5.14.2) or the high-temperature storage test (5.14.3) under the temperature conditions specified by the manufacturer, there shall be no cracking, fragmentation, permanent deformation or other physical damage. The airtightness and performance test results shall meet the manufacturer’s specifications in the technical documents. Vibration and shock resistance requirements The tested sample shall not cause any hazard or functional failure when subjected to the same or similar shock and vibration environment [vibration and shock resistance test (5.14.4)] during the intended use. The airtightness, insulation and performance tests shall all meet the manufacturer’s specifications in the technical documentation. 4.4 Instruments and precision requirements The instruments used for the test shall at least include: a) Instruments for measuring environmental conditions: barometer, hygrometer; b) Instruments for measuring fuel conditions: fuel flowmeter, pressure measuring instrument, temperature measuring instrument, humidity measuring instrument/dew point thermometer; c) Instruments for measuring oxidant: oxidant flowmeter, pressure measuring instrument, temperature measuring instrument, humidity measuring instrument/dew point thermometer; d) Instruments for measuring circulating water (coolant): liquid flowmeter, pressure measuring instrument, temperature measuring instrument; e) Instruments for measuring electrical energy output: voltage measuring instrument, current measuring instrument, and other accessories; The allowable working pressure test of the fuel cell stack shall be carried out at the highest and lowest operating temperature respectively, and the test medium shall be nitrogen. If the manufacturer provides a severity, perform the test in accordance with the conditions of high severity provided by the manufacturer; if not, perform the test according to the following requirements. If the internal pressure of the anode chamber and cathode chamber of the fuel cell stack is the same or the pressure difference is ≤30 kPa during normal operation, they can be connected to each other during the test. If the fuel cell stack has a cooling channel and the working pressure is the same as that of the anode chamber and the cathode chamber or the pressure difference is ≤ 30 kPa, the channel can also be tested for the allowable working pressure in the same way at the same time. During the test, the average heating and cooling rate of the environment shall not exceed 2 °C/min. 5.6.2 High temperature pressure test Place the fuel cell stack in an environment with the highest operating temperature specified by the manufacturer, and let it stand for more than 12 hours; The fuel cell stack (anode and cathode channels, coolant channels) shall be gradually pressurized until the pressure reaches 1.3 times the maximum allowable working pressure (gauge pressure) at the temperature specified by the manufacturer; the pressure shall be kept stable for at least 5 minutes, and the pressure fluctuation during the process shall not exceed 2 kPa. Lower the temperature of the test environment to 25 °C, and let it stand for more than 12 hours. The test pressure value, pressure stabilization time and test environment conditions shall be indicated in the test report. During the test, the fuel cell stack shall not have cracking, permanent deformation or other physical damage. After the test, repeat the gas leakage test (5.4) and blow-by test (5.5), where the test results shall meet the manufacturer’s specifications in the technical documents. 5.6.3 Low temperature pressure test Place the fuel cell stack in an environment with the lowest operating temperature specified by the manufacturer, and let it stand for more than 12 hours. The fuel cell stack (anode and cathode channels, coolant channels) shall be gradually pressurized until the pressure reaches 1.3 times the maximum allowable working pressure (gauge pressure) at the temperature specified by the manufacturer; the pressure shall be kept stable for at least 5 minutes, and the pressure fluctuation during the process shall not exceed 2 kPa. Rise the temperature of the test environment to 25 °C, and let it stand for more than 12 hours. The test pressure value, pressure stabilization time and test environment conditions shall be indicated in the test report. During the test, the fuel cell stack shall not have cracking, permanent deformation or other physical damage. After the test, repeat the gas leakage test (5.4) and blow-by test (5.5), where the test results shall meet the manufacturer’s specifications in the technical documents. 5.7 Cooling system pressure test If the cooling system is not tested in the allowable working pressure test, the cooling system shall be subjected to a pressure test. If the manufacturer provides a severity, perform the test in accordance with the conditions of high severity provided by the manufacturer. Otherwise, it shall be carried out at the maximum operating temperature and the minimum operating temperature specified by the manufacturer respectively, and the test medium shall be nitrogen. Before the test, the fuel cell stack shall be placed at the target test temperature for more than 12 hours. During the test, pressurize the cooling system of the fuel cell stack gradually until the pressure reaches 1.3 times the allowable working pressure at the temperature specified by the manufacturer; keep the pressure stable for at least 5 minutes. The pressure fluctuation during the process shall not exceed 2 kPa. After the test is completed, return the ambient temperature to 25 °C and let it stand for more than 12 hours before proceeding to the follow-up test. The test pressure value, pressure stabilization time and test environment conditions shall be indicated in the test report. The fuel cell stack shall not have cracking, permanent deformation or other physical damage. After the test, repeat the gas leakage test (5.4) and blow-by test (5.5), where the test results shall meet the manufacturer’s specifications in the technical documents. 5.8 Pressure difference test For fuel cell stacks with different working pressures in the anode and cathode channels, a pressure difference test shall be carried out. If the manufacturer provides a severity, perform the test in accordance with the conditions of high severity provided by the Calculate the insulation specific resistance value according to Formula (1). The insulation specific resistance value shall be above 100 Ω/V. If the requirements cannot be met, the test data shall be provided to the fuel cell system integration manufacturer. The temperature and conductivity of the coolant shall be indicated in the test report. 5.10 Normal operation test Before the normal operation test, use a voltmeter to check whether the polarity of the sample terminal is correct, and activate the fuel cell stack according to the activation method provided by the manufacturer. The normal operation test steps are as follows: a) Load according to the method specified by the manufacturer; adjust the parameters of the test platform so that the operating conditions of the fuel cell stack reach the range specified by the manufacturer; then, continue to operate at each operating point for more than 5 minutes. The steady-state operating points shall include at least 10 operating points; b) Run it continuously at the rated current point for at least 10 minutes. During the continuous operation, the voltage fluctuation at the fuel cell stack terminal shall not exceed 3%, that is, the fuel cell stack terminal voltage during this time period shall always be 97% ~ 103% of the average voltage; c) Shutdown in accordance with the normal shutdown procedures specified by the manufacturer; d) Re-perform the test if it is interrupted. Refer to Appendix B to record the parameters of the fuel cell stack during normal operation. The results of each operating point shall be the average value within 1 min before the current loading step. Except for the single-chip voltage (V) which retains three decimal places downwards, all other parameters retain one decimal place downwards. In the test report, the cathode and anode operating pressure (gauge pressure), excess coefficient, temperature, humidity, coolant temperature, and the maximum surface temperature of the stack shall be clearly defined for each working point. 5.11 Rated power test The steps of the rated power test are as follows: a) Load according to the conditions specified by the manufacturer. After the operating conditions at the specified operating point reach the range specified by the manufacturer, run stably for 1 minute, and then directly load to the rated current point; b) Run it continuously at the rated current point for at least 60 minutes. During the continuous operation, the voltage fluctuation at the fuel cell stack terminal shall not exceed 3%, that is, the fuel cell stack terminal voltage during this time period shall always be 97% ~ 103% of the average voltage; c) Shutdown in accordance with the normal shutdown procedures specified by the manufacturer; d) Re-perform the test if it is interrupted. Refer to Appendix B to record the parameters of the fuel cell stack during the rated power test; take the average value within the last 1 min of the current stable operation stage as the result. Take the average value of the power within the last 1 minute under the rated current as the rated power. Except for the single-chip voltage (V) which retains three decimal places downwards, all other parameters retain one decimal place downwards. Refer to Appendix C to calculate the electrical efficiency of the fuel cell stack. In the test report, the cathode and anode operating pressure (gauge pressure), excess coefficient, temperature, humidity, voltage efficiency and coolant temperature corresponding to the rated current point shall be specified. Under the condition of ensuring that the running time is not less than 60 min, this test can be carried out simultaneously with b) in (5.10), the normal operation test. 5.12 Electrical overload test In order to check whether the fuel cell stack has the specified overload capacity, an electrical overload test shall be carried out. Electrical overload test steps are as follows: a) Load according to the conditions specified by the manufacturer. After the operating conditions at the specified working point reach the range specified by the manufacturer, run stably for 1 minute; directly load to the rated current point, and continue to run at the rated current point for at least 10 minutes; b) According to the loading method specified by the manufacturer, gradually increase the current to the value specified in t) in 6.5.1, and maintain the maximum overload time allowed by the manufacturer, during which the voltage fluctuation shall not exceed 3%; c) Shutdown in accordance with the normal shutdown procedures specified by the manufacturer; d) Re-perform the test if it is interrupted. ......

GB/T 20042.2-2008 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.070 K 82 Proton exchange membrane fuel cell – General technical specification of fuel cell stacks ISSUED ON. MAY 20, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON. JANUARY 01, 2009 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4 Introduction ... 5 1 Scope ... 7 2 Normative references ... 7 3 Terms and definitions ... 9 4 Requirements... 9 4.1 Use conditions ... 9 4.2 General safety measures ... 9 4.3 Design requirements ... 10 5 Type inspection ... 14 5.1 General ... 14 5.2 Gas leakage test ... 15 5.3 Normal operation test ... 16 5.4 Allowable working pressure test ... 17 5.5 Cooling system pressure test ... 18 5.6 Gas crossover test ... 18 5.7 Shock resistance and vibration resistance test ... 20 5.8 Electrical overload test ... 20 5.9 Dielectric strength test ... 20 5.10 Pressure difference test ... 21 5.11 Gas leakage test (repeat test) ... 22 5.12 Normal operation test (repeat test)... 22 5.13 Flammable gas concentration test ... 22 5.14 Freeze/thaw cycle test ... 23 6 Routine inspection ... 23 6.1 Air tightness test ... 23 6.2 Dielectric strength test ... 23 7 Inspection rules ... 24 7.1 General provisions ... 24 7.2 Type inspection provisions ... 24 7.3 Routine inspection provisions... 24 8 Markings and descriptions ... 24 8.1 General provisions ... 24 8.2 Nameplate ... 25 8.3 Marking of connections ... 25 8.4 Warning mark ... 25 8.5. Technical documentation provided to users ... 25 Annex A (informative) Preparation method for product model ... 30 Foreword GB/T 20042 “Proton exchange membrane fuel cell” consists of the following parts. 1) Proton exchange membrane fuel cell - Terminology (GB/T 20042.1-2005); 2) Proton exchange membrane fuel cell - General technical specification of fuel cell stacks (GB/T 20042.2-2008). This Part is Part 2 of GB/T 20042. This Part has referenced the International Electrotechnical Commission standard IEC 62282-2.2004 “Fuel cell technologies - Part 2. Fuel cell modules” during the development process, drawing the main content about proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks. Annex A to this Part is an informative annex. This Part is proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. This Part is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Fuel Cells of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 342). Dalian Sunrise Power Co., Ltd. is responsible for the drafting of this Part. Participating drafting organizations of this Part. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics under Chinese Academy of Sciences, Machinery Industry Beijing Electrotechnical Institute of Economic Research and Shanghai Shen-Li High Tech Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Part. Hou Zhongjun, Hou Ming, Yang Qiming, Dong Hui, Chen Miaonong, Qiu Lidong, etc. Introduction “Proton exchange membrane fuel cell - General technical specification of fuel cell stacks” is one of the series national standards developed basing on the important technical standard research project “Research on Key Technical Standards of New Energy and Renewable Energy - Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Solar Hot Water System, Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Power Generation and Wind Turbine” of the national “Tenth Five-Year Plan” major science and technology special projects, combining with China’s “863” plan fuel cell electric vehicle major project proton exchange membrane fuel cell technology. This Part specifies the basic requirements for the safety and performance, and requirements for type inspection and routine inspection items, test methods, and marking and documentation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks (including direct methanol fuel cell stacks). This Part applies to proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks (including direct methanol fuel cell stacks). Fuel cells are not only suitable for the construction of stationary power plants to provide community and household power supply, more importantly, on-board fuel cells can provide power supply for electric vehicles and micro-fuel cells are used in a variety of communications equipment, laptops and handheld computers. The fuel cell technology is transformed from the research and development in these aspects to industrialization, and commercialization of fuel cells in stationary power plants, transportation power supply, portable power supply, etc. is coming. Technologies associated with fuel cells will also be commercialized in the next 5 to 10 years. Some new technologies, new materials and new components will also be developed rapidly on the basis of internationalization of the market, and it is expected that fuel cell technologies will be developed continuous at high speed. In “Ninth Five-Year Plan” and “Tenth Five-Year Plan” periods, China has taken proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and related technologies as a major project and included it in the national scientific and technological research, including “863” fuel cell vehicle major project plan, and has achieved the staged results. At present, China’s PEMFC technologies are technically supported by universities and research institutes, and leaded by several major high-tech enterprises, and the research bases in Dalian, Shanghai, Beijing and Wuhan have been established. Some of them have acquired patented technology with independent intellectual property rights, and are actively promoting the industrialization and commercialization of China’s fuel cell technologies. Early development of standards is very important for promoting the industrialization and commercialization of this new technology with unlimited development potential - fuel cells. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has set up IEC/TC 105 to be responsible for the standard developing of fuel cells. In recent years, it works frequently, which has issued the very first fuel cell international standards IEC 62282- Proton exchange membrane fuel cell - General technical specification of fuel cell stacks 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 20042 specifies the basic requirements for safety and performance, type inspection and routine inspection items, test methods, marking and documentation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks (including direct methanol fuel cell stacks). This Part applies to proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks (including direct methanol fuel cell stacks) (hereinafter referred to as “fuel cell sta... ......

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