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GB/T 20000.6-2024 English PDF (GB/T 20000.6-2006)

GB/T 20000.6-2024_English: PDF (GB/T20000.6-2024)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 20000.6-2024English299 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Rules for standardization -- Part 6: Guidelines for good practice Valid GB/T 20000.6-2024
GB/T 20000.6-2006English399 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Guide for standardization -- Part 6: Code of good practice for standardization Obsolete GB/T 20000.6-2006

Standard ID GB/T 20000.6-2024 (GB/T20000.6-2024)
Description (Translated English) Rules for standardization -- Part 6: Guidelines for good practice
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A00
Classification of International Standard 01.120
Word Count Estimation 14,186
Date of Issue 2024-03-15
Date of Implementation 2024-10-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 20000.6-2006
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee on Standardization Principles and Methods (SAC/TC 286)
Proposing organization National Technical Committee on Standardization Principles and Methods (SAC/TC 286)
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 20000.6-2006 (GB/T20000.6-2006)
Description (Translated English) Guide for standardization. Part 6: Code of good practice for standardization
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard A00
Classification of International Standard 01.120
Word Count Estimation 10,167
Date of Issue 2006-09-04
Date of Implementation 2006-12-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 20000.1
Adopted Standard ISO/IEC GUIDE 59-1994, MOD
Drafting Organization China National Institute of Standardization
Administrative Organization Principles and methods of the National Standardization Technical Committee of Standardization
Regulation (derived from) China Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 9, 2006 (No. 96 overall)
Proposing organization China National Institute of Standardization
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard proposes standards development process, principles and standards for the preparation of standardized participation and cooperation of good practices. This standard applies to all types of standardization organizations and personnel engaged in standardization work.

GB/T 20000.6-2024.Rules for Standardization Activities Part 6.Good Practice Guide ICS 01.120 CCSA00 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replaces GB/T 20000.6-2006 Standardized activity rules Part 6.Good practice guidance Released on 2024-03-15 2024-10-01 Implementation State Administration for Market Regulation The National Standardization Administration issued Table of Contents Preface III Introduction IV 1 Range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and Definitions 1 4 General Principles 1 4.1 Open 1 4.2 Fairness 2 4.3 Transparency 2 4.4 Consensus 2 4.5 Applicability 2 4.6 Coordination 2 5 Management of standardization bodies 2 5.1 Organizational Structure 2 5.2 System Documents 3 5.3 Working Mechanism 3 6 Documentation Process 4 6.1 General Rules 4 6.2 Preparatory stage 4 6.3 Project Establishment Stage 4 6.4 Drafting stage 5 6.5 Comments solicitation stage 5 6.6 Technical Review Stage 5 6.7 Approval for Release Stage 5 6.8 Documentation Maintenance 6 7 Drafting of documents 6 8 Participation in standardization activities 6 9 Coordination and cooperation with other standardization bodies 6 References 8 Preface This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1.Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents" Drafting. GB/T 20000 "Rules for Standardization Activities" and GB/T 1 "Guidelines for Standardization Work", GB/T 20001 "Rules for Drafting Standards", GB/T 20002 "Guidelines for the preparation of specific contents in standards", GB/T 20003 "Special procedures for the preparation of standards" and GB/T 20004 "Group Standardization” together constitute the basic national standard system to support standardization work. This document is part 6 of GB/T 20000 "Rules for Standardization Activities"1). GB/T 20000 has published the following parts. --- Part 1.Common terms for standardization and related activities; --- Part 3.Referenced documents; --- Part 6.Good practice guidance; --- Part 8.Principles and guidelines for the use of the phase code system; --- Part 10.General principles for translation of English versions of national standards; --- Part 11.Common expressions of English translations of national standards. This document replaces GB/T 20000.6-2006 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Part 6.Code of Good Practice for Standardization" and Compared with GB/T 20000.6-2006, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows. a) The definitions of standardization bodies, standards bodies and national standards bodies have been deleted (see 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of the.2006 edition); b) Added the definitions of interested parties and participants (see 3.1 and 3.2); c) Changed “General Principles” to “Overall Principles”, subdivided into six principles, and added the content and corresponding guidance of each principle (see Section 4 Chapter 4 of the.2006 edition); d) Added a chapter on “Management of Standardization Bodies” (see Chapter 5); e) Changed "Principles of Standards Development Procedure" to "Document Development Procedure", added the stages of document development procedure and the stages of each stage work content, guidance and suggestions (see Chapter 6, Chapter 5 of the.2006 edition); f) The “principles for the preparation of standards to promote trade” was changed to “drafting of documents”, and the relevant rules for drafting documents were rewritten (see No. 7 Chapter 6 of the.2006 edition); g) Changed “participation in the standard setting process” to “participation in standardization activities”, and added guidance and specific measures to improve the participation of stakeholders. Specific recommendations (see Chapter 8, Chapter 7 of the.2006 edition); h) Changed “cooperation and communication on standardization” to “coordination and cooperation with other standardization bodies” and added “coordination and cooperation with other standardization bodies” Specific recommendations for effective coordination and collaboration (see Chapter 9, Chapter 8 of the.2006 edition). Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document was proposed and coordinated by the National Technical Committee on Standardization Principles and Methods of Standardization (SAC/TC286). This document was drafted by. China National Institute of Standardization, China Aviation Technology Research Institute, China Building Standard Design Institute Co., Ltd. company. The main drafters of this document are. Che Di, Wang Yiyi, Bai Dianyi, Pang Zhenghu, Liu Shenzhai, Du Xiaoyan, Li Jia, Ding Shuwei, Liu Xize, Cai Chengjun, Niu Nana, Bai Demei. The previous versions of this document and the documents it replaces are as follows. First released in.2006, and this is the first revision. 1) The name of GB/T 20000 has been changed from "Guidelines for Standardization Work" to "Rules for Standardization Activities". The main element of the file name of other parts is currently still "Guidelines for Standardization Work", which will be adjusted to "Rules for Standardization Activities" after revision. introduction Standardization is the activity of developing and applying standards to establish the best order and promote common benefits. Carrying out standardization activities in an orderly manner, promoting the realization of standardization goals and benefits, and establishing rules for standardization activities have become the focus of various standardization organizations at home and abroad. The primary task of carrying out standardization activities. In this regard, my country has established a basic national standard system to support standard setting. In this standard system, GB/T 20000 "Rules for Standardization Activities" aims to establish general rules and regulations for the orderly development of matters related to standardization activities. Provide guidance, which is intended to consist of the following parts. --- Part 1.Common terms for standardization and related activities. The purpose is to define common terms for standardization and related activities. and definitions in order to provide a basis for mutual communication in standardization activities. --- Part 3.Guidelines for the reference of standards in regulations. The purpose is to establish the general Specific principles and relevant rules to provide technical support for the effective implementation of laws and regulations. --- Part 6.Good practice guide. The purpose is to establish the overall principles for conducting standardization activities, provide guidance, suggestions or give relevant information so that standardization activities can be carried out in an orderly and effective manner. --- Part 8.Principles and guidelines for the use of the phase code system. The purpose is to provide Provide guidance, advice or information to facilitate identification of the stage in the development process of a normative document. --- Part 10.Translation of English versions of national standards. The purpose is to establish relevant rules for the translation of English versions of national standards. to promote the use of standardized documents in international trade, communication and cooperation. Good management and operation of standardization organizations, orderly development of standardization activities, and standardized drafting of documents will help standardization activities to be carried out as much as possible. To this end, ISO and IEC issued ISO /IEC Guide 59.1994 "Code of Good Practice in Standardization" in.1994. In.2006, China revised and adopted this document to form GB/T 20000.6-2006 "Guidelines for Standardization Work Part 6.Good Practice in Standardization" The Standard provides general guidance to standardization bodies on standard setting procedures, principles for standard formulation, and participation and cooperation in standardization. In.2019, ISO and IEC released a new version of ISO /IEC Guide 59.2019 “ISO and IEC Recommended Standardization Practices for National Institutions”. The Guide provides ISO and IEC national bodies with a guide to comply with the requirements of the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO/TBT) Agreement. In order to adapt to new development needs and promote coordination with the principles and spirit of international standardization good practice, it is necessary to Revised and improved GB/T 20000.6-2006. This document was prepared with reference to ISO /IEC Guide 59.2019 “ISO and IEC recommended practices for national bodies in the area of standardization”. The WTO/TBT Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Approval and Application of Standards and the WTO/TBT Committee on the Development of International Standards Guidelines and recommendations, following the principles and practices of these documents, focusing on the overall The document provides a comprehensive set of principles and clarifies good practices in the management, document development, coordination and cooperation of standardization organizations. The relevant management system documents are formulated and implemented based on the recommendations, which will help standardization activities comply with the good practices of WTO, ISO and IEC. Practice rules, so that the principles and directions for standardization activities carried out by standardization bodies, their standardization technical organizations and participants are clearer and more explicit. This will help to achieve standardization goals and benefits. Standardized activity rules Part 6.Good practice guidance 1 Scope This document establishes the general principles for conducting standardization activities, provides the management of standardization bodies, the development procedures and drafting of documents, and It provides guidance and suggestions on good practices in the areas of participation in standardization activities, coordination and cooperation with other standardization bodies, and provides relevant information. This document applies to standardization activities carried out by standardization bodies and their standardization technical organizations and participants. Note 1.In order to avoid confusion, the "standardization documents" in this document are referred to as "documents". Note 2.Standardization technical organizations refer to technical committees (including sub-technical committees) and drafting working groups. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in this document. For referenced documents without a date, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to This document. GB/T 1.1 Guidelines for standardization work Part 1.Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents GB/T 1.2 Guidelines for standardization work Part 2.Rules for drafting standardization documents based on ISO /IEC standardization documents GB/T 20000.1 Guidelines for standardization work Part 1.Common terms for standardization and related activities GB/T 20001 (all parts) Standard Drafting Rules GB/T 20002.6 Guidelines for the preparation of specific contents in standards Part 6.Requirements involving small, medium and micro enterprises GB/T 20003.1 Special procedures for the formulation of standards Part 1.Standards involving patents 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 1.1 and GB/T 20000.1 and the following apply to this document. 3.1 interested party Individuals or organizations that can influence, are affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity. 3.2 participant Stakeholders (3.1) who have directly participated in the development of the document. Note. Participants usually include technical committee members, drafting working group members, and relevant parties who provide comments on the document. 4 General Principles 4.1 Openness Openness means that any interested party that meets the established conditions can join the corresponding standardization organization and its standardization technical organization, participate in the document Standardization organizations should formulate institutional documents to ensure that relevant parties within a given scope are qualified to become standardization organizations. ......

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