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GB/T 18916.34-2018 English PDF

GB/T 18916.34-2018_English: PDF (GB/T18916.34-2018)
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GB/T 18916.34-2018English90 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Norm of water intake -- Part 34: Direct coal liquefaction Valid GB/T 18916.34-2018

Standard ID GB/T 18916.34-2018 (GB/T18916.34-2018)
Description (Translated English) Norm of water intake -- Part 34: Direct coal liquefaction
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard P41
Classification of International Standard 13.060.25
Word Count Estimation 7,743
Date of Issue 2018-05-14
Date of Implementation 2018-12-01
Drafting Organization China Shenhua Coal-to-Liquid Chemical Co., Ltd., China National Institute of Standardization, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, Petroleum and Chemical Industry Planning Institute, Shenhua Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Water Conservation Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 442)
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Announcement No. 6 of 2018
Proposing organization Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration of Markets and China National Standardization Administration

GB/T 18916.34-2018 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.060.25 P 41 Norm of Water Intake - Part 34. Direct Coal Liquefaction ISSUED ON. MAY 14, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 1, 2018 Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative References ... 6  3 Terms and Definitions ... 6  4 Calculation Methods ... 7  5 Norm of Water Intake ... 8  6 Instructions for Norm Usage ... 8  Appendix A (Informative) Calculation of Quantity of Water Purchased from and Supplied by External Sources ... 10  Appendix B (Informative) Calculation of Softened Water, Demineralized Water and Steam Preparation (conversion) Coefficient ... 12  Foreword The following parts of GB/T 18916 Norm of Water Intake have been issued or are planned to be issued. ---Part 1. Fossil Fired Power Production; ---Part 2. Iron and Steel Complex; ---Part 3. Petroleum Refining; ---Part 4. Dyeing and Finishing of Cotton Production; ---Part 5. Pulp, Paper and Paper Board Production; ---Part 6. Brewing Industry; ---Part 7. Alcohol Production; ---Part 8. Ammonia Synthesis; ---Part 9. Monosodium L-glutamate Production; ---Part 10. Pharmaceutical Products; ---Part 11. Coal Cleaning; ---Part 12. Alumina Production; ---Part 13. Ethylene Production; ---Part 14. Wool Textile Product; ---Part 15. Chinese Spirits Production; ---Part 16. Electrolytic Aluminum Production; ---Part 17. Manufacture of Accumulating Type of Bauxite; ---Part 18. Copper Smelting Production; ---Part 19. Lead Smelting Production; ---Part 20. Chemical Filament Yarns Weaving Products; ---Part 21. Silk Production; ---Part 22. Starch Sugar Production; ---Part 23. Citrate Acid Production; ---Part 24. Long Vegetable Fiber Production; ---Part 25. Chinese Spirits Production; ---Part 26. Soda Ash; ---Part 27. Urea; ---Part 28. Sulphuric Acid for Industrial Use; ---Part 29. Caustic Soda; ---Part 30. Coking; ---Part 31. Sintering and Pelletizing for Iron and Steel Industry; ---Part 32. Iron Ore Mineral Processing; ---Part 33. Indirect Coal Liquefaction; ---Part 34. Direct Coal Liquefaction; ---Part 35. Methyl Alcohol Produced by Coal; ---Part 36. Ethylene Glycol Produced with Coal as Raw Material; ---Part 37. Phosphoric Acid by Wet Process; ---Part 38. Polyvinyl Chloride; ---Part 39. Natural Gas Produced by Coal. This is Part 34 of GB/T 18916. This Part is drafted in accordance with stipulations in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Part was proposed by The Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China, National Development and Reform Commission. This Part shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee (442) on Water Conservation of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 442). The drafting organizations of this Part. China Shenhua Coal to Liquid and Chemical Co., Ltd., China National Institute of Standardization, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, China National Petroleum & Chemical Planning Institute, China Shenhua Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this Part. Jia Zhenbin, Wu Xiuzhang, Chen Maoshan, Cai Lijuan, Zhu Chunyan, Baiyan, Han Laixi, Han Hongmei, Yu Zhufeng, Zhou Junhua, Bu Xuepeng, Li Yongliang, Wangqiang, Gonglei, Wang Yiwen. Norm of Water Intake - Part 34. Direct Coal Liquefaction 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 18916 specifies the terms and definitions, calculation methods and norm of water intake of direct coal liquefaction. This Part is applicable to the management of water intake of the existing, newly constructed, reorganized and expanded enterprises in direct coal liquefaction. 2 Normative References The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard. In terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this Standard. The latest version (including all the modifications) of references without a specified date is also applicable to this Standard. GB/T 12452 The General Principles of Water Balance Test in Enterprises GB/T 18820 General Principles of Stipulation of Water Intake Norm for Industrial Product GB/T 21534 Industrial Water Usage and Conservation - Terminology GB 24789 General Provisions on Equipping and Managing of the Measuring Instrument of Water in Organization of Water Using GB/T 31428 Terms Relating to Coal Chemical Technology 3 Terms and Definitions What is defined in GB/T 18820, GB/T 21534 and GB/T 31428, and the following terms and definitions are applicable to this document. 3.1 Direct Coal Liquefaction Direct coal liquefaction refers to the process technology of coal’s direct conversion into liquid products through hydrogenation reaction under the effect of catalyst, and the condition of high temperature, high pressure and hydrogenation. 3.2 Quantity of Water Intake for Per Ton Hydrocarbon Quantity of water intake for per ton hydrocarbon refers to the ratio of the quantity of water that direct coal liquefaction enterprises extract from various conventional water resources to the total output of petroleum products (hydrocarbon products) during the production process within a certain measuring time. 4 Calculation Methods 4.1 General Stipulations 4.1.1 Range of water intake Range of water intake refers to the quantity of water that enterprises extract from various conventional water resources, including water extracted from surface water (calculated by water supply from water purification plants), underground water, water supply engineering in cities and towns, and other water or water products (such as steam, hot water and geothermal water, etc.) that enterprises purchase from the market. 4.1.2 Range of water intake supply Range of water intake supply for direct coal liquefaction includes primary production [including coal preparation, catalyst preparation, direct coal liquefaction, hydrogenation stabilization (solvent hydrogenation), hydrogenation upgrading, light hydrocarbon recovery, Sulphur-containing sewage stripping, desulfurization, sulfur recovery, phenol recovery, oil residue forming, coal hydrogen production, air separation and reorganization, etc.], auxiliary production (including power supply, machine maintenance, water supply and gas supply, etc.) and subsidiary production (including office, testing, maintenance, plant canteen, bathroom and toilet, etc.), excluding self- supplied power station (power center), product deep-processing unit and living area facilities. 4.1.3 Measuring of water intake The quantity of water intake shall be measured with enterprises’ Level-1 measuring table. 4.2 Quantity of Water Intake for Direct Coal Liquefaction The quantity of water intake for direct coal liquefaction shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (1). Where. Vin---quantity of water intake for direct coal liquefaction, expressed in (m3); Vtin---quantity of water intake for self-constructed water supply facilities, expressed in (m3); Vob---quantity of water purchased from external sources, expressed in (m3); Vos---quantity of water supplied by external sources, expressed in (m3). 4.3 Quantity of Water Intake for Per Ton Hydrocarbon The quantity of water intake for per ton hydrocarbon shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (2). Where. Vui---quantity of water intake for per ton hydrocarbon, expressed in (m3/t); Vin---within a certain measuring time, quantity of water intake for direct coal liquefaction, expressed in (m3); W---within corresponding measuring time, output of petroleum products from direct coal liquefaction, expressed in (t). 5 Norm of Water Intake 5.1 Water Intake Norm of Existing Enterprises The norm of water intake of existing enterprises in the production of petroleum products from direct coal liquefaction shall be not more than 6.5 m3/t. 5.2 Water Intake Norm of Newly Constructed, Reorganized and Expanded Enterprises The norm of water intake of newly constructed, reorganized and expanded enterprises in the production of petroleum products from direct coal liquefaction shall be not more than 6.2 m3/t. 5.3 Water Intake Norm of Advanced Enterprises The norm of water intake of advanced enterprises in the production of petroleum products from direct coal liquefaction shall be not more than 6.2 m3/t. 6 Instructions for Norm Usage 6.1 The configuration and management of water measuring instrument for enterprises in direct coal liquefaction shall comply with the requirement in GB 24789. 6.2 In the management of the norm of water intake, enterprises’ water balance test shall comply with the requirement in GB/T 12452. 6.3 In terms of newly constructed, reorganized and expanded enterprises, the index of the water intake norm shall be evaluated under 7,440 h of continuous operation and over 80% load rate of direct coal liquefaction device. 6.4 Please refer to Appendix A for the calculation of the quantity of water purchased from external sources and water supplied by external sources. Please refer to Appendix B for the calculation of softened water, demineralized water and steam preparation (conversion) coefficient. Appendix A (Informative) Calculation of Quantity of Water Purchased from and Supplied by External Sources A.1 Calculation of Quantity of Water Purchased from External Sources The quantity of water purchased from external sources shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (A.1). Where. Vob---quantity of water purchased from external sources, expressed in (m3); Vinb---quantity of water intake purchased from external sources, expressed in (m3); k1---softened water and demineralized water preparation (conversion) coefficient (please refer to Appendix B for the calculation); Vchb---quantity of chemical water purchased from external sources, expressed in (m3); k2---steam preparation (conversion) coefficient (please refer to Appendix B for the calculation); Dstb---quantity of steam purchased from external sources, expressed in (t); ---water density, expressed in (t/m3) (water density shall be calculated as 1 t/m3)). A.2 Calculation of Quantity of Water Supplied by External Sources The quantity of water supplied by external sources shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (A.2). Where. Vos---quantity of water supplied by external sources, expressed in (m3); Vinb---quantity of water intake supplied by external sources, expressed in (m3); k1---softened water and demineralized water preparation (conversion) coefficient (please refer to Appendix B for the calculation); Vchs---quantity of chemical water supplied by external sources, expressed in (m3); k2---steam preparation (conversion) coefficient (please refer to Appendix B for the calculation); Dsts---quantity of steam supplied by external sources, expressed in (t); ---water density, expressed in (t/m3) (water density shall be calculated as 1 t/m3). Appendix B (Informative) Calculation of Softened Water, Demineralized Water and Steam Preparation (conversion) Coefficient B.1 Softened Water and Demineralized Water Preparation (conversion) Coefficient The coefficient of converting the quantity of softened water and demineralized water into the quantity of water intake shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (B.1). Where. k1---conversion coefficient of softened water and demineralized water; Vcin---quantity of water intake for the preparation of softened water and demineralized water (quantity of water intake that is converted from the quantity of softened water and demineralized water), expressed in (m3); Vcn---quantity of softened water and demineralized water, expressed in (m3). B.2 Steam Preparation (conversion) Coefficient The coefficient of converting the quantity of steam into the quantity of water intake shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (B.2). Where. k1---conversion coefficient of softened water and demineralized water; k2---steam conversion coefficient; Vsin---quantity of water intake for steam preparation (the quantity of steam that is converted into the quantity of water intake), expressed in (m3); Dst---output of steam, expressed in (t); ---water density, expressed in (t/m3) (water density shall be calculated as 1 t/m3); Vich---quantity of softened water and demineralized water for steam preparation (excluding condensate recovery), expressed in (m3). NOTE. when there is no calculation data, the conversion coefficient can be calculated as 1.15. ......

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