GB/T 1870-1995_English: PDF (GB/T1870-1995)
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GB/T 1870-1995 | English | 90 |
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Phosphate rock and concentrate. Determination of moisture content. Cravimetric method
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GB/T 1870-1995
GB 1870-1980 | English | 199 |
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Determination of the water content in phosphorus concentrates and phosphorus minerals
| Obsolete |
GB 1870-1980
Standard ID | GB/T 1870-1995 (GB/T1870-1995) | Description (Translated English) | Phosphate rock and concentrate. Determination of moisture content. Cravimetric method | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | D51 | Classification of International Standard | 73.08 | Word Count Estimation | 3,346 | Date of Issue | 1995/12/20 | Date of Implementation | 1996/8/1 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 1870-1980 | Adopted Standard | �������� 22275-1990, MOD; AFPC-1980, NEQ | Drafting Organization | Ministry of Chemical Industry Design and Research Institute of Chemical Mining | Administrative Organization | Ministry of Chemical Industry Design and Research Institute of Chemical Mining | Proposing organization | Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | State Bureau of Technical Supervision | Summary | This standard specifies the method for the determination of the weight of water. This standard applies to the determination of phosphate rock and phosphate concentrate product moisture. | Standard ID | GB 1870-1980 (GB1870-1980) | Description (Translated English) | Determination of the water content in phosphorus concentrates and phosphorus minerals | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | D51 | Word Count Estimation | 2,254 | Date of Issue | 1980/3/18 | Date of Implementation | 1980/6/1 |
GB/T 1870-1995
Phosphate rock and concentrate - Determination of moisture
content - Gravimetric method
Issued by: State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Method summary ... 4
3 Instruments ... 4
4 Specimen ... 4
5 Analytical procedures ... 4
6 Presentation of analysis results ... 5
7 Allowable difference ... 5
This standard revises GB/T 1870-80 "Phosphate rock and concentrate - Determination
of moisture content - Gravimetric method".
The determination of moisture in phosphorus concentrate, which is specified in this
standard, equivalently adopts the method in the former Soviet standard TOCT 22275-
90 "Apatite concentrate".
The determination of moisture in phosphate rock, which is stipulated in this standard,
non-equivalently adopts the method in the American Association of Florida Phosphate
Chemists (AFPC) "Phosphate rock analysis method (1980 sixth edition).
During the revision process of this standard, through a large number of investigations
and studies, data analysis, test verification, it is considered that in the previous version,
the external moisture and internal moisture are measured separately, then add them
together to obtain the total moisture, the steps are cumbersome. This revision is to
measure the total moisture at 105 ~ 110 °C, which is drying at one time. In addition, the
determination methods of moisture in phosphate rocks and phosphate concentrates,
which have different particle sizes, are stipulated respectively. The method is simple,
time-saving and practical. It is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-
This standard replaces GB/T 1870-80 from the date of implementation.
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's
Republic of China.
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the Chemical Mine Design and Research
Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry.
Drafting organizations of this standard: Chemical Mine Design and Research Institute
of the Ministry of Chemical Industry.
The main drafters of this standard: Wang Heping, Wang Hailiang, Zhao Zhiquan.
This standard was first issued in June 1980. It was reviewed-confirmed in December
This standard entrusts the Chemical Mine Design and Research Institute of the Ministry
of Chemical Industry to be responsible for interpretation.
Phosphate rock and concentrate - Determination of moisture
content - Gravimetric method
1 Scope
This standard specifies the gravimetric method for the determination of moisture.
This standard applies to the determination of moisture in phosphate rock and phosphate
concentrate products.
2 Method summary
The specimen is dried at 105 ~ 110 °C. The moisture is calculated according to the lost
3 Instruments
3.1 Sample holder 1: Enamel plate.
3.2 Sample holder 2: Weighing bottle, flat, with ground mouth, 50 mm in diameter,
about 30 mm in height.
3.3 Oven: It is equipped with an automatic temperature controller.
4 Specimen
The specimen passes through a 10 mm and 425 µm test sieve (GB 6003).
5 Analytical procedures
5.1 Phosphate rock
Weigh about 1000 g of a specimen, which is less than 10 mm, accurate to 1 g. Evenly
spread it on an enamel dish (3.1) of known mass; the thickness shall be less than 20
mm. Place in an oven, to dry it at 105 ~ 110 °C for 3 h. Stir it gently once after a certain
period of time. Take out the enamel dish. Cool to room temperature. Weigh it. Repeat
the drying. The difference between the two weighings is not more than 2 g.
5.2 Phosphorus concentrate