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GB/T 18385-2024 English PDF (GB/T 18385-2005, GB/T 18385-2001)

GB/T 18385-2024_English: PDF (GB/T18385-2024)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 18385-2024English380 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Battery electric vehicles - Power performance - Test method Valid GB/T 18385-2024
GB/T 18385-2005English145 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Electric vehicles -- Power performance -- Test method Valid GB/T 18385-2005
GB/T 18385-2001English399 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Electric vehicle power performance test methods Obsolete GB/T 18385-2001

Standard ID GB/T 18385-2024 (GB/T18385-2024)
Description (Translated English) Battery electric vehicles - Power performance - Test method
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.120
Word Count Estimation 22,259
Date of Issue 2024-08-23
Date of Implementation 2025-03-01
Drafting Organization Xiangyang Daan Automobile Testing Center Co., Ltd., China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Geely Remote New Energy Commercial Vehicle Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., Chongqing Jinkang Celis Automobile Co., Ltd., Beijing Chehejia Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. Technology Center, Lantu Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., China Merchants Inspection Vehicle Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Automotive Research Institute Automobile Inspection Center (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd., BYD Auto Industry Co., Ltd., National New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center, China First Automobile Co., Ltd., Xiamen Jinlong United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee for Standardization of Automobiles (SAC/TC 114)
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 18385-2005 (GB/T18385-2005)
Description (Translated English) Electric vehicles - Power performance - Test method
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.020
Word Count Estimation 15,197
Date of Issue 2005-07-13
Date of Implementation 2006-02-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 18385-2001
Quoted Standard GB/T 3730.2; GB/T 6326; GB/T 12548; GB 18352.1-2001; GB/T 19596-2004
Adopted Standard ISO 8715-2001, MOD
Drafting Organization China Automotive Technology and Research Center
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 10 of 2005 (No. 84 overall)
Proposing organization National Development and Reform Commission
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This standard specifies the characteristics of pure electric vehicle acceleration, top speed and climbing ability of test methods. This standard applies to pure electric vehicles.

Standard ID GB/T 18385-2001 (GB/T18385-2001)
Description (Translated English) Electric vehicle power performance test methods
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T47
Classification of International Standard 43.080.01
Word Count Estimation 10,169
Date of Issue 2001/7/12
Date of Implementation 2001-12-01
Adopted Standard ISO/DIS 8715-1997, MOD
Drafting Organization China Automotive Technology Research Center, Tsinghua University
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 10 of 2005 (No. 84 overall)
Proposing organization National Machinery Industry Bureau
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China

GB/T 18385-2024 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.120 CCS T 47 Replacing GB/T 18385-2005 Battery Electric Vehicles - Power Performance - Test Method ISSUED ON. AUGUST 23, 2024 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 1, 2025 Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword... 3 1 Scope... 6 2 Normative References... 6 3 Terms and Definitions... 6 4 Test Conditions... 8 4.1 Test Vehicle Status... 8 4.2 Environmental Conditions... 8 4.3 Measurement Parameters, Units and Accuracy... 9 4.4 Road Conditions... 9 5 Preparation of Test Vehicle... 11 5.1 Charging of REESS... 11 5.2 Preheating... 11 5.3 Vehicle Test Mass and Load Distribution... 12 6 Test Methods... 13 6.1 General Rules... 13 6.2 Maximum Thirty-minutes Speed Test... 14 6.3 Maximum Speed Test... 15 6.4 Acceleration Ability (v1 to v2) Test... 18 6.5 Speed Uphill Test (not applicable to battery electric vehicles other than Category-M1, Category-M2 and Category-N1)... 20 6.6 Maximum Gradability Test... 21 6.7 Hill Starting Ability Test... 23 Appendix A (normative) Determination Method for the Correction Factor of Circular Roads... 24 Appendix B (informative) Test Record Formats... 25 Bibliography... 30 Battery Electric Vehicles - Power Performance - Test Method 1 Scope This document describes the test method for the power performance of battery electric vehicles. This document is applicable to Category-M and Category-N battery electric vehicles. 2 Normative References The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document. GB/T 3730.1 Terms and Definitions of Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Combination Vehicle - Part 1.Types GB/T 3730.2 Road Vehicle - Masses - Vocabulary and Codes GB/T 8170 Rules of Rounding off for Numerical Values & Expression and Judgement of Limiting Values GB/T 12428 Laden Mass Calculating Method for Buses GB/T 12534 Motor Vehicles - General Rules of Road Test Method GB/T 12545.1 Measurement Methods of Fuel Consumption for Automobiles - Part 1. Measurement Methods of Fuel Consumption for Passenger Cars GB 18352.6-2016 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-duty Vehicles GB/T 19596-2017 Terminology of Electric Vehicles GB/T 27840-2021 Fuel Consumption Test Methods for Heavy-duty Commercial Vehicles 3 Terms and Definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 19596-2017, GB/T 3730.1 and GB/T 3730.2, and the following are applicable to this document. 3.1 rechargeable electrical energy storage system; REESS An energy storage system that is rechargeable and can provide electrical energy. NOTE. it is expressed as a percentage of the vertical height of the rampway to the horizontal distance. [source. GB/T 12539-2018, 3.2, modified] 3.8 hill starting ability The maximum slope that the battery electric vehicles can start on a rampway and travel upwards by at least 10 m within 1 minute. [source. GB/T 19596-2017,, modified] 4 Test Conditions 4.1 Test Vehicle Status 4.1.1 The specifications and filling amounts of lubricating oil and coolant for mechanical moving components shall comply with the vehicle manufacturer's provisions. 4.1.2 The test driver shall follow the operating procedures recommended by the vehicle manufacturer to operate the REESS at normal operating temperatures. 4.1.3 Except for the purpose of driving, all energy storage systems shall be charged to the maximum values specified by the vehicle manufacturer (electrical energy, hydraulic pressure and pneumatic pressure, etc.). 4.1.4 Before the test, the vehicle shall be run-in for a certain mileage with the REESS installed. It may also be run-in in accordance with the technical requirements of the vehicle manufacturer. The mileage needs to be greater than 300 km. Meanwhile, the REESS shall undergo at least one process from the fully charged state to the state of charge alarm, and the power alarm device shall normally work. 4.1.5 The trailer matched to the tractor shall increase the windward area of the tractor as little as possible or adopt a trailer recommended by the vehicle manufacturer for the test. 4.2 Environmental Conditions 4.2.1 Ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure The ambient temperature for outdoor test shall be between 0 C and 40 C. The ambient temperature for indoor test shall be between 23 C  5 C. The atmospheric pressure shall be between 91 kPa ~ 104 kPa. 4.2.2 Wind speed For Category-M1 vehicles and Category-N1 vehicles with a maximum design total mass less than 2 t, the measurement shall be carried out at 0.7 m above the road surface. For other vehicles, When the test is conducted in one direction, the longitudinal slope of the straight road shall not exceed 0.1%. Selection of straight-line segment on circular roads If a part of the circular road satisfies the requirements of ~, and its centrifugal inertia reaction force is less than 20% of the test mass of the vehicle and can be compensated by the transverse slope of the road, then, this part of the circular road can be used as a straight road measurement zone. Circular roads Length of circular roads The length of the circular roads shall be not less than 2,000 m. The circular roads are formed by connecting the straight part and approximately circular part. The radius of curvature of the circular part shall be not less than 200 m, so as to ensure that the centrifugal force while the vehicle is driving is compensated by the transverse slope of the road, so that the vehicle can maintain normal driving in the lane when the driver does not perform any operation on the steering wheel during the test. Correction factor of circular roads In accordance with the test method for determining the correction factor provided in Appendix A, the correction factor shall not exceed 5%. If the speed regulator or speed limiting device installed on the test vehicle is functioning, then, no correction is required. 4.4.3 Road conditions for acceleration ability test The measurement zone shall be a flat, dry, clean concrete or asphalt (or similar) straight road. The longitudinal slope of the measurement zone shall not exceed 0.1%, and the transverse slope shall not exceed 3%. 4.4.4 Requirements for test rampway The climbing road is shown in Figure 1.The length of the rampway in the test section shall be no less than 20 m and can satisfy the length requirements of the test vehicle for the hill starting ability test. There are gradient sections before and after the test section. The straight section before the rampway shall not be less than 8 m. The rampway shall have a flat, solid and dry surface, a uniform slope, and good adhesion properties. The longitudinal slope change rate of the test section shall not be greater than 0.1%, and the transverse slope change rate shall not be greater than 3%. manufacturer. The preheating mode shall be indicated in the record. 5.3 Vehicle Test Mass and Load Distribution 5.3.1 Test mass and load distribution requirements for various categories of vehicles Category-M1 vehicles and Category-N1 vehicles with a maximum design total mass less than 2 t When the maximum design loading mass of the vehicle is less than or equal to 180 kg, the test mass shall be the curb weight of the complete vehicle plus the maximum design loading mass. When the maximum design loading mass of the vehicle is greater than 180 kg but less than or equal to 360 kg, the test mass shall be the curb weight of the complete vehicle plus 180 kg. When the maximum design loading mass of the vehicle is greater than 360 kg, the test mass of the vehicle shall be the curb weight of the complete vehicle plus 50% of the maximum design loading mass. The test mass includes the masses of the measurement personnel and instruments. The load distribution shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of road test in GB/T 12545.1. Category-M2 vehicles, Category-M3 vehicles, and Category-N vehicles with a maximum design total mass not less than 2 t Except for special provisions, the test mass applicable to Category-M2 and Category-M3 urban buses shall be the curb weight of the complete vehicle plus 65% of the maximum design loading mass. The test mass of semi-trailer tractors and tractor trucks shall be the maximum design total mass in the combination vehicle state specified by the vehicle manufacturer. The test mass of other vehicles shall be the curb weight of the complete vehicle plus the maximum design loading mass. The test mass includes the masses of the measurement personnel and instruments. The load of Category-M2 and Category-M3 vehicles shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 12428.The load of Category-N vehicles shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 12534. 5.3.2 Test mass and load distribution requirements for various test items The power performance of the battery electric vehicles includes. ---maximum thirty-minutes speed test (see 6.2); ---maximum speed test (see 6.3); ---acceleration ability (v1 to v2) test (see 6.4); ---speed uphill test (see 6.5); 6.1.5 The vehicle shall be clean, and if there are no special requirements, the windows and the vents of the passenger compartment or driving cab shall be closed during the test. 6.1.6 If the vehicle has multiple driving modes (such as. smart mode and sports mode, etc.), the driving mode recommended by the vehicle manufacturer shall be selected for the test, and this shall be indicated in the record. 6.1.7 When carrying out the tests of 6.2 ~ 6.7, in accordance with the test requirements, select a gear. If there are no special requirements, then, carry out the tests in accordance with the default setting gear or the gear recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. 6.1.8 Refer to the formats in Appendix B to record the valid data of various tests. 6.2 Maximum Thirty-minutes Speed Test 6.2.1 The maximum thirty-minutes speed test can be conducted on a circular road or on a chassis dynamometer. When testing on the chassis dynamometer, the vehicle shall be loaded in accordance with the test load required in 5.3.1 for the determination of driving resistance. The method for the determination of driving resistance shall comply with the following provisions. ---The driving resistance of light-duty vehicles can be determined in accordance with the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer and the taxiing method specified in Appendix CC of GB 18352.6-2016 or the method of calculating road load and driving resistance based on vehicle parameters. When adopting the taxiing method, the vehicle shall drive to a speed that is 10 km/h ~ 15 km/h higher than the estimated maximum thirty-minutes speed specified by the vehicle manufacturer and maintain it stably for at least 1 minute before starting taxiing. If the estimated maximum thirty-minutes speed is the same as the maximum design speed or the difference between them is less than 10 km/h, the vehicle shall start taxiing at the maximum design speed. ---The determination of driving resistance of other vehicles can be carried out in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's requirements and the provisions of Appendix C or Appendix E in GB/T 27840-2021. 6.2.2 The test vehicle drives at a constant speed for 30 minutes at the estimated maximum thirty- minutes speed provided by the vehicle manufacturer. During the test, if the vehicle speed changes, the accelerator pedal can be adjusted to stabilize the vehicle speed within the range of  5% of the estimated maximum thirty-minutes speed. 6.2.3 If the vehicle decelerates uncontrollably by the driver during the test, and the vehicle speed does not reach 95% of the estimated maximum thirty-minutes speed, the test can be re- performed in accordance with the above-mentioned estimated maximum thirty-minutes speed. If the vehicle still cannot maintain the speed for 30 minutes, then, the vehicle manufacturer shall re-estimate the maximum thirty-minutes speed, until the vehicle can run at a constant speed for 30 minutes in accordance with the maximum thirty-minutes speed re-estimated by the vehicle manufacturer. 6.4 Acceleration Ability (v1 to v2) Test 6.4.1 General requirements If the vehicle manufacturer has provisions for a specific driving mode and gear selection for the acceleration ability (v1 to v2) test, carry out the test in accordance with the driving mode and gear specified by the vehicle manufacturer. If the vehicle manufacturer has no special provisions, the test shall be carried out using the default driving mode and gear selection of the vehicle, which shall be indicated in the record. If the vehicle gear-shifting mode has the functions of automatic mode and manual mode selection, in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer’s requirements, select the automatic mode or manual mode. When selecting the manual mode for the test, the test shall be carried out with reference to the provisions of manual transmission vehicles, which shall be indicated in the record. Each test shall be carried out in both directions, with at least 3 times in each direction. If a problem occurs in one test, then, the test shall be re-performed in both directions. For each test, take the arithmetic mean of all valid data (rounded off to one decimal place in accordance with GB/T 8170) as the final result of the test. 6.4.2 Test procedures for acceleration ability test Acceleration ability test of in situ starting The gear-shifting device of manual transmission vehicles shall be placed in the gear specified by the vehicle manufacturer or the appropriate gear. When a vehicle starts to accelerate, the vehicle shall reach its maximum acceleration ability with minimal wheel slip. The clutch operation and gear-shifting timing shall be selected to maximize the acceleration ability, but the drive motor speed shall not exceed the motor speed corresponding to the peak power, or the gear-shifting operation shall be performed in accordance with the gear-shifting timing specified by the vehicle manufacturer. When the vehicle starts to move, the recording device shall be triggered. For automatic transmission vehicles (including those without transmission), when the driving device is started (if necessary, step on the brake), put the gear-shifting device in D gear or the gear specified by the vehicle manufacturer. When the vehicle starts to accelerate, the vehicle shall reach its maximum acceleration ability with minimal wheel slip. When the vehicle starts to move, the recording device shall be triggered. During the acceleration process, the accelerator pedal shall be pressed with full force, so as to accelerate the vehicle to 100 km/h as quickly as possible (if 90% of the maximum speed cannot reach 100 km/h, 90% of the maximum speed shall be taken and rounded down to an integer multiple of 5 as the test end speed). Record the vehicle speed, acceleration time and acceleration distance during each test. Overriding acceleration ability test From the specified starting speed, step on the accelerator pedal with full force and accelerate to 100 km/h (if 90% of the maximum speed cannot reach 100 km/h, 90% of the maximum speed shall be taken and rounded down to an integer multiple of 5 as the test end speed). Record the vehicle speed, acceleration time and acceleration distance during each test. The following starting speed should be used for the test. ---The starting speed of vehicles with a maximum speed less than or equal to 70 km/h. 30 km/h. ---The starting speed of vehicles with a maximum speed greater than 70 km/h. 60 km/h. Before accelerating, the vehicle speed shall be controlled within a range of 2 km/h downward from the specified starting speed and maintained at a constant speed for at least 2 seconds. When the vehicle speed reaches the starting speed specified in, the recording device shall be triggered. For manual transmission vehicles, select gears in accordance with the following provisions. During the test, the gear shall not be changed. ---Gear selection for Category-M1 vehicles and Category-N1 vehicles with maximum design total mass less than 2 t. for vehicles with 2 or 3 forward gears, the gear position shall be placed in the highest gear; for vehicles with 4 or 5 forward gears, the gear position shall be placed in the highest gear or the second highest gear; for vehicles with 6 forward gears, the gear position shall be placed in the 4th and 5th gears; for vehicles with more than 6 forward gears, the gear position shall be placed in the gear with a speed ratio of 1.00 and the gear with a speed ratio closest to 1.00.If the vehicle does not have a gear with a speed ratio of 1.00, then, it shall be placed in the two gears with a speed ratio closest to 1.00. ---Gear selection for Category-M2 vehicles, Category-M3 vehicles and Category-N vehicles with a maximum design total mass not less than 2 t. the gear shall be placed in the highest gear and the second highest gear. The gear-shifting device of automatic transmission vehicles (including those without transmission) shall be placed in D gear, or the gear specified by the vehicle manufacturer, and the vehicle can shift gears under the control of the transmission controller. 6.4.3 Data processing Data calculation The arithmetic mean, standard deviation and variation coefficient (standard deviation / arithmetic mean) of all valid test data shall be calculated in accordance with Formula (10), Formula (11) and Formula (12). 6.7 Hill Starting Ability Test 6.7.1 The hill starting ability test shall be performed on a rampway with a slope specified by the vehicle manufacturer. 6.7.2 In the middle of the selected rampway, set up a measurement zone of at least 10 m. A starting zone shall be provided in front of the measurement zone. The slopes of the starting zone and the measurement zone shall be the same. 6.7.3 The test vehicle climbs to the starting zone and stably stops on the rampway by the vehicle’s own braking system. Place the gear in P or N and turn off the drive motor for 2 minutes. 6.7.4 Start the drive motor, in accordance with 6.6.1, select the gear of the gear-shifting device. For all-wheel-drive vehicles, adopt all-wheel drive. Step on the accelerator pedal with full force. The vehicle speed shall continuously increase or tend to steadily increase. When the vehicle starts, there shall be no obvious slope sliding phenomenon that is uncontrollable by the driver, and if the vehicle passes through the measurement zone at an average speed of no less than 10 m/min, it shall be determined as a successful start on the rampway. If there is obvious wheel slip when starting the vehicle, an appropriate accelerator pedal opening can be adopted to ensure that the vehicle starts with minimal wheel slip. 6.7.5 If the vehicle fails in the first hill starting and climbing, the test can be repeated, and the total number of the tests shall not exceed 2 times. The second hill starting and climbing shall be specially stated in the record and report. If it fails again in the test, the vehicle manufacturer shall re-calculate the hill starting ability. 6.7.6 If there is no rampway with a slope specified by the vehicle manufacturer, in accordance with the site conditions, select a rampway with a slope angle as close as possible. The test can be carried out by increasing or decreasing the loading mass or adopting a higher gear of the transmission (for example, gear II), and the gear used for the vehicle test on the actual test road slope and the corresponding actual test total mass can be calculated with reference to Formula (14). 6.7.7 Load in accordance with the calculated actual test total mass, and the load distribution shall comply with the requirements of 5.3.In accordance with the provisions of 6.7.3 ~ 6.7.5, use the gear selected when calculating with Formula (14) to conduct the hill starting ability test on the vehicle. ......

GB/T 18385-2005 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.020 T 47 Replacing GB/T 18385-2001 Electric vehicles - Power performance - Test method (ISO 8715. 2001 Electric road vehicles – Road operating characteristics, MOD) ISSUED ON. JULY 13, 2005 IMPLEMENTED ON. FEBRUARY 1, 2006 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative References ... 4  3 Terms and Definitions ... 4  4 Test Conditions ... 6  5 Preconditioning of the Vehicle ... 8  6 Test Sequence ... 9  7 Test Procedures ... 9  Annex A ... 15  Annex B ... 17  Foreword  This Standard modifies and adopts ISO 8715.2001 “Electric road vehicles – Road operating characteristics” (English Version). Standard format is compiled according to the requirements of GB/T 1.1-2000; the comparison list of the chapter and article numbers in this Standard and those in ISO 8715. 2001 is listed in Annex B. In view of actual situation of development of domestic electric vehicles, when referring to ISO 8715. 2001, some amendments were made in this Standard. The relevant technical differences have been written in the text and simply marked by vertical line at the margin of relevant clauses. The technical differences and their causes are listed in Annex C for reference. This Standard will replace GB/T 18385-2001 “Electric vehicles - Power performance - Test method”. Compared with GB/T 18385-2001, the main changes of this Standard are as follows. — Change the application scope of standard; change the “apply to electric drive vehicles of which the total mass of maximum design is not exceed 3500kg” to be “apply to pure electric vehicles”. Due to extension of application scope, in order to meet the requirements of pure electric vehicles over 3500kg, some amendments were made in this Standard. — Change the term and definition of dynamic load radius in Article 3 as per GB/T 6326; directly use the definition of GB/T 6326. — Adjust the test record chart. Annex A, Annex B and Annex C of this Standard are informative. This Standard was proposed by National Development and Reform Committee. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Road Vehicles of Standardization Administration of China. Drafting organization of this Standard. China Automotive Technology and Research Centre. Main drafter of this Standard. Zhao Jingwei. This Standard was first-time issued in 2001; this is the first revision. Electric vehicles - Power performance - Test method 1    Scope  This Standard specifies the test methods of operating characteristics such as speed, acceleration and hill climbing ability, etc. for pure electric vehicles. This Standard is applicable to pure electric vehicles. 2    Normative References  The articles contained in the following documents have become part of this Standard when they are quoted herein. For the dated documents so quoted, all the modifications (excluding corrections) or revisions made thereafter shall not be applicable to this Standard. For the undated documents so quoted, the latest editions shall be applicable to this Standard. GB/T 3730.2 Road vehicle – Masses - Vocabulary and codes (idt ISO 1176. 1990) GB 6326 Tyre terms (GB/T 6326-1994, neq ISO 3877-1. 1978) GB/T 12548 Motor vehicles - Speedometer and odometer - Calibration method GB/T 18352.1-2001 Limits and measurement methods for emissions of pollutants from light-duty vehicles (I) GB/T 19596-2004 Terminology of electric vehicles (ISO 8713. 2002, NEQ) 3    Terms and Definitions  For the purpose of this Standard, the following terms and definitions shall apply. 3.1 complete electric vehicle kerb mass Mass of the vehicle, including energy storing device [Definition of in GB/T 19596-2004]. 3.2 test mass of electric vehicle The sum of the complete vehicle kerb mass AND the added mass required by the test [Definition of in GB/T 19596-2004]. Added mass is as follow. a) The maximum authorized loading mass (including driver) if it is equal or less than 180 kg; 4    Test Conditions  4.1 Vehicle conditions 4.1.1 The vehicle shall be loaded according to the specification for each test. 4.1.2 The vehicle tyres shall be inflated to the pressure specified by the vehicle manufacturer when the tyres are at ambient temperature. 4.1.3 The viscosity of oils for the mechanical moving parts shall conform to the specification of the vehicle manufacturer. 4.1.4 The lighting, signalling and auxiliary devices shall be off, except those required for testing and usual day-time operation of the vehicle. 4.1.5 All energy storage systems available for other than traction purposes (electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) shall be charged up to their maximum level as specified by the vehicle manufacturer. 4.1.6 The vehicle shall be clean. For the windows and air entries that are not required by the operation of the vehicle and the drive system, they shall be closed by the normal operating controls. 4.1.7 If batteries are to be operated at temperatures above ambient temperature, the driver shall follow the procedure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer to keep the battery1) temperature within its operating range. 4.1.8 The vehicle shall be driven over at least 300 km, within seven days before the test(s) with those batteries that are installed in the test vehicle. 4.1.9 The traction battery shall be in charging state as required for the test to be performed. 4.2 Atmospheric conditions Outdoor test steps shall be performed at an ambient temperature between 5°C ~ 32°C. Indoor test steps shall be performed at a room temperature between 20°C ~ 30°C. The atmospheric pressure shall be between 91kPa ~ 104kPa. The average wind speed measured 0.7 m above the ground shall be less than 3m/s; and the maximum speed of gusts shall be less than 5 m/s. The relative humidity shall be less than 95%. The tests shall be performed in the absence of rain and fog. 4.3 Test apparatus 4.3.1 In case of measurement of speed and mileage with speedometer and odometer on electric vehicles, it shall carry out error correction as per GB/T 12548 before testing. 4.3.2 Parameters, units and accuracy of measurements Table 1 specifies the parameters and their units, accuracy and resolution. 1) If there is special information, the battery in this Standard designates the traction battery for electric vehicles. b) The variation in altitude shall not exceed 1 m between any two points; c) The run shall be repeated twice in immediate succession; d) The components of wind speed parallel to the track shall not exceed 2 m/s. 5    Preconditioning of the Vehicle    5.1 Battery charge According to the charge procedure from manufacturer, or the battery shall be charged according to the following procedure. 5.1.1 Normal overnight charging procedure The charging of the battery shall be carried out at an ambient temperature between 20°C and 30°C using the on-board charger, if fitted, or an external charger as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. The electrical connection with the public network shall be made with a plug as used for domestic appliances and as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. The procedure excludes all types of special charging, for example battery refreshing or service charging. The vehicle manufacturer shall be in the position to attest that during the test no special charging has been performed. 5.1.2 End-of-charge criteria The end of charge criteria corresponds to a charging time of 12 h except if a clear indication is given to the driver by the standard instrumentation that the battery is not yet fully charged. In this case, the maximum charging time shall be. 3 x manufacturer’s specified battery capacity in kilowatt hours (kWh) / mains power supply in kilowatts (kW). 5.1.3 Fully charged battery A battery is fully charged when charged according to the overnight charging procedure and the end of charge criteria. 5.2 Trip meter setting The on-board trip meter shall be set to zero, or the reading of the odometer shall be recorded. 5.3 Warm-up The vehicle shall be driven over a distance of about 5000 m at 80% of the manufacturer’s estimated maximum 30-minutes speed in order to warm up the motor and transmission gears. 6    Test Sequence    The test sequence is arranged such that all road performances can be performed within two days. It shall be performed according to the following sequences. First day. preconditioning (see clause 5); test. maximum 30-minutes speed (see ... ......

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