GB/T 18250-2015_English: PDF (GB/T18250-2015)
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GB/T 18250-2015 | English | 130 |
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Graduations and test method for performance of deformation between stories of curtain wall
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GB/T 18250-2015
GB/T 18250-2000 | English | 199 |
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Test method for performance in plane deformation of curtain wall
| Obsolete |
GB/T 18250-2000
Standard ID | GB/T 18250-2015 (GB/T18250-2015) | Description (Translated English) | Graduations and test method for performance of deformation between stories of curtain wall | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | P32 | Classification of International Standard | 91.060.10 | Word Count Estimation | 14,122 | Date of Issue | 2015-10-09 | Date of Implementation | 2016-09-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 18250-2000 | Quoted Standard | GB/T 15227; GB 50011; JGJ/T 97 | Drafting Organization | China Academy of Building Research; China Construction Metal Structure Association; Guangdong Provincial Academy of Building Sciences; Shenyang Yuanda Aluminum Industry Engineering Co., Ltd; Guangzhou Decoration Engineering Co., Aluminium; Beijing University of Technology; Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences (Group) Co., Ltd.; Shandong Province Academy of building Research; Guangdong, Kennedy Long metal products Co., Ltd.; Guangzhou Institute of building Sciences Ltd; Shanghai construction Management Co. Ltd.; Zhongshan Shengxing Limited; Shenzhen Tairan industry construction Engineering Company Limited; Henan Academy of building Research Ltd; Hebei Shunda window Co., Ltd. Austrian-run; Bell Tianjin construction Engineering test detection technology Co., Ltd.; Zhejiang new century Engineering Testing Co., Ltd.; Tianjin Jianke EEB environmental Monitoring Limited; and Ningbo Bang Testing Research Limited | Administrative Organization | National Standardization Technical Committee curtain wall construction (SAC/TC 448) | Regulation (derived from) | National Standard Announcement 2015 No.31 | Proposing organization | Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China | Summary | This Standard specifies the building walls between layers deformation properties of terms and definitions, classification, general provisions, the detection principle, testing equipment, loading, specimen and installation requirements, testing procedures and evaluation of test results and test report. This Standard applies to inter-layer curtain wall construction engineering testing and grading detecting deformation properties. | Standard ID | GB/T 18250-2000 (GB/T18250-2000) | Description (Translated English) | Test method for performance in plane deformation of curtain wall | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | P32 | Classification of International Standard | 91.200 | Word Count Estimation | 4,494 | Date of Issue | 2000-11-17 | Date of Implementation | 2001-05-01 | Quoted Standard | JG 3035-1996 | Drafting Organization | China Construction Metal Structure Association | Administrative Organization | China Institute of Building Standard Design | Proposing organization | Ministry of Construction Standards and Quota | Issuing agency(ies) | State Quality and Technical Supervision | Summary | This standard specifies: the curtain wall plane deformation detection performance using pseudo-static method method. This standard applies to: glass curtain wall, metal curtain walls, stone walls, including their combinations all kinds of curtain wall products within the plane deformation properties grading testing and determine whether to meet the design requirements testing. |
GB/T 18250-2015
ICS 91.060.10
P 32
Replacing GB/T 18250-2000
Graduations and test method for performance of
deformation between stories of curtain wall
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection
and Quarantine;
Standardization Administration Committee.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Graduations ... 7
5 General provisions ... 8
6 Inspection principle ... 8
7 Testing equipment ... 8
8 Loading method ... 10
9 Specimen and mounting requirements ... 11
10 Testing steps ... 12
11 Testing results and assessment ... 16
12 Testing report ... 17
Annex A (Informative) Test method for deformation performance combined
direction of curtain wall ... 19
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T
This Standard replaces GB/T 18250-2000 Test method for performance in
plane deformation of curtain walls. Compared with GB/T 18250-2000, the
main technical modifications in this Standard are as follows.
- provided the definition of deformation performance of curtain wall (see
- added the graduations for performance of deformation between stories
of curtain wall (see Clause 4);
- added the outer plane (Y axis dimension) and vertical direction (Z axis
dimension) deformation performance and test method (see 10.3, 10.4);
- added the test method for displacement performance between stories of
curtain wall (see Annex A).
This Standard was proposed by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural
Development of the People's Republic of China.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee
on Building Facades Windows and Doors of Standardization Administration of
China (SAC/TC 448).
The drafting organizations of this Standard. China Academy of Building
Research, China Construction Metal Structure Association, Guangdong
Provincial Institute of Building Science, Shenyang Yuanda Aluminum
Engineering Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Aluminum Decoration Engineering Co.,
Ltd., Beijing Industry University, Shanghai Institute of Building Science
(Group) Co., Ltd., Shandong Provincial Institute of Building Science,
Guangdong Kennedy Lang Hardware Products Co., Ltd., Guangzhou City
Building Science Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Construction
Supervision Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Shengxing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shenye
Tailan Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Henan Construction Science
Research Institute Co., Ltd., Hebei Austrian Run Shunda Window Industry
Co., Ltd., Tianjin Jin Bell Construction Engineering Testing Technology Co.,
Ltd., Zhejiang New Century Engineering Inspection Co., Ltd., Tianjin Jianke
Building Energy-saving Environmental Testing Co., Ltd., Ningbo and State
Testing Research Limited, Hubei Product Quality Supervision and Inspection
Research Institute, China Building Materials Inspection and Certification
Center, Jangho Curtain Wall Co., Ltd., Shanghai Timalco Curtain Wall
Engineering Technology Co., LTD.
Graduations and test method for performance of
deformation between stories of curtain wall
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, graduations, general
provisions, inspection principle, testing equipment, loading method, specimen
and mounting requirements, testing steps, test results and assessment and
testing report for performance of deformation between stories of curtain wall.
This Standard is applicable to grading testing and engineering testing for
performance of deformation between stories of curtain wall.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
GB/T 15227, Test method of air permeability, water tightness, wind load
resistance performance for curtain walls
GB 50011, Code for seismic design of buildings
JGJ/T 97, Standard for terminology in earthquake engineering
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB
50011, JGJ/T 97 and the following ones apply.
3.1 deformation between stories
relative displacement between two adjacent building stories at horizontal
direction (X axis), out plane horizontal direction (Y-axis, perpendicular to
X-axis direction) and vertical direction (Z-axis) within the curtain wall plane
under the effects of earthquake, wind load, etc.; X axis, Y axis, Z axis
directions are shown in Figure 1.
parts from damage and dysfunction when the story is repeatedly displaced in
the Y-axis dimension
3.6 deformation performance vertical direction of curtain wall
curtain wall Z-axis dimension deformation performance
the ability that the curtain wall maintains its own and the main connection
parts from damage and dysfunction when the story is repeatedly displaced in
the Z-axis dimension
3.7 deformation performance combined direction of curtain wall
the ability that the curtain wall maintains its own and the main connection
parts from damage and dysfunction when the story, in the X-axis, Y-axis,
Z-axis dimensions, simultaneously produces two or three dimensions of the
repeated displacements
3.8 drift angle between stories
the ratio of the inter-story displacement value to the height of the story along
with X-axis, Y-axis dimension directions
3.9 vertical displacement between stories
the height change between adjacent stories along with Z-axis dimension
4 Graduations
4.1 Graduation indexes
4.1.1 The deformation performance in plane of curtain wall shall take the
drift angle between stories of X-axis dimension direction as graduation index
value, in γx.
4.1.2 The deformation performance out plane of curtain wall shall take the
drift angle between stories of Y-axis dimension direction as graduation index
value, in γy.
4.1.3 The deformation performance vertical direction of curtain wall shall
take the vertical displacement between stories of Z-axis dimension direction
as graduation index value, in δz.
4.2 Graduations for performance of deformation between stories of
curtain wall
The graduations for performance of deformation between stories of curtain
9.1.6 The point support curtain wall specimen shall have at least four glass
plates and a complete cross seam same with the actual construction. The
support structure shall have at least one typical bearing unit. The point
support curtain wall which uses glass rib support shall comply with the
provisions of full glass curtain wall simultaneously.
9.2 Mounting requirements
The mounting of the specimen shall meet the design requirements. No
special attachments or other measures shall be taken. The assembly,
mounting method and force of specimen shall be in accordance with the
actual conditions. The specimen shall be mounted on a fixed beam or
movable beam according to the actual connection method. The fixed beam or
movable beam shall be mounted on the mounting bracket.
10 Testing steps
10.1 Preparation before testing
10.1.1 The specimen shall be inspected after mounting. After the inspection
is completed, the openable part of the specimen shall be switched off five
times then fastened up.
10.1.2 Inspect that the pendulum or movable beam is not constrained in the
range along the displacement direction. At the same time, there shall be a
corresponding limit measure outside the range so as to ensure that the
pendulum or movable beam does not produce displacement in any other
10.1.3 Mount the test static loader according to the selected loading method.
The arrangement of the loading device should be reasonable so as to ensure
the effectiveness of the displacement produced.
10.2 X-axis dimension deformation testing
10.2.1 Mounting displacement measuring device
Mount the displacement measuring device at the bottom of the swing lever or
at the end of the movable beam. And make the displacement measuring
device in normal operation. At the same time, the displacement measuring
device can be added to the side of curtain wall component at the connection
corner connector of the curtain wall specimen and the movable beam. X-axis
dimensional deformation performance displacement measurement device
mounting is shown in Figure 5.
H - story height, in millimeters (mm);
δx - X-axis dimension direction horizontal displacement absolute v...