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GB/T 17795-2019 English PDF (GB/T 17795-2008, GB/T 17795-1999)

GB/T 17795-2019_English: PDF (GB/T17795-2019)
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GB/T 17795-2019English439 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Glass wool thermal insulating products for building Valid GB/T 17795-2019
GB/T 17795-2008English85 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Glass wool thermal insulating products for building Obsolete GB/T 17795-2008
GB/T 17795-1999English439 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Glass wool thermal insulating products for building Obsolete GB/T 17795-1999

Standard ID GB/T 17795-2019 (GB/T17795-2019)
Description (Translated English) Glass wool thermal insulating products for building
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Q25
Classification of International Standard 91.120.10
Word Count Estimation 22,214
Date of Issue 2019-08-30
Date of Implementation 2020-07-01
Drafting Organization Building Materials Industry Technical Supervision and Research Center, Huamei Energy Saving Technology Group Glass Wool Products Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Special Pressure Equipment Testing and Research Institute, China Building Materials Inspection and Certification Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jianke Inspection Co., Ltd., Owens Corning (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Beijing Building Materials Inspection and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Hebei Green Glass Wool Products Co., Ltd., Chengdu Hanjiang New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Yingsheng Energy Saving Group Co., Ltd., Dachang Jinyu Jinhaiyan Glass Wool Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Ai Cosaite New Materials Co., Ltd., Hebei Shenzhou Thermal Insulation Building Materials Group Co., Ltd., Hebei Jinwei New Building Materials Co., Ltd., Hebei Gome New Building Materials Co., Ltd., Ales Thermal Insulation Materials (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., Hubei Jiafuda Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd., Huali Glass
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee for Standardization of Thermal Insulation Materials (SAC/TC 191)
Proposing organization China Building Materials Federation
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, China National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 17795-2008 (GB/T17795-2008)
Description (Translated English) Glass wool thermal insulating products for building
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Q25
Classification of International Standard 91.120.10
Word Count Estimation 11,157
Date of Issue 2008-06-30
Date of Implementation 2009-04-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 17795-1999
Drafting Organization Building Materials Industry Research Center of Technical Supervision
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee insulation materials
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Approval Announcement 2008 No.11 (Total No.124)
Proposing organization China Building Materials Federation
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the terms and definitions used building insulation glass wool products, classification and marking, General requirements, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, signs, packaging, transport and storage. This standard applies to buildings with glass wool insulation products, not for construction equipment (such as plumbing, heating equipment) with glass wool products, does not apply to industrial equipment and piping with glass wool products.

Standard ID GB/T 17795-1999 (GB/T17795-1999)
Description (Translated English) Glass wool thermal insulating products for building
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard Q25
Classification of International Standard 91.120.10
Word Count Estimation 11,184
Date of Issue 1999/7/30
Date of Implementation 2000/2/1
Adopted Standard JIS A9521-1994, NEQ; ISO 8144-1995, NEQ; ASTM C665-1995, NEQ; BS 5803-1985, NEQ; DIN 18165-1991, NEQ
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 11 of 2008 (No. 124 overall)
Proposing organization State Building Materials Industry Bureau
Issuing agency(ies) State Quality and Technical Supervision

GB/T 17795-2019 Glass wool thermal insulating products for building ICS 91.120.10 Q25 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replace GB/T 17795-2008 Glass wool products for building insulation 2019-08-30 released 2020-07-01 implementation State Administration for Market Regulation Issued by China National Standardization Administration Preface This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard replaces GB/T 17795-2008 "Glass Wool Products for Building Thermal Insulation". Compared with GB/T 17795-2008, except for editability The main technical changes are as follows. --- Added the definition of glass wool felt (see 3.1); ---The definition of glass wool board is added (see 3.2); ---Added the definition and classification of glass wool strips (see 3.3 and 4.1.2); --- Added the definition of formaldehyde-free glass wool products (see 3.4); --- The definition of the outer cladding of the reflecting surface is deleted (see 3.1 in the.2008 edition); ---Modified the classification of products (see 4.1, see 4.1 of the.2008 edition); ---Modified product marking requirements (see 4.2, see 4.2 of the.2008 edition); --- Deleted the general requirements (see Chapter 5 of the.2008 edition); ---Modified the size and density allowable deviation requirements (see 5.1.2, see 6.2 of the.2008 edition); ---Added the requirements for slag ball content, moisture content, and mass moisture absorption rate (see 5.1.3, 5.1.4 and 5.1.5); ---Modified the requirements for thermal conductivity and thermal resistance (see Table 4, see Table 1 of the.2008 edition); ---Added requirements for glass wool strips for internal insulation, curtain walls, steel structures, metal surface sandwich panels, and ventilation duct products (see 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6); ---Added the requirements for the average fiber diameter (5.2.1, 5.3.1, 5.4.1, 5.5.1 and Table 5); --- Modified the requirements for formaldehyde emission (see 5.2.5 and 5.6.2, see 6.7 of the.2008 edition); ---Added the requirement of water repellency rate (see 5.2.3 and 5.3.3 and 5.6.1); ---Modified the requirements for metal corrosivity (see 5.3.4 and 5.6.4, see 6.6 in the.2008 edition); ---Added anti-mold performance requirements (see Table 5); ---Added optional performance (see 5.7); ---Modified the judgment rules (see 7.4, see 8.4 in the.2008 edition); ---Added anti-fungal test method (see Appendix B). This standard was proposed by the China Building Materials Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Thermal Insulation Material Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC191). Drafting organizations of this standard. Building Materials Industry Technical Supervision and Research Center, Huamei Energy Conservation Technology Group Glass Wool Products Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Special Pressure Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, China Building Materials Inspection and Certification Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jianke Inspection Co., Ltd., Owens Corning (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Beijing Building Materials Inspection and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Hebei Green Glass Wool Products Co., Ltd., Chengdu Hanjiang New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Yingsheng Energy Conservation Group Co., Ltd., Dachang Jinyu Jinhaiyan Glass Wool Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Ecosite New Material Co., Ltd., Hebei Shenzhou Insulation Building Materials Group Co., Ltd., Hebei Jinwei New Building Materials Co., Ltd., Hebei Gome New Building Materials Co., Ltd. Company, Armacell Thermal Insulation (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., Hubei Jiafuda Energy-saving Technology Co., Ltd., Huali Glass Wool (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Company, Dongying Huadeli New Material Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard. Jin Fujin, Liu Yingzhuo, Gao Hongquan, Peng Chao, Zhao Junming, Xu Ying, Pan Xiaoying, Zhang Zhi, Chen Xintong, Liu Jia, Zhang Jun, Gao Shuanglin, Wu Huiguo, Sun Jian, Zhu Yuguo, Tian Hui, Gao Tieyan, Gao Yongtao, Gao Shiyi, Zhang Jianqiang, Zhang Yang, Zhang Yong, Wang Yutao, Sui Chengxin. The previous versions of the standard replaced by this standard are as follows. ---GB/T 17795-1999, GB/T 17795-2008. Glass wool products for building insulation 1 Scope This standard specifies the classification and marking, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, signs, and packaging of glass wool products for building thermal insulation. Loading, transportation and storage. This standard is applicable to glass wool products for heat insulation and ventilation ducts of building envelopes. 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated reference documents, only the dated version applies to this article Pieces. For undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB/T 191 Packaging, Storage and Transportation Graphic Mark GB/T 4132 Thermal insulation materials and related terms GB/T 5480 Test method for mineral wool and its products GB 8624-2012 Classification of burning performance of building materials and products GB/T 10294 Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related characteristics of thermal insulation materials. Protective hot plate method GB/T 10295 Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related characteristics of insulation materials by calorimeter method GB/T 10299 Test method for hydrophobicity of thermal insulation materials GB/T 11835-2016 Rock wool, slag wool and their products for thermal insulation GB/T 13480 Determination of Compressive Performance of Thermal Insulation Products for Building GB/T 17146 Test method for water vapor transmission performance of building materials and products GB/T 17393 Specification for Thermal Insulation Materials for Covering Austenitic Stainless Steel GB/T 20247-2006 Acoustic measurement of sound absorption in reverberation rooms GB/T 20313 Thermal performance of building materials and products-Determination of moisture content by drying method GB/T 29899 Test method for emission of volatile organic compounds in wood-based panels and products GB/T 32379-2015 Determination of formaldehyde emission from mineral wool and its products JC/T 469 Glass wool products for sound absorption 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions defined in GB/T 4132 apply to this document. 3.1 Glass wool felt A flexible felt-like product made by applying a thermosetting adhesive to glass wool. 3.2 Glass wool board A self-supporting plate-shaped product with a certain rigidity made by applying a thermosetting adhesive to glass wool. 3.3 Glass wool strip The glass wool board is cut into slats of a certain width and rotated 90° to form a product. 3.4 Formaldehyde-free glass wool products Glass wool products made of formaldehyde-free binders (such as acrylic resin binders, starch binders, etc.). 3.5 Water vapor penetration resistant outer coating The outer covering material with the function of blocking water vapor penetration, such as aluminum foil, polypropylene, etc. 4 Classification and marking 4.1 Classification 4.1.1 According to the type of binder, it is divided into ordinary glass wool products and formaldehyde-free glass wool products. 4.1.2 Divided into. internal insulation, curtain wall, steel structure, metal surface sandwich panel, and glass wool products for ventilation ducts. 4.1.3 According to the form, it is divided into. glass wool board (including composite glass wool board used to make air duct), glass wool felt and glass wool strip. 4.1.4 Divided according to the outer covering. a) Products without outer covering; b) Products with outer coating. ---Anti-water vapor penetration outer coating, such as aluminum foil, polypropylene, etc.; ---Non-resistant water vapor penetration outer coating, such as glass cloth, non-woven cloth, etc. 4.1.5 Glass wool products for ventilation ducts can be divided into. external insulation of ventilation ducts, duct lining, and composite ducts for making ducts. Glass wool board. 4.2 Product marking Product marking is composed of three parts. product name, standard number, and product technical characteristics. The product name should include the type and purpose of the binder. The technical characteristics of the product include. combustion performance level, nominal thermal resistance R (outer cladding), density, size (L (length) × W (width) × T (thickness), single Bits are mm]. Example 1.Ordinary glass wool products, combustion grade is A (A1), thermal resistance R is 1.5m2·K/W, with aluminum foil outer coating, density is 32kg/m3, size is 12000mm×600mm×50mm glass wool felt for curtain wall, marked as. Example 2.Formaldehyde-free glass wool products, the combustion grade is A (A2), the nominal thermal resistance R is 1.3m2·K/W, no outer coating, the density is 48kg/m3, and the size is 1200mm×600mm×40mm glass wool board for external insulation of ventilation ducts, marked as. Note. No "()" after the thermal resistance R means that the product has no outer coating. 5 Technical requirements 5.1 General requirements 5.1.1 Appearance The surface of the product should be flat, and there should be no scars, stains, or damage that hinder use. For products with an outer coating, the adhesion of the outer coating and the substrate should be flat Whole and firm. 5.1.2 Allowable deviation of size and density The allowable deviation of the size and density of the glass wool felt, slab and strip shall meet the requirements of Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 respectively. 5.3 For curtain wall 5.3.1 Average fiber diameter Should not be greater than 7.0μm. 5.3.2 Density The nominal density of glass wool felt should not be less than 16kg/m3; the nominal density of glass wool board should not be less than 32kg/m3. 5.3.3 Hydrophobicity rate Should not be less than 98.0%. 5.3.4 Corrosion to metals When used to cover aluminum and steel, the rank sum test method with 90% confidence is adopted, and the rank sum of the control sample should not be less than 21. 5.3.5 Burning performance level The burning performance of glass wool products without an outer coating should not be lower than the A (A2) level of GB 8624-2012; the burning performance of products with an outer coating Negotiated by both parties. 5.4 For steel structure 5.4.1 Average fiber diameter Should not be greater than 7.0μm. 5.4.2 Density The nominal density of glass wool felt should not be less than 12kg/m3; the nominal density of glass wool board should not be less than 24kg/m3. 5.4.3 Combustion performance level The burning performance of glass wool products without an outer coating should not be lower than the A (A2) level of GB 8624-2012; the burning performance of products with an outer coating Negotiated by both parties. 5.5 Glass wool strips for metal sandwich panels 5.5.1 Average fiber diameter Should not be greater than 10.0μm. 5.5.2 Density The nominal density should not be less than 32kg/m3. 5.5.3 Compressive strength Should not be less than 10kPa. 5.5.4 Combustion performance level Should not be lower than the A (A2) level of GB 8624-2012. 5.7.3 Moisture permeability The moisture permeability of products with a water vapor-resistant outer coating should not be greater than 6.0×10-9g/(Pa·s·m2). 6 Test method 6.1 General When testing density, fiber average diameter, slag ball content, moisture content, mass moisture absorption, thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, and water repellency, such as products With the outer covering layer, it should be tested after removal, and other items are tested in the original form of the product. 6.2 Appearance Under bright light conditions, visually inspect about 1.0m away from the sample. 6.3 Dimensions and density According to the provisions of GB/T 5480.Compress the packaged roll felt, loosen the package and turn it over and place it for 4 hours before testing. Calculating density When, the outer covering should be removed. The measured thickness of felt products is less than the nominal thickness, then the measured thickness is calculated; if the measured thickness is greater than the nominal thickness, then Calculated according to the nominal thickness. When calculating the density of the board, the thickness is calculated with the measured value. The area of the felt sample should not be less than 1m2 during the test; plates and strips Select the original size for the size. 6.4 Shot content According to the provisions of GB/T 5480. 6.5 Moisture content According to the provisions of GB/T 20313.Drying temperature (105 ± 2) ℃, weigh 3 groups of samples, the mass of each group is (10 ± 2) g. 6.6 Mass moisture absorption rate According to the provisions of GB/T 5480. 6.7 Construction performance Follow the provisions of Appendix A. 6.8 Thermal conductivity and thermal resistance According to GB/T 10294 or GB/T 10295, GB/T 10294 is the arbitration test method. Thermal conductivity of glass wool strip During the test, the inspection is carried out according to the shape of the glass wool strip. When the width is not enough, it can be spliced to meet the test requirements. 6.9 Average fiber diameter According to the provisions of GB/T 5480. 6.10 Hydrophobicity rate According to the provisions of GB/T 10299. 6.11 Combustion performance According to the provisions of GB 8624-2012. 6.12 Formaldehyde emission Carry out according to the 1m3 climate box method stipulated in GB/T 32379-2015. 6.13 TVOC release According to the regulations of GB/T 29899, use 1m3 small release chamber, temperature (23±0.5)℃, relative humidity (50±3)%, production The product load rate is 1, single side is not sealed, and the air exchange rate is 1 time/h. 6.14 Corrosion to metals When used for covering austenitic stainless steel, it shall be carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 17393; when used for covering aluminum, copper and steel, it shall be carried out according to GB/T 11835- The.2016 Appendix F regulations are carried out. 6.15 Compressive strength According to the provisions of GB/T 13480.The sample size should be 100mm×100mm. If the sample width is less than 100mm, try The size of the sample is a square with the width of the glass wool strip as the side length, and the thickness is the thickness of the sample, and then the test is carried out. Adopt 50Pa pre-pressure, continuous Compress the sample until it yields to obtain a compressive strength value. 6.16 Noise reduction coefficient Carry out according to the regulations of GB/T 20247-2006, and carry out the installation according to the A method of appendix B. Air duct lining board or used to make wind The test surface of the composite glass wool board of the tube is the use surface in the air duct. For other glass wool products, any side can be tested when there is no outer covering; when there is an outer covering, The test surface is determined by the client. 6.17 Anti-fungal performance Perform the test according to the method specified in Appendix B. 6.18 Moisture permeability Carry out according to the dry method in GB/T 17146, the test conditions are (23±0.5)℃, relative humidity (75±3)%, and the outer coating is facing The higher humidity side. When the thickness of the product exceeds 30mm, it can be cut to 30mm for testing, but the outer coating should not be damaged. 7 Inspection rules 7.1 Inspection classification 7.1.1 Factory inspection When the product leaves the factory, it should undergo a factory inspection. 7.1.2 Type inspection Type inspection should be carried out in one of the following situations. B.6 Test process B.6.1 Preparation of culture medium plate Choose a glass petri dish of ϕ150mm, pour enough PDA into the sterilized petri dish, the thickness of the medium is 3mm~6mm, Set aside for use (use within 48h). B.6.2 Vaccination B.6.2.1 Mold activity control Place the sterile filter paper flat on the solidified medium, and spray the spore suspension with a sprayer containing the newly prepared mixed spore suspension to make it filled Spray evenly on the medium and filter paper. Incubate for 7 days at a temperature of 28°C and a relative humidity of 90% or more. There should be obvious bacterial growth on the filter paper strip, otherwise the test is considered to be no If it is effective, the test should be repeated. B.6.2.2 Sample test Spread the sample on the culture medium with the test side facing up. Spray the spore suspension evenly on the surface of the entire sample and the surrounding medium, each The test sample should be inoculated with about 0.5 mL of spore suspension. Do 3 parallel tests for each sample. The above samples are cultured for 28 days at a temperature of (30±2) ℃ and a relative humidity of not less than 90%. If the mold area of the sample is greater than 10%, it can be End the experiment early. B.7 Observation of results After the test is over, take out the sample from the incubator, and directly observe the growth of mold, bacteria, and hypha on the surface of the sample with a 40-fold magnifying glass. According to the following grades to evaluate and express the degree of mold growth. Level 0---not long, that is, no mold growth under 40 times magnification; Level 1-Trace growth, but the growth coverage area is not more than 10%; Level 2 --- Growth coverage area is greater than 10%. ......

GB/T 17795-2008 GB ICS 91.120.10 Q 25 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Replacing GB/T 17795-1999 Glass Wool Thermal Insulating Products for Building ISSUED ON. JUNE 30, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 1, 2009 Jointly issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ); Standardization Administration Committee (SAC) of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative References ... 4 3 Terms and Definitions ... 4 4 Classification and Marks ... 5 5 General Requirements ... 6 6 Requirements ... 6 7 Test Methods ... 9 8 Inspection Rules ... 10 9 Marking, Labels and Instructions for Use ... 12 10 Packing, Transporting and Storage ... 12 Appendix A ... 14 Foreword This Standard replaces GB/T 17795-1999 "Glass Wool Thermal Insulating Products for Building". Compared with GB/T 17795-1999, main changes of this Standard are as follows. — "Reflective membrane covering" and "vapor-resistant membrane covering" are added in the Terms and Definitions; — Common thickness, coefficient of heat conductivity, and thermal resistance value indexes of felt in Table 1 are modified; — Combustion performance grade of products shall be tested according to the classification and test methods specified in GB 8624-2006; — Requirements for covering moisture permeability performance are deleted; — Requirements for product formaldehyde emission are added; — Requirements for metal corrosivity are added. Please note that certain contents of this standard may involve patents. The issuance organizations of this standard shall not undertake the responsibility of identifying these patents. Appendix A of this Standard is normative. This standard was proposed by China Building Materials Federation. This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Insulation Materials of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 191). Drafting organizations of this standard. Technical Supervision and Research Center of the Building Materials Industry, and China Building Material Test & Certification Group Co., Ltd. Participating drafting organizations of this standard. Owens Corning (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Hebei Huamei Group, and Shanghai Plate Glass Factory. Chief drafting staffs of this standard. Jin Fujin, Zhang Yuhui, Liu Haibo, Jiang Tao, Wang Zhi, Ding Guozheng, Gao Hongquan, Gan Xiangchen, and Chen Bin. The previous edition replaced by this standard is. — GB/T 17795-1999. Glass Wool Thermal Insulating Products for Building 1 Scope This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and marks, general requirements, requirements, test methods, inspection, marking, packing, transporting and storage of the glass wool thermal insulating products for building. This standard is applicable to the glass wool thermal insulating products for building. It is not applicable to the glass wool products used for building equipment (such as pipeline equipment and heating equipment). It is also not applicable to the glass wool products used for industrial equipment and pipeline. 2 Normative References The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions of these publications do not apply. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest editions of the normative document referred to apply. GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods GB/T 4132 Definitions of Terms Relating to Thermal Insulating Materials GB/T 5480-2008 Test methods for mineral wool and its products GB 8624-2006 Classification for Burning Behavior of Building Materials and Products GB/T 10294 Thermal Insulation - Determination of Steady-state Thermal Resistance and Related Properties - Guarded Hot Plate Apparatus GB/T 10295 "Thermal Insulation - Determination of Steady-state Thermal Resistance and Related Properties - Heat Flow Meter Apparatus" GB/T 11835-2007 Rock wool slag wool and its products for thermal insulation GB/T 13350 Glass wool and their products for thermal insulation GB/T 17393 Specification for Thermal Insulation for Use in Contact with Austenitic Stainless Steel GB 18580 Indoor Decorating and Refurbishing Materials-Limit of Formaldehyde Emission of Wood-based Panels and Finishing Products 3 Terms and Definitions For the purpose of this standard, the terms and definitions specified in GB/T 4132 and the following ones apply. 3.1 Reflective membrane covering The covering materials that have a function of reflecting external radiating heat, of which the emissivity is generally not greater than 0.03. 3.2 Vapor-resistant membrane covering The covering materials that have vapor resistance functions, of which the moisture permeability coefficient is generally not greater than 5.7×10-11kg/(Pa·s·m2). 4 Classification and Marks 4.1 Classification 4.1.1 Classify according to the packing It may be classified into compression packing product and non-compression packing product, according to the different ways of packing. 4.1.2 Classify according to the shape of product It may be classified into glass wool board and glass fiber felt according to the shape of product. 4.1.3 Classify according to the covering It may be classified into three kinds of products as follows, according to the covering. Product without covering Product with reflective membrane covering Such kind of covering is accompanied with the vapor-resistant performance, such as aluminum foil and aluminum foil Kraft. Product with non-reflective membrane covering The covering is classified into two kinds as follows. a) Vapor-resistant membrane covering, such as PVC and polypropylene; b) Non-vapor-resistant membrane covering, such as glass cloth. 4.2 Product marks The product marks consist of 5 parts. product name, thermal resistance R (covering), density, dimension (length × width ×thickness) and standard number. 4.3 Examples of marks Example 1. The glass fiber felt, with aluminum foil covering, thermal resistance R is 1.5(m2·K/W), density is 16 kg / m3, and length × width × thickness is 12000mm×600mm ×50mm, shall be marked as. Glass fiber felt R1.5 (aluminum foil) 16 K 12000×600×50 GB/T 17795-2008 according to the width radio. A.4 Test program A.4.1 Use fixture to clip both ends of the test-piece. Hang the subassembly onto the test equipment vertically. Put the keg on the lower fixture. There is gap between the keg and floor. A.4.2 Put sand into keg carefully until it reaches to the stated load (the load includes the mass of test-piece, lower fixture, keg and sand). A.4.3 Maintain the loading on subassembly not less than 1min. A.5 Test results If the test-piece is able to withstand the relevant load and maintain for 1min, and without rupture, then it is deemed that the construction performance of the sample is qualified. Otherwise, it is unqualified. ......

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