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GB/T 16508.2-2022 English PDF (GB/T 16508.2-2013)

GB/T 16508.2-2022_English: PDF (GB/T16508.2-2022)
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GB/T 16508.2-2022English470 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Shell boilers - Part 2: Materials Valid GB/T 16508.2-2022
GB/T 16508.2-2013English140 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Shell boilers -- Part 2: Material Obsolete GB/T 16508.2-2013

Standard ID GB/T 16508.2-2022 (GB/T16508.2-2022)
Description (Translated English) Shell boilers - Part 2: Materials
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J98
Classification of International Standard 27.060.30
Word Count Estimation 29,272
Date of Issue 2022-03-09
Date of Implementation 2022-10-01
Drafting Organization Shanghai Power Generation Equipment Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Industrial Boiler Research Institute Co., Ltd., Taishan Group Co., Ltd., China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Shanghai Special Equipment Supervision and Inspection Technology Research Institute, Jiangsu Shuangliang Boiler Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Taihu Boiler Co., Ltd., Suzhou Hailu Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Nantong Wanda Boiler Co., Ltd., Wuxi Xineng Boiler Co., Ltd., Tianjin Baocheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Construction Engineering Jinniu Group Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee for Standardization of Boilers and Pressure Vessels (SAC/TC 262)
Proposing organization National Technical Committee for Standardization of Boilers and Pressure Vessels (SAC/TC 262)
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 16508.2-2013 (GB/T16508.2-2013)
Description (Translated English) Shell boilers. Part 2: Material
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J98
Classification of International Standard 27.060.30
Word Count Estimation 28,273
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 16507-1996
Quoted Standard GB 150.2; GB/T 699; GB/T 700; GB/T 711; GB 713; GB/T 1220; GB/T 1221; GB/T 1348; GB/T 3077; GB 3087; GB/T 3274; GB/T 4338; GB 5310; GB/T 6394; GB/T 6803; GB/T 8163; GB/T 9439; GB/T 10561; GB/T 11352; GB/T 13298; GB/T 16507.2; GB/T 16508.1; JB/T 2637; JB/T
Drafting Organization Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Bulletin 2013 No. 27
Proposing organization National Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 262)
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard specifies the shell boiler pressure parts allows the use of material grades and standards, the basic technical requirements (including steel, steel pipes, steel forgings, steel casting, iron casting, boom and bracing, fasteners, welding mate

GB/T 16508.2-2022 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.060.30 CCS J 98 Replacing GB/T 16508.2-2013 Shell boilers - Part 2: Materials ISSUED ON: MARCH 09, 2022 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2022 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 Introduction ... 6 1 Scope ... 8 2 Normative references ... 8 3 Terms, definitions and symbols ... 11 4 Materials for design ... 11 5 Materials for pressure elements ... 13 6 Materials for load-bearing members ... 25 7 Welding material ... 30 Annex A (informative) Elastic modulus, thermal conductivity and expansion coefficient for commonly used materials ... 32 Annex B (normative) Metallographic inspection for steel forgings ... 34 Bibliography ... 35 Shell boilers - Part 2: Materials 1 Scope This document specifies the basic requirements, application range (temperature and pressure) and allowable stress of materials such as pressure elements and load-bearing members of shell boilers, as well as selection requirements for welding materials. This document is applicable to the selection and use of materials for pressure elements, load-bearing members, as well as welding materials of shell boilers defined in GB/T 16508.1. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 150.2, Pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials GB/T 699, Quality carbon structure steels GB/T 700, Carbon structural steels GB/T 711, Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel plates sheets and strips GB/T 713, Steel plates for boilers and pressure vessels GB/T 983, Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of stainless and heat- resisting steels GB/T 984, Hard facing electrodes for shielded metal arc welding GB/T 1228, High strength bolts with large hexagon head for steel structures GB/T 1229, High strength large hexagon nuts for steel structures GB/T 1230, High strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T 1231, Specifications of high strength bolts with large hexagon head, large hexagon nuts, plain washers for steel structures GB/T 1348, Spheroidal graphite iron castings GB/T 1591, High strength low alloy structural steels GB/T 2900.48, Electrotechnical terminology of boilers GB/T 3077, Alloy structure steels GB/T 3087, Seamless steel tubes and pipes for low and medium pressure boiler GB/T 3091, Welded steel pipes for low pressure liquid delivery GB/T 3274, Hot-rolled plates, sheets and strips of carbon structural steels and high strength low alloy structural steels GB/T 3632, Sets of Torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain washer for steel structures GB/T 5117, Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels GB/T 5118, Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of creep-resisting steels GB/T 5293, Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode/flux combinations for submerged arc welding of nonalloy and fine grain steels GB/T 5310, Seamless steel tubes and pipes for high pressure boiler GB/T 5313, Steel plate with through-thickness characteristics GB/T 6394, Determination of estimating the average grain size of metal GB/T 6803, Test method for drop-weight test to determine nil-ductility transition temperature of ferritic steels GB/T 8110, Wire electrodes and weld deposits for gas shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels GB/T 8163, Seamless steel pipes for liquid service GB/T 9439, Grey iron castings GB/T 9440, Malleable iron castings GB/T 9711, Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems GB/T 10045, Tubular cored electrodes for non-alloy and fine grain steels GB/T 10561, Steel - Determination of content of nonmetallic inclusions - Micrographic method using standards diagrams GB/T 12470, Solid wire electrodes, tubular cored electrodes and electrode/flux combinations for submerged arc welding of creep-resisting steels GB/T 13298, Inspection methods of microstructure for metals GB/T 14957, Steel wires for melt welding GB/T 16507.2, Water-tube boilers - Part 2: Materials GB/T 16508.1, Shell boilers - Part 1: General requirements GB/T 17493, Tubular cored electrodes for creep-resisting steels GB/T 17854, Solid wire electrodes/flux combinations for submerged arc welding of stainless steels GB/T 29713, Wire electrodes, strip electrodes, wires and rods for arc welding of stainless and heat resisting steels GB/T 32533, Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of high-strength steels DL/T 439, The technical guide for high-temperature bolt of fossil-fired power plant JB/T 3223, Welding consumables quality management procedures JB/T 3375, Rules for receiving acceptance of materials for boiler construction JB/T 9625, Specification for pressure retaining casting of boiler pipe fittings NB/T 47008, Carbon and alloy steel forgings for pressure equipment NB/T 47013.3, Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 3: Ultrasonic testing NB/T 47018 (all parts), Specifications for ordering welding consumables for pressure equipment NB/T 47019.3, Purchase technical specification for boiler & heat exchanger tubes/pipes - Part 3: Non-alloy and alloy steel with specified elevated temperature properties YB/T 5092, Stainless steel wire for welding 3 Terms, definitions and symbols For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 2900.48 and GB/T 16508.1 apply. 4 Materials for design 4.1 Basic requirements 4.1.1 The steel used for boiler pressure elements and load-bearing members welded with pressure elements shall be killed steel. Elements not specified in the material standards shall not be added to the material without the consent of the boiler manufacturer. 4.1.2 The materials and welding materials used for boiler pressure elements and load- bearing members shall be designations included in national standards or industry standards. And they shall be the materials specified in this document. If materials other than those specified are used, they shall comply with the relevant requirements of this document. The selection of foreign designation materials and new materials shall meet the requirements of GB/T 16507.2. 4.1.3 The longitudinal room temperature elongation (A) of steel plates, steel pipes and steel forgings used for boiler pressure elements after tensile tests shall not be less than 18%. The impact absorbed energy (KV2) value of Charpy V-notch impact test at room temperature shall not be less than 27J. 4.1.4 For steel plates, steel pipes, forgings used for boiler pressure elements, and round steel for suspenders, when cast billets (including die casting and continuous casting) are directly used for rolling or forging, the deformation ratio shall not be less than 3.0. 4.1.5 The material manufacturer shall ensure the quality of boiler steel and provide relevant information on material quality certification. Specific requirements are as follows: a) The material manufacturer shall provide the user with the original material quality certificate according to the corresponding material standards and the provisions of the order contract. The content of the material quality certificate shall be complete. The certificate shall be printed with traceable information logo and stamped with the quality inspection seal of the material manufacturer. b) When providing materials, the material business operator shall provide the original material quality certificate, or a copy of the material quality certificate stamped with the official seal of the supplier and the signature (seal) of the responsible person. 4.1.6 Boiler manufacturer shall check and accept boiler materials according to the items specified in JB/T 3375. They can only be used after passing the test. Materials that meet one of the following conditions can be exempted from physical and chemical and corresponding non-destructive testing reinspection during acceptance: a) The acceptance personnel of the material user shall conduct acceptance inspection at the material manufacturer's according to the procurement technical requirements. Perform witness signature confirmation on the inspection report or relevant quality certification documents. b) For carbon steel and carbon-manganese steel materials for boilers with rated working pressure less than 3.8 MPa, the physical identification shall be clear and complete. They shall have a material quality certificate that meets the requirements of 4.1.5. The quality certificate is consistent with the real thing. 4.1.7 After the version of the material standard is updated, if the performance index or technical requirements of the material are not modified, the use of the stock material will not be affected. If the performance index or technical requirements of the material are changed, the material in stock shall be used only after the changed content is verified as qualified according to the new version of the standard. 4.2 Pressure elements 4.2.1 The selection of materials is based on the operating conditions of the boiler (temperature, pressure and other environmental factors). At the same time, consider the processing technology and equipment conditions of the manufacturer. 4.2.2 Metal materials and welding materials for pressure elements shall have sufficient strength, plasticity, toughness and good corrosion resistance under service conditions. Materials for components with frequent changes in working conditions shall have good fatigue resistance. 4.2.3 The materials selected for non-pressure elements welded with pressure elements (such as lugs, fins, fins, baffles) shall match the materials they are to be connected to. 4.2.4 Substitute materials shall meet the strength, structure and process requirements of the original design. They shall be approved by the technical department (including the design and process department) of the material substitute organization. 4.2.5 The allowable stress of boiler materials can be directly selected from the corresponding allowable stress table in this document. The allowable stress values behind the thick solid line in each allowable stress table in this document are calculated from the enduring strength. The allowable stress of materials not given in this document shall be calculated according to the provisions of GB/T 16508.1. 4.2.6 The elastic modulus, thermal conductivity and average linear expansion coefficient of the material can be selected from Annex A. 4.3 Load-bearing members 4.3.1 The steel used in the load-bearing structure shall have the qualified guarantee of yield strength, tensile strength, elongation after fracture, sulfur and phosphorus content. A qualified guarantee for carbon equivalent shall be provided for the welded structure. 4.3.2 The steel used for welded load-bearing structures and important non-welded load- bearing structures shall have the qualification guarantee of cold bending test. The steel materials used for components that directly bear dynamic loads or need to be checked for fatigue shall have a qualified guarantee for impact absorption energy. 4.3.3 The steel used in the load-bearing structure shall have good corrosion resistance. 4.4 Welding materials 4.1.1 The model and performance of the welding rod or wire shall be compatible with the performance of the corresponding base metal. The mechanical properties of the deposited metal shall meet the design requirements. It shall not be lower than the lower limit of the corresponding base metal standard. 4.4.2 Low-hydrogen electrodes shall be used for structures that directly bear dynamic loads or require fatigue checks, as well as thick-plate structures that work in low- temperature environments. 4.4.3 The selection of welding materials for pressure elements shall comply with the requirements of NB/T 47018 (all parts). 5 Materials for pressure elements 5.1 Steel plate 5.1.1 The applicable range of working pressure and wall temperature (calculated temperature) for carbon steel and low alloy steel plates shall comply with the provisions in Table 1. The allowable stresses of commonly used steel plates are listed in Table 2. 5.1.2 For carbon steel and low alloy steel plates that need to be normalized, normalized + tempered or conditioned and tempered in the boiler manufacturing process, the delivery state of the steel plate manufacturer may be different from that specified in Table 2. The exit-factory inspection and enter-factory reinspection can be sampled on the heat-treated steel plate sample block. 5.1.3 For the No. 20 steel plate purchased according to GB/T 711, the lower yield strength value (ReL) given in the material quality certificate or the tensile test in enter- factory reinspection shall not be less than 245 MPa. 5.1.4 The steel plate requirements for the boiler shell (drum), furnace liner and header ......

GB/T 16508.2-2013 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.060.30 J 98 Partially replacing GB/T 16507-1996 Shell Boilers -- Part 2: Material ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 31, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 1, 2014 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC; Standardization Administration of the PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative References ... 5 3 General Requirements ... 7 4 Steel Plate ... 9 5 Steel Tube ... 11 6 Steel Forging ... 13 7 Steel Casting ... 16 8 Iron Casting ... 18 9 Suspender and Tension Brace ... 19 10 Fastener ... 20 11 Welding Material ... 20 Appendix A (Informative) Metallographic Inspection for Steel forging ... 21 Appendix B (Informative) High-temperature Property of the Common Material ... 23 Shell Boilers -- Part 2: Material 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 16508 specifies material designation and its standard, basic technical requirements (including steel plate, steel tube, steel forging, steel casting, iron casting, suspender and tension brace, fastener, welding material), application scope (temperature and pressure), and permissible stress allowed to be used for pressure part of shell boiler, as well as material designation and its standard allowed to be used for non-pressure part of shell boiler. This Part is applicable for selection and application of materials for pressure parts and non-pressure parts of the shell boiler as defined in GB/T 16508.1. 2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB 150.2 Pressure Vessels - Part 2: Materials GB/T 699 Quality Carbon Structural Steels GB/T 700 Carbon Structural Steels GB/T 711 Hot-rolled Quality Carbon Structural Steel Plates, Sheets and Wide Strips GB 713 Steel Plates for Boilers and Pressure Vessels GB/T 1220 Stainless Steel Bars GB/T 1221 Heat-resistant Steel Bars GB/T 1348 Spheroidal Graphite Iron Castings GB/T 3077 Alloy Structure Steels GB 3087 Seamless Steel Tubes for Low and Medium Pressure Boiler GB/T 3274 Hot-rolled Plates and Strips of Carbon Structural Steels and High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels GB/T 4338 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing at Elevated Temperature GB 5310 Seamless Steel Tubes and Pipes for High Pressure Boiler GB/T 6394 Metal - Methods for Estimating the Average Grain Size GB/T 6803 Test method for Drop-weight Test to Determine Nil-ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels GB/T 8163 Seamless Steel Tubes for Liquid Service GB/T 9439 Grey Iron Castings GB/T 10561 Steel - Determination of Content of Nonmetallic Inclusions- Micrographic Method Using Standards Diagrams GB/T 11352 Carbon Steel Castings for General Engineering Purpose GB/T 13298 Metal - Inspection Method of Microstructure GB/T 16507.2 Water-tube Boilers - Part 2: Materials GB/T 16508.1 Shell Boilers - Part 1: General Requirements JB/T 2637 Specification for Pressure-containing Nodular Iron Castings of Boiler JB/T 2639 Pressure Grey Iron Castings of Boiler - Specification JB/T 4730.3 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipment - Part 3: Ultrasonic Testing JB/T 9625 Specification for Pressure Retaining Casting of Boiler Pipe Fittings JB/T 9626 Specification for Boiler Forging NB/T 47008 Carbon and Low-alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Equipment NB/T 47018 Technical Permission of Welding Materials for Pressure Equipment 3.3 Quality certificate Steel for pressure part shall be accompanied with material quality certificate of material fabrication organization. The material quality certificate shall meet the following requirements: a) The material fabrication organization shall provide the user with the original quality certificate as specified in the material standard and the order contract; and shall provide distinct and firm steel stamp or other marking on the obvious part of material. The material quality certificate shall be complete and distinct in contents and shall be stamped with the quality inspection seal of the material fabrication organization; b) Where the boiler material is not directly supplied by the material fabrication organization, the supplier shall provide the original material quality certificate or the copies with its official seal and signature of its operator. 3.4 Material acceptance The boiler fabrication organization shall carry out acceptance according to material quality certificate, and the material may only be used after being regarded as acceptable. Foreign designation material shall be accepted according to the technical standards and technical conditions specified in order contract, where necessary, compared with the boiler material standard in China, the lacking inspection item shall be redone, and it may only be used after being regarded as acceptable. Physicochemical and corresponding non-destructive testing and re-inspection may be omitted for the material under any of the following conditions: a) The acceptance personnel of the material using organization carries out acceptance at the material fabrication organization according to the procurement technical requirements and make a witnessed signature on the inspection report for confirmation; b) The carbon steel plate, tube and welding material for boiler under pressure below 3.8MPa shall be provided with distinct and complete physical mark and material quality certificate in accordance with the specified requirements. In addition, the quality certificate shall conform to the physical object. 3.5 Basic requirements 3.5.1 Steel for pressure part and steel for non-pressure part welded to pressure part shall be killed steel. 3.5.2 For the steel plate, steel tube, steel forging and round steel for suspender etc. for pressure part, where they are directly made by rolling and forging with steel billet casting (including ingot casting and continuous casting billet), their compression ratio shall not be less than 3. 3.5.3 After tensile test is carried out on standard specimen of steel (steel plate, steel tube, steel forging and its welded joints etc.) for pressure part, the post-fracture percentage elongation (A) of the steel shall not be less than 18%; impact absorbed energy value KV2 obtained from V-shaped Charpy impact test shall not be lower than 27J. 3.5.4 Permissible stress of steel for pressure part is determined according to the principle of GB/T 16508.1. Permissible stress value between two adjacent calculating temperatures listed in permissible stress table may be determined through arithmetic interpolation method, and its value is rounded off as an integer. 3.5.5 Under use conditions, welding material shall be provided with enough strength, plasticity, toughness and favorable anti-fatigue property and corrosion resistance property. 3.5.6 See Appendix B for non-proportional elongation strength value (Rp0.2) of steel at high temperature, mean value of 105h endurance strength, elasticity modulus and mean linear expansion coefficient, etc. 4 Steel Plate 4.1 Application Scope for common steel plate is in accordance with those specified in Table 1. 4.2 Permissible stress of the steel plate material is in accordance with those specified in Table 2. 4.3 Where heat treatment like normalizing and normalizing plus tempering are needed to be carried out on steel plate material during boiler fabrication, steel plate fabrication organization may deliver steel plate with its delivery state different from the heat treatment specified in Table 2. Where the steel plate fabrication organization and the boiler fabrication organization carry out delivery inspection and receiving acceptance for mechanical property of steel plate respectively, rough specimen after heat treatment is used for the test. 4.4 For 20 steel plate purchased according to GB/T 711, the lower yield strength value (ReL) specified in its material quality certificate or after receiving re-inspection for tensile test shall not be less than 245MPa. suspension device (U-shaped clamp and pin roll etc.) are in accordance with those specified in Table 7 and Table 8 respectively. 6.3 The rating for steel forging is determined by the design document and noted in the drawing. 6.4 Where required by user, Grades III and IV steel forging of pressure part shall additionally be subject to metallographic inspection by reference to the requirements in Appendix A. 6.5 For steel forging with the design calculating temperature above 300°C, a high- temperature tensile test at the design calculating temperature may be additionally required in the design document and shall comply with GB/T 4338; see Appendix B for the specified value of non-proportional elongation strength at high temperature Rp0.2. 6.6 Slip-on-welding steel tube flange with operating pressure not exceeding 2.5MPa may be fabricated with the steel plate given in Table 1. 6.7 Parts such as tube fittings (tee junction, elbow and reducer union etc.) and header head may be processed and fabricated by hot processing with corresponding materials of steel tube given in Table 3. 6.8 Except for various flanges, hollow cylindrical tube fittings or tube cape fittings may be processed by rolled or forged round steel with the corresponding materials designation given in Table 5, with the round steel not allowed to be substituted by steel plate. Where rolled or forged round steel is used for processing hollow cylindrical tube fittings or tube cape fittings, the following requirements shall be complied with: a) The outside diameter of carbon steel tube fittings shall not be larger than 160mm and that of alloy steel tube fittings or tube cap fittings shall not be larger than 114mm; b) The longitudinal axis of tube fittings shall be in line with the axis of round steel; c) The heat treatment state of processed fittings shall comply with the requirements of drawing; d) The processed fittings shall be subject to non-destructive testing according to requirements of drawing. tempering 8 Iron Casting 8.1 The application scope of iron casting shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 12. 8.2 The safety coefficient for the tensile strength of grey iron casting at room temperature is not less than 10.0, and that for spheroidal graphite iron casting at room temperature is not less than 8.0. Permissible stress of common iron casting material (with nominal thickness ≤30mm) is in accordance with those specified in Table 13. 8.3 Grey iron casting shall not be used to fabricate the blowdown valve and blowdown bent tube. 8.4 For boiler with the rated operating pressure less than or equal to 1.6MPa and superheater with the steam temperature less than or equal to 300°C, the spheroidal graphite iron casting listed in Table 12 may be adopted for the fabrication of their blow- off valve and blowdown valve. 8.5 For the square cast-iron economizer and elbow of the boiler with the rated operating pressure less than or equal to 2.5MPa, grey iron casting with the designation not less than HT 300 is allowed to be adopted; for the square cast-iron economizer and elbow of the boiler with the rated operating pressure less than or equal to 1.6MPa, the grey iron casting with the designation not less than HT 300 is allowed to be adopted. 8.6 Repair welding is forbidden to be carried out on the iron casting used for the bearing part. Table 12 -- Application Scope for Iron Casting Material category Material designation Material standard Application scope Nominal diameter dimension mm Operating pressure MPa Medium temperature °C Grey iron casting HT300, HT350 GB/T 9439 ≤300 ≤0.8 < 230 JB/T 2639 ≤200 ≤1.6 Spheroidal graphite iron casting QT400-18, QT450-10 GB/T 1348 ≤150 ≤1.6 < 300 JB/T 2637 ≤100 ≤2.5 Appendix A (Informative) Metallographic Inspection for Steel forging A.1 General A.1.1 This appendix is a supplement to the text of the standard, specifying the requirements for metallographic inspection of steel forging for pressure part. A.1.2 Steel forging for pressure part shall not only comply with this appendix, but also meet the relevant requirements of this Standard. A.2 Metallographic inspection A.2.1 Additional metallographic inspection may be carried out on Grade III and IV steel forging used for boiler pressure part. A.2.2 The sampling position for metallographic inspection is the same as that for mechanical property test. A.2.3 Actual grain size The actual grain size of steel forging shall be inspected as GB/T 6394 and shall be in accordance with that specified in Table A.1. Table A.1 -- Actual Grain Size of Steel Forging Material designation Grain size rating Two testing areas Difference between the maximum rating and the minimum rating of grain size 20 Grades 4~10 Shall not exceed Grade 3 16Mn 15CrMo, 14Cr1Mo 12Cr1MoV, 12Cr2Mo1 A.2.4 Nonmetallic inclusion The nonmetallic inclusion of steel forging is rated according to Method A of GB/T 10561; Classes A, B, C, D and DS inclusions (regardless of fine or rough) individually shall be rated at 2.5 or less; the overall class of various fine and rough inclusions respectively shall be 6.5 or less. ......

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