GB/T 16475-2023_English: PDF (GB/T16475-2023)
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GB/T 16475-2023 | English | 235 |
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Temper designation system for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy products
| Valid |
GB/T 16475-2023
GB/T 16475-2008 | English | 75 |
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Temper designation system for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy
| Obsolete |
GB/T 16475-2008
GB/T 16475-1996 | English | 399 |
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Temper designation system for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy
| Obsolete |
GB/T 16475-1996
Standard ID | GB/T 16475-2023 (GB/T16475-2023) | Description (Translated English) | Temper designation system for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy products | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H61 | Classification of International Standard | 77.150.10 | Word Count Estimation | 14,169 | Date of Issue | 2023-08-06 | Date of Implementation | 2024-03-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 16475-2008 | Drafting Organization | Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd., Nonferrous Metals Technical and Economic Research Institute Co., Ltd., Youyan Engineering Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Fujian Nan Aluminum Plate and Strip Processing Co., Ltd., Fujian Xiangxin New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Tianjin Zhongwang Aluminum Co., Ltd., Chinalco Ruimin Co., Ltd., Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Dingsheng New Energy Materials Co., Ltd., Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co., Ltd., Guangdong Haomei New Materials Co., Ltd., Northwest Aluminum Co., Ltd., Guangxi Nannan Aluminum Processing Co., Ltd., Xiamen Xiamen Aluminum Foil Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 243) | Proposing organization | China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association | Issuing agency(ies) | State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration | Standard ID | GB/T 16475-2008 (GB/T16475-2008) | Description (Translated English) | Temper designation system for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H60 | Classification of International Standard | 77.150.10 | Word Count Estimation | 11,125 | Date of Issue | 2008-06-17 | Date of Implementation | 2008-12-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 16475-1996 | Adopted Standard | ISO 2107-2007, MOD | Drafting Organization | Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd. | Administrative Organization | National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee | Regulation (derived from) | National Standard Approval Announcement 2008 No.10 (Total No.123) | Proposing organization | China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association | Issuing agency(ies) | Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China | Summary | This standard specifies the deformation of aluminum and aluminum products, state code. This standard applies to rolling, extrusion, stretch, forging deformation method for producing aluminum and aluminum products. | Standard ID | GB/T 16475-1996 (GB/T16475-1996) | Description (Translated English) | Temper designation system for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | H61 | Classification of International Standard | 77.150.10 | Word Count Estimation | 10,164 | Date of Issue | 1996/7/9 | Date of Implementation | 1997/1/1 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB 340-1976 | Adopted Standard | ANSI H35.1-1993, NEQ | Regulation (derived from) | Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 10, 2008 (No. 123 overall) | Proposing organization | China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation | Issuing agency(ies) | State Bureau of Technical Supervision |
GB/T 16475-2023
ICS 77.150.10
CCS H 61
Replacing GB/T 16475-2008
Temper Designation System for Wrought Aluminum and
Aluminum Alloy Products
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 4
2 Normative References... 4
3 Terms and Definitions... 4
4 General... 4
5 Basic Temper Designation... 5
6 Detailed Temper... 5
Appendix A (Informative) Comparison List of Temper Designations Named in This Document and
That of Previously Used... 15
Bibliography... 16
This Document was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for
Standardization – Part 1.Rules for the Structure and Drafting of Standardizing Documents.
This Document replaced GB/T 16475-2008 Temper Designation System for Wrought Aluminum
and Aluminum Alloy. Compared with GB/T 16475-2008, the major technical changes of this
Document are as follows besides the structural adjustments and editorial modifications.
a) Add tempers of T39, T4P, T61, T64, T66, T6A, T6B, T77, T84, T89A (see 6.3.3 of this
b) Change the interpretation of tempers of T73, T74, T76, T79 (see 6.3.3 of this Edition;
6.2.5 of the 2008 Edition);
c) Add temper of T62A and its interpretation in "heat treatment verification state of T state"
(see 6.4 of this Edition; Clause 8 of the 2008 Edition);
d) Changed the interpretation of tempers of W_h/_51, W_h/_52, W_h/_54 (see 6.5 of this
Edition; 7.2 of the 2008 Edition).
Please note some contents of this Document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this
Document shall not assume the responsibility to identify these patents.
This Document was proposed by China Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Association.
This Document shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee on Non-
Ferrous Metals of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 243).
Drafting organizations of this Document. Southwest Aluminum (Group) Co., Ltd.; Nonferrous
Metals Technology and Economic Research Institute Co., Ltd.; GRIMAT Engineering Institute
Co., Ltd.; Fujian Nanping Aluminum Sheet & Strip Processing Co., Ltd.; Fujian Xiangxin
Shares Co., Ltd.; Tianjin Zhongwang Aluminum Co., Ltd.; Chalco Ruimin Co., Ltd.; Northeast
Light Alloy Co., Ltd.; Jiangsu Dingsheng New Energy Materials Co., Ltd.; Shandong Nanshan
Aluminum Co., Ltd.; Guangdong Haomei New Material Co., Ltd.; Northwest Aluminum Co.,
Ltd.; ALG Aluminum Inc.; and Xiamen Xiashun Aluminum Foil Co., Ltd.;
Chief drafting staffs of this Document. Deng Guangyan, Ge Lixin, Pan Zhen, Li Xiwu, Zhang
Liufeng, Liu Fubing, Du Hengan, Wang Aijun, Huang Ruiyin, Gao Xinyu, Zhu Kai, Zhou Hua,
Wu Baojian, Yan Zhaohui, Ding Gangping, Wang Shouye, Ren Yuelu, and Zhang Huihong.
The historical editions replaced by this Document are as follows.
--- GB/T 16475-1996 was first-time published in 1996; first-time revised in 2008;
--- It is second-time revised hereby.
Temper Designation System for Wrought Aluminum and
Aluminum Alloy Products
1 Scope
This Document specifies the temper designation for wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy
This Document is applicable to wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products produced by
rolling, extrusion, stretching, forging and other methods.
2 Normative References
The provisions in following documents become the essential provisions of this Document
through reference in this Document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates
indicated are applicable to this Document; for the undated documents, only the latest version
(including all the amendments) is applicable to this Document.
GB/T 8005.1 Aluminum and aluminum alloy terms and definitions - Part 1.Product and
method of processing and treatment
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this Document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 8005.1 apply.
4 General
4.1 The temper designation is divided into basic temper designation and detailed temper
designation. The basic temper designation is represented by an English capital letter; and the
detailed temper designation is represented by one or more Arabic numerals or English capital
letters suffixed to the basic temper designation. These Arabic numerals or English capital letters
represent the basic treatment or special treatment that affects the product characteristics.
4.2 When the basic temper designation is suffixed with "×" or "_", it shall represent a series of
detailed temper designations with certain common characteristics. Among them, "×" represents
any unspecified Arabic numeral or English capital letter, and "_" represents any unspecified
one or more Arabic numerals or English capital letters. For example, "H2×" indicates any
temper in "H21~H29"; "H××4" indicates any temper in "H114~H194" or "H224~H294" or
"H324~H394"; "T_51" indicates any temper with the last digit of the temper designation suffix
being "51", such as "T351, T651, T6151, T7351, T7651", etc.
4.3 The mechanical properties of products corresponding to each detailed temper are shown in
the Registration Form for Tempers and Properties of Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy
4.4 The comparison list of the temper designations named in this Document and that used
previously is shown in Appendix A.
5 Basic Temper Designation
5.1 F - Free processing state
It is applicable to products that have no special requirements for work hardening and heat
treatment conditions during the forming process. The mechanical properties of products in this
state are not specified.
5.2 O - Annealed state
It is applicable to the product state that obtains the lowest strength after full annealing.
5.3 H - Work-hardening state
It is applicable to products that have been hardened to improve their strength.
5.4 W - Solution heat treatment state
It is applicable to an unstable state of natural aging at room temperature after solution heat
treatment. This state is not used as the product delivery state, but only indicates that the product
is in the natural aging stage.
5.5 T - Stable state of heat treatment different from F, O or H
It is applicable to the stable state that is reached with (or without) work hardening after high
temperature forming or solution heat treatment. This state is only applicable to heat-treatable
strengthening aluminum alloys.
6 Detailed Temper
6.1 Detailed temper of the O state
O may be followed by a number or a numerical subscript other than zero. The detailed temper
of the O state shall comply with the provisions of Table 1.
GB/T 16475-2008
ICS 77.150.10
H 60
Replacing GB/T 16475-1996
Temper designation system for
Wrought aluminium and alloy
(ISO 2107.2007, Aluminium and aluminium alloys –
Wrought products - Temper designations, MOD)
ISSUED ON. JUNE 17, 2008
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Application Scope ... 5
2 General ... 5
3 Basic temper designations ... 5
4 Subdivisions of O temper designations ... 6
5 Subdivisions of H temper designations ... 6
6 Subdivisions of T temper designations ... 9
7 Subdivision of W temper designations ... 12
8 Demonstration of response to heat treatment of T temper ... 12
9 Cross-reference between the new and old temper designations ... 12
Annex A (Informative) Demonstration of response to heat treatment ... 14
Annex B (Informative) Cross-refence between the numbers of clauses or
subclauses of this Standard and those of ISO 2107.2007 ... 15
This Standard modifies and adopts ISO 2107.2007, Temper designation system for
wrought aluminium and alloy (English version), and is redrafted in accordance with
ISO 2107.2007. For the convenience of comparison, the cross-reference table
between the numbers of clauses or subclauses of this Standard and those of
corresponding national standards are given in the informative Annex B.
This Standard gives the modifications when adopting the international standards.
These technical differences are marked with vertical singlet lines in the page margins
of the clauses concerning them. The major differences are as follows.
-- some formats are modified in accordance with the Chinese linguistic habit;
-- some expressions applicable to international standards are changed into those
applicable to Chinese standards;
-- Clause 2 “Terms and definitions” of ISO 2107.2007 has been incorporated in GB/T
8005.1, Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms and definitions - Part 1. product
and method of processing and treatment, therefore this clause is not included in
this Standard;
-- the specification is added that H temper designations are only applicable to non-
heat-treatable alloy;
-- the specifications are added that W temper and O1 temper designations are
generally not the final delivery tempers of products;
-- the specification is added that T temper designations are only applicable to heat-
treatable alloy;
-- H32A temper used in China is added;
-- T81 temper and T87 temper are added;
-- the cross-reference between the new and old temper designations of China is
This Standard replaces GB/T 16475-1996, Temper designation system for wrought
aluminium and aluminium alloy.
The major changes of this Standard compare with GB/T 16475-1996 are as follows.
-- this Standard gives modifications to the definitions of H temper, T temper, H112
temper and H116 temper;
-- this Standard deletes T0 temper;
-- this Standard adds tempers O1, O2, O3, H321, HXX4, HXX5, T79, T81, T87 and
Temper designation system for
wrought aluminium and alloy
1 Application Scope
This Standard specifies the temper designations of all product forms of wrought
aluminium and aluminium alloys.
This Standard applies to the products of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy, which
are made by rolling, extrusion, drawing, forging, etc.
2 General
2.1 The temper designations include basic temper designations and subdivisions of
basic temper designations. Basic temper designations consist of one capitalized
English letter. The subdivisions of the basic tempers these are indicated by one or
more Arabic digits or capitalized English letters following the designation of the basic
temper. These Arabic digits or English capitalized letters relate to basic treatments or
special treatments which influence the product characteristics.
2.2 The “X” in the example temper designations of this Standard refers to any
unspecified Arabic digit, e.g. “H2X” may denote appropriate temper designations in the
series H21 ~ H29; “HXX4” may denote any temper designation in the series “H114 ~
H194”, or “H224 ~ H294”, or “H324 ~ H394”; “_” denotes any one or more Arabic digits,
e.g. “T_51” may denote any temper designation whose final two digits are “51”, such
as “T351, T651, T6151, T7351, T7651 etc.”
3 Basic temper designations
3.1 F - as fabricated
This designation applies to the products of shaping processes in which no special
control over thermal conditions or strain-hardening is applied. For this temper, there
are no mechanical property limits specified.
3.2 O - annealed
This designation applies to wrought products that are annealed to obtain the lowest
strength temper.
3.3 H - strain-hardened
This designation applies to products subjected to the application of work hardening, in
order to improve the strength.
3.4 W - solution heat-treated
This designation describes an unstable temper of natural ageing at room temperature
after solution heat-treatment. The temper is not a delivery condition of products, only
indicating the products are in the natural ageing period.
3.5 T - thermally treated to produce stable tempers other than F, O or H
This designation applies to products that are thermally treated, with or without
supplementary strain hardening, to produce stable tempers.
4 Subdivisions of O temper designations
4.1 O1 - high-temperature annealed and slow cooled
This designation applies to the temper in which products or samples are heated to
approximately the temperature for solution heat-treatment and maintained at the
temperature (the time is approximately the same as that specified for solution heat-
treatment), and cooled in the air outside the furnace, before ultrasonic inspection or
dimensional stability. Mechanical property limits are not specified. Therefore, it is
generally not the final delivery condition of products.
4.2 O2 - thermo-mechanically processed
This designation applies to wrought products which are annealed at high temperature
(up to the temperature specified for solution heat-treatment) to obtain good forming
properties, before the thermos-mechanical treatment.
4.3 O3 - homogenized
This designation applies to continuously cast drawing stock or strip which is subjected
to a high-temperature thermal treatment to eliminate or reduce segregation, thus
improving subsequent formability.
5 Subdivisions of H temper designations
5.1 First digit after H
5.1.1 The first digit following the letter H indicates the specific combination of basic
operations, denoted with digits 1 ~ 4.
5.1.2 H1X - Strain-hardened only. These designations apply to products that are
strain-hardened to obtain the desired strength without supplementary thermal
6.2.6 T81 - applies to products that are cold-worked about 1% to improve strength
after solution heat-treatment, and artificially aged.
6.2.7 T87 - applies to products that are cold-worked about 7% after solution heat-
treatment, and artificially aged.
7 Subdivision of W temper designations
7.1 Subdivision of W temper designation, W_h
W_h - an unstable temper during specific natural ageing time at room temperature.
E.g. W2h indicates the natural ageing at room temperature is 2 h after quenching.
7.2 Subdivision of W temper designation, W_h/_51, W_h/_52 and W_h/_54
W_h/_51, W_h/_52 and W_h/_54 - indicate an unstable stress-relieved temper during
specific natural ageing time at room temperature. E.g. W2h/351 indicates a stress-
relieved temper by starting to stretch after natural ageing for 2 h at room temperature
after quenching.
8 Demonstration of response to heat treatment of T
See Annex A for the demonstration of response to heat treatment of T temper.
9 Cross-reference between the new and old temper
See Table 6 for the cross-reference between the new and old temper designations.
Table 6
designation New designation Old designation New designation
Non-heat-treatable alloy. H112 or F
Heat-treatable alloy. T1 or F
T_51, T_52, etc.
Annex A
Demonstration of response to heat treatment
A.1 Temper designations for producer/supplier - Laboratory demonstration of
response to heat treatment
The following temper designations have been assigned for wrought-product test
material, furnace heat-treated from O temper (O, O1, etc.) or F temper, to demonstrate
the response to heat treatment.
a) T42. solution heat-treated from O temper or F temper and naturally aged to a
substantially stable condition;
b) T62. solution heat-treated from O temper or F temper and artificially aged;
c) T7_2. solution heat-treated from O temper or F temper and artificially overaged
to meet the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance limits of the
applicable T7_ temper.
A.2 Temper designations for producer/supplier - Demonstration of response to
temper conversion
When the purchaser requires capability demonstrations from T-temper, the
producer/supplier shall note “Capability Demonstration”. Some examples are.
- T3 to T82 capability demonstration for response to ageing;
- T4 to T62 capability demonstration for response to ageing;
- T4 to T762 capability demonstration for response to over-ageing;
- T6 to T732 capability demonstration for response to over-ageing;
- T351 to T42 capability demonstration for response to re-solution heat-treating.
A.3 Temper designations for purcha...