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GB/T 16294-2010 English PDF (GB/T 16294-1996)

GB/T 16294-2010_English: PDF (GB/T16294-2010)
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GB/T 16294-2010English155 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Test method for settling microbe in clean room (zone) of the pharmaceutical industry Valid GB/T 16294-2010
GB/T 16294-1996English319 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Test method for settling microbe in clean room (area) of the pharmaceutical industry Obsolete GB/T 16294-1996

Standard ID GB/T 16294-2010 (GB/T16294-2010)
Description (Translated English) Test method for settling microbe in clean room (zone) of the pharmaceutical industry
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard C30
Classification of International Standard 13.040.30
Word Count Estimation 11,190
Date of Issue 2010-09-02
Date of Implementation 2011-02-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 16294-1996
Quoted Standard GB/T 16292-2010
Drafting Organization Shanghai Food and Drug packaging materials testing
Administrative Organization State Food and Drug Administration
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Announcement 2010 No.4 (Total No.159)
Proposing organization State Food and Drug Administration
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the pharmaceutical industry cleanrooms and clean zones settlement bacteria test conditions, test methods. This standard applies to the pharmaceutical industry clean room and clean area, verify sterile room or local air purification area (including clean bench) settlement bacteria test and the environment.

Standard ID GB/T 16294-1996 (GB/T16294-1996)
Description (Translated English) Test method for settling microbe in clean room (area) of the pharmaceutical industry
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard C10
Classification of International Standard 13.040.30
Word Count Estimation 8,821
Date of Issue 1996/4/10
Date of Implementation 1996/10/1
Quoted Standard YY/T 0188.6-1995,
Adopted Standard NASA NHB 5340-2, NEQ
Drafting Organization Shanghai City food and drug packaging materials testing
Administrative Organization State Food and Drug Administration
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2010 No. 4 (No. 159 overall)
Proposing organization State Administration of Medicine
Issuing agency(ies) State Bureau of Technical Supervision
Summary This Standard specifies the pharmaceutical industry cleanrooms and clean zones settlement bacteria test conditions, test methods. This Standard is applicable to verify the pharmaceutical industry cleanrooms and clean areas, sterile room or local air purification area (including the clean bench) settlement bacteria test and the environment.

GB/T 16294-2010 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 13.040.30 C 30 Replacing GB/T 16294-1996 Test method for settling microbe in clean room (zone) of the pharmaceutical industry ISSUED ON. SEPTEMBER 02, 2010 IMPLEMENTED ON. FEBRUARY 01, 2011 Issued by. China Food and Drug Administration Table of Contents Foreword . 3 1 Scope .. 4 2 Normative references . 4 3 Terms and definitions . 4 4 Test method . 5 5 Test rules . 7 Annex A (normative) Clean room (zone) sampling point layout . 12 Annex B (normative) Sterilization and preparation of culture medium .. 14 Annex C (informative) Technical requirements for settling microbe in clean room (zone) . 16 Foreword This Standard refers to ISO 14698-1 “Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Biocontamination control - Part 1. General principles and methods”, ISO/TS 11133-1.2000 (English version) “Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media - Part 1. General guidelines on quality assurance for the preparation of culture media in the laboratory”. This Standard replaces GB/T 16294-1996 “Test method for settling microbe in clean room (area) of the pharmaceutical industry”. The main differences between this Standard and GB/T 16294-1996 are. - ADD the method for determining the minimum number of sampling points; - MODIFY the original standard to “4.10.2 [Translator’s note. this should be 4.4.5 in this Standard] The petri dish prepared by soybean casein agar medium (TSA) are sampled and cultured in the incubator at 30 °C to 35 °C for no less than 2 d. The petri dish prepared by sabouraud medium (SDA) are sampled and cultured in the incubator at 20 °C ~ 25 °C for no less than 5 d.”; - ADD the content of 5.8 “Daily monitoring”, ADD the establishment of correcting limits and warning limits for the control of microbial concentration in the air of clean room (zone) and the content of how to determine the sampling frequency in this Standard. Annex A and Annex B of this Standard are normative annexes. Annex C of this Standard is an informative annex. This Standard was proposed and shall be under the jurisdiction of China Food and Drug Administration. Drafting organizations of this Standard. Shanghai Food and Drug Packaging Material Control Center, China Food and Drug Testing Institute Medical Device Testing Center. Main drafters of this Standard. Lu Weiyi, Xu Minfeng, Feng Xiaoming, Wang Zhimin. The historical edition of the standard replaced by this Standard is. GB/T 16294- 1996. Test method for settling microbe in clean room (zone) of the pharmaceutical industry 1 Scope This Standard specifies the test conditions and test method for setting microbe in clean room and clean zone of the pharmaceutical industry. This Standard is applicable to the test of setting microbe in clean room and clean zone of the pharmaceutical industry, and in sterile room or local air purification area (including the clean bench), and the verification of the environment. 2 Normative references The following documents contain the provisions which, through reference in this Standard, become the provisions of this Standard. For dated references, their subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard. However, the parties who enter into agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate whether the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this Standard. GB/T 16292-2010 Test method for airborne particles in clean room(zone) of the pharmaceutical industry 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 settling microbe Visible number of colonies that are colonized using living microbial particles in the air collected by the method mentioned in this Standard, in special culture medium, under suitable growth conditions. 3.2 settling microbe plate count Number of setting microbe in the air that are collected in each plate petri dish in the specified period of time, expressed in cells/dish. 4 Test method 4.1 Method summary This test method adopts the sedimentation method, that is, collect biological particles in the air on the culture medium plate through natural sedimentation principle, after some time, let it grow to visible colonies under appropriate conditions and count, determine the number of living microorganisms in a clean environment by counting the number of colonies in the plate petri dish, so as to assess the cleanliness of the clean room (zone). 4.2 Personnel responsibility and training The test personnel of the clean room (zone) shall be trained in this specialty and obtain relevant qualifications before they can perform their duties in the clean room (zone) test, which includes hygienic knowledge and basic knowledge of the microorganisms involved. The test personnel of the clean room (zone) shall select the wear that suits the air cleanliness grade requirements of the production operation, and the outer clothes cannot be brought into the area of 100 000 grade or more. 4.3 Instruments The instrument shall include. a) petri dish; b) culture medium (see Annex B of this Standard); c) constant temperature incubator; d) high pressure steam sterilizer. 4.3.1 Petri dish It generally uses φ90 mm × 15 mm petri dishes. 4.3.2 Culture medium Soybean casein agar medium (TSA) or sabouraud medium (SDA) or user- approved and validated medium. The preparation method is shown in Annex B. For unidirectional-flow clean rooms (zones) or air supply ports, the sampling port of the sampler shall face the airflow direction; for non- unidirectional-flow clean rooms (zones), the sampling port shall be upward. When arranging the sampling points, it shall at least avoid the return air outlets with relatively concentrated dust particles as far as possible. When sampling, the testing personnel shall stand on the downwind side of the sampling port and move as little as possible. It shall take all measures to prevent contamination during the sampling process and other possible contamination of the sample. When the petri dish is used for testing, in order to avoid the influence of the process of transporting or moving the petri dish, it should carry out a control test at the same time. TAKE a control dish each time or at each area, OPERATE in the same way as the sampling dish without exposing the sampling, and then PLACE it in the incubator along with the sampled petri dish (TSA or SDA). The result shall be there is no colonies. 5.5 Records The test report shall contain the following. a) name and address of the tester, test date; b) test basis; c) plane position of the clean room (zone) to be tested (mark the plane position of the adjacent area if necessary); d) description of the test instrument and the test method. including test environmental conditions, number of sampling points and layout diagram, number of tests, or possible changes in the test method, test instrument certification certificates, etc.; if it is a dynamic state test, it shall record the number and location of on-site operators and the number and location of on-site instruments. e) test result; including all statistical calculation data. 5.6 Result calculation 5.6.1 Count the number of colonies in each petri dish. 5.6.2 For the calculation of the average colony count of setting microbe at each test point, see equation (1). ......

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