GB/T 1346-2024_English: PDF (GB/T1346-2024)
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GB/T 1346-2024 | English | RFQ |
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Test methods for water requirement of standard consistency, setting time and soundness of the portland cement
| Valid |
GB/T 1346-2024
GB/T 1346-2011 | English | 85 |
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Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency, setting time and soundness of the Portland cement
| Valid |
GB/T 1346-2011
GB/T 1346-2001 | English | 359 |
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Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency, setting time and soundness of the Portland cements
| Obsolete |
GB/T 1346-2001
GB/T 1346-1989 | English | 279 |
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Standard test method--Water requirement for normal consistency, setting time and soundness of the portland cement
| Obsolete |
GB/T 1346-1989
Standard ID | GB/T 1346-2024 (GB/T1346-2024) | Description (Translated English) | Test methods for water requirement of standard consistency, setting time and soundness of the portland cement | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Date of Implementation | 2025-07-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 1346-2011 | Standard ID | GB/T 1346-2011 (GB/T1346-2011) | Description (Translated English) | Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency, setting time and soundness of the portland cement | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | Q11 | Classification of International Standard | 91.100.10 | Word Count Estimation | 12,117 | Date of Issue | 2011-07-20 | Date of Implementation | 2012-03-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 1346-2001 | Quoted Standard | JC/T 727, JC/T 729, JC/T 955 | Adopted Standard | ISO 9597-2008, NEQ | Drafting Organization | China Building Materials Academy | Administrative Organization | National Standardization Technical Committee of cement | Regulation (derived from) | Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 10 of 2011 | Proposing organization | China Building Materials Federation | Issuing agency(ies) | Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China | Summary | This standard specifies the normal consistency of cement water, setting the time and free calcium oxide caused by the soundness of the principle of testing methods, equipment, materials, test conditions and side given method. This standard applies to portland cement, ordinary portland cement, slag cement, fly ash cement, pozzolana Portland cement, composite portland cement, and the other by the method specified varieties of cement. | Standard ID | GB/T 1346-2001 (GB/T1346-2001) | Description (Translated English) | Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency, setting time and soundness of the portland cements | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | Q11 | Classification of International Standard | 91.100.10 | Word Count Estimation | 9,995 | Date of Issue | 2001/4/29 | Date of Implementation | 2001/10/1 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 1346-1989 | Quoted Standard | JC/T 727-1982 (1996); JC/T 729-1989 (1996), | Adopted Standard | ISO 9597-1989, MOD | Drafting Organization | China Building Materials Science Acedemy Cement and New Building Materials Science Institute | Administrative Organization | National Cement Standardization Technical Committee | Regulation (derived from) | Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2011 No. 10 | Proposing organization | State Building Materials Industry Bureau | Issuing agency(ies) | General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China | Summary | This Standard specifies the standard consistency water cement setting time and soundness test methods by free calcium oxide caused. This Standard is applicable to Portland cement, Portland cement, mineral note Portland cement, fly ash cement, pozzolana cement, composite Portland cement and other designated uses this standard Variety of cement. |
ICS 91.100.10
Q 11
Replacing GB/T 1346-2001
Test methods for Water Requirement of
Normal Consistency, Setting Time and
Soundness of the Portland Cement
(ISO 9597. 2008, Cement - Test Methods - Determination of Setting
Time and Soundness, NEQ)
ISSUED ON. JUNE 20, 2011
Jointly Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision,
Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ);
Standardization Administration (SAC) of the People's
Republic of China.
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically &
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
This standard was drafted according to the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 1346-2001 "Test Methods for Water Requirement of
Normal Consistency, Setting Time and Soundness of the Portland Cements"
Compared with GB/T 1346-2001, the main changes of this standard are as follows.
- "Each mould shall be equipped with a flat glass plate larger than the mould and at least
2.5 mm thick" is changed into "each mould shall be equipped with a flat glass base-plate or
metal base-plate with the side length or diameter of about 100mm and thickness of 4mm~
5mm" (see 4.2 of this standard and 4.2 of 2001 edition )
- As for graduated cylinder or burette, "the minimal graduation is 0.1mL and the
precision is 1%" is changed into "the precision is ±0.5mL" (see 4.7 of this standard and 4.7 of
2001 edition);
- "After mixing, the cement paste must be loaded into the mould on the glass plate at
once. The cement paste should be pug, vibrated lightly several times and screeded smoothly."
is changed into "Immediately after mixing, the cement paste of right amount shall be loaded
into the mould on the glass base-plate at a time; remove the voids in the paste by gently
tapping the slightly overfilled mould five times with a straight-edged knife of about 25 mm in
width, and then slightly incline the straight-edged knife to the mould and gently saw the
excessive paste outward at the point about 1/3 of the upper surface of the mould, and then
plaster the top again from the edge for having a smooth surface. During sawing the excessive
paste and screeding, paste shall not be compacted" (see 7.3 of this standard and 7.3 of 2001
- "When the initial/final setting time arrived, the repeat of the tests should be done at
once. When the results of two time tests were same as each other, the result can be determined
as initial/final setting time." is changed into "When the initial setting time arrived, the repeat
of the tests should be done at once. When the results of two time tests were same as each
other, the result can be determined as initial setting time. When the final time arrives, the final
setting time can be confirmed by repeating the test in two other positions. The final setting
time is determined to be reached when the results of two times are the same" (See 8.5 of this
standard and 8.5 of 2001 edition);
- "Two glass plates (75 g ~ 85 g/glass plate) are prepared for one Le Chatelier. " is
changed into "Two glass plates of 80mm in side length or diameter and 4mm~ 5mm in
thickness shall be prepared for one Le Chatelier" (See 9.1 of this standard and 9.1 of 2001
- "pug the cement paste with knife (about 10 mm in width) several times using the other
hand." is changed into "pug the paste surface with knife (about 25 mm in width) three times
using the other hand" (see 9.2 of this standard and 9.2 of 2001 edition);
- "After mixing, the cement paste must be loaded into the mould at once. The cement
paste should be pug, vibrated lightly several times and screeded smoothly." is changed into
"After mixing, the cement paste shall be loaded into cone mould at once. The paste surface
should be pug and vibrated lightly 5 times with a straight-edge knife of about 25 mm in
width." (see 10.3.2 of this standard and 10.3.2 of 2001 edition);
- "When the adjustment approach on amount of water is used, the normal consistency of
cement paste must be accordant with the consistency obtained when the dropping depth of the
test cone is 28 mm ± 2 mm." is changed into "When the adjustment approach on amount of
water is used, the normal consistency of cement paste must be accordant with the consistency
obtained when the dropping depth of the test cone is 30mm± 1mm" (see 10.3.3 of this
standard and 10.3.3 of 2001 edition).
This standard is corresponding to ISO 9597. 2008 "Cement-Test methods-Determination
of setting time and soundness", but not equivalent to it.
This standard was proposed by China Building Materials Federation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Cements
of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 184).
Chief Drafting Organizations. China Building Materials Academy, Xiamen Iso Standard
Sand Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Zhongfu Construction Group Co., ltd.
Participating drafting organizations. Xinjiang Tianshan Cement Co., Ltd., Sichuan
Esheng Cement Group Co., Ltd, Yunnan Hongta Dianxi Cement Co., Ltd., Yunnan Kunsteel
Cement Building Materials Group Co., Ltd., LuQuan QuZhai Cement Co., Ltd., Zhongcai
Hanjiang Cement Co., Ltd., Cement Plant of Jizhong Energy Resources Co., Ltd., Shaanxi
Shengwei Building materials Group Co., Ltd., Guangling Jinghua Chemical Group Co., Ltd.,
Henan Tongli cement Co., Ltd., Yunnan Xingjian Cement Co., Ltd., Ningxia Saima industry
Co., Ltd., Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute, Cement Quality Supervisior & test
laboratory of ShanDong Province, Guangdong Building Material Research Institute, Xuzhou
Institute for Products Quality Supervision and Inspection.
Chief drafting staffs. Jiang Lizhen, Liu Chen, Yan Bilan, Cui Xiangyang, Xiao
Zhongming, Zhu Wengao, Li Shengtai, Liu Ge, Yu Ligang, Xu Juehui, Wang Yongqing, Xia
Zhongyong, Wang Jianxin.
The previous editions of the standards replaced by this standard are as.
- GB/T 1346-1989;
- GB/T 1346-2001.
1 Scope .. 1
2 Normative References .. 1
3 Principle... 1
4 Instruments and Equipment.. 2
5 Materials... 4
6 Testing Conditions ... 4
7 Determination Methods for Water Requirement of Normal Consistency (Standard Method)
... 5
8 Determination Method of Setting Time ... 5
9 Determination of Soundness (Standard Method) ... 7
10 Determination Methods for Water Requirement of Normal Consistency (Replacement
Method) ... 7
11 Determination of Soundness (Replacement Method)... 8
12 Test Report ... 9
1Test methods for Water Requirement of Normal Consistency,
Setting Time and Soundness of the Portland Cement
1 Scope
This standard specifies the principle, instruments and equipment, materials, test
conditions and determination methods of test methods for water requirement of normal
consistency, setting time and volume soundness (caused by free calcium oxide) of the
portland cements.
This method is applicable to portland cement and ordinary portland cement, portland slag
cement, portland fly-ash cement, portland pozzolana cement, composite portland cement and
other cements specified to adopt this method.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the
latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
JC/T 727 Apparatus for determining normal consistency and setting time of cement paste
JC/T 729 Mixer for cement paste
JC/T 955 Boiling box for determining soundness of cement
3 Principle
3.1 Normal consistency of portland cements
Cement paste of normal consistency has a specified resistance to the dropping of a
standard test bar (or test cone). The water required for such a paste shall be determined by
testing the penetrations of pastes with different water contents.
3.2 Setting time
The setting time is the time required for a needle to drop into the cement paste of normal
consistency for a certain depth.
3.3 Soundness
3.3.1 Le Chatelier is used to indicate the volume expansion of cement paste of normal
consistency by determining the relative displacement of two needles boiled in Le Chatelier.
3.3.2 Pat method is used to indicate the volume soundness by observing the overall change
of paste pat of normal consistency.
5humidity shall not be less than 90%.
7 Determination Methods for Water Requirement of Normal
Consistency (Standard Method)
7.1 Preparation Work before Test
7.1.1 The sliding bar of Vicat apparatus can slip freely. Mould and glass base-plate shall be
cleaned with wet cloth, and mould shall be placed on the base-plate.
7.1.2 The pointer shall indicate the Zero when the test bar is adjusted to touch the glass
7.1.3 The mixer shall operate normally.
7.2 Mixing the cement paste
Use mixer to mix cement paste. clean the agitator kettle and agitator blade with wet cloth,
pour water into the agitator kettle, add 500g cement into water within 5s~ 10s, prevent water
and cement from spilling; place the agitator kettle on the base of agitator, raise it to the
mixing position, start the mixer and mix at low speed for 120s; scrap cement paste on blade
and kettle wall into the kettle, and then mix at high-speed for 120s before stopping.
7.3 Determination procedure of water requirement of normal consistency
Immediately after blending, the cement paste of right amount shall be loaded into the
mould on the glass base-plate at a time; remove the voids in the paste by gently tapping the
slightly overfilled mould five times with a straight-edged knife of about 25 mm in width, and
then slightly incline the straight-edged knife to the mould and gently saw the excessive paste
outward at the point about 1/3 of the upper surface of the mould, and then plaster the top
again from the edge for having a smooth surface. During sawing the excessive paste and
screeding, paste shall not be compacted. Then the mould and base-plate shall be rapidly
moved on to the Vicat apparatus, and the center of the mould shall be located under the test
bar and the test bar shall be lowered to the surface of cement paste. The screw shall be
tightened for 1s ~ 2s, then released suddenly so the test bar may drop into the cement paste
freely and vertically. After the test bar stopped dropping or was released for 30 s, the distance
between the test bar and base-plate shall be recorded. After test bar is raised, the test bar
should be cleaned at once. The whole operation shall be finished within 1.5min after mixing.
The normal consistency of cement paste shall be accordant with the consistency obtained
when the test bar is dropped into the cement paste with the distance 6 mm ± 1 mm from the
base-plate. The quantity of water for mixing is the water requirement of normal consistency
of cement (P). The unit is the percent according to the mass of cement.
8 Determination Method of Setting Time
8.1 Preparation work before test
When the pointer of instrument for measuring setting time is adjusted to touch the glass
plate, the pointer shall indicate Zero.
8.2 Preparation of sample
After the cement paste of normal consistency is made according to the water requirement
of normal consistency and 7.2 and loaded in the mould and scraped according to 7.3, it shall
be moved into humidity-maintenance box. The time when the cements are totally added into
the water shall be recorded as the initial setting time.
8.3 Determination of initial setting time ...