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GB 8897.4-2008 English PDF (GB 8897.4-2002)

GB 8897.4-2008_English: PDF (GB8897.4-2008)
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GB 8897.4-2008English155 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Primary batteries -- Part 4: Safety of lithium batteries Valid GB 8897.4-2008
GB 8897.4-2002EnglishRFQ ASK 4 days [Need to translate] Primary batteries: Safety of lithium batteries Obsolete GB 8897.4-2002

Standard ID GB 8897.4-2008 (GB8897.4-2008)
Description (Translated English) Primary batteries. Part 4: Safety of lithium batteries
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard K82
Classification of International Standard 29.220.10
Word Count Estimation 27,289
Date of Issue 2008-12-30
Date of Implementation 2010-03-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 8897.4-2002
Quoted Standard GB/T 8897.1; GB/T 8897.2
Adopted Standard IEC 60086-4-2007, IDT
Drafting Organization National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of Light Industry Battery
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee primary batteries
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 25 of 2008 (total 138)
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Chinese standard applies to lithium primary battery test items and requirements to ensure the lithium primary batteries intended use and reasonably foreseeable misuse case safety work. Note: GB/T 8897. 2 has been standardized lithium primary battery shall comply with all applicable requirements section. Understood, this standard can also be used to detect and/or a guarantee of the lithium primary battery of standardized safety. However, the situation of which belong to the above, are not declared or to ensure compliance (or non-compliance) of this standard requires a battery to meet (or not meet) for any particular purpose or user requirements.

Standard ID GB 8897.4-2002 (GB8897.4-2002)
Description (Translated English) Primary batteries: Safety of lithium batteries
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard K84
Classification of International Standard 29.220.10
Word Count Estimation 27,213
Date of Issue 2002/2/22
Date of Implementation 2003/3/1
Quoted Standard IEC 60086-1-1996
Adopted Standard IEC 60086-4-2000, IDT
Drafting Organization Light Chemical Power Institute
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee primary batteries
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 25 of 2008 (No. 138 overall)
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China
Summary This Standard specifies the original lithium battery test methods and performance requirements to ensure the normal use of lithium batteries and reasonable foreseeable misuse work with safety case.

GB 8897.4-2008 Primary batteries.Part 4. Safety of lithium batteries ICS 29.220.10 K82 National Standards of People's Republic of China GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 Replacing GB 8897.4-2002 Galvanic cells Part 4. Safety requirements lithium (IEC 60086-4.2007, IDT) Published 2008-12-30 2010-03-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China issued Table of Contents Preface Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ 1 Scope 1 2 Normative References 1 Terms and definitions 1 3 4 3 Safety Requirements 5 sampling 3 6 Testing and requirements 4 7 Safety Information 13 8 Instructions 15 9 mark 16 Appendix A (informative) lithium battery safety guidelines 17 Electric Appendix B (informative) lithium batteries as a power source with Designer's Guide 18 Additional information Annex C (normative) on the display and storage of the battery 20 Annex D (informative) This section 21 technical difference compared to the 2002 edition Reference 22 GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 Foreword Chapter 4 section, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Section 9 is mandatory, the rest are recommended. "Galvanic cell" is divided into five parts. --- GB/T 8897.1 "primary cells - Part 1. General" --- GB/T 8897.2 "galvanic cell Part 2. Dimensions and electrical performance requirements" --- GB/T 8897.3 "galvanic cell Part 3. Battery Watch" --- GB 8897.4 "galvanic cell Part 4. lithium Security requirements" --- GB 8897.5 "galvanic cell - Part 5. Safety requirements for batteries with aqueous electrolyte" This part is "galvanic cell" Part 4. This section is equivalent to using IEC 60086-4.2007 "primary cell Part 4. lithium Security requirements" (3rd Edition). This part of IEC 60086-4.2007 as compared to only do the following editorial changes. Quote --- "normative references" in the standard to replace the corresponding national standards; --- with symbols instead of decimal decimal symbol "," "."; --- instead of "this International Standard" by "this standard"; --- with "this section" instead of "in the present section of this International Standard"; --- delete informative overview of elements of international standards (including the cover, directory, preface). This partial replacement GB 8897.4-2002 "galvanic cell Part 4. lithium battery safety requirements." This portion of the main technical difference GB 8897.4-2002 See Appendix D. Appendix A of this section, to Appendix B, appendix C, Appendix D are informative annex. This section was proposed by China Light Industry Federation. This part of the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of Standardization primary battery (SAC/TC176). This part mainly drafted by. China National Light Industry Quality Supervision and Test Center battery, Fujian Nanping Nanfu Battery Co., Ltd., Chengdu Jianzhong Lithium Co., Ltd., Wu Jiang Exit Inspection and Quarantine, Changzhou of legislation Battery Co., Ltd., Li Jia Power Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Participated in the drafting of this section. Wuhan Lixing (Torch) Power Co., Ltd., Guangdong is Dragon Corp., Guangzhou Panyu Huali Electric Limited pool. This part drafter. Lin Peiyun, Liu Yan, Huang Xingping, Wu Yifan, Wang Caijuan, Xu Pingguo, Wang Jian, Wang Chuanyi, Huang Weijie, Zhang Chaoming. Replaced this part of previously issued as follows. --- GB 8897.4-2002. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 introduction The concept is closely related to the protection of life and property safety is not compromised. This section specifies the requirements and test methods lithium battery. this Part used in IEC 60086-4 3rd Edition is in accordance with ISO /IEC Guide, also refer to all applicable national and international standards Formulated on the basis of the quasi. Unlike conventional lithium primary batteries using an aqueous electrolyte, since they contain flammable substances. Therefore, carefully consider safety in the design, production, sale, use and disposal of lithium batteries is important. Based on the particularity of lithium batteries, Consumer lithium batteries initially small size and low power, and high-power batteries are used for the special industrial and military, the battery must be such Be replaced by professionals. IEC /T C35 at the time was in this context that the drafting of the first edition of IEC 160086-4 is. However, from the beginning of the 1980s, high-power lithium battery began widely used in the consumer sector, mainly for the power of the camera. With the significant growth in demand for high-power batteries, different production plant began production of high-power lithium battery. In this case, IEC 60086- 4 Release 2 increases the safety requirements for high-power lithium battery. This section (using IEC 60086-4 Edition 3) main goal is to make this part of lithium transport inspection items and GB 21966 Co Transfer agreement. Appendix A is a lithium battery safety design guidelines. Appendix B is a safety design guidelines electrical appliances lithium battery for power supply. Appendix A and Appendix B is based on the Reference [18], taking into account the experience of the use of lithium batteries for cameras enacted. Security is to avoid an unacceptable risk. There is no absolute security. risk is always there. So the product, process or service is only possible There are relatively safe. Security is between the "ideal of absolute security" and "to meet the needs and take into account other factors" to seek the best balance of love Under conditions will reduce the risk to an acceptable level. ( "Meet demand" refers to a product, process or service to meet the requirements; "other factors" refers to the user benefits Factors benefit, applicability, cost efficiency and social conventions. ) Security will form different problems, it is impossible to put forward a precise set of rules and recommendations apply to all situations. But when the wise When follow the "adoption where appropriate", this section will be very coordinated safety regulations. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 Galvanic cells Part 4. Safety requirements lithium Range 1 This section provides a lithium primary battery of test items and requirements to ensure that the lithium primary battery in the intended use and reasonably foreseeable misuse Security work with the case. NOTE. GB/T 8897.2 standardized in primary lithium batteries should comply with all applicable requirements of this section. Needless to say, this portion may also be used to detect and / Or unnormalized ensure the safety of a lithium primary battery. But no matter what part of the above-mentioned case, do not declare or to ensure compliance (or non-compliance) of this Part of the battery can satisfy the requirements (or not satisfied) or the use of any special needs of the user. 2 Normative references Terms of the following documents constitute provisions of this section by reference in this section. For dated reference documents, all later Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this section, however, encourage the parties to agreements based on research of Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this section. GB/T 8897.1 galvanic cell Part 1. General (GB/T 8897.1-2008, IEC 60086-1.2007, MOD) GB/T 8897.2 galvanic cell Part 2. Dimensions and electrical performance requirements (GB/T 8897.2-2008, IEC 60086-2. 2007, MOD) 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this section. 3.1 The total lithium content of all the cells contained in a battery. 3.2 Fitted with means (e.g. a housing, terminal, and the protection device flag) necessary for use, consists of a single or a plurality of galvanic cells battery. 3.3 The total height is less than the diameter of a cylindrical cell, a button shape or coin. 3.4 Charging not according to the design, chemical energy directly into electrical energy to power the basic functional unit. An electrode, an electrolyte, container, poles Ends, often also the isolation layer. 3.5 Was charged in a battery cell. 3.6 The total height is equal to or larger than the diameter of the cylindrical cell. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 3.7 Battery discharge capacity as a percentage of the rated capacity. 3.8 The battery state of charge-discharge depth of 100%. 3.9 Damage to human health or harm, or damage to property or the environment. 3.10 A potential source of harm. 3.11 By using the information provided by the supplier of the product, process or service. 3.12 The total amount of lithium battery exceeds 500g. 3.13 The total amount of lithium of more than 12g cell. 3.14 The negative electrode is lithium or a lithium-containing non-aqueous electrolyte cell. 3.15 Used to identify a suitable approximation of a voltage cell, or electrochemical cell system. 3.16 When the voltage of the battery discharge current is zero. 3.17 Description of each surface is a rectangular parallelepiped shape of the surface of the battery. 3.18 Current limiting fuse means, a diode, or other electrical or electronic, such as, for cutting off the current, the current blocking certain direction or slicing Current path. 3.19 Measured under the conditions specified by the obtained battery capacity stated by the manufacturer. 3.20 Failure to supply-side provisions of use of the product, process or service, but this is very easy to foresee the result of human activities caused. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 3.21 A comprehensive measure of the severity of injuries and the possibility of injury. 3.22 No unacceptable risk. 3.23 Depth of discharge of the battery state of charge of 0%. 4 security requirements 4.1 Design Lithium their chemical composition (the anode, cathode and electrolyte), the internal structure (carbon and wound inclusive) and the actual shape (cylindrical, button Type, rectangular) classified. At the design stage battery safety issues must be considered in all aspects, to recognize that different lithium systems, different Different cell capacity and safety structure is very different. The following safety-related design concepts are applicable to all lithium batteries. a) designed to prevent the abnormal temperature rise by the manufacturer exceeds a predetermined threshold; b) limiting the current through the design, to control the temperature of the battery rises; c) Lithium batteries designed to release an excessive pressure inside the battery can be excluded or used in transport, and the expected reasonably foreseeable misuse Serious rupture in use. Lithium battery safety guidelines in Appendix A. 4.2 Quality Plan Manufacturers should develop quality plans, inspection procedures specified materials, spare parts, cells and batteries in the production process, and battery The whole process of production to be implemented. 5 Sampling 5.1 General Accordance with generally accepted statistical methods in samples taken in batches of the product. 5.2 test sample The number of samples tested are shown in Table 1. A test performed in order to test the same sample E. From test to test F M each inspection Inspection requirements for all new batteries. Note. Test F and G do a two selected test, how to choose depends on which one is more suitable for the subject simulation of an internal short circuit of the battery type. Table 1 Sample Number of cells Battery cells and batteries consisting of a plurality of unit cells by a plurality of unit cells constituting A sample test to test the E The number of items Battery discharged battery is not fully discharged is not discharged completely discharged battery 10 10 4a 4a F test to test samples of G The number of items Discharging the battery is not fully discharged battery 5 (cylindrical and button batteries) 10 (a rectangular battery) 5 (cylindrical and button batteries) 10 (a rectangular battery) The test cell is not required, but the unit cell It should have been ahead by the test. H is the number of samples tested Discharging the battery is not fully discharged battery NA 10 The test cell is not required, but the unit cell It should have been ahead by the test. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 TABLE 1 (cont.) Battery cells and batteries consisting of a plurality of unit cells by a plurality of unit cells constituting I like to test the test K The number of items Battery discharged battery is not fully discharged is not discharged completely discharged battery 5 5 NA NA The number of samples tested L Discharging the battery is not fully discharged battery 5 (+15) b Not applicable Not applicable M is the number of samples tested 50% depth of discharge the battery to 75% depth of discharge of the battery 5 (+15) b 5 (+15) b Not applicable When a battery test, unless they are of cells or unit cells composed of these first inspected, the number of cells should be the subject of such Determination. the number of the unit cells included in these batteries should be at least equal to the number of inspection items detected cell as claimed. Example 1. a test if the two cells contained a battery, then the number of the battery 5 is required to test if these units or unit cells from these Number of battery cells composed of previously inspected, the required test is 4. Example 2. If the test contains three or more unit cells of a battery, then the number of cells is required for the examination 4. b parentheses attached battery is not discharged. 6 Testing and requirements 6.1 General 6.1.1 Test items Test items in Table 2. Table 2 Test items battery constitute Types of Test items A B C D E F G H I J K L M Single √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √a √b More √ √ √ √ √ Unwell With c Unwell With c Unwell With c √ √ √ NA NA Note. the type of cell constituting Single. cell (CEL), or a cell constituting a battery (Battery) A plurality of. a plurality of battery cell (CEL) configuration (Battery) only applies to a CR17345, CR15H270 and may occur improperly installed and similar types of charging, the battery having a wound structure. b is only applicable to CR17345, CR15H270 and may be too similar type of discharge, the battery having a wound structure. c battery does not need to proceed with the test, but the cell should have passed the test. 6.1.2 Safety Precautions Warning. To take appropriate protective measures to be tested according to the procedure, or they may cause injury. Formulating these test items, the assumption was tested by a qualified, experienced technical personnel to take appropriate protective measures under ongoing. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 6.1.3 Ambient temperature Unless otherwise specified, all testing was performed at ambient temperature (20 ± 5) ℃. 6.1.4 parameter measurement error The accuracy of all the control value (the predetermined value relative terms) or the accuracy of the measured value (actual parameter relative terms) should be in the following range of error Wai within. a) Voltage. ± 1%; b) Current. ± 1%; c) Temperature. ± 2 ℃; d) Time. ± 0.1%; e) Size. ± 1%; f) Capacity. ± 1%. Error caused by the above measuring instrument, and the inspection process measurement techniques employed in the composition of all other error synthesis. 6.1.5 predischarge When the current required pre-discharge test should be used to obtain its rated capacity resistive load, or use specified by the manufacturer will be subject to Subject to the corresponding battery discharge depth of discharge. 6.1.6 Additional battery When the cell requires additional testing, and use the same type of cell of the subject, and preferably the same batch of cells. 6.2 test results criteria 6.2.1 short circuit After the test cell open circuit voltage is less than 90% of the open-circuit voltage before the test. This requirement does not apply to the subject battery is fully discharged state. 6.2.2 overheating In the inspection of the battery case temperature it rises above 170 ℃. 6.2.3 Leak In testing the battery electrolyte leakage, gas or other substance intended to form the non-design. 6.2.4 Quality Loss Calculated as follows. Where. Table 3 limits the maximum mass loss 6.2.5 bleed In the test, the battery by the features specifically designed to release the internal gas escape excessive pressure. Each gas may be coerced Substances. 6.2.6 fire Flame is sent in the subject cell assay. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 6.2.7 rupture In the inspection, the container or due to damage of the battery cell housing, resulting in gas discharge, spillage or discharge of solids, but issued An explosion. 6.2.8 Explosion In the test, the cell derived from any part of the solid matter pierced metal mesh shown in FIG. 1. In the center of the battery plate, cover Nets, the nets having a diameter of 0.25mm annealed aluminum wire woven mesh density per centimeter (6-7) root aluminum wire. ① --- octagonal aluminum mesh cover; ② --- steel. 1 a schematic view of the mesh cover of FIG. 6.3 Inspection and Requirements List This section provides lithium battery safety test items under the expected use of the (test A to D) and reasonably foreseeable misuse Safety inspection program in the case of (test E to M). Table 4 and inspection requirements Inspection Project Code Project Title Requirements Intended use test A simulated altitude no loss of quality, will not leak, bleed, not short-circuited, no cracking, no explosion, no fire B thermal shock without loss of quality, will not leak, bleed, not short-circuited, no cracking, no explosion, no fire C vibration no loss of quality, will not leak, bleed, not short-circuited, no cracking, no explosion, no fire D shock no quality loss, no leakage, no venting, no short circuit, no rupture, no explosion, no fire Reasonably foreseeable Misuse inspection E external short but hot, no rupture, no explosion, no fire F heavy impact but hot, no explosion, no fire G heat pressing, however, no explosion, no fire H forced discharge No explosion, no fire I Abnormal charging No explosion, no fire J free fall does not bleed, no explosion, no fire K Thermal abuse no explosion, no fire L Incorrect installation no explosion, no fire M overdischarge No explosion, no fire Successively performed with the same test battery A to E. Test Test F Test G and selected to make a two, determined by the manufacturer which is more suitable for a simulation test battery internal short-circuit the relevant type. Note. The test results of the criteria detailed in 6.2. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 6.4 intended use test 6.4.1 Inspection A. Altitude Simulation a) Objective Simulation of air at low pressure environment. b) Test Method At ambient temperature, the test cell for at least 6h under a pressure of not greater than 11.6kPa. c) Requirements Battery test should be no quality loss, no leakage, no venting, no short circuit, no rupture, no explosion, no fire. 6.4.2 Inspection B. Thermal Shock a) Objective By temperature cycling method to evaluate the overall performance of the electrical connector and the sealing performance of the battery inside. b) Test Method 6h subject battery is placed at least at 75 ℃ environment, at least 6h and then placed in an environment of -40 ℃. different Temperature conversion time should not exceed 30min. After each 10 cycles of the subject cells, allowed to stand at ambient temperature for at least 24h. Large battery storage time at a test temperature should be at least 12h instead 6h. To carry out such a survey done by high-altitude test cell simulation. 10 is a graphical display of a loop cycle. FIG thermal shock step 2 c) Requirements Battery test should be no quality loss, no leakage, no venting, no short circuit, no rupture, no explosion, no fire. 6.4.3 Inspection C. Vibration a) Objective Analog vibration transport. Test conditions are based on the present ICAO [2] prescribed vibration range. b) Test Method But to be able to accurately transmit vibration manner without deformation of the battery cell subject firmly fixed to the vibrating equipment vibrating platform. Specified in Table 5 of the subject battery of sinusoidal vibration. For each orientation on each of three mutually perpendicular orientations fixed 12 cycles, each bearing a total cycle time of 3h. One should be perpendicular to the orientation of the surface of the battery terminal. Used batteries overheating impact test to do the test. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 Table 5 vibration waveform (sinusoidal) Frequency Range From to Amplitude Logarithmic sweep cycle time (7Hz-200Hz-7Hz) Axial cycles 15min X 12 Y 12 Z 12 Total 36 Note. the vibration amplitude is the maximum absolute value of the displacement or acceleration. For example. displacement amplitude of 1.6mm 0.8mm equivalent peak - peak displacement. Table. Rao 1, 2 --- acceleration amplitude Rao Ju --- displacement amplitude c) Requirements Battery test should be no quality loss, no leakage, no venting, no short circuit, no rupture, no explosion, no fire. 6.4.4 Inspection D. Impact a) Objective To simulate the transport of rough handling. b) Test Method Can be supported by a rigid support all subject cells will be measured battery fixing surface secured on the detection device. Each cell in the subject three Mutually perpendicular orientation of each fixed orientation each subjected to three shocks, a total of 18 times. Parameters of the shocks are shown in Table 6. Table 6 Impact parameters Battery type waveform peak acceleration shock pulse duration times for each axle The tests were done with a battery vibration test. c) Requirements Battery test should be no quality loss, no leakage, no venting, no short circuit, no rupture, no explosion, no fire. 6.5 reasonably foreseeable misuse tests 6.5.1 Inspection E. External short circuit a) Objective Simulated conditions result in external short circuit. b) Test Method After the temperature is stabilized in the housing of the subject cell or battery 55 ℃, at this temperature the battery is externally short-circuited, the external circuitry The total resistance of less than 0.1Ω, continuous short circuit to the battery housing was continued down to a temperature of at least a short circuit after 1h 55 ℃. Continue to observe the test sample 6h. Done with a battery of tests performed in the impact test. c) Requirements Battery in the test and should not overheat during the observation period of 6h, no rupture, no explosion, no fire. 6.5.2 Inspection F. heavy impact a) Objective GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 Simulation internal short circuit. Note. In order to and the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Manual of Tests and Criteria" [17] in the transportation test coordination, GB 21966 already contains A heavy impact test. IEC think the test will be described as misuse of test is more appropriate than a transport test. Heavy impact it can really simulate The battery internal short circuit still unconfirmed. Certain types of cell, the test case squeeze more battery internal short-circuit simulation. because Here, the test can be extruded as one method for simulating an internal short circuit test of the battery. Heavy impact extrusion and may optionally be a two tests. b) Test Method The subject of the battery cell or cells placed on a plate placed horizontally in the center of the sample as a diameter of 15.8mm steel bar, So that a weight of 9.1kg ± height 61cm 2.5cm from falling on this steel bar. Cylindrical or rectangular battery when subjected to heavy impact, which should be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the plate, while in the central position perpendicular to the sample Opposing longitudinal axis of the bar. Rectangular battery also about its longitudinal axis 90 °, in order to ensure the wide and narrow sides are subjected to heavy impact. buckle Battery when subjected to heavy impact, which should be a flat surface parallel to the plate, the bar is placed across the center of the battery. Each cell of the subject or the cell only once subjected to heavy impact. Continue to observe the test sample 6h. Not done by carrying out the examination of the test cell or other cell. When this test is not suitable for analog battery internal short-circuit, this test should not be performed. c) Requirements Battery in the test and should not overheat during the observation period of 6h, no explosion, no fire. 6.5.3 Inspection G. Extrusion a) Objective Simulation internal short circuit. NOTE. For some types of batteries, the specific gravity was extruded impact test is more suitable for testing analog battery internal short-circuit, so that analog test cell One alternative project internal short circuit. b) Test Method Vice or by a cylindrical piston having a hydraulic pressure is applied, so that the subject of the battery cell or cells in two planes Between being squeezed. Start from the initial point of contact at a rate of about 1.5cm/s sustained was pressed until the pressing force reaches a large About 13kN pressure relief immediately. Example. Pressure may be generated by hydraulic cylinder piston diameter of 32mm, until a pressure of 17MPa (about 13kN). For a cylindrical battery, the battery during extrusion should be parallel to the long axis of the pressing surface of the pressing means; for a rectangular battery, the pressing force to be applied In a major axis perpendicular to the two batteries in the axial direction, next the other axial extrusion; for button cells, which are pressed flat. Each cell or cell pressed only once. Observation above the battery at least 6h. Not done by carrying out the examination of the test cell or other cell. Only when the test F. Not available when a load impacts internal analog battery short, before carrying out the examination. c) Requirements Battery in the test and should not overheat during the observation period of 6h, no explosion, no fire. 6.5.4 Test H. forced discharge a) Objective Evaluation of the ability of the forced discharge cell resistance. b) Test Method Cell connected to the 12V DC power source in series at ambient temperature to a predetermined maximum battery manufacturer for continuous discharge current The forced discharge for the initial current. A suitable size and power to the load resistance and the test cell and the DC power source in series to obtain a predetermined discharge current. GB 8897.4-2008/IEC 60086-4.2007 Where. Cr --- rated capacity of the battery; Ii --- initial discharge current. Carrying out the examination fully discharged battery. At the end of the forced discharge, the battery was observ...... ......