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GB 50341-2014 English PDF (GB 50341-2003)

GB 50341-2014_English: PDF (GB50341-2014)
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GB 50341-2014English145 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Code for design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks Valid GB 50341-2014
GB 50341-2003EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] Code for design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks Obsolete GB 50341-2003

Standard ID GB 50341-2014 (GB50341-2014)
Description (Translated English) Code for design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard E98
Classification of International Standard 75.180
Word Count Estimation 246,228
Date of Issue 2014/5/29
Date of Implementation 2015/3/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 50341-2003
Quoted Standard GB 50009; GB 50128; GB 50191; GB 50205; GB/T 699; GB/T 700; GB 713; GB/T 985.1; GB/T 985.2; GB/T 1591; GB/T 3077; GB/T 3091; GB/T 3274; GB 3531; GB 6479; GB/T 8163; GB 9948; GB 19189; JB/T 4730.2; JB/T 4730.3; JB/T 4730.4; JB/T 4730.5; NB/T 47008; NB/T 47
Drafting Organization China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization Petroleum Engineering Construction Standardization Committee
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bulletin No. 432
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard applies to storage pressure petroleum, petrochemical products and other liquid-like and near atmospheric pressure vertical cylindrical steel welded oil storage tank design, does not apply to underground storage and high degree of toxicity is

Standard ID GB 50341-2003 (GB50341-2003)
Description (Translated English) Code for design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks [Quasi-Official / Academic version - scanned PDF, translated by Standard Committee / Research Institute in China]
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard E98
Word Count Estimation 170,123
Date of Issue 2003-10-08
Date of Implementation 2003-12-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 699; GB/T 700; GB/T 709; GB 985; GB 986; GB/T 1591; GB/T 3077; GB/T 3092; GB/T 3274; GB 3531; GB 5293; GB 6479; GB 6654; GB 19189; GB/T 8163; GB/T 12470; GB/T 5117; GB/T 5118; GB/T 14957; JB 4726; JB 4727; GB 50009-2001
Adopted Standard API 650, NEQ
Drafting Organization China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd.
Summary This Chinese standard applies only to store oil, petrochemical products and other similar liquids at atmospheric pressure (including micro- pressure) vertical cylindrical steel welded tank design.

GB 50341-2014 UDC GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA P GB 50341-2014 Code for Design of Vertical Cylindrical Welded Steel Oil Tanks ISSUED ON. MAY 29, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 1, 2015 Jointly issued by. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China. 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Contents Foreword ... 6  1 General Provisions ... 8  2 Terms ... 8  3 Basic Requirement ... 9  4 Materials ... 11  4.1 General Requirement ... 11  4.2 Steel Plates ... 12  4.3 Steel Pipe ... 14  4.4 Forgings ... 15  4.5 Screw and Nut ... 17  4.6 Structural Steel ... 17  4.7 Welding Materials ... 18  5 Bottom Design ... 18  5.1 Size of Bottom Plates ... 18  5.2 Bottom Structure ... 19  6 Shell Design ... 22  6.1 Shell Plate's Arrangement and Connection ... 22  6.2 Curb Angle ... 23  6.3 Shell Thickness ... 24  6.4 Wind Girder ... 25  7 Fixed Roof ... 30  7.1 General Requirement ... 30  7.2 Allowable Stress of Structural Components ... 32  7.3 Self-supporting Cone Roof ... 34  7.4 Column-Supported Cone Roof ... 35  7.5 Self-supporting Dome Roof ... 36  8 Floating Roof ... 38  8.1 General Requirement ... 38  8.2 Structure and Connection of Floating Roof ... 39  8.3 Floating Roof Supports ... 39  8.4 Primary Floating Roof Drains ... 40  8.5 Emergency Roof Drains ... 40  8.6 Rolling Ladder and Track... 40  8.7 Automatic Bleeder Vents ... 41  8.8 Guiding Devices ... 41  8.9 Peripheral Seals and Static Extracting Devices ... 41  8.10 Floating Roof Manhole ... 42  8.11 Compartment Manhole ... 42  8.12 Wax Scrapers ... 42  9 Internal Floating Roof ... 42  9.1 General Requirement ... 42  9.2 Open-Top Bulk-Headed, Single-Deck and Double-deck Internal Floating Roof ... 43  9.3 Internal Floating Roof on Floats ... 44  9.4 Internal Floating Roof Supports ... 44  9.5 Peripheral Seals ... 44  9.6 Automatic Bleeder Vents ... 45  9.7 Vents ... 45  9.8 High Liquid Level Protection ... 46  9.9 Guiding Devices ... 46  9.10 Manhole and Inspection Hatches ... 46  10 Appurtenances ... 46  10.1 General Requirement ... 46  10.2 Shell Opening and Reinforcement ... 47  10.3 Shell Manholes ... 48  10.4 Shell Nozzles ... 51  10.5 Flush-type Cleanout Fittings ... 56  10.6 Roof Manholes ... 61  10.7 Roof Nozzles ... 62  10.8 Drain Elbows ... 63  10.9 Water Draw-off Sumps ... 64  10.10 Spiral Stairway, Platforms and Handrails ... 65  10.11 Scaffold Cable Support ... 66  10.12 Protection against Lightning, Static and Others ... 67  11 Wind Stable Calculation and Anchorage Design of Oil Tanks ... 67  11.1 Wind Stable Calculation ... 67  11.2 Anchorage Design ... 69  12 Prefabrication, Assembling, Welding and Inspection ... 71  12.1 Prefabrication, Assembling and Welding ... 71  12.2 Non-destructive Testing and Tests of Welding Seam ... 72  12.3 Geometry and Dimension Inspection ... 75  12.4 Water Filling Test ... 77  12.5 Fixed Roof Test ... 78  Appendix A Design of Tank for Small Internal Pressures ... 79  Appendix B Design of Storage Tank for External Pressure ... 83  Appendix C Requirements for Tank Operating at Elevated Temperatures ... 93  Appendix D Seismic Design of Oil Tank ... 95  Appendix E Basic Requirement of Foundation and Basis for Oil Tank ... 102  Appendix F Load Combinations ... 106  Appendix G Variable-design-point Method on Tank Shell Thickness Calculation ... 108  Appendix H Calculation for Spherical Dome Roof with Rib Reinforcement ... 111  Appendix J Allowable External Loads on Shell Openings ... 114  Explanation of Wording in This Code ... 124  List of Quoted Standards ... 125  Foreword According to the requirements of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in Notice on Printing Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards and Codes in 2011 (JIANBIAO [2011] No. 17), the code drafting group summarizes experience from GB 50341-2003 Code for Design of Vertical Cylindrical Welded Steel Oil Tanks, refers to relevant international and foreign advanced standards and revises this code based on extensive investigation and solicitation of opinions, discussion and modification. This code covers the design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks in following main technical aspects, including materials, bottom design, shell design, fixed roof, floating roof, internal floating roof, appurtenances, wind stable calculation and anchorage design of oil tank, tank for small internal pressures, design of storage tank for external pressure, requirements for tank operating at elevated temperatures, seismic design of oil tank, basic requirement of foundation and basis for oil tank, load combinations, variable-design-point method on tank shell thickness calculation, calculation for spherical dome roof with rib reinforcement, allowable external loads on shell openings. There have been some significant changes in this code in the following technical aspects. 1. Chapter 11 "Wind Stable Calculation and Anchorage Design of Oil Tank", Appendix B "Design of Storage Tank for External Pressure", Appendix F "Load Combinations", Appendix G "Variable-design-point Method on Tank Shell Thickness Calculation" and Appendix J "Allowable External Loads on Shell Opening" are added; 2. Design negative pressure of atmospheric pressure storage tank is revised; positive design pressure of fixed-roof oil tank is increased to 18kPa and the maximum design negative pressure is increased to 6.9kPa; 3. Allowable stress of materials is revised; materials of Q235-A.F, Q235-A, Q345-C, Q345-D, 15MnNbR, 07MnNiCrMoVDR are removed; 4. Minimum sketch bottom plate’s thickness and lap width limit between bottom plates are revised; extension limit of sketch bottom plates is adjusted; 5. Liquid level and welded joint coefficient are revised in the formula for calculating shell thickness by fixed-design-point method; 6. Calculation formula for top wind girder section modulus is revised; 7. When fixed-roof oil tank roof and shell use weakly connected structure, the requirements, roof thickness and calculation formula of effective sectional area are revised; support guide support structure form and requirements of supporting cone roof and monolayer spherical latticed shell requirements are added; 8. The requirements by which the floating roof structure design shall comply, limitation of floating roof compartment to meet the tightness requirements, the relevant requirements of peripheral seals and static extracting devices are revised; the relevant requirements of wax scrapers are added; 9. Electrical continuity and static extracting of internal floating roof are revised; the relevant requirements of compartment welding are added; 10. Specification and dimension of nozzle reinforcement plate, flanged connection shell 1 General Provisions 1.0.1 This code is formulated to standardize design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks and make it advanced in technology, cost-effective, safe and applicable and high quality. 1.0.2 This code is applicable to design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks at and close to normal pressure for storing petroleum and petrochemical and other similar liquid but it is not applicable to design of buried tank, tank holding extremely and highly hazardous medium and artificial refrigerant fluid tank. 1.0.3 Design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks shall comply with not only this code but the current relevant national standards. 2 Terms 2.0.1 Annular/sketch bottom plates The outermost bottom plates at the lower part of shell plates. 2.0.2 Annular bottom plates Annular/sketch bottom plates with polygonal or circular inner edge. 2.0.3 Bottom plates Bottom plates except edge plate. 2.0.4 Fixed roofs Roof around which shell ends are fixed and connected, mainly including types as follows. 1 Self-supporting cone roof. with circular cone roof and supported only by the shell periphery; 2 Column-supported cone roof. with circular cone roof and supported by shell, girder, column or other structure; 3 Self-supporting dome roof. with spherical roof and supported only by the shell periphery. 2.0.5 Floating roofs Roof which lifts with the liquid level, including external floating roof, in an open-top oil tank and internal floating roof, in fixed-roof oil tank. Generally, the floating roof tank refers to external floating roof tank if not specified. There are major floating roofs as follows. 1 Sing... ......

UDC NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CIDNA Code for design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks Date of issuing. October 8, 2003 Date of enforcement. December 1~ 2003 Jointly issued by MiDistry of Construction of the People's Republic of China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the P.R. China 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Code for design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks Editing department in chief. China National Petroleum Corporation Approval department. Ministry of Construction of the People 's Republic of China Implementation date. December 1, 2003 BEl JING 2003 NOTICE This code is written in Chinese and Engli sh. The Chinese text shall be taken as the ruling one in the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese text and the English text. Public notice of the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China No. 186 Public notice of the Ministry of Construction about issuing the national standard Code for design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks This notice is hereby given that the Code for Design of Vettical Cylindrical Welded Steel Oil Tanks has been approved to be a national standard, with the number of GB 50341-2003 , and wi ll be put into operation from Dec I, 2003 . In this standard, atticles 3 .0.2, 3.0.5, 4.2.2, 4.2.5, 5.1.1 , 5.1.2, 6.3. 1' 6.3 .2, 6.3 .3 , 6.4.1' 6.4.6, 6.4.7' 6.4.8, 6.5.2, 6.5.3 , 6.5.4, 6.5 .6, 7 .1.2, 7 .1.6, 8. 1.5 , 8 .1.6, 8.2.3 and 8.3 . 1 are mandatory provisions, which must be strictly observed. This code was issued by China Plan Publishing House under the organization of Research Institute of Standards & Norms, the Ministry of Construction. Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China October 8, 2003 Foreword This code was compiled jointly by China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Corporation (the former China Petroleum Pipeline Reconnaissance Designing Institute) and Petrochina Plan & Design Institute according to the requirement of the Notice about Printing and Distributing the "1995-1996 Plan for Constitution of National Standard for Engineering Construction" issued in the ( 1996) No. 4 document of the Ministry of Construction. This code was compiled and finalized referring to relevant specifications at home and abroad such as API 650, based on in-depth investigation and research and frequent communication with scientific research , design and construction departments as we ll as the users , adopting the mature experiences in oil tank design accumulated in the last decades at home and abroad, combining the actual condition of engineering of China on the current stage, and through comprehensively ask ing for opinions, repeated discussion and careful modification. There are altogether eleven chapters and five appendixes in this code, covering the main contents of the design of vertical cylindrical welded steel oil tanks and part of the requirements for construction and acceptance. It mainly includes material selection, tank bottom design, tank wall design, fixed roof design, external floating roof design, internal floating roof design , o il tank accessory, the additional requirements for the design of micro-internal pressure o il tank and high temperature oil tank, ribbed vault calculation, anti-vibration calculation and the basic requirements of oil tank for the groundwork and foundation . In this code, the provisions indicated with boldface are mandatory provisions; which must be strictly observed. The Ministry of Construction is responsible for the administration of thi s code and explanation of the mandatory provisions. China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Corporation is responsible for the explanation of the detailed technical contents. The organizations concerned are requested to send the opinions and suggestions of modification and supplementation obtained from the engineering practices and experiences to China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Corporation (address. No. 22 Jinguang Road , Langfang, Hebei Province; postal code. 065000). The editing organization in chief, the organizations participated in the compilation and the main drafters of this code. The editing organization in chief. China Petro leum Pipeline Engineering Corporation The organizations participated in compilation. Petrochina Plan & Design Institute The main drafters. Wang Fuan, Jin Weiang, Sun Zhengguo, Xiang Zhongquan, Xing Yansheng, Liu Yalan, Cheng Hui, Du Baojun, Fu Weiqing, Wang Ying, Wang Yuqing, Wang Binghuai, Wang Baoxia, Wang Guoli, Wang Gengwu, Fan Xin, Yin Yeyi, Sun Weili , Xu Jie, Chen Feng, Dong Xu, Li Zhengyu, Li Jinguo, Qu Yinghua, Meng Qingpeng, Xia Wei , Duan Jinyan, Cai Hangping Contents General ... 1 2 Definitions and symbols ... 2 2.1 Definitions ... 2 2.2 Symbols ... 3 3 General specifications ... _ ... 6 4 Materials ... 7 4.1 General speciftcations ... 7 4.2 Steel plates ... 8 4.3 Steel tubes ... I 0 4.4 Forgings ... I 0 4.5 Bolts and nuts ... !I 4.6 Structural section steel ... 11 4.7 Welding materials -... 11 5 Tank bottmn design ... 12 5.1 Dimension oftank bottom plate ... 12 - 5.2 Structure of tank bottmn ... 12 6 Tank walls design ... 16 6.1 Arranging plates on the wall and linking the walls ... 16 6.2 Taping steel angle ... 16 6.3 Thickness of the tank wall ... 17 6.4 Top wind girder... 18 6.5 Middle wind girder ... 20 7 Fixed roofs ... 23 7.1 General specification ... _ ... 23 7.2 The permissible stress ofcomponent ... 24 7.3 Self supporting conic roof... 26 7.4 Supporting conic roof ... , ... 26 7.5 Self supporting arch roof ...-... 27 8 Floating roofs ... _... ; ... 28 8.1 General specification ... 28 8.2 Structure and connection of the floating roofs ... 28 8.3 Support pole of the floating roofs ... 29 8.4 Drainage pipe of the floating roofs ... 29 8.5 The emergency water discharging equipment... 29 8.6 The rotational floating ladder and track ... 29 8.7 Automatic breather valve ... 30 8.8 Guide apparatus ; ... 30 8.9 Seal and static guiding device ... 30 8. 10 Floating roof access hole ... 30 8.11 Cabin access hole ... 31 9 Internal Floating Roofs ... 32 9.1 General Regulations ... 32 9.2 Internal Floating Roofs of Open Compa1iment Type... ......

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