GB 5009.27-2016_English: PDF (GB5009.27-2016)
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GB 5009.27-2016 | English | 70 |
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Determination of benzo (a) pyrene in foods
| Valid |
GB 5009.27-2016
GB/T 5009.27-2003 | English | 239 |
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3 days [Need to translate]
Determination of benzo (a) pyrene in foods
| Obsolete |
GB/T 5009.27-2003
GB/T 5009.27-1996 | English | 199 |
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2 days [Need to translate]
Method for determination of benzo (a) pyrene in foods
| Obsolete |
GB/T 5009.27-1996
GB 5009.27-1985 | English | 199 |
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Method for determination of benzo (a)pyrene in foods
| Obsolete |
GB 5009.27-1985
Standard ID | GB 5009.27-2016 (GB5009.27-2016) | Description (Translated English) | Determination of benzo (a) pyrene in foods | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | C53 | Classification of International Standard | 67.040 | Word Count Estimation | 7,717 | Date of Issue | 2016-12-23 | Date of Implementation | 2017-06-23 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 22509-2008; GB/T 5009.27-2003; NY/T 1666-2008; SC/T 3041-2008 | Regulation (derived from) | National Health and Family Planning Commission Notice No.17 of 2016 | Issuing agency(ies) | National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People Republic of China, State Administration of Food and Drug Administration | Summary | This standard specifies the determination of benzo (a) pyrene in food. This standard applies to cereals and their products (rice, brown rice, rice, wheat, wheat flour, corn, cornmeal, corn slag, corn flakes), meat and meat products (smoked, burnt and grilled meat), aquatic animals and their products , Baked goods), grease and its products in the determination of benzo (a) pyrene. | Standard ID | GB/T 5009.27-2003 (GB/T5009.27-2003) | Description (Translated English) | Determination of benzo (a) pyrene in foods | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | C53 | Classification of International Standard | 67.040 | Word Count Estimation | 6,667 | Date of Issue | 2003-08-11 | Date of Implementation | 2004-01-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB/T 5009.27-1996 | Drafting Organization | Liaoning Provincial Health and Epidemic Prevention Station | Administrative Organization | People's Republic of China Ministry of Health | Proposing organization | Ministry of Health of the People Republic of China | Issuing agency(ies) | People Republic of China Ministry of Health China National Standardization Management Committee | Summary | This standard specifies: Food benzo (a) pyrene determination. This standard applies to: Food benzo (a) pyrene determination. The method detection limit | Standard ID | GB/T 5009.27-1996 (GB/T5009.27-1996) | Description (Translated English) | Method for determination of benzo (a) pyrene in foods | Sector / Industry | National Standard (Recommended) | Classification of Chinese Standard | C53 | Classification of International Standard | 67.04 | Word Count Estimation | 5,522 | Date of Issue | 1996/6/19 | Date of Implementation | 1996/9/1 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB 5009.27-1985 |
GB 5009.27-2016
National Food Safety Standard –
Determination of Benzo(a)Pyrene in Foods
Issued by. National Health and Family Planning Commission of the
People's Republic of China;
China Food and Drug Administration.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Principle ... 4
3 Reagents and Materials ... 4
4 Instruments and Apparatus ... 6
5 Analysis Steps ... 6
6 Expression of Analysis Results ... 8
7 Precision ... 9
8 Others ... 9
Appendix A Liquid Chromatogram of Benzo(a)pyrene Standard Solution ... 10
National Food Safety Standard –
Determination of Benzo(a)Pyrene in Foods
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the determination method for the benzo(a)pyrene in foods.
This Standard is applicable to determination of the benzo(a)pyrene of the grains and
their products (rice, brown rice, rice, wheat, wheat flour, corn, cornmeal, corn residues
AND corn flakes), meat and meat products (smoked, roasted and barbecued), aquatic
animals and their products (smoked and boiled aquatic products) AND grease & their
2 Principle
Samples shall be extracted by organic solvents, purified by neutral alumina or
molecularly imprinted cartridges AND concentrated to dryness; use acetonitrile to
dissolve it; it shall be separated by reversed-phase liquid chromatography AND
detected by fluorescence detector. Use the retention time of chromatographic peaks
to determine the quality; use the external standard method to determine the quantity.
3 Reagents and Materials
Unless otherwise stated, the used reagents in this method shall all be analytical purity;
the water shall be the Grade-1 water which is specified in GB/T 6682.
3.1 Reagents
3.1.1 Toluene (C7H8). Chromatographically pure.
3.1.2 Acetonitrile (CH3CN). Chromatographically pure.
3.1.3 n-hexane (C6H14). chromatography.
3.1.4 Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2). Chromatographically pure.
3.2 Standards
Benzo(a)pyrene standard (C20H12, CAS No.. 50-32-8). the purity shall be ≥ 99.0%; or
solution into the chromatograph’s sample vial again; concentrate it until it is near dry.
Accurately pipette 1mL of acetonitrile into the chromatograph’s sample vial, vortex re-
dissolve it for 0.5min; after passing the microporous membrane, it shall be used for
liquid chromatography.
Purification method 2. adopt the benzo(a)pyrene molecular imprinting column; orderly
use 5mL of dichloromethane and 5mL of n-hexane to activate the column. Transfer the
liquid to be purified into the column; when the liquid-level falls to the column bed, use
6mL of n-hexane to rinse the column; discard the effluent. Use 6mL of dichloromethane
to elute and collect the purified solution into the test tube. Under 40°C, use nitrogen to
dry the purification solution; accurately pipette 1mL of acetonitrile; vortex re-dissolve it
for 0.5min; after passing the microporous membrane, it shall be used for liquid
5.1.2 Smoked, roasted & barbecued AND smoked & grilled aquatic products
Pretreatment. remove the bones of the meat; remove the thorns of fish; remove the
shell of shellfish; grind the edible portion evenly; store it in clean sample bottles; mark
it; at -16°C ~ -18°C, stored it in the refrigerator.
Extraction. same as the extraction in 5.1.1.
Purification method 1. Except that the volume of n-hexane’s eluent is 70 mL, the rest
of the operation shall be the same as the purification method 1 in 5.1.1.
Purification method 2. the operation shall be the same as the purification method 2 in
5.1.3 Grease and its products
Extraction. weigh and take 0.4g (accurate to 0.001g) of sample; add 5mL of n-hexane;
vortex-mix it for 0.5min. To be purified.
Note. If the samples are the hydrous oil products, such as margarine, etc., emulsification will occur. It
shall perform 4000r/min centrifugalization for 5min; transfer out the n-hexane layer. To be purified.
Purification method 1. Except for using 0.4mL of acetonitrile to vertically re-dissolve
the sample in the last, other operations shall be the same as the purification method 1
in 5.1.1.
Purification method 2. Except for using 0.4mL of acetonitrile to vertically re-dissolve
the sample in the last, other operations shall be the same as the purification method 2
in 5.1.1. When the sample is prepared, pretreatments of different samples need to
have sample’s blank test at the same time.