GB 50072-2021_English: PDF (GB50072-2021)
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Code for design of cold store
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GB 50072-2021
GB 50072-2010 | English | RFQ |
3 days [Need to translate]
Code for design of cold store
| Obsolete |
GB 50072-2010
GB 50072-2001 | English | RFQ |
3 days [Need to translate]
Code for design of cold store
| Obsolete |
GB 50072-2001
Standard ID | GB 50072-2021 (GB50072-2021) | Description (Translated English) | Code for design of cold store | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Word Count Estimation | 133,177 | Date of Issue | 2021-06-28 | Date of Implementation | 2021-12-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB 50072-2010 | Standard ID | GB 50072-2010 (GB50072-2010) | Description (Translated English) | Code for design of cold store | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | P49 | Classification of International Standard | 91.140.01 | Word Count Estimation | 134,192 | Date of Issue | 2010-01-18 | Date of Implementation | 2010-07-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB 50072-2001 | Quoted Standard | GB 5749; GB/T 4272; GB/T 8175; GB 50015; GB 50016; GB 50017; GB 50019; GB 50140; GB 4600 | Drafting Organization | Engineering Design Institute of Internal Trade | Administrative Organization | Domestic Trade Engineering Design Institute | Regulation (derived from) | Bulletin of the Ministry of Housing and Urban No. 489 | Summary | This Chinese standard applies to using ammonia, and mixtures of hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant vapor compression refrigeration system, with reinforced concrete or masonry structures as the main structure of the new construction, renovation, expansion of cold storage, cold storage does not apply to the cave, assembled cold storage, cold storage. | Standard ID | GB 50072-2001 (GB50072-2001) | Description (Translated English) | Code for design of cold store | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | P49 | Classification of International Standard | 91.140.01 | Word Count Estimation | 197,112 | Date of Issue | 2001/4/17 | Date of Implementation | 2001/6/1 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GBJ 72-1984 | Drafting Organization | Domestic Trade engineering Acedemy | Regulation (derived from) | Construction-Standard [2001] 88 numbers; Housing and Urban-Rural Development Ministry Bulletin No. 489 | Summary | This Standard is applicable to the use of ammonia, hydrogen fluoride and mixtures of hydrocarbon refrigerant vapor compression refrigeration system, reinforced concrete or masonry structure as the main structure of the new construction, renovation, expansion of cold storage, cold storage does not apply to the cave, assembly cold storage, cold storage. |
GB 50072-2021
P GB 50072-2021
Standard for design of cold store
ISSUED ON: JUNE 28, 2021
Issued by: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of PRC;
State Administration for Market Regulation.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 6
1 General provisions ... 8
2 Terms ... 9
3 Basic requirements ... 12
4 Architecture ... 15
4.1 Site selection and general layout ... 15
4.2 Configuration of storehouse ... 17
4.3 Heat-insulation of storehouse ... 22
4.4 Vapor barrier and damp course of storehouse ... 29
4.5 Requisite structure of storehouse ... 30
4.6 Refrigerating machine room, electric substation and control room ... 31
5 Structure ... 33
5.1 General requirements... 33
5.2 Load ... 35
5.3 Material ... 36
5.4 Protection and coating... 38
6 Refrigeration ... 41
6.1 General requirements... 41
6.2 Load calculation ... 41
6.3 Refrigeration system and equipment selection ... 44
6.4 Refrigeration equipment layout ... 49
6.5 Refrigeration piping ... 51
6.6 Thermal insulation and corrosion protection for refrigeration piping and
equipment ... 57
6.7 Refrigeration system safety and monitoring ... 59
6.8 Refrigeration system automatic checking and control ... 62
7 Electric ... 65
7.1 Electric power supply ... 65
7.2 Refrigerating machine room ... 65
7.3 Storehouse ... 67
7.4 Refrigerant detection and alarm system ... 69
8 Water supply and drainage ... 72
8.1 General requirements... 72
8.2 Water supply ... 72
8.3 Drainage ... 76
8.4 Fire water supply and safety protection ... 77
9 Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and floor anti-freezing ... 79
9.1 General requirements... 79
9.2 Heating and air-conditioning... 79
9.3 Ventilating ... 80
9.4 Floor anti-freezing ... 81
9.5 Smoke control ... 83
Appendix A The calculation of ground frost-proof heating load and air supply
volume of mechanical ventilation in heating region ... 84
Explanation of wording in this standard ... 89
List of quoted standards ... 90
Standard for design of cold store
1 General provisions
1.0.1 This standard is formulated, in order to standardize and integrate the
technical requirements for design of cold store, guide the design of cold store,
meet food refrigeration technology and hygiene requirements, achieve the
goals of economical and reasonable, energy-saving, environmentally friendly,
safe and reliable.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the newly-built, expanded, reconstructed
food cold store, which adopts the subcritical vapor compression direct
refrigeration systems using ammonia, halogenated hydrocarbons and their
mixtures, carbon dioxide as refrigerants, AND the indirect refrigeration systems
using carbon dioxide, brine, etc. as refrigerating medium.
1.0.3 The cold store design shall be safe and reliable, energy-saving,
environmentally friendly, economically reasonable, advanced and applicable.
1.0.4 The cold store design shall not only meet the requirements of this
standard, BUT also meet the requirements of relevant national standards.
4 Architecture
4.1 Site selection and general layout
4.1.1 The site selection of the cold store shall meet the following requirements:
1 It shall meet the requirements of the local masterplan;
2 The cold store, which uses the ammonia refrigeration system, should be
located on the leeward side of the annual maximum frequency wind
direction, in the adjacent concentrated residential area;
3 There shall be good sanitary conditions around the store site. It shall be
avoided and kept away from harmful gases, smoke, dust and other areas
with pollution sources;
4 Considering factors such as logistics flow and short-term and long-term
development, choose an area with convenient transportation;
5 It should have reliable water source, power source, drainage conditions;
6 It shall be avoided from the areas, which are prone to floods and mudslides
and other areas with poor geological conditions;
7 The positioning of cold store shall also consider the special requirements
of various types of cold store.
4.1.2 The general layout of the cold store shall meet the following requirements:
1 It shall meet the comprehensive requirements of logistics technology,
transportation, management, reasonable arrangement of equipment
pipelines, fire safety;
2 When setting up special railway lines, storehouses shall be arranged along
the special railway lines;
3 When setting up a water transport wharf, the storehouse shall be arranged
close to the water transport wharf;
4 When road transportation is the mainstay, the storehouse shall be arranged
close to the main entrance and exit of cold store's transportation road;
5 The cold store of the production and processing enterprise shall be
arranged, in the clean area of the factory area; meanwhile it shall be on
the upwind side of the maximum frequency wind direction in summer, in
the polluted area;
6 The cold store, which uses the ammonia refrigeration system, in the food
wholesale market, shall be arranged in the storage area; it shall be
arranged separately from the trading area;
7 A weather vane shall be set at a conspicuous location in the storehouse
4.1.3 The general layout of the cold store shall be a combination of short-term
and long-term, focusing on the short-term. Resources such as storehouse land,
railway dedicated lines, water transport wharf, equipment pipelines, roads,
carriage return yards, shall be planned as a whole, reasonably arranged, taking
into account the needs of future expansion.
4.1.4 The vertical design of the general plan of the cold store shall meet the
following requirements:
1 There shall be a good rainwater drainage system in the storehouse area.
The roads and return yards shall have technical measures, to prevent
accumulation of water and anti-skid;
2 Open ditch shall not be used to discharge sewage, around the storehouse.
4.1.5 The main roads in the storehouse area shall be paved with concrete or
asphalt pavements, which are suitable for vehicles.
4.1.6 When two storehouses, which have grade 1 and grade 2 fire
endurance, are arranged next to each other, the total length of the
adjacent storehouses shall not be greater than 150 m; the total area of the
cold storage rooms of the two storehouses shall not be greater than 10000
m2; there shall be a loop fire lane. The outer walls of adjacent storehouses
shall be firewalls. The fire resistance rating of roof load-bearing members
and roof slabs shall not be less than 1.00 h.
4.1.7 The fire separation distance, BETWEEN assembly cold stores, which
have a building height of more than 24 m, AND other high-rise buildings, shall
not be less than 15 m.
4.1.8 When the storehouse covers an area larger than 1500 m2, fire lanes shall
be set, at least along the two long sides of the storehouse.
For the high-rise cold store, it shall arrange at least 2 fire trucks ascending
operation sites, along one long side, OR along the bottom side which is 1/4 of
the peripheral length and not less than the length of a long side. On the exterior
wall at each floor, in the range which is corresponding to the fire trucks
ascending operation sites, it shall be provided with the stairwell entrance or fire
rescue openings, for fire rescue personnel to enter.
the requirements of refrigeration temperature;
2 It should be divided, according to different business models and
management needs;
3 Stored foods, which have peculiar smell or odor-prone, shall not be mixed
with other foods for storage.
4.2.10 The storehouse shall be equipped with anterooms or platforms. The
temperature shall be determined, according to the requirements of the cold
storage process.
4.2.11 The storehouse's highway platform shall meet the following requirements:
1 The platform width should not be less than 5 m;
2 Buffer rubber strips shall be installed at the parking side, on the edge of
the platform. It shall be painted with yellow and black anti-collision warning
3 A shelter should be provided on the platform. Where there are structural
columns on the edge-side of the platform, the net distance between the
column edge and the platform edge should not be less than 0.6 m. The
portion of the shelter overhang beyond the edge of platform shall not be
less than 1.00 m; the net height shall be compatible to the height of the
transport vehicle; it shall be provided organized drainage;
4 Closed platforms shall be set up according to the needs. The closed
platforms shall be integrated with or combined with the anteroom of the
cold store;
5 The width of the closed platform and its internal temperature shall be
determined, according to the requirements of use. The envelope structure
shall meet the corresponding thermal insulation requirements;
6 The height of the closed platform AND the number of door openings shall
be compatible with the cargo throughput. The temperature-controlled
closed platform shall be equipped with corresponding cold store doors and
closed soft door covers, which are connected to refrigeration trucks;
7 Steps and ramps, for ascending or descending the platforms, shall be
arranged at appropriate positions on the platform. Protective railings
should be provided at the steps.
4.2.12 The railway platform of the storehouse shall meet the following
1 The platform width should not be less than 7 m;
2 The top surface of the platform edge shall be 1.1 m, higher than the top
surface of the derailment; the horizontal distance between the edge and
the railway centerline shall be 1.75 m;
3 The length of the platform shall be the same as the length of the loading
and unloading section, of the railway dedicated line;
4 A canopy shall be provided on the platform. The net distance, between the
column side of the canopy and the edge of the platform, shall not be less
than 2 m. The height of the eaves and the overhang length shall comply
with the boundary requirements of the dedicated railway line;
5 Steps and ramps, for ascending or descending the platforms, shall be
arranged at appropriate positions on the platform. Protective railings
should be provided at the steps.
4.2.13 Vertical transportation equipment, such as elevators, shall be installed
in multi-floored and high-rise storehouses. The car selection of elevators or
other transportation equipment shall make full use of the carrying capacity.
4.2.14 Vertical transportation equipment, such as elevators, shall be separately
provided with hoist-ways. The fire resistance rating of the shaft wall shall not be
less than 2.00 h. The openings shall be provided with elevator landing doors or
fire shutters, which have a fire resistance rating of not less than 1.00 h.
4.2.15 The number of elevators, which are installed in the storehouse, shall be
calculated, according to the following requirements:
1 The carrying capacity of 5t elevator can be calculated as 34 t/h; the carrying
capacity of 3t elevators can be calculated as 20 t/h; the carrying capacity
of 2t elevators can be calculated as 13 t/h.
2 The number of elevators in cold store, which are mainly by railway
transportation, AND port transit cold store, shall be determined according
to the throughput of one-time incoming and outgoing goods AND the
allowable time for loading and unloading.
3 The number of elevators for cold store, that only uses road transportation,
shall be determined by the average of daily peak inbound and outbound
throughput AND the daily trough inbound and outbound throughput.
4 When the number of elevators is determined, by the inbound and outbound
throughput of railway and water transportation, the location of the elevator
shall take into account the needs of daily production and loading &
unloading for highway. It should not install another elevator.
4.2.16 The stairwell of the storehouse of cold store shall be located near
the anteroom. It shall be constructed by non-combustible materials. The
door, which leads to the anteroom, shall be a grade B fire door. The
stairwell shall lead directly to the outdoors, at the first floor. When the
number of floors does not exceed 4 AND when the building height is not
more than 24 m, the distance, between the door leading to the outdoors
and the exit of the stairwell, shall not be more than 15 m.
4.2.17 The cold storage room shall not be arranged adjacent to the processing
room with water AND the room with high temperature and high humidity.
4.2.18 The cold storage room, which has a building area greater than 1000
m2, shall have at least two cold store doors. The cold storage room, which
has a building area less than 1000 m2, shall have at least one cold store
4.2.19 The door of the frozen storage room of the non-temperature-controlled
anteroom or platform shall be equipped with an air curtain or a low-temperature-
resistant transparent plastic curtain, etc. It should be provided a return room.
4.2.20 Other rooms, which are not directly related to the production and
management of the storehouse, shall not be set up in the storehouse.
4.2.21 The auxiliary rooms directly related to the production and management
of the storehouse, such as offices, duty rooms, changing rooms, restrooms,
which are attached to the storehouse, can be arranged near the anteroom; it
shall use the fire partition walls, which have a fire resistance rating of not less
than 2.50 h, AND the floor slab, which has a fire resistance rating of not less
than 1.00 h, to separate from other parts. It shall set at least one independent
safety exit. The connecting doors, which are opened on the partition wall, shall
be the grade B fire doors.
4.3 Heat-insulation of storehouse
4.3.1 The thermal insulation materials of the storehouse shall be selected,
according to the following conditions:
1 The thermal conductivity is small;
2 It has no pollution to food AND is stable in low temperature chemical
3 It has good dimensional stability;
4 When used on the ground and floor, its compressive strength shall not be
less than 0.25 MPa.
1 The vapor barrier of the exterior wall shall be overlapped with the
waterproof layer and vapor barrier, above and below the ground thermal
insulation layer;
2 Waterproof layer or vapor barrier shall be made on the upper, lower,
periphery of the thermal insulation layer of the floor and ground; the
waterproof layer or vapor barrier of the thermal insulation layer of the floor
and ground shall be fully enclosed;
3 Both sides of the thermal insulation layer of the partition wall of the chilling
room or freezing room shall be provided with vapor barrier.
4.4.5 For the assembly of the lightweight composite sandwich panels, for
assembly cold store, shall take reliable measures, to ensure the tightness and
compactness of the panel seams AND the continuity of the vapor barrier.
4.5 Requisite structure of storehouse
4.5.1 Ventilation and heat insulation layer should be provided for the roof of the
storehouse. In areas with hot summers and warm winters, ventilated room
layers or heat-reflective coatings shall be used, on the roof of the storehouse.
4.5.2 When the suspended ceiling of the storehouse uses the light-weight
composite sandwich panels for thermal insulation envelope, ventilation facilities
shall be provided on the stuffy ceiling.
4.5.3 A ventilation and heat insulation layer should be provided on the exterior
wall of the envelope structure of assembly cold store.
4.5.4 The vents of the ventilation interlayer and the stuffy ceiling shall have
structural measures, to prevent small animals from entering.
4.5.5 The deformation joints, at the connections, BETWEEN the exterior wall
and cornice of the cold storage room, the exterior wall of the cold storage room
at each floor, AND the anteroom, shall be constructed to prevent water leakage.
4.5.6 The following parts of the storehouse shall adopt the cold bridge
1 The part where the thermal insulation layer is disconnected, due to the
need for continuity by load-bearing structure;
2 Around the part, where the door openings, equipment and electrical
pipelines pass through the thermal insulation layer;
3 Local ground and floor of the part that transverses the deformation joint,
where the door opening of the cold room storage and freezing room leads
to the anteroom.
4.5.7 External gutters and exposed rainwater pipes outside the walls should be
installed, for drainage on the roof of the storehouse.
4.5.8 The overhead floor of the cold room building's ground shall have
measures, to prevent surface water from intruding.
4.5.9 The building construction of pipeline shafts and stairwells, in the
storehouse, shall comply with the relevant requirements of the current national
standard "Provisions of code for fire protection design of buildings" GB 50016.
4.6 Refrigerating machine room, electric substation and
control room
4.6.1 The refrigerating machine room, electric substation and control room shall
meet the following requirements:
1 The layout of the refrigerating machine room shall meet the requirements
of the refrigeration process, according to the building category;
2 The refrigerating machine room, electric substation and control room shall
all have safety exits, that lead directly to the outdoors; the doors shall be
swing doors and open outwards;
3 The wall skirts, floors, equipment bases in the refrigerating machine room
shall adopt easy-to-clean surface layers.
4.6.2 In addition to the requirements of clause 4.6.1 of this standard, the
ammonia refrigerating machine room shall also meet the following requirements:
1 The control room of the ammonia refrigerating machine room shall be
separated by a fire partition wall, which has a fire resistance rating of not
less than 3.00 h. The observation window, on the partition wall, shall be a
fixed grade A fireproof window. The connecting door shall be a grade A fire
door, which opens to the refrigerating machine room.
2 The partition wall adjacent to and shared between the electric substation
and the ammonia refrigerating machine room or the control room, shall
adopt a firewall. The wall shall only pass through the pipes and channels,
which are related to the power distribution. The parts surrounding the
pass-through shall be fireproofed.
4.6.3 The ammonia refrigerating machine room shall have at least one long side
6 Refrigeration
6.1 General requirements
6.1.1 In addition to cold store's refrigeration systems, the design of other
refrigeration systems than non-cold store, can be implemented, in accordance
with the relevant requirements of this Chapter.
6.1.2 The halogenated hydrocarbons and their mixture refrigerants, which are
used in the refrigeration system, shall comply with the category A1 refrigerant
requirements of the current national standard "Number designation and safety
classification of refrigerants" GB 7778.
6.1.3 The refrigeration system shall be a large-scale refrigeration system, when
the total air displacement is more than 5000 m3/h; a medium-sized refrigeration
system, when the total air displacement is 500 m3/h ~ 5000 m3/h; a small-scale
refrigeration system, when the total air displacement is less than 500 m3/h.
6.2 Load calculation
6.2.1 The load calculation shall include the cooling equipment load of the cold
room AND the mechanical load of the refrigeration system. It should adopt the
steady-state calculation method, which is corrected hourly or by engineering
6.2.2 The cooling equipment load of the cold room shall include the heat flow
rate of the cold room's envelope structure, the heat flow rate of the cargo in the
cold room, the ventilation heat flow rate of the cold room, the operating heat
flow rate of the motor in the cold room, the operating heat flow rate of the cold
6.2.3 The mechanical load of the refrigeration system shall be calculated
separately, according to different evaporating temperatures. The mechanical
load, at each evaporating temperature, shall include the heat flow of the cold
room envelope structure of all corresponding cold rooms, the heat flow of goods
in the cold room, the heat flow of ventilation and air exchange in the cold room,
the operating heat flow of the motor in the cold room, the operating heat flow of
the cold room, the cold loss of all corresponding refrigeration equipment and
6.2.4 The heat flow calculation of the cold room's envelope structure shall meet
the following requirements: