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GB 31604.40-2016 English PDF

GB 31604.40-2016_English: PDF (GB31604.40-2016)
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GB 31604.40-2016English70 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Food contact materials -- Polymer -- Determination of maleic acid and maleic anhydride in food simulants -- High performance liquid chromatography Valid GB 31604.40-2016

Standard ID GB 31604.40-2016 (GB31604.40-2016)
Description (Translated English) Food contact materials -- Polymer -- Determination of maleic acid and maleic anhydride in food simulants -- High performance liquid chromatography
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard X09
Word Count Estimation 8,844
Date of Issue 2016-10-19
Date of Implementation 2017-04-19
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 23296.21-2009
Regulation (derived from) State Health and Family Planning Commission Notice No.1516 of 2016

GB 31604.40-2016 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA National Food Safety Standard - Food Contact Materials and Articles - Determination of Migration of Maleic Acid and Its Acid Anhydride ISSUED ON. OCTOBER 19, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON. APRIL 19, 2017 Issued by. National Health and Family Planning Commission of the PRC Table of Contents Foreword . 3  1 Scope .. 4  2 Principles . 4  3 Reagents and materials .. 4  4 Instruments and equipment . 6  5 Analytical procedures . 6  6 Analysis results expression . 7  7 Precision. 8  8 Others . 8  Appendix A High performance liquid chromatograms of maleic acid . 9  Foreword This Standard replaces GB/T 23296.21-2009 “Food contact materials - Polymer - Determination of maleic acid and maleic anhydride in food simulants - High performance liquid chromatography”. As compared with GB/T 23296.21-2009, the main changes of this Standard are as follows. - The Standard’s name is “National Food Safety Standard - Food Contact Materials and Articles - Determination of Migration of Maleic Acid and Its Acid Anhydride”; - MODIFY the conditions for high performance liquid chromatography; - MODIFY the limit of detection. National Food Safety Standard - Food Contact Materials and Articles - Determination of Migration of Maleic Acid and Its Acid Anhydride 1 Scope This Standard specifies the method for determination of migration of maleic acid and its acid anhydride in food contact materials and articles. This Standard applies to the determination of the total amount of maleic acid in food simulants. 2 Principles Maleic anhydride, in the presence of water, turns into maleic acid. By determining the content of maleic acid, the migration of maleic acid and its acid anhydride is indirectly obtained. After the sample is soaked, water-based food simulants are injected directly. Oil-based food simulants, after being extracted by sodium bicarbonate solution and purified by C18 solid-phase extraction cartridge, are determined by high performance liquid chromatography. ADOPT reversed-phase chromatographic column to separate; ultraviolet detector to detect; external standard method to quantify. 3 Reagents and materials Unless otherwise stated, the reagents used in this method are analytically pure; the water is the Grade I water specified in GB/T 6682. During the test, containers and transfer instruments shall avoid the use of plastic material. 3.1 Reagents 3.1.1 Methanol (CH4O). chromatographically pure. 3.1.2 Phosphoric acid (H3PO4). 3.1.3 Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). 3.1.4 Reagents required for the preparation of water-based, acidic, alcohol- food simulants is 0.00 mg/kg, 2.00 mg/kg, 4.00 mg/kg, 8.00 mg/kg, 20.0 mg/kg, and 40.0 mg/kg, respectively. ADD 25 mL of 1% sodium bicarbonate solution; SHAKE for 5 min; LET stand for layering; PIPETTE the lower-layer aqueous solution; USE C18 solid-phase extraction cartridge to filter; TAKE 1.0 mL of the filtrate, through a 0.45 μm filter membrane, FILTER it in injection bottle; to be determined by the machine. 4 Instruments and equipment 4.1 High performance liquid chromatography. equipped with diode array detector or ultraviolet detector. 4.2 Electrothermal constant-temperature dry box. 4.3 Analytical balance. The sensitivity is 1.0 mg and 0.1 mg. 4.4 Vortex mixer. 4.5 C18 solid-phase extraction cartridge. The cartridge stuffing is 500 mg. 5 Analytical procedures 5.1 Preparation of test solution of food simulants 5.1.1 Migration test According to the requirements of GB 5009.156 and GB 31604.1, CARRY out migration test on the sample; and OBTAIN test solution of food simulants. 5.1.2 Treatment of soaking solution Preparation of test solution of water-based food simulants (including distilled water, 4% of acetic acid, alcohol simulants) TAKE about 1.5 mL of the water-based food simulants obtained from the migration test; through a 0.45 μm filter membrane, FILTER it for determination. 2 samples are prepared in parallel. Oil-based food simulants Accurately WEIGH 25 g (accurate to 0.1 g) of soaking solution of oil-based food simulants in separating funnel; ADD 25 mL of 1% sodium bicarbonate solution; SHAKE for 5 min; LET stand for layering; PIPETTE the lower-layer aqueous solution; USE C18 solid-phase extraction cartridge to filter; TAKE 1.0 mL of the filtrate, through a 0.45 μm filter membrane, FILTER it in injection bottle; to be ......

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