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GB 20371-2016 English PDF (GB/T 20371-2006)

GB 20371-2016_English: PDF (GB20371-2016)
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GB 20371-2016English85 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Soy protein for food industry Valid GB 20371-2016
GB/T 20371-2006English359 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Soy protein for food industry Obsolete GB/T 20371-2006

Standard ID GB 20371-2016 (GB20371-2016)
Description (Translated English) Soy protein for food industry
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard X09
Word Count Estimation 7,798
Date of Issue 2016-12-23
Date of Implementation 2017-06-23
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 20371-2006
Regulation (derived from) National Health and Family Planning Commission Notice No.17 of 2016

Standard ID GB/T 20371-2006 (GB/T20371-2006)
Description (Translated English) Soy protein for food industry
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard X11
Classification of International Standard 67.060
Word Count Estimation 9,939
Date of Issue 2006-01-23
Date of Implementation 2006-10-01
Quoted Standard GB 2760; GB/T 4789.2; GB/T 4789.3; GB/T 4789.4; GB/T 4789.5; GB/T 4789.10; GB/T 5009.3; GB/T 5009.4; GB/T 5009.5; GB/T 5009.6; GB/T 5009.10; GB/T 5009.11; GB/T 5009.12; GB/T 5013.31
Adopted Standard Codex Stan 175-1989, NEQ
Drafting Organization China Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee on Food Industry
Regulation (derived from) China National Standard Approval Announcement 2006 No.8 (Total No.95)
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the food industry with soy protein product category, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging and labeling requirements. This standard applies to edible soybean or soybean meal as the main raw material, the removal or partial removal of non protein substance made from soy protein food industry.

GB 20371-2016 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA National Food Safety Standard – Plant Protein for Food Processing ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 23, 2016 IMPLEMENTED ON. JUNE 23, 2017 Issued by. National Health and Family Planning Commission of PRC; China Food and Drug Administration 3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically & immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Terms and Definitions ... 4 3 Technical Requirements ... 5 4 Others ... 7 Appendix A Test Method of Urease (Urea Enzymes) Activity in Soybean Protein ... 8 Foreword This Standard replaced GB/T 20371-2006 Soy Protein for Food Industry. Compared with GB/T 20371-2006, this Standard has the major changes as follows. --- Modify the standard name as “National Food Safety Standard – Plant Protein for Food Processing”; --- Modify the scope; --- Add Terms and definitions; --- Modify the physical and chemical indicators; --- Modify the hygienic requirements; --- Add the mycotoxin limits; --- Modify the appendix. National Food Safety Standard – Plant Protein for Food Processing 1 Scope This Standard is applicable to the plant protein products for food processing. This Standard isn’t applicable to the cottonseed protein and rapeseed protein. 2 Terms and Definitions 2.1 Plant protein The products taking plant as raw materials, removing or partially removing the non- protein components (such as water, fat, carbohydrates, etc.) from the raw materials of plant, and the protein content is no less than 40%. The main products include beans (such as soybean, pea, broad bean) protein; grains (such as wheat, corn, rice, oat) protein; nuts and seeds (such as peanut) protein; tuberous crops (such as potato) protein; and other plant proteins. 2.2 Crude protein The products made, by the primary extraction, through partially removing the non- protein components (such as water, fat, carbohydrates, etc.) from the raw materials of plant. 2.3 Concentrated protein The products made, by extraction, concentration, separation and the like technologies, through removing or partial removing the non-protein components (such as water, fat, carbohydrates, etc.) from the raw materials of plant. It includes the potato coagulation protein made through extraction, heating coagulation and other technologies. 2.4 Separated protein The products made, by extraction, concentration, separation, refining and the like technologies, through removing or partial removing the non-protein components (such as water, fat, carbohydrates, etc.) from the raw materials of plant. 2.5 Plant hydrolyzed protein solutions in equal volume, then store in the brown bottle. A.3 Specimen preparation Grind the representative sample by the grinder (A.1.1), so that it can totally pass through the sample sieve (A.1.2). The special sample (the sample that can’t be ground due to the high content of moisture and volatile) can be pre-dried under the laboratory temperature; then grind it; when calculating the results, the dry weight loss shall be calculated. A.4 Test procedures Take about 0.2g of prepared specimen (A.3) (accurate to 0.1mg) into the glass test tube (if the activity is very high, then take 0.05g of specimen); add 10mL of urea buffer solution (A.2.1); immediately cover the test tube, after shaking it vigorously; place the test tube into 30°C±0.5°C constant-temperature water bath (A.1.4); maintain for 30min±10s. The time interval required to each sample to be added to the urea buffer solution remains the same. When reaction stops, add 10mL of hydrochloric acid solution (A.2.2) at the same time interval; after shaking, swiftly cooling off to 20°C. Transfer all the matters in the test tube into the small beaker; use 20mL of water to wash the test tube for several times; use the acidity meter (A.1.6) to titrate pH to be 4.70 with sodium hydroxide standard solution (A.2.3). If the indicator is selected, transfer all the matters in the test tube into the 250mL conical flask; add 8-10 drops of mixed indicator (A.2.4), titrate the solution with sodium hydroxide standard solution (A.2.3) till the solution turns to blue-green. Take another test tube to do the blank test; take about 0.2g of prepared specimen (A.3) (accurate to 0.1mg) into the glass test tube (if the activity is very high, then take 0.05g of specimen); add 10mL of hydrochloric acid solution (A.2.2); after shaking, add 10mL of urea buffer solution (A.2.1); immediately cover the test tube, after shaking it vigorously; place the test tube into 30°C±0.5°C constant-temperature water bath (A.1.4); maintain for 30min±10s. When reaction stops, swiftly cooling off the test tube to 20°C. Transfer all the matters in the test tube into the small beaker; use 20mL of water to wash the test tube for several times; use the acidity meter (A.1.6) to titrate pH to be 4.70 with sodium hydroxide standard solution (A.2.3). If the indicator is selected, transfer all the matters in the test tube into the 250mL conical flask; add 8-10 drops of mixed indicator (A.2.4), titrate the solution with sodium hydroxide standard solution (A.2.3) till the solution turns to blue-green. A.5 Results calculation A.5.1 Urea enzymes activity of X in the soybean protein can be calculated as per Formula (A.1). If the specimen is pre-dried before grinding, it shall be calculated as per Formula (A.2). ......

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