GB 18599-2020_English: PDF (GB18599-2020)
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GB 18599-2020 | English | 200 |
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Standard for pollution control on the non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill
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GB 18599-2020
GB 18599-2001 | English | 70 |
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[Including 2013XG1] Standard for pollution control on the storage and disposal site for general industrial solid wastes
| Obsolete |
GB 18599-2001
Standard ID | GB 18599-2020 (GB18599-2020) | Description (Translated English) | Standard for pollution control on the non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Word Count Estimation | 13,159 | Date of Issue | 2020-12-24 | Date of Implementation | 2021-07-01 | Older Standard (superseded by this standard) | GB 18599-2001 | Drafting Organization | Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences | Administrative Organization | Ministry of Ecology and Environment | Regulation (derived from) | Ministry of Ecology and Environment Announcement No. 65 of 2020; National Standard Announcement No. 31 of 2020 | Standard ID | GB 18599-2001 (GB18599-2001) | Description (Translated English) | [Including 2013XG1] Standard for pollution control on the storage and disposal site for general industrial solid wastes | Sector / Industry | National Standard | Classification of Chinese Standard | Z70 | Classification of International Standard | 13.030.10 | Word Count Estimation | 9,993 | Date of Issue | 2001-12-28 | Date of Implementation | 2002-07-01 | Quoted Standard | GB 5085.1; GB 5085.2; GB 8978; GB 16297; GB/T 14848; HJ/T 20; GB 5086.1; GB 5086.2; GB/T 15555.1; GB/T 15555.2; GB/T 15555.3; GB/T 15555.4; GB/T 15555.5; GB/T 15555.6; GB/T 15555.7; GB/T 15555.8; GB/T 15555.9; GB/T 15555.10; GB/T 15555.11; GB/T 15555.12; GB 5750; GB 15562.2 | Drafting Organization | Former Ministry of Metallurgical Maanshan Institute of Mining Research | Regulation (derived from) | Department of Environmental Protection Notice No. 36 of 2013 | Summary | This Chinese standard specifies the general industrial solid waste storage and disposal site for the siting, design, operation and management, closed with closure, as well as pollution control and monitoring requirements, this standard applies to new construction, expansion, renovation and has been put into the general industrial solid waste storage and disposal site construction, operation and supervision, does not apply to hazardous waste materials and garbage landfill. |
GB 18599-2020
Replacing GB 18599-2001
Standard for Pollution Control on the Non-hazardous
Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Landfill
This electronic version is a release draft. Please refer to the official standard published
by China Environment Publishing Group
Issued by: Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China;
State Administration for Market Regulation.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Requirements for Site Selection of Storage and Landfill Facilities ... 8
5 Technical Requirements for Storage and Landfill Facilities ... 9
6 Admission Requirements ... 11
7 Operation Requirements for Storage and Landfill Facilities ... 12
8 Pollution Control Requirements for Mining with Backfilling and Backfilling ... 13
9 Requirements for Closure and Land Reclamation ... 14
10 Requirements for Pollutant Monitoring ... 15
11 Implementation and Supervision ... 18
Appendix A (informative) Description of Single Composite Liner System ... 19
Standard for Pollution Control on the Non-hazardous
Industrial Solid Waste Storage and Landfill
1 Scope
This document specifies the environmental protection requirements for the site selection,
construction, operation, closure, land reclamation and other processes of non-hazardous
industrial solid waste storage and landfill facilities, the environmental protection requirements
for the mining with backfilling and backfilling of non-hazardous industrial solid waste that
replaces storage and landfill disposal, as well as monitoring requirements, implementation and
supervision, etc.
This Standard is applicable to the pollution control and environmental management of the site
selection, construction, operation, closure and land reclamation of newly constructed,
reconstructed and expanded non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfills facilities,
the pollution control and environmental management of the operation, closure and land
reclamation of existing non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill facilities, as
well as the pollution control and environmental management of the mining with backfilling and
backfilling of non-hazardous industrial solid waste that replaces storage and landfill disposal.
If special national environmental protection standards are issued for specific non-hazardous
industrial solid waste storage and landfill, the special environmental protection standards shall
be implemented during the storage and landfill processes.
This Standard does not apply to the pollution control in the process of storing non-hazardous
industrial solid waste in warehouses and packaging tools (cans, barrels and packaging bags,
etc.). The storage process shall satisfy the corresponding environmental protection
requirements, such as: seepage prevention, rain prevention and dust prevention, etc.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard. In terms of
references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this
document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the
modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB 8978 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard
GB 12348 Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary
GB 14554 Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants
GB 15562.2 Graphical Signs for Environmental Protection Solid Waste Storage (disposal) Site
3.2 storage
The activity of temporarily placing solid waste in a specific facility or location.
3.3 landfill
The activity of placing solid waste in landfills that comply with the provisions and requirements
on environmental protection.
3.4 non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage facility
A land storage facility used for the temporary storage of non-hazardous industrial solid waste.
The storage facility after closure shall be managed as a landfill.
3.5 non-hazardous industrial solid waste landfill
A landfill facility used for the final disposal of non-hazardous industrial solid waste.
3.6 class I non-hazardous industrial solid waste
Non-hazardous industrial solid waste with a concentration of any characteristic pollutant in the
leachate obtained in accordance with the method specified in HJ 557 not exceeding the
maximum allowable emission concentration in GB 8978 (the maximum allowable emission
concentration of Class II pollutants shall implement Level-1 standard), and a pH value within
the range of 6 ~ 9.
3.7 class II non-hazardous industrial solid waste
Non-hazardous industrial solid waste with the concentration of one or more characteristic
pollutants in the leachate obtained in accordance with the method specified in HJ 557 exceeding
the maximum allowable emission concentration in GB 8978 (the maximum allowable emission
concentration of Class II pollutants shall implement Level-1 standard), and a pH value beyond
the range of 6 ~ 9.
3.8 class I non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill facility
Non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill facility that can accept the various
types of non-hazardous industrial solid waste specified in 6.1 of this Standard and comply with
the relevant technical requirements for pollution control in this Standard.
3.9 class II non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill facility
Non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill facility that can accept the various
types of non-hazardous industrial solid waste specified in 6.2 and 6.3 of this Standard and
comply with the relevant technical requirements for pollution control in this Standard.
3.10 mining with backfilling
In order to satisfy the demands of mining technology, and for the purpose of supporting
comply with the requirements of laws and regulations on environmental protection, and relevant
statutory planning.
4.2 The distance between the storage and landfill facilities and the surrounding residential areas
shall be determined based on the documents and approval opinions on environmental impact
4.3 The storage and landfill facilities shall not be located in ecological protection red line areas,
permanent basic farmland concentration areas, and other areas that require special protection.
4.4 The storage and landfill facilities shall avoid active faults, cave areas, areas affected by
natural landslides or debris flows, and wetlands, etc.
4.5 The storage and landfill facilities shall not be located in rivers, lakes, canals, channels,
beaches and bank slopes below the highest water level of reservoirs, as well as within the
submerged areas and protected areas of artificial water storage facilities, for example, reservoirs
in national and local long-term planning.
4.6 The above provisions on site selection do not apply to the mining with backfilling and
backfilling of non-hazardous industrial solid waste.
5 Technical Requirements for Storage and Landfill Facilities
5.1 General Provisions
5.1.1 In accordance with different technical requirements for pollution control on construction,
operation and closure, etc., the storage and landfill facilities are classified into Class I and Class
II facilities.
5.1.2 The flood control standards of the storage and landfill facilities shall be designed in
accordance with the flood level with a recurrence interval of not less than 50 years, unless the
national standards have proposed higher requirements.
5.1.3 Generally speaking, the storage and landfill facilities shall include the following units:
a) Anti-seepage system, leachate collection and drainage system;
b) Rainwater and sewage diversion system;
c) Analytical testing and environmental monitoring system;
d) Utilities and supporting facilities;
e) Groundwater drainage system and wastewater treatment system (select settings based
on specific circumstances).
5.1.4 The construction schemes for the storage and landfill facilities shall include construction
quality assurance and construction quality control, clarify environmental protection clauses and
responsibilities, and serve as the basis for environmental protection acceptance upon
completion of the project. Meanwhile, they may also be used as the main content of construction
environmental supervision.
5.1.5 After construction is completed, the storage and landfill facilities shall retain construction
reports, a complete set of as-built drawings, and on-site and laboratory test reports for all
materials. The storage and landfill facilities that adopt high-density polyethylene film as the
artificial synthetic liner shall also submit artificial liner integrity testing reports. The above
materials, together with the construction quality assurance document, serve as the basis for
environmental protection acceptance of the completed project.
5.1.6 The anti-seepage requirements of leachate collection polls of the storage and landfill
facilities shall be not lower than those of corresponding storage and landfill facilities.
5.1.7 In addition to the technical requirements for pollution control stipulated in this Standard,
the storage facilities shall also comply with relevant administrative regulations, national and
industry standards in their design, construction, operation and closure, etc.
5.1.8 For non-hazardous industrial solid waste with properties similar to domestic waste
generated in activities that provide services for daily life, such as: food manufacturing, textile
clothing and apparel industry, paper making and paper products industry, agricultural and
sideline food processing industry, etc., as well as non-hazardous industrial solid waste (except
coal gangue) with an organic matter content exceeding 5%, the direct storage and landfill
disposal shall comply with the requirements of GB 16889.
5.2 Technical Requirements for Class I Non-hazardous Industrial Solid Waste
Storage and Landfill Facilities
5.2.1 When the saturated permeability coefficient of the native foundation is not greater than
1.0 105 cm/s, and the thickness is not less than 0.75 m, the native foundation can be used as
the anti-seepage liner.
5.2.2 When the native foundation cannot satisfy the anti-seepage requirements of 5.2.1, a
modified compacted clay liner or other material anti-seepage liner with equivalent or above
waterproof effectiveness can be used, and its anti-seepage properties shall be at least equivalent
to those of a native foundation with a permeability coefficient of 1.0 105 cm/s and a thickness
of 0.75 m.
5.3 Technical Requirements for Class II Non-hazardous Industrial Solid Waste
Storage and Landfill Facilities
5.3.1 Class II non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill facilities shall adopt a
single composite liner system as the anti-seepage liner and comply with the following technical
a) Artificial synthetic materials shall adopt high-density polyethylene film, with a
determination method in HJ 761;
b) If the total amount of water-soluble salts is less than 5%, comply with the
determination method in NY/T 1121.16.
6.3 Non-hazardous industrial solid waste specified in 5.1.8 can only be stored and landfilled in
Class II non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill facilities after being treated
and satisfying the requirements of 6.2.
6.4 Incompatible non-hazardous industrial solid waste shall set up different partitions for
storage and landfill operations.
6.5 Hazardous waste and domestic garbage are not allowed to enter the non-hazardous
industrial solid waste storage and landfill facilities, unless otherwise specified by relevant
national and local laws, regulations and standards.
7 Operation Requirements for Storage and Landfill Facilities
7.1 Before the storage and landfill facilities are put into operation, enterprises shall formulate
an emergency plan for environmental emergencies or formulate a special chapter of
environmental emergency plan in the emergency plan to explain various possible environmental
emergency scenarios and emergency response measures.
7.2 The storage and landfill facilities shall develop operation plans, and operation management
personnel shall regularly participate in enterprise on-the-job training.
7.3 Enterprises operating the storage and landfill facilities shall establish a file management
system, organize and archive it in accordance with national archives management and other
laws and regulations, and permanently preserve it. The archival information mainly includes
but is not limited to the following contents:
a) Site selection, survey, land acquisition, design, construction, environmental
assessment and acceptance information;
b) Information, such as: the source, type, pollution characteristics, quantity, storage or
landfill location of waste;
c) Inspection and maintenance information of various pollution prevention and control
d) The total amount of leachate and process water, as well as the process parameters of
leachate and process water treatment equipment, and treatment effect records;
e) Closure and post-closure management information;
f) Environmental monitoring and emergency response information.
7.4 The graphical signs for the environmental protection of the storage and landfill facilities
shall comply with the provisions of GB 15562.2 and shall be regularly inspected and maintained.
7.5 The storage and landfill facilities that may easily generate dust shall take effective dust
suppression measures, such as: zoning operations, covering and water sprinkling, etc., to
prevent dust pollution. Tailings ponds shall take measures, such as: uniform ore drawing and
water sprinkling, etc. to prevent dust pollution from dry beaches.
7.6 Pollutant emission control requirements
7.6.1 Leachate generated by the storage and landfill facilities shall be collected and treated, and
it can only be discharged after satisfying the requirements of GB 8978. If there are already
industry, regional or local pollutant emission standards, the corresponding standards shall be
7.6.2 Fugitive gas emissions generated by the storage and landfill facilities shall comply with
the relevant requirements for fugitive emission limits specified in GB 16297.
7.6.3 The environmental noise and odor pollutants emitted from the storage and landfill
facilities shall comply with the provisions of GB 12348 and GB 14554.
8 Pollution Control Requirements for Mining with
Backfilling and Backfilling
8.1 For Class I non-hazardous industrial solid waste, the mining with backfilling or backfilling
operation can be performed in accordance with the following ways:
a) For fly ash, mining with backfilling or backfilling can be performed in the goaf areas
of coal mining areas;
b) For goal gangue, mining with backfilling or backfilling can be performed in the goaf
areas, such as: coal mining mines and pits, etc.;
c) For tailings and mine waste rocks, etc., mining with backfilling or backfilling can be
performed in the goaf areas, such as: mines and pits, etc. of the original mining areas.
8.2 For Class II non-hazardous industrial solid waste, as well as Class I non-hazardous
industrial solid waste that does not comply with the mining with backfilling or backfilling ways
in 8.1, before the mining with backfilling or backfilling activity, an environmental background
survey shall be carried out. In addition, in accordance with the relevant standards, for example,
HJ 25.3, an environmental risk assessment shall be carried out, with an emphasis on assessing
the environmental pollution risks to groundwater, surface water and surrounding soil, so as to
ensure that the environmental risks are acceptable. After the mining with backfilling or
backfilling activity is completed, based on the risk assessment risks, long-term monitoring of
potentially affected soil, surface water and groundwater shall be carried out, with a frequency
9.8 After closure, if the non-hazardous industrial solid waste needs to be mined and re-utilized,
an environmental impact assessment shall be conducted.
9.9 After the closure of the storage and landfill facilities is completed, land reclamation can be
carried out based on local topographic conditions, water resources, topsoil resources and other
natural environmental conditions and social development demands, and in accordance with
relevant provisions. The land reclamation implementation process shall satisfy the relevant land
reclamation quality control requirements specified in TD/T 1036. If the land is used as
construction land after reclamation, it shall also satisfy the requirements of GB 36600; if it is
used as agricultural land, it shall also satisfy the requirements of GB 15618.
9.10 Once a historical storage facility of non-hazardous industrial solid waste has been assessed
to ensure that the environmental risks are acceptable, closure or land reclamation operations
can be carried out.
10 Requirements for Pollutant Monitoring
10.1 General Provisions
10.1.1 Enterprises shall establish enterprise monitoring systems, formulate monitoring schemes,
carry out self-monitoring of pollutant discharge status and the impact on surrounding
environmental quality in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and Measures for
Environmental Monitoring and Management and Measures for the Disclosure of Environmental
Information of Enterprises and Institutions, etc., and make the monitoring results public.
10.1.2 The requirements for enterprises to install, operate and maintain automatic monitoring
equipment for pollution sources shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of
relevant laws, regulations and standards.
10.1.3 Enterprises shall design, construct and maintain permanent sampling ports, sampling test
platforms and sewage outlet signs in accordance with the requirements of environmental
monitoring management regulations and technical specifications.
10.2 Requirements for Wastewater Pollutant Monitoring
10.2.1 The setting of sampling points and sampling method shall comply with the provisions
of HJ 91.1.
10.2.2 The frequency of monitoring leachate and its discharged wastewater pollutants after
treatment shall be determined in accordance with waste characteristics, covering layer and
precipitation, etc., and at least once a month. The monitoring and analysis methods for
wastewater pollutants shall comply with the provisions of GB 8978.
10.3 Requirements for Groundwater Monitoring
10.3.1 Before the storage and landfill facilities are put into use, enterprises shall monitor the
background level of groundwater.
10.3.2 The layout of groundwater monitoring wells shall comply with the following
a) One monitoring well shall be arranged upstream of the groundwater flow field, at
least one monitoring well shall be arranged downstream, and at least one monitoring
well shall be arranged in the area where pollution diffusion may occur. If a
groundwater drainage system is installed, at least one monitoring well shall be
arranged at the outlet of the groundwater main pipe to monitor the water quality of
the groundwater drainage system;
b) In karst development areas and storage and landfill facilities where the groundwater
assessment level is determined to be Level 1 in the environmental impact assessment
document, the density of downstream monitoring wells shall be increased based on
the conclusions of the environmental impact assessment;
c) When groundwater aquifers are deeply buried or groundwater monitoring wells are
difficult to deploy in bedrock mountainous areas, and if the environmental impact
assessment confirms that the groundwater will not be contaminated, the number of
groundwater monitoring wells can be reduced;
d) The location and depth of monitoring wells shall be arranged in accordance with the
hydrogeological characteristics of the facilities;
e) The construction and management of monitoring wells shall comply with the
technical requirements of HJ/T 164;
f) If they satisfy the above-mentioned requirements, the existing groundwater intake
wells, observation wells and survey wells can be used as groundwater monitoring
10.3.3 The frequency of groundwater monitoring in storage and landfill facilities shall comply
with the following requirements:
a) During operation, the frequency of self-monitoring by enterprises shall be at least
once per quarter, and the interval between each two monitoring times shall be no less
than 1 month, unless otherwise specified by the State; if there are environmentally
sensitive areas in the surrounding area, the frequency of monitoring shall be increased.
The specific monitoring points and frequency shall be determined based on the
conclusions of the environmental impact assessment. When signs of pollution in
groundwater are found, the cause shall be promptly found, and remedial measures
shall be taken to prevent further spread of pollution;
b) After closure, the groundwater monitoring system shall continue to normally operate,
with a frequency of monitoring at least once every six months, until the groundwater
quality does not exceed the groundwater background level for 2 consecutive years.
GB 18599-2001
ICS 13.030.10
Z 70
Standard for Pollution Control on the Storage and
Disposal Site for General Industrial Solid Wastes
[Including Modification List 2013XG1]
Issued by. State Environmental Protection Bureau;
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Table of Contents
Foreword . 3
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application . 4
2 Normative References .. 4
3 Definitions . 5
4 Type of Storage and Disposal Site . 6
5 Environmental Protection Requirements for Site Selection . 6
6 Environmental Protection Requirements for the Design of Storage and
Disposal Site . 7
7 Environmental Protection Requirements for Operation and Management of
Storage and Disposal Site . 8
8 Environmental Protection Requirements for Closure and Site-Sealing . 9
9 Pollutant Control and Monitoring .. 10
10 Implementation and Supervision of Standard . 12
Modification List (2013XG1) . 13
This Standard is formulated for the purpose of implementing the Law of the People’s
Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environment Pollution Caused by
Solid Wastes; and preventing the secondary pollution on the storage and disposal site
of the general industrial solid wastes.
This Standard specifies the site selection, design, operation management, closure and
site-sealing, as well as the pollution control and monitoring requirements for the
storage and disposal site of the general industrial solid wastes.
This Standard is first-time published.
This Standard was proposed by the Department of Science & Technology and
Standard of the State Environmental Protection Administration.
This Standard was drafted by the Maanshan Mine Research Institute of the former
Ministry of Metallurgy.
This Standard was the one issued by State Environmental Protection Bureau on
November 26, 2011.
This Standard is interpreted by the State Environmental Protection Bureau.
Standard for Pollution Control on the Storage and
Disposal Site for General Industrial Solid Wastes
1 Subject Content and Scope of Application
1.1 Subject content
This Standard specifies the site selection, design, operation management, closure and
site-sealing, as well as the pollution control and monitoring requirements for the
storage and disposal site of general industrial solid wastes.
1.2 Scope of application
This Standard is applicable to the construction, operation and supervision of the
general industrial solid waste storage and disposal site that has been built, expanded,
rebuilt and put into operation; it is not applicable to the hazardous waste and domestic
waste landfills.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard,
constitute provisions of this Standard; they are equivalently effective with this Standard.
GB 5085.1~2 Identification Standard for Hazardous Wastes
GB 8978 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard
GB 16297 Comprehensive Emission Standard of Air Pollutants
GB/T 14848 Standard for Groundwater Quality
HJ/T 20 Technical Specifications on Sampling and Sample Preparation from
Industry Solid Waste
GB 5086.1~2 Test Method Standard for Leaching Toxicity of Solid Wastes
GB/T 15555.1~12 Test Method for Leaching Toxicity of Solid Wastes
GB 5750 Standard Examination Methods for Drinking Water
GB 15562.2 Graphical Signs for Environmental Protection Solid Waste Storage
(Disposal) Site
liquid penetration inside and outside of the storage and disposal site.
4 Type of Storage and Disposal Site
The storage and disposal site can be divided into Type-I and Type-II.
The storage and disposal site for stacking Class-I general industrial solid waste is the
first type, referred to as Type-I site.
The storage and disposal site for stacking Class-II general industrial solid waste is the
second type, referred to as Type-II site.
5 Environmental Protection Requirements for Site
5.1 Common requirements for Type-I and Type-II sites.
5.1.1 The selected site shall meet the requirements of the overall local urban and rural
construction plan.
5.1.2 It shall be selected in the leeward side of the dominate wind direction of the
industrial zone and residential concentration area; the site boundary shall be 500m
beyond the residential concentration area.
5.1.3 It shall be selected on the foundation that meets the bearing capacity
requirements, so that avoid the influence of foundation subsidence, especially the
uneven or local subsidence.
5.1.4 It shall keep away from fault, fault fracture zone, cavern zone, and areas affected
by natural landslides or debris flows.
5.1.5 It is forbidden to be located in the beaches or floodplains below the highest water
level of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.
5.1.6 It is forbidden to be located in the nature reserves, scenic spots and other areas
that require special protection.
5.2 Other requirements for Type-I site
Discarded mining pits and subsidence areas shall be preferred.
5.3 Other requirements for Type-II site
5.3.1 it shall keep away from the main recharge area of the groundwater and the
1.0×10-7cm/s, the natural or artificial materials shall be adopted to construct the anti-
seepage layer; the thickness of anti-seepage layer shall be equivalent to the anti-
seepage performance of the clay layer with permeability coefficient of 1.0×10-7cm/s
and thickness of 1.5m.
6.2.2 If necessary, leachate treatment facilities shall be designed to treat the leachate.
6.2.3 In order to monitor the pollution of leachate on the groundwater, at least three
groundwater quality monitoring wells shall be installed around the storage and disposal
site. The first well shall be arranged along the groundwater flow and located in the
upstream of the storage and disposal site, as a control well; the second well shall be
arranged along the groundwater flow and located in the downstream of the storage
and disposal site, as a pollution supervision and monitoring well; while the third well
shall be located in the storage and disposal site where the diffusion is most likely to
occur, as a pollution spread monitoring well.
When the geologic and hydrogeological data indicate that the aquifer is buried deep,
and the groundwater is proved to be polluted impossibly, then the groundwater quality
monitoring well may not be arranged.
7 Environmental Protection Requirements for
Operation and Management of Storage and Disposal
7.1 Common requirements for Type-I and Type-II sites
7.1.1 On the completion of the storage and disposal site, it can only be put into
operation or use after being inspected and approved by the environmental protection
administrative department, which originally audits the environmental impact
assessment report (form).
7.1.2 The storage and disposal site for general industrial solid waste is prohibited to
mix the hazardous waste and domestic garbage.
7.1.3 The leachate in the storage and disposal site can be discharged after the water
quality reaches the GB 8978 standard; the atmospheric pollutants shall be emitted
when meeting the requirements of unorganized emission of GB 16297.
7.1.4 The use organization of the storage and disposal site shall establish an
inspection and maintenance system. Regularly inspect and maintain the dikes, dams,
retaining walls, and diversion channels, etc.; if finding any damages or abnormalities,
immediately take necessary measures to ensure the normal operation.
8.1.2 When closing or sealing the site, the surface slope shall not generally exceed
33%. For each elevation of 3m~5m, a step is required. The step shall have the width
of no less than 1m, slope of 2%~3%, and the strength to withstand the heavy rain.
8.1.3 After the closing or sealing of the site, it still needs to further maintenance and
management till it is stable. In order to prevent the subsidence and cracks of the
overburden layer; resulting in the increase of leachate; and prevent the unstable
stacking of the general industrial solid waste and causing the landslide and the like.
8.1.4 After the closing and sealing of the site, provide a marker indicating the time for
closure and site-sealing, as well as the precautions of using such soil.
8.2 Other requirements for Type-I site
In order to facilitate the restoration of the vegetation, the site surface shall be generally
covered a layer of natural soil during the closure period; the thickness of which
depends on the granularity of the solid waste and the type of the vegetation to be
8.3 Other requirements for Type-II site
8.3.1 In order to prevent the direct exposure of the solid waste and the infiltration of
rainwater into the pile body, the surface shall be covered two-layer of soil during the
site-sealing; the first layer is the barrier layer covering 20cm~45cm thick clay and
compacting to prevent the rainwater penetrating into the pile body of the solid waste;
the second layer is cover layer covering the natural soil, to facilitate the growth of plant;
the thickness of it depends on the type of plant.
8.3.2 After the site-sealing, the monitoring system of the leachate and its treated &
discharged water shall continue to operate normally until the water quality is stable.
The groundwater monitoring system shall continue to operate normally.
9 Pollutant Control and Monitoring
9.1 Pollution control item
9.1.1 Leachate and the discharged water after treatment
The characteristic components of the general industrial solid waste shall be selected
as the control item.
9.1.2 Groundwater
Before the storage and disposal site is put into use, take the project specified in GB/T
14848 as the control item, as well as the control item during the use period and after