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GB 17675-2021 English PDF (GB 17675-1999)

GB 17675-2021_English: PDF (GB17675-2021)
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GB 17675-2021English345 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Steering system of motor vehicles -- Basic requirements Valid GB 17675-2021
GB 17675-1999English70 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Steering system of motor vehicles. Basic requirements Obsolete GB 17675-1999

Standard ID GB 17675-2021 (GB17675-2021)
Description (Translated English) Steering system of motor vehicles -- Basic requirements
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard T23
Classification of International Standard 43.040.50
Word Count Estimation 24,235
Date of Issue 2021-02-20
Date of Implementation 2022-01-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 17675-1999
Administrative Organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Announcement No. 1 in 2021
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB 17675-1999 (GB17675-1999)
Description (Translated English) Steering system of motor vehicles. Basic requirements
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard T23
Classification of International Standard 43.040.50
Word Count Estimation 5,535
Date of Issue 1999-02-14
Date of Implementation 2000-01-01
Adopted Standard 70/311/EEC, MOD
Drafting Organization China Automotive Technology and Research Center
Administrative Organization National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee
Proposing organization National Machinery Industry Bureau
Issuing agency(ies) State Quality and Technical Supervision
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the structure of automobile steering systems design and installation of basic requirements. This standard applies to Class M and N categories highway vehicles.

GB 17675-2021 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.50 T 23 Replacing GB 17675-1999 Steering system of motor vehicles - Basic requirements ISSUED ON: FEBRUARY 20, 2021 IMPLEMENTED ON: JANUARY 01, 2022 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 7  2 Normative references ... 7  3 Terms and definitions ... 8  3.1 Basic terms ... 8  3.2 Terms of functional safety ... 15  4 Technical requirements ... 17  4.1 Requirements for motor vehicles ... 17  4.2 Requirements for trailers ... 18  4.3 Failure provisions ... 20  4.4 Alarm signals ... 22  5 Test methods ... 24  5.1 Test conditions ... 24  5.2 Tests for motor vehicles ... 24  5.3 Tests for trailers ... 25  6 Implementation date ... 26  Appendix A (Normative) Supplementary regulations for vehicles equipped with auxiliary steering equipment (ASE) ... 27  Appendix B (Normative) Functional safety requirements ... 30  Appendix C (Normative) Requirements for trailers equipped with purely hydraulic steering transmission equipment ... 37  Appendix D (Normative) Special requirements for power supply of steering system of tractor-trailer combination ... 38  Steering system of motor vehicles - Basic requirements 1 Scope This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, and test methods of the steering system of motor vehicles. This Standard applies to categories M, N vehicles and category O trailers specified in GB/T 15089. This Standard does not apply to: - Pneumatic transmission steering system; - Vehicles with autonomous steering system as defined in 2 Normative references The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For the dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document. For the undated references, the latest edition (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document. GB/T 3730.1 Motor vehicles and trailers - Types - Terms and definitions GB/T 3730.2 Road vehicle - Masses - Vocabulary and codes GB/T 3730.3 Motor vehicles and towed vehicles - Dimensions of vehicles - Terms and definitions GB/T 5053.3 Road vehicles - Connectors for the electrical connection of towing and towed vehicles - Definitions tests and requirements GB/T 5563 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Hydrostatic testing GB/T 7939 Hydraulic fluid power - Hose assemblies - Test methods GB/T 9574 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Ratios of proof and burst pressure to maximum working pressure GB/T 12540 Minimum turning circle diameter, minimum turning clearance Another additional equipment for adjusting the steering quality of the vehicle, which can make the steered wheels and/or the wheels (front and/or rear) on other axles adjust the same or opposite steering angles, in addition to the steering angle provided by the main steering equipment, on categories M and N vehicles. Trailers Trailers self-tracking steering equipment The equipment which changes the steering angle of one or more wheels only when the trailer wheels are subjected to force and/or moment from the ground. Articulated steering The equipment in which the steering movement uses the articulated mechanism between tractors and trailers, to form a relative angle between the longitudinal axis of tractors and trailers, and to change the driving direction of the tractor to generate steering forces, when the vehicle is running. Self-steering The equipment in which the steering movement uses the angle formed by the longitudinal axis of trailer frame or alternative load and the longitudinal axis of draw-bar and turntable frame, to change the driving direction of the tractor to generate steering forces, when the vehicle is running. Additional steering equipment The equipment, independent of the main steering equipment of the tractor, which selectively adjusts the steering angle of one or more axles of the trailer according to different control purposes. Full-power steering equipment The equipment in which the steering forces are completely provided by one or more energy supply components. Hybrid steering transmission Part of the steering forces are transmitted in one of the above-mentioned ways; while the other part is transmitted in another way. Note: However, if the mechanical part used for transmission is only for providing the driver's sense of road, and the steering forces transmitted by it can be ignored for the whole system, it shall be regarded as hydraulic or electric steering transmission. 3.1.6 Trailers steering electric control line The electrical connection part for the steering control function of the trailer. Note: It includes data communication cables for trailer control, wires and connectors for power supply. 3.2 Terms of functional safety 3.2.1 Functional safety concept Functional safety requirements and related information needed to achieve safety goals. Note: For example, safety measures implemented to ensure system integrity and safe operation in fault and non-fault modes. 3.2.2 Unit The smallest part of a system component which can be identified, analyzed, or replaced as a single entity. 3.2.3 Electronic control system The combination of a series of units which coordinate the realization of vehicle control functions through electronic data processing. Note: The system is usually controlled by software; composed of independent functional components such as sensors, controllers and actuators; and connected by without disassembly. Unless specially designed, any part of the steering transmission equipment shall not limit the maximum steering angle. 4.1.5 The vehicle electrical control system related to the steering of the motor vehicle must not affect the steering function due to electromagnetic interference. And it shall meet the technical requirements in GB 34660. 4.1.6 The adjustable components in the steering transmission system shall be lockable. 4.1.7 The steered wheels of motor vehicles shall not only be the rear wheels. 4.1.8 The steering system can share the same energy supply with other systems. However, if any system that shares the same energy with the steering system fails, the steering system shall still meet the relevant steering functions in the case of fault in 4.3. 4.1.9 The functional safety requirements of the steering electronic control system shall be formulated in accordance with GB/T 34590 (all parts); shall meet the requirements of Appendix B. 4.2 Requirements for trailers 4.2.1 When the tractor-trailer combination goes straight ahead, the trailer shall be in the same driving direction as the tractor. If the trailer cannot automatically maintain a straight-line driving, it shall be equipped with corresponding adjustment devices. 4.2.2 The rear wheels of the semi-trailer may be steered wheels. 4.2.3 The tractor is driving straight on a level road. Within the maximum design speed range, when the driver has no steering correction behavior, and the steering system has no abnormal vibration, the trailer shall not affect the straight-line driving performance of the vehicle due to its steering system. 4.2.4 At a uniform speed of (25±1)km/h and 5 km/h, the tractor-trailer combination performs steady-state turning along a turning circle with a radius of 25 m. Measure the radius of the trajectory circle traversed by the rearmost outer edge of the trailer, respectively. The difference between the trajectory circle radius at the speed of (25±1)km/h and 5 km/h shall not be more than 0.7 m. 4.2.5 When the tractor-trailer combination leaves a turning circle with a radius of 25 m at a speed of 25 km/h, the tractor is within 40 m of the tangent line from the leaving starting point as the tangency point (calculated to the end of the trailer). The projection of any part of the trailer on the ground must not exceed When the control transmission device fails, except for those components listed in 4.1.4, for the complete steering system, the vehicle can still steer according to the performance requirements of 4.1 and 4.2 when the steering system is intact. If the energy source fails, under the premise that the energy storage level meets the requirements of, the vehicle speed is 10 km/h, and the turning radius is 20 m, it shall be able to complete at least 24 figure-8 turning operations. During the period, the steering control force shall meet the requirements of Table 1 for an intact system. If there is a fault in the energy transmission, except for the components listed in, the steering angle cannot change significantly. For a faulty system, under the premise that the energy storage level meets the requirements of, as long as the vehicle can drive at a speed of 10 km/h, it shall perform at least 25 figure-8 turns at this speed. The turning radius each time is 20 m. During which the steering control force shall still meet the requirements of Table 2. For the energy storage level at the beginning of the tests described in and, it shall be the energy storage state when the driver receives a warning of insufficient energy storage. The steering electronic control system needs to meet the functional safety requirements of Appendix B. This energy storage level shall be the worst case described in the documentation, submitted by the manufacturer in accordance with Appendix B. The impact of temperature and aging on battery performance shall also be considered. 4.4 Alarm signals 4.4.1 General provisions The steering system shall, through the motor vehicle, clearly warn the driver of any non-mechanical fault that impairs the steering function. Despite the requirements of 4.1.2, the abnormal vibration of the steering system can be used as an additional reminder signal of system fault. The sudden increase in the steering control force of the motor vehicle is also an alarm signal. As for the trailer, the use of mechanical alarm devices is allowed. The visual alarm signal shall work reliably; shall be visible even in the daytime. And it shall be easily recognized by the driver. The fault of the alarm device components shall not affect the performance of the steering system. The audible alarm signal shall be a continuous or intermittent sound signal or voice message, which is easy for the driver to recognize. If voice In the process of measuring the steering control force, the steering control force, whose duration is shorter than 0.2 s, is ignored. 5.2.4 Measurement of steering control force when the steering system of motor vehicles is intact At a speed of 10 km/h, the motor vehicle enters a steering state from a straight-line driving. Test the steering control force of the steering wheel on the nominal radius of steering control. When the motor vehicle's turning radius reaches the turning circle shown in Table 1, its steering time and the applied steering control force shall meet the requirements of Table 1. Record input of the steering control force. The measurement of steering control force shall be done once on the left and the right, respectively. For categories M3 and N3 vehicles, if the turning circle radius cannot be less than 12 m, the maximum turning angle of the steered wheels is used. After the position is locked, perform the test of steering control force. 5.2.5 Measurement of steering control force when the steering system of motor vehicles fails The maximum steering control force, steering time, and steering radius when testing the steering process, and the minimum requirements for steering control force are listed in Table 2. For steering systems with power assist, at least the measurement of steering control force when the power assist fails shall be included. For steering systems without power assist, the manufacturer shall provide steering system failure modes. For the steering system that has failed, repeat the test process of 5.2.4. For categories M3 and N3 vehicles, the dual-steering axle or multi- steering axle non-articulated vehicle except for the motor vehicle's self-tracking steering equipment is 500 N. 5.3 Tests for trailers 5.3.1 Straight-line driving and abnormal vibration test of tractor-trailer combination: When the tractor is driving in a straight line on a horizontal road at 80 km/h (according to the maximum speed of product design when the maximum speed is lower than 80 km/h), the trailer shall not have large directional deviation (caused by the steering system) or abnormal vibration in the steering system. 5.3.2 According to the requirements of 4.2.4, the tractor-trailer combination is subjected to the turning circle test during steady-state steering at different speeds. The difference of the turning circle shall meet the requirements of 4.2.4. Appendix A (Normative) Supplementary regulations for vehicles equipped with auxiliary steering equipment (ASE) A.1 General provisions In addition to meeting the requirements of the text of this Standard, vehicles equipped with auxiliary steering equipment shall also comply with the requirements of this appendix. A.2 Special regulations A.2.1 Transmission equipment A.2.1.1 Purely mechanical steering transmission equipment The purely mechanical steering transmission equipment shall meet the requirements of A.2.1.2 Purely hydraulic steering transmission equipment The purely hydraulic transmission equipment shall prevent its pressure from exceeding the maximum allowable pressure. A.2.1.3 Purely electric steering transmission equipment The purely electric steering transmission equipment is not allowed to be overloaded. A.2.1.4 Hybrid transmission equipment A hybrid transmission equipment composed of mechanical, hydraulic and electric, etc. shall meet the requirements of A.2.1.1, A.2.1.2 and A.2.1.3 above respectively. A.2.2 Test requirements after fault A.2.2.1 General requirements Failure or fault of any component of ASE (except the components that are not prone to fault as specified in shall not cause sudden and obvious changes in the driving state of the vehicle. The requirements of 5.2 shall still be Appendix B (Normative) Functional safety requirements B.1 General When the vehicle safety-related electronic and electrical systems malfunction, it will lead to potentially hazardous events (for example, during the normal driving of the vehicle, unexpected autonomous steering occurs, resulting in a vehicle collision). GB/T 34590 (all parts) clarifies the functional safety requirements, which the vehicle safety-related electrical and electronic systems shall meet during the safety life cycle; to avoid or reduce the risks caused by system faults. This appendix specifies the documentation, safety strategy, and verification and validation requirements of the steering electronic control system in terms of functional safety. This appendix is not aimed at the nominal performance of the steering electronic control system; nor is it used as a specific guide for the functional safety development of the steering electronic control system. Rather, it stipulates the methods to be followed during the design process, and the information that shall be available for system verification and validation; to prove that, the system can realize the functional concept and functional safety concept under normal operation and fault conditions; and, meets all applicable performance requirements specified in this Standard. B.2 Documentation B.2.1 Requirements Corresponding documentation shall be available; to explain the functional concept of the steering electronic control system, and the functional safety concept, safety strategy, development process and method formulated to achieve the safety goal; to prove that the system: - The design ensures that, in both non-fault and fault conditions, the system can realize the functional concept and functional safety concept. - Under non-fault and fault conditions, meet the performance requirements specified in this Standard. - Switch to an independent backup system. If the backup system is selected to achieve the safety goal, the principle of the switching mechanism, the logic and level of redundancy, and the inspection characteristics of the backup system shall be explained. The effect of the backup system shall be defined. - Enter the safe state by turning off the upper-layer function. If the upper- layer function is turned off, all corresponding output control signals related to the function shall be prohibited, to limit the propagation of interference. - By warning the driver, the risk exposure time is reduced to an acceptable time interval. B.2.5.3 It shall explain the architecture overview of the software in the steering electronic control system, the logic in the design and development process, and the design methods and tools used. B.2.5.4 When the safety-related functions of the steering electronic control system fail, the driver shall be warned by means of warning signals or prompt messages, etc. B.2.6 Safety analysis B.2.6.1 Safety analysis shall be used; to explain on the whole the effective identification and treatment of the hazards and faults, which affect vehicle motion control and safety goals; in order to support the above-mentioned documentation. Safety analysis shall include but not limited to: a) Safety analysis at the complete-vehicle level confirms the following: - Interaction with other systems of the vehicle; - Functional abnormalities; - Safety risks under non-fault conditions. b) For system-level safety analysis, potential failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), fault tree analysis (FTA), or other similar methods suitable for system safety analysis can be used. c) Check the validation plan and validation results. The validation shall be based on hardware-in-loop (HIL) testing, real-vehicle road testing, or other appropriate methods. B.2.6.2 The parameters monitored by the system shall be listed. At the same time, for each fault situation defined in B.2.6.1, it shall list the warning signals to the driver, maintenance personnel, and personnel of the testing organization. Manufacturer name: _________ Vehicle type: _________ VIN: _________ B.4.2.2 Documentation information provided by the manufacturer Documentation number: _________ Release time of the original version: _________ Release time of the final version: _________ B.4.2.3 Description of steering electronic control system Overall description: _________ Description of all control functions of the system and operation methods: _________ Description of associated components and diagrams in the system: _________ B.4.3 Functional safety concept Description of signal flow, operating data and priority: _________ Manufacturer's declaration (for example: The manufacturer shall ensure that, the safety strategy, selected to achieve the safety goal, will not affect the safe operation of the vehicle under fault conditions and non-fault conditions): _________ Architecture overview of the software and the design methods and tools used: _________ Design description of the system under fault conditions: _________ Safety analysis documentation of the system for hazards and faults: _________ Description of the measures for environmental conditions: _________ B.4.4 Verification and validation Results of functional concept verification and validation (see B.3.2 for requirements): _________ Results of functional safety concept verification and validation (see B.3.3 for requirements): _________ Test date: _________ Appendix D (Normative) Special requirements for power supply of steering system of tractor- trailer combination D.1 General provisions This appendix applies to tractors and trailers for which the tractor in the tractor- trailer combination provides electrical energy to the steering system of the trailer. If the trailer steering system uses hydraulic transmission to control the steering, it shall also meet the requirements of Appendix C. D.2 Requirements for tractors D.2.1 Power supply D.2.1.1 When the tractor is running normally, it shall have the ability to provide the trailer with the power supply current as defined in D.2.3.2. D.2.1.2 The driver's operating manual shall state the information of the electrical energy, which can be provided to the steering system of the trailer. And when the trailer is marked with its required current exceeding the current available from the tractor, the electrical interface must not be connected. D.2.1.3 The electrical energy provided by the connector defined in D.2.3 shall be used for the power supply of the trailer steering system. However, the provisions of D.3.1.3 apply at any time. D.2.2 Electrical system protection When supplying power to the steering system of the trailer, the electrical system of the tractor shall be able to prevent the tractor from being overloaded or short- circuited. D.2.3 Wiring and connector D.2.3.1 The cable used to provide trailer electrical energy shall have a conductor cross-sectional area, which is suitable for meeting the maximum continuous current defined in D.2.3.2. D.2.3.2 The connector used by the tractor to connect to the trailer shall meet the following requirements: - The pin shall have a current-carrying capacity compatible with the maximum continuous current; - The environmental protection function of the connector shall meet the requirements set out in B.2 Documentation of Appendix B; - The connector must not be interchanged with the existing electrical connector currently used on the tractor (i.e. GB/T 20716.1, GB/T 20718, etc.). D.3.4 Identification A trailer, equipped with a connector used to provide electrical energy to the steering system of the trailer, shall be marked with the following information: - The trailer shall be marked with the maximum use current requirement of the trailer steering system defined in D.3.1; - The functions of the trailer steering system, including the effect on the mobility of the trailer when the connector is connected and disconnected. The mark shall be in an indelible form. It shall be ensured that, the mark is visible after the electrical connector described in D.3.3.2 is connected. D.3.5 Fault warning The driver shall be able to be intuitively warned of the electrical control transmission fault of the steering system. D.3.6 Simulation and verification of steering system fault D.3.6.1 The trailer steering system shall meet the relevant performance and functional requirements in this Standard. D.3.6.2 The fault mode is generally verified under the following two conditions: a) Steady-state conditions If the trailer is connected to a tractor without power supply to the trailer steering system; or the power supply of the trailer steering system is interrupted; or the electric control line transmission fails, the trailer steering control system shall meet all relevant requirements of the intact system in 4.2. b) Transient conditions When the steering system has a transmission fault of the electric control ......

GB 17675-1999 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA EQV 70/311/EEC Steering system of motor vehicles – Basic requirements ISSUED ON. FEBRUARY 14, 1999 IMPLEMENTED ON. JANUARY 1, 2000 Issued by. State Bureau of Quality Technical Supervision Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Terminology ... 4  3 Basic requirements ... 5  4 Test conditions ... 6  Foreword This standard equivalently adopts 70/311/EEC "Member States agreement on the car and its trailer steering mechanism". However, this standard lists separately the experience conditions in accordance with the Chinese standard compilation habits, AND adds the definition of “manoeuvring action time”. This standard has also added the content of Clause 11 of the Japanese safety standards, AND the specifications on the steering in GB 7258-1997 “Safety specifications for power-driven vehicles operating on roads”. This standard was proposed by the State Administration of Machinery Industry. This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee. This standard was responsibly drafted by China Automotive Technology and Research Center. The drafter of this standard. Jiang Biqi. As for this standard, the National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee is responsible for the interpretation. Steering system of motor vehicles – Basic requirements 1 Scope This standard specifies the basic requirements for the design and installation of the steering system. This standard applies to the category M and category N road vehicles. 2 Terminology This standard uses the following definitions. 2.1 Steering system It refers to the mechanism which changes the vehicle travel direction AND is composed of steering control mechanism, steering gear, steering wheels and special mechanisms. 2.2 Steering control mechanism It refers to the mechanism which is directly manipulated by the driver to control the vehicle travel direction. 2.3 Steering gear It refers to all the mechanisms between the steering control mechanism and the steering wheel (except for special mechanisms). It may be mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, or any combination thereof. The steering gear of trailer refers to all the mechanisms which transfer all the required force to the trailer to change the travel direction. 2.4 Steering wheels It refers to the wheels whose direction change can change the vehicle travel direction. 2.5 Special mechanism The special mechanism is also an integral part of the steering system, which can generates auxiliary or independent power in order to independently or individually realize the vehicle direction change. It may be mechanical, ......

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