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GB 1499.2-2024 English PDF (GB/T 1499.2-2018, GB 1499.2-2007)

GB 1499.2-2024_English: PDF (GB1499.2-2024)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB 1499.2-2024English220 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2: Hot rolled ribbed bars Valid GB 1499.2-2024
GB/T 1499.2-2018English135 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Steel for the reinforcement of concrete -- Part 2: Hot rolled ribbed bars Obsolete GB/T 1499.2-2018
GB 1499.2-2007English85 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery [GB/T 1499.2-2007] Steel for the reinforcement of concrete -- Part 2: Hot rolled ribbed bars [including MODIFICATION 1] Obsolete GB 1499.2-2007

Standard ID GB 1499.2-2024 (GB1499.2-2024)
Description (Translated English) Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2: Hot rolled ribbed bars
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard H44
Classification of International Standard 77.140.15
Word Count Estimation 20,276
Date of Issue 2024-06-25
Date of Implementation 2024-09-25
Administrative Organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Proposing organization Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB/T 1499.2-2018 (GB/T1499.2-2018)
Description (Translated English) Steel for the reinforcement of concrete -- Part 2: Hot rolled ribbed bars
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard H44
Classification of International Standard 77.140.60
Word Count Estimation 26,261
Date of Issue 2018-02-06
Date of Implementation 2018-11-01
Drafting Organization China Metallurgical Building Research Institute Co., Ltd., Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute, Shougang Changzhi Steel Co., Ltd., Shandong Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Laiwu Branch, Jiangsu Shagang Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Kunming Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Fujian Sansteel ( (Group) Co., Ltd., Jigang Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Yonggang Group Co., Ltd., Hebei Jinxi Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd., Hebei Jingye Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Zhongtian Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Shente Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Fushun New Steel Limited liability company, Tangshan Donghua Iron and Steel Enterprise Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Xinxin Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd., and Iron and Steel Research Institute
Administrative Organization National Steel Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 183)
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Association
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB 1499.2-2007 (GB1499.2-2007)
Description (Translated English) [GB/T 1499.2-2007] Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2: Hot rolled ribbed bars [including MODIFICATION 1]
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard H44
Classification of International Standard 77.140.60
Word Count Estimation 18,176
Date of Issue 2007-08-14
Date of Implementation 2008-03-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 1499-1998
Quoted Standard GB/T 222; GB/T 223.5; GB/T 223.11; GB/T 223.12; GB/T 223.14; GB/T 223.17; GB/T 223.19; GB/T 223.23; GB/T 223.26; GB/T 223.27; GB/T 223.37; GB/T 223.40; GB/T 223.59; GB/T 223.63; GB/T 223.68; GB/T 223.69; GB/T 228; GB/T 232; GB/T 2101; GB/T 4336; GB/T 6394; GB/T 17505; GB/T 20066; YB/T 081; YB/T 5126
Adopted Standard ISO 6935-2-1991, NEQ
Drafting Organization China Metallurgical Construction Group Research Institute
Administrative Organization National Steel Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 8, 2007 (No. 108 overall)
Proposing organization China Iron and Steel Association
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Chinese standard applies to reinforced concrete rolled ribbed steel definition, classification, grade, order contents, size, shape, weight and tolerances, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking and quality certification. This standard applies to reinforced concrete with ordinary hot-rolled ribbed steel bars and fine grain rolled ribbed steel bars. This standard does not apply to finished steel re- rolling into the regeneration of steel and heat treated steel.

GB 1499.2-2024 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.140.15 CCS H 44 Replacing GB/T 1499.2-2018 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2.Hot rolled ribbed bars ISSUED ON. JUNE 25, 2024 IMPLEMENTED ON. SEPTEMBER 25, 2024 Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword... 3 Introduction... 5 1 Scope... 6 2 Normative references... 6 3 Terms and definitions... 8 4 Classification, designation... 9 5 Size, shape, weight, and allowable deviation... 10 6 Smelting and performance... 14 7 Test methods... 18 8 Inspection rules... 21 9 Packaging, marks, and quality certification... 22 Annex A (informative) Formula for calculating the relative rib area of steel bars... 24 Annex B (normative) Macroscopic metallography, section Vickers hardness, microstructure and inspection methods of steel bars... 25 Annex C (normative) Rules for characteristic value inspection... 28 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2.Hot rolled ribbed bars 1 Scope This document specifies the classification, designation, size, shape, weight and allowable deviation, smelting and performance, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marks and quality certificates for the hot rolled ribbed bars the reinforcement of concrete (hereinafter referred to as steel bars). This document is applicable to hot rolled bars and hot rolled bars of fine grains for the reinforcement of concrete. This document is not applicable to recycled steel bars and waste heat treated steel bars that are re rolled from finished steel products. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 222, Permissible tolerances for chemical composition of steel products GB/T 223.5, Steel and iron -- Determination of acid-soluble silicon and total silicon content -- Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method GB/T 223.11, Iron, steel and alloy -- Determination of chromium content -- Visual titration or potentiometric titration method GB/T 223.12, Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy. The sodium carbonate separation-diphenyl carbazide photometric method for the determination of chromium content GB/T 223.14, Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy. The N-benzoyl- N-phenylhydroxylamine extraction photometric method for the determination of vanadium content GB/T 223.17, Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy -- The diantipyrylmethane photometric method for the determination of titanium content GB/T 223.19, Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy. The GB/T 20123, Steel and iron -- Determination of total carbon and sulfur content Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (routine method) GB/T 20124, Steel and iron -- Determination of nitrogen content -- Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas GB/T 20125, Low-alloy steel -- Determination of multi-element contents -- Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method GB/T 28900, Test methods of steel for reinforcement of concrete JGJ 18, Specification for welding and acceptance of reinforcing steel bars JGJ 107, Technical specification for mechanical splicing of steel reinforcing bars YB/T 081, Rule for rounding off of numerical values and judgement of testing values for technical standards of metallurgy 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 hot rolled bars Steel bars delivered in hot-rolled condition. 3.2 hot rolled bars of fine grains Fine grained steel bars formed through controlled rolling and controlled cooling processes during hot rolling. 3.3 ribbed bars Steel bars for concrete structures of which the cross-section is usually circular and the surface is ribbed. 3.4 longitudinal rib A uniform continuous rib parallel to the axis of the steel bar. 3.5 transverse rib Other ribs that are not parallel to the axis of the steel bar. 3.6 crescent ribbed bars A steel that that the longitudinal section of the transverse rib is crescent shaped and does not intersect with the longitudinal rib. 3.7 nominal diameter The diameter of a circle equal to the nominal cross-sectional area of the steel bar. 3.8 specific projected rib area The ratio of the projected area of the transverse rib on the plane perpendicular to the axis of the steel bar to the product of the nominal circumference of the steel bar and the spacing between the transverse ribs. 3.9 rib height The measured distance from the highest point of the rib to the surface of the core perpendicular to the axis of the steel bar. 3.10 rib spacing The distance between the centers of two adjacent transverse ribs measured parallel to the axis of the steel bar. 3.11 characteristic value The percentile value corresponding to a specified probability in an infinite number of tests. 3.12 core The cross-section of the steel bar does not include the transverse ribs and longitudinal ribs. 4 Classification, designation 4.1 Steel bars are classified into 400, 500, and 600 grades based on their yield strength characteristic values. 4.2 The composition and meaning of steel bar designations are shown in Table 1. less than 45°. When the angle β is not greater than 70°, the direction of the transverse ribs on the opposite sides of the steel bar shall be opposite. b) The nominal spacing between transverse ribs shall not exceed 70% of the nominal diameter of the steel bar. c) The angle α between the side of the transverse rib and the surface of the steel bar shall not be less than 45°. d) The total gap between the ends of the transverse ribs on adjacent sides of the steel bar (including the width of the longitudinal ribs) shall not exceed 20% of the nominal circumference of the steel bar. e) When the nominal diameter of the steel bar is not greater than 12 mm, the relative rib area is not less than 0.055.When the nominal diameter is 14 mm and 16 mm, the relative rib area is not less than 0.060.When the nominal diameter is greater than 16 mm, the relative rib area shall not be less than 0.065.The calculation of the relative rib area of steel bars is shown in Annex A. 5.3.2 Steel bars are divided into two types. those with longitudinal ribs and those without longitudinal ribs. Crescent ribbed steel bars with longitudinal ribs are as shown in Figure 1.The size and allowable deviation of steel bars shall comply with the provisions of Table 3.The inner diameter size of crescent ribbed steel bars without longitudinal ribs can be adjusted according to the requirements of both the supplier and the purchaser based on Table 3. 5.3.3 When the allowable deviation between the actual weight and theoretical weight of the steel bars meets the requirements in Table 4, the deviation of the inner diameter of the steel bars and the height of the longitudinal ribs are not considered as delivery conditions. m - theoretical unit weight, in grams per millimeter (g/mm). 7.5 Macroscopic metallography, cross-sectional Vickers hardness, microstructure inspection The inspection of macroscopic metallography, cross-sectional Vickers hardness, and microstructure shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Annex B. Microstructure shall be used as the basis for arbitration. 7.6 Numerical rounding and judgment The rounding and judgment of the test results shall comply with the provisions of YB/T 081. 8 Inspection rules 8.1 Inspection classification The inspection of steel bars is divided into characteristic value inspection and delivery inspection. 8.2 Characteristic value inspection 8.2.1 Characteristic value inspection is applicable to the following situations. a) Supplier's inspection of product quality control; b) Inspection required by the purchaser and after mutual agreement between the supplier and the purchaser; c) Third party product certification and arbitration inspection. 8.2.2 The characteristic value inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Annex C. 8.3 Delivery inspection 8.3.1 Applicable situation Delivery inspection is applicable to the inspection of steel bar acceptance batches. 8.3.2 Batching rules Steel bars shall be inspected and accepted in batches. Each batch is composed of steel bars of the same designation, furnace number, and specification. It is allowed to form a mixed batch of different furnace numbers with the same designation, smelting method, and pouring method for rolling. But the difference in carbon content between the melting analysis of each furnace number shall not exceed 0.02%. The difference in manganese content shall not exceed 0.15%. The weight of the mixed batch shall not exceed 60 t. Rolling finished products shall not be grouped into mixed batches. 8.3.3 Inspection items and sampling quantity When the weight of each batch is not more than 60 t, samples shall be taken and inspected according to the requirements in Table 8.When the weight of each batch is greater than 60 t, for every additional 40 t (or the remainder of less than 40 t), 1 tensile test specimen and 1 bending test specimen shall be added. An additional reverse bending test specimen shall be added for steel bars of designations with "E". 8.3.4 Inspection results The inspection results of each inspection item of steel bars (including steel bars straightened by coiling) shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. 8.3.5 Re-inspection and judgement The re-inspection and judgment of steel bars shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 17505.The weight deviation of steel bars shall not be resampled for re-inspection. 9 Packaging, marks, and quality certification 9.1 The surface marks of steel bars shall comply with the following regulations. a) Steel bars shall be marked with the grade mark, production enterprise serial number (the first 2 digits of the administrative division code and the last 3 digits of the license specified in GB/T 2260), and nominal diameter in millimeters on their surface. Allow registered factory names or trademarks to replace the first two digits of the administrative division code. b) The steel bar designation mark is represented by Arabic numerals or Arabic numerals plus English letters. HRB400, HRB500, and HRB600 are represented by 4, 5, and 6, respectively. HRBF400 and HRBF500 are respectively represented by C4 and C5.HRB400E and HRB500E are respectively represented as 4E and 5E. HRBF400E and HRBF500E are respectively represented as C4E and C5E. The factory name is represented by the Chinese Pinyin prefix. The nominal diameter in millimeters is represented by Arabic numerals. c) The mark shall be clear and concise. The size of the mark shall be appropriately specified by the supplier according to the diameter of the steel bars. The transverse ribs intersecting with the logo can be removed. Annex C (normative) Rules for characteristic value inspection C.1 Test batching and sampling quantity C.1.1 Test batching For the purpose of testing, delivery shall be divided into test batches. The batch rules shall comply with the provisions of 8.3.2. C.1.2 Sampling quantity per batch C.1.2.1 Two specimens shall be taken from different steel bars for chemical composition (finished product analysis). C.1.2.2 The mechanical properties shall be tested by taking 15 specimens from different steel bars (if 60 specimens are applicable, see C.2.1). C.2 Evaluation of test results C.2.1 Parameter verification To verify the specified performance, such as characteristic parameters ReL, Rm, Agt, or A, the following parameters shall be determined. a) All individual values Xi (n=15) of 15 specimens; b) Average value m15 (n=15); c) Standard deviation S15 (n=15). If all performance meets the conditions given in formula (C.1), then the test batch meets the requirements. Where, fk - required characteristic value; 2.33 - the value of the acceptance coefficient k when n=15.90% confidence level (1- α=0.90) and the failure rate is 5% (P=0.95). ......

GB/T 1499.2-2018 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.140.60 H 44 Replacing GB/T 1499.2-2007 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2. Hot rolled ribbed bars (ISO 6935-2.2015, Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2. Ribbed bars, NEQ) ISSUED ON. FEBRUARY 06, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON. NOVEMBER 01, 2018 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 4 1 Scope ... 7 2 Normative references ... 7 3 Terms and definitions ... 9 4 Classification, grade ... 11 5 Order content ... 11 6 Dimension, shape, weight and tolerance ... 12 6.1 Nominal diameter range ... 12 6.2 Nominal cross-sectional area and theoretical weight ... 12 6.3 Surface shape and dimension tolerances of bars ... 12 6.4 Length and tolerance ... 16 6.5 Curvature and end ... 16 6.6 Weight and tolerance ... 16 7 Technical requirements ... 17 7.1 Smelting method ... 17 7.2 Grades and chemical composition ... 17 7.3 Delivery type ... 18 7.4 Mechanical properties ... 18 7.5 Process performance ... 19 7.6 Fatigue performance ... 19 7.7 Connection performance ... 19 7.8 Grain size ... 20 7.9 Metallographic structure ... 20 7.10 Surface quality ... 20 8 Test methods ... 20 8.1 Inspection items ... 20 8.2 Tensile, bending, reverse bending test ... 22 8.3 Dimension measurement ... 22 8.4 Measurement of weight deviation ... 23 8.5 Macroscopic metallography, cross-section Vickers hardness, microstructure inspection ... 23 8.6 Rounding off of numerical values ... 23 9 Inspection rules ... 23 9.1 Inspection classification ... 23 9.2 Characteristic value inspection ... 23 9.3 Delivery inspection ... 24 10 Packaging, marking, and quality certificate ... 24 Annex A (informative) Calculation formula for specific projected rib area of bars ... 26 Annex B (normative) Macroscopic metallography, cross-section Vickers hardness, microstructure of bars and inspection methods ... 27 Annex C (normative) Characteristic value inspection rules ... 30 Foreword GB/T 1499 “Steel for the reinforcement of concrete” consists of three parts. - Part 1. Hot rolled plain bars; - Part 2. Hot rolled ribbed bars; - Part 3. Welded fabric. This Part is Part 2 of GB/T 1499. This Part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Part replaces GB/T 1499.2-2007 “Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2. Hot rolled bars”. Compared with GB/T 1499.2-2007, the main changes of this Part are as follows. - ADD the smelting method; - CANCEL the 335 MPa grade bar; - ADD the 600 MPa grade bar; - ADD the bars of which the grade is with E; - Appropriately TIGHTEN the length tolerance and curvature; - Appropriately TIGHTEN the weight tolerance, making it clear that the weight tolerance does not allow reinspection; - REQUIRE the reverse bending test of bars of which the grade is with E AS a routine inspection item; - ADD the specifications for the fatigue test method for bars; - ADD the specifications for the inspection of metallographic structure; - ADD macroscopic metallography, cross-section Vickers hardness, microstructure, and their inspection methods; - ADD the measurement method for the gap at the end of transverse ribs; - The surface marking is changed from the “Registered factory name (or trademark)” TO “The serial number of the production license of hot rolled bar products obtained by the enterprise (the last 3 digits)”; DELETE “For bars with a nominal diameter not greater than 10 mm, the marking may be Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part 2. Hot rolled ribbed bars 1 Scope This Part of GB/T 1499 specifies the terms and definitions, classification, grade, order content, dimension, shape, weight and tolerance, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking and quality certificate of hot rolled ribbed bars for the reinforcement of concrete (hereinafter referred to as bars). This Part applies to hot rolled ribbed bars and hot rolled ribbed bars of fine grains for the reinforcement of concrete. This Part does not apply to re-rolled bars and residual heat-treated bars rolled from finished steel. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 222 Permissible tolerances for chemical composition of steel products GB/T 223.5 Steel and iron - Determination of acid-soluble silicon and total silicon content - Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method GB/T 223.11 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of chromium content - Visual titration or potentiometric titration method GB/T 223.12 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy - The sodium carbonate separation-diphenyl carbazide photometric method for the determination of chromium content GB/T 223.14 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy - The N- benzoy-N-phenylhydroxylamine extraction photometric method for the determination of vanadium content GB/T 223.19 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel and alloy - The GB/T 20123 Steel and iron - Determination of total carbon and sulfur content - Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (routine method) GB/T 20124 Steel and iron - Determination of nitrogen content - Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas (routine method) GB/T 20125 Low-alloy steel - Determination of multi-element contents - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method GB/T 28900 Test methods of steel for reinforcement of concrete YB/T 081 Rule for rounding off of numerical values and judgement of testing values for technical standards of metallurgy JGJ 18 Specification for welding and acceptance of reinforcing steel bars JGJ 107 Technical specification for mechanical splicing of steel reinforcing bars 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 hot rolled bars Bars delivered in hot rolled condition. 3.2 hot rolled bars of fine grains In the hot rolling process, bars of fine grains formed by controlled rolling and controlled cooling processes, having a grain size of level 9 or finer. 3.3 ribbed bars Steel for concrete structures, of which the cross-section is usually round and the surface is with ribs. 3.4 longitudinal rib θ - longitudinal rib angle; a - longitudinal rib top width; l - transverse rib spacing; b - transverse rib top width; fi - transverse rib end gap. Figure 1 -- Surface and cross-sectional shape of crescent ribbed bar (with longitudinal ribs) 6.4 Length and tolerance 6.4.1 Length Bars are usually delivered in cut length. The specific delivery length shall be specified in the contract. Bars may be delivered in coils. Each coil shall consist of a bar. It is allowed that there are 5 % of the number of coils (two coils when there are less than two coils) consisting of two bars in each batch. The coil weight is agreed upon between supply and demand parties. 6.4.2 Length tolerance The tolerance of the length of the bars delivered in cut length is ൅50 0 mm. 6.5 Curvature and end The curvature of straight bars shall not affect normal use. The curvature per meter is less than 4 mm. The total curvature is not more than 0.4 % of the total length of the bar. The end of bars shall be cut straight, and local deformation shall not affect use. 6.6 Weight and tolerance 6.6.1 Bars may be delivered in theoretical weight, or in actual weight. When delivered in theoretical weight, the theoretical weight is the length of the bar multiplied by the theoretical weight per meter of the bar in Table 2. 6.6.2 The tolerance of the actual weight and the theoretical weight of bars shall comply with the specifications of Table 4. and joints of bars shall comply with the specifications of relevant standards such as JGJ 18, JGJ 107. 7.7.2 The welding process of HRBF500 and HRBF500E bars shall be determined by tests. 7.7.3 It is recommended to connect HRB600 bars using mechanical connection. 7.8 Grain size The actual grain size of hot rolled bars of fine grains is Level 9 or finer. If this is guaranteed by the supply party, the grain size inspection may be exempted. 7.9 Metallographic structure The metallurgical structure of bars shall be mainly ferrite plus pearlite, and tempered martensite shall not appear on the core. The macroscopic metallurgy, cross-section Vickers hardness and microstructure of bars shall comply with the specifications of Annex B. If they are guaranteed by the supply party, the inspection may be exempted. 7.10 Surface quality 7.10.1 Bars shall be free from harmful surface defects. 7.10.2 When the weight, dimension, cross-sectional area and mechanical properties of wire-brushed specimens are not lower than the requirements of Clauses 6 and 7, the scales, surface irregularities or oxide scales are not regarded as the reason for rejection. 7.10.3 When specimens with surface defects other than those specified in 7.10.2 do not meet the mechanical properties or process performance requirements, the defects are considered to be harmful. 8 Test methods 8.1 Inspection items 8.1.1 The inspection items, sampling methods and test methods for each batch of bars shall comply with the specifications of Table 8. and demand parties; c) Third-party product certification and arbitration inspection. 9.2.2 The characteristic value inspection shall be conducted according to the rules of Annex C. 9.3 Delivery inspection 9.3.1 Applicable situation The delivery inspection applies to the inspection of bar acceptance batches. 9.3.2 Batching rules Bars shall be inspected and accepted in batches. Each batch shall consist of bars of the same grade, the same furnace number and the same specification. The weight of each batch is usually not more than 60 t. For the part over 60 t, for each additional 40 t (or the remainder for those less than 40 t), add a tensile test specimen and a bend test specimen. It is permissible to form mixed batches with bars of the same batch number, the same smelting method, the same casting method and different furnace numbers. However, the difference between the carbon content of each furnace number is not more than 0.02 %, and the difference between the manganese content is not more than 0.15 %. The weight of the mixed batch is not more than 60 t. 9.3.3 Inspection items and sampling quantity The inspection items and sampling quantity of bars shall comply with the specifications Table 8 and 9.3.4 Inspection results The inspection results of each inspection item for bars (including bars after coiling and straightening) shall comply with the relevant specifications of Clauses 6 and 7. 9.3.5 Reinspection and determination The reinspection and determination of bars shall comply with the specifications of GB/T 17505. The weight deviation items of bars do not allow reinspection. 10 Packaging, marking, and quality certificate 10.1 The surface marking of bars shall comply with the following specifications. Annex C (normative) Characteristic value inspection rules C.1 Test batching and sampling quantity C.1.1 Test batching For tests, delivery shall be subdivided into test batches. The batching rules shall comply with the specifications of 9.3.2. C.1.2 Sampling quantity per batch C.1.2.1 For chemical composition (finished product analysis), two specimens shall be taken from different piece of bars. C.1.2.2 For tests of mechanical properties, 15 specimens shall be taken from different piece of bars (if 60 specimens are applicable, see C.2.1). C.2 Evaluation of test results C.2.1 Parametric inspection To inspect the specified properties, such as the characteristic parameters ReL, Rm, Agt, or A, the following parameters shall be determined. a) all single values Xi (n = 15) for 15 specimens; b) the average value m15 (n = 15); c) the standard deviation S15 (n = 15). If all the properties meet the condition given by formula (C.1), the test batch meets the requirements. where. fk - the required characteristic value; 2.33 - the value of acceptance coefficient k when n = 15, 90 % confidence level (1 - a = 0.90) and failure rate 5 % (P = 0.95). ......

GB 1499.2-2007 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 77.140.60 H 44 Replacing GB 1449-1998 Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete – Part 2. Hot Rolled Ribbed Bars (ISO 6935-2.1991, Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete – Part 2. Ribbed Bars, NEQ) ISSUED ON. AUGUST 14, 2008 IMPLEMENTED ON. MARCH 01, 2008 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1. Scope ... 5  2. Normative references ... 5  3. Definitions ... 7  4. Types and designations ... 9  5. Order content ... 9  6. Dimension, shape weight and tolerance ... 9  6.1 Nominal diameter range and recommend diameter ... 9  6.2 Nominal cross-sectional area and theoretical weight ... 10  6.3 Surface shape and dimension tolerance of ribbed bar ... 10  6.4 Length and length tolerance ... 13  6.5 Bend degree and end ... 13  6.6 Weight and weight tolerance ... 13  7. Technical requirements ... 14  7.1 Designation and chemical composition ... 14  7.2 Delivery way ... 14  7.3 Mechanical property ... 14  7.4 Processing property ... 15  7.5 Fatigue property ... 16  7.6 Welding property ... 16  7.7 Grain size ... 17  7.8 Surface quality ... 17  8. Test Method ... 17  8.1 Inspection items ... 17  8.2 Tensile, bending and reverse bend test ... 18  8.3 Dimension Measurement ... 18  8.4 Measurement of weight tolerance ... 18  9. Inspection Rules ... 19  9.1 Characteristic value inspection ... 19  9.2 Delivery inspection ... 19  10. Packaging, marking and quality certificate ... 20  Annex A (Normative) Measuring Method of Steel Bar under General Maximum Force Elongation ... 21  Annex B (Normative) Inspection Rules of Characteristic Value ... 23  Annex C (Informative) Calculation Formula of Specific Projected Rib Area of Steel Bar .. 25  No. 1 Modification Sheet to National Standard "Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete - Part 2. Hot Rolled Ribbed Bars" (GB 1499.2-2007) ... 26  Foreword GB 1499 is divided into three parts. — Part 1. Hot rolled plain bars; — Part 2. Hot rolled ribbed bars; — Part 3. Steel bar welting net. This is Part 2 of GB 1499; it corresponds to the international standard ISO 6935-2.1991 “Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete - Part 2. Ribbed bars”; it is not equivalent to ISO 6935-2.1991. This part also makes reference to the revision version of international standard "ISO/DIS 6935-2 (2005)". This part replaces GB 1499-1998 “Hot Rolling Ribbed Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete”. The main changes between this part and GB 1499-1998 are as follows. — The hot rolled bars of fine grains was added in the scope of application; — Add three designations of hot rolled bars of fine grains, namely HRBF335, HRBF400 and HRBF500; — Add three definitions - 3.1 general hot-rolled reinforced bar, 3.2 hot rolled bars of fine grains and 3.11 characteristic value; — Add Chapter 5 of purchasing content; — Add three specifications - 7.5 fatigue property, 7.6 welding performance and 7.7 grain size; — Amend "surface quality", "weight deviation measuring" and other provisions; — Amend the designation sign of steel bars; HRB335, HRB400 and HRB500 are replaced by 3, 4 and 5 respectively; while HRBF335, HRBF400 and HRBF500 are replaced by C3, C4 and C5; — Delete the original Annex B "reference composition of hot-rolled ribbed bars"; — Add existing Annex B "test rules of the characteristic value"; — Add Annex C "computing formula of relative ribs area of steel bar". Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete – Part 2. Hot Rolled Ribbed Bars 1. Scope This part specifies the definition, type, designation, purchasing content, dimension, shape, or weight tolerance, technical specification, testing method, test rules, packing, sign and certificate of quality of the hot rolled ribbed bars of reinforced concrete. This part is applicable to the general hot rolled ribbed bars for the reinforcement of concrete, and hot rolled ribbed bar with ultra-fine grain. This part is not applicable to the recycling steel bar re-rolled by the rolled-steel final product, and remained heat treatment ribbed bars 2. Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this part of GB 1499, through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this part, however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB/T 222 Permissible Tolerances for Chemical Composition of Steel Products GB/T 223.5 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Reduced Molybdosilicate Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Acid-soluble Silicon Content GB/T 223.11 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Ammonium Persulfate Oxidation Volumetric Method for the Determination of Chromium Content GB/T 223.12 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The Sodium Carbonate Separation-diphenyl Carbazide Photometric Method for the Determination of Chromium Content GB/T 223.14 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy - The N-benzoy-N-phenylhydroxylamine Extraction Photometric Method 228-2002, eqv ISO 6892.1998(E)) GB/T 232 Metallic Materials - Bend Test (GB/T 232-1999, eqv ISO 7438.1985(E)) GB/T 2101 General Requirements of Acceptance, Packaging, Marking, and Certification for Section Steel GB/T 4336 Standard Test Method for Spark Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Carbon and Low-alloy Steel (routine method) GB/T 6394 Metal Methods for Estimating the Average Grain Size GB/T 17505 Steel and Steel Products General Technical Delivery Requirements (GB/T 17505-1998, eqv ISO 404.1992) GB/T 20066 Steel and Iron - Sampling and Preparation of Samples for the Determination of Chemical Composition (GB/T 20066-2006/ISO 14284.1998, IDT) YB/T 081 Rule for Rounding off of Numerical Values and Judgment of Testing Values for Technical Standards of Metallurgy YB/T 5126 Steel Bars for Reinforcement of Concrete-Bend and Rebend Tests (YB/T 5126-2003/ISO 10065 1990, MOD) 3. Definitions The following definitions are applicable to this part. 3.1 Hot rolled bars The steel bar delivered under hot rolling condition; its metallurgical structure is mainly composed of ferrite and pearlite, no other textures (for instance, the β-Martensite appeared on the base circle) [Translator Note. Text in red - “GB 1499.2-2007 No. 1 Modification Sheet, June 16, 2009” ] are permitted to exist, which may influence the usability of steel bar. 3.2 Hot rolled bars of fine grains The grain refining steel bar formed by applying control rolling and cooling techn... ......

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