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GB 13895-2018 English PDF (GB 13895-1992)

GB 13895-2018_English: PDF (GB13895-2018)
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GB 13895-2018English115 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Heavy duty gear oils for automobile (GL-5) Valid GB 13895-2018
GB 13895-1992English279 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Heavy duty gear oil for automobile (GL-5) Obsolete GB 13895-1992

Standard ID GB 13895-2018 (GB13895-2018)
Description (Translated English) Heavy duty gear oils for automobile (GL-5)
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard E34
Classification of International Standard 75.100
Word Count Estimation 10,191
Date of Issue 2018-07-13
Date of Implementation 2019-02-01
Drafting Organization Sinopec Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd., China National Petroleum Corporation Lubricating Oil Company, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Petrochemical Science Research Institute, China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Co., Ltd., China FAW Group Corporation, Lanzhou Borun Petroleum Additive Co., Ltd. Responsible company
Administrative Organization National Energy Board
Proposing organization National Energy Board
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration of Markets and China National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB 13895-1992 (GB13895-1992)
Description (Translated English) Heavy duty gear oil for automobile (GL-5)
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard E34
Classification of International Standard 75.100
Word Count Estimation 7,719
Date of Issue 1992/12/10
Date of Implementation 1993-11-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 260; GB/T 265; GB/T 387; GB/T 388; GB/T 511; GB/T 2433; GB/T 2541; GB/T 3535; GB/T 3536; GB/T 4756; GB/T 5096; GB 7631.7; GB 7631.7; GB/T 8926; GB/T 11140; GB/T 11145; GB/T 12579; SH/T 0030; SH/T 0037; SH/T 0164; SH/T 0172; SH/T 0224; SH/T 0270; SH/T 0296; SH/T 0517; SH/T 0518; SH/T 0519; SH/T 0520
Adopted Standard MIL-L-2105B, NEQ; MIL-L-2105D, NEQ
Drafting Organization Maoming Petrochemical Company Institute
Administrative Organization Research Institute of Petroleum
Proposing organization China Petrochemical Corporation
Issuing agency(ies) State Bureau of Technical Supervision
Summary This standard specifies the refined mineral oil, synthetic oil or a mixture of both oil as base oil, adding a variety of additives prepared from heavy-duty vehicle gear oil (GL-5). This standard applies to their products at high shock load, high speed and low torque and low speed high torque conditions used vehicle wheels. Especially passenger cars and various other vehicles hypoid drive axle, can also be used to manually converter.

GB 13895-2018 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 75.100 E 34 Replacing GB 13895-1992 Heavy Duty Gear Oils for Automobile (GL-5) ISSUED ON. JULY 13, 2018 IMPLEMENTED ON. FEBRUARY 1, 2019 Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration Committee of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative References ... 4  3 Product Variety and Designation ... 6  4 Requirements and Test Methods ... 6  5 Inspection Rules ... 6  6 Mark, Packaging, Transportation and Storage ... 8  Appendix A (Informative) Main Technical Changes between This Standard and GB 13895-1992... 11  Foreword Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 in this Standard are mandatory provisions; the remaining is recommended provisions. This Standard is drafted in accordance with stipulations in GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard serves as a replacement of GB 13895-1992 Heavy Duty Gear Oil for Automobile. In comparison with GB 13895-1992, there are several main technical changes, which are listed in Appendix A. This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of National Energy Administration. The drafting organizations of this Standard. SINOPEC Lubricant Company, PetroChina Company Limited Lubricant Branch, SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Co., Ltd., China First Automobile Works Group, Lanzhou BROIL Petroleum Addictive Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this Standard. Du Xueling, Zhouyi, Mi Liping, Xu Shuyan, Shiqian, Wang Qingguo, Wang Shuaibiao, Huang Yunqi, Yanghe, Zhao Mingqiang, Tao Chunsheng, Ji Changchang. The release of previous versions of the standard replaced by this Standard is as follows. ---GB 13895-1992. Heavy Duty Gear Oils for Automobile (GL-5) 1 Scope This Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, mark, packaging, transportation and storage of heavy duty gear oils for automobile (GL-5). Such gear oils are modulated by adding various additives to the base oil of refined mineral oil, synthetic oil, or the mixture of refined mineral oil and synthetic oil. This Standard is applicable to heavy duty gear oils for automobile (GL-5). This product is mainly applicable to automobile drive axle, especially hyperbolic gear that is adopted under the working condition of high-speed impact load, high-speed low torque and low- speed high torque. 2 Normative References The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard. In terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this Standard. The latest version (including all the modifications) of references without a specified date is also applicable to this Standard. GB/T 260 Petroleum Products - Determination of Water GB/T 265 Petroleum Products - Determination of Kinematic Viscosity and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity GB/T 511 Petroleum Products and Additives - Determination of Mechanical Impurities - Gravimetric Method GB/T 1995 Petroleum Products - Calculation of Viscosity Index GB/T 2433 Determination of Sulfated Ash from Additives and Lubrication Oil with Additives GB/T 2541 Petroleum Products - Computation Table for Viscosity Indices GB/T 3535 Petroleum Products - Determination of Pour Point GB/T 3536 Petroleum Products - Determination of Flash and Fire Points; Cleveland Open Cup Method GB/T 4756 Petroleum Liquids - Manual Sampling GB/T 5096 Test Method for Corrosiveness to Copper from Petroleum Products by Copper Strip Test Lubricating Oil SH/T 0296 Determination Method for Phosphorus Content of Additive and Lubrication Oil Containing Additive (Colorimetric method) SH/T 0303 Determination Method for Sulphur Content in Additive (Coulometric method) SH/T 0519 Performance Evaluation Method for Anti-abrasion of Automotive Gear Oil (L-42 method) SH/T 0520 Evaluation Method of Thermal and Oxidative Stability for Gear Oil SH/T 0755 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of the Thermal and Oxidative Stability of Lubricating Oil Used for Manual Transmissions and Final Drive Axles (L-60-1 method) 3 Product Variety and Designation 3.1 Product Variety In accordance with GB/T 17477, products that belong to this Standard can be divided into 10 grades of viscosity. 75W-90, 80W-90, 80W-110, 80W-140, 85W-90, 85W-110, 85W-140, 90, 110 and 140. 3.2 Product Designation The designation of heavy duty gear oils for automobile (GL-5) shall be. viscosity grade, variety code, standard number of heavy duty gear oils for automobile. For instance. 80W-90 GL-5 heavy duty gear oils for automobile GB 13895 4 Requirements and Test Methods Please refer to the technical requirements and test methods of heavy duty gear oils for automobile (GL-5) in Table 1. 5 Inspection Rules 5.1 Inspection Classification and Items 5.1.1 Exit-factory inspection Exit-factory inspection includes batch inspection and exit-factory cycle inspection. Appendix A (Informative) Main Technical Changes between This Standard and GB 13895-1992 Please see Table A.1 for the main technical changes between this Standard and GB 13895-1992. Table 1 -- Main Technical Changes between This Standard and GB 13895-1992 Item GB 13895-1992 This Standard Scope Products that belong to this standard are applicable to automobile gears that are adopted under the working condition of high-speed impact load, high-speed low torque and low-speed high torque, especially hypoid gear drive axle for buses and other types of automobiles; manual transmission. Products that belong to this standard are mainly applicable to automobile drive axle, especially hyperboloid gear that is adopted under the working condition of high-speed impact load, high-speed low torque and low-speed high torque. Multi-grade Oil Connection Symbol Multi-grade oil connection symbol is “/” Multi-grade oil connection symbol is modified into “-”, for example, “80W/90” is modified into “80W-90” Viscosity Grade 6 viscosity grades are set. 75W, 80W/90, 85W/90, 85W/140, 90 and 140 10 viscosity grades are set. 75W-90, 80W-90, 80W-110, 80W-140, 85W-90, 85W-110, 85W-140, 90, 110 and 140 (5 viscosity grades are added. 75W-90, 80W-110, 80W-140, 85W-110 and 110; viscosity grade 75W is deleted) Kinematic Viscosity (100 °C) 75W (≥ 4.1 mm2/s) 80W/90, 85W/90 and 90 (13.5 mm2/s ~ < 24.0 mm2/s); 85W/140 and 140 (24.0 mm2/s ~ < 41.0 mm2/s) 75W-90, 80W-90, 85W-90 and 90 (13.5 mm2/s ~ < 18.5 mm2/s); 80W-110, 85W-110 and 110 (18.5 mm2/s ~ < 24.0 mm2/s); 80W-140, 85W-140 and 140 (24.0 mm2/s ~ < 32.5 mm2/s) Viscosity Index 90 and 140. ≥ 75; 75W, 80W/90, 85W/90 and 85W/140. report; Test method. GB/T 2541 90, 110 and 140. ≥ 90; 75W-90, 80W-90, 85W-90, 80W-110, 85W-110, 80W-140 and 85W/140. report; Test method GB/T 1995 is added KRL Shearing Soundness (20 h) Post-shearing 100 °C Kinematic Viscosity/ (mm2/s) Not requested Within the range of viscosity grade Pour Point 90. report; 90. ≤ -12 °C; ......

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