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GB 11887-2012 English PDF (GB 11887-2008, GB 11887-2002)

GB 11887-2012_English: PDF (GB11887-2012)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB 11887-2012English70 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Jewellery -- Fineness of precious metal alloys and designation [including MODIFICATION 1] Valid GB 11887-2012
GB 11887-2008English70 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Jewellery -- Fineness of precious metal alloys and designation Obsolete GB 11887-2008
GB 11887-2002English279 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Jewellery -- Fineness of precious metal alloys and designation (eqv ISO 9202: 1991 Jewellery -- Fineness of precious metal alloys) Obsolete GB 11887-2002
GB/T 11887-2000English239 Add to Cart 2 days [Need to translate] Water quality--Determination of aniline compounds--Spectrophotometric method with N- (1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine Obsolete GB/T 11887-2000
GB/T 11887-1989EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] Jewellery--Fineness of precious metal alloys and designation Obsolete GB/T 11887-1989

Standard ID GB 11887-2012 (GB11887-2012)
Description (Translated English) Jewellery - Fineness of precious metal alloys and designation [including MODIFICATION 1]
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Y88
Classification of International Standard 39.060
Word Count Estimation 8,832
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 11887-2008
Quoted Standard GB/T 9288; GB/T 16552; GB/T 16553; GB/T 16554; GB/T 17832; GB/T 18781; GB/T 19720; GB/T 21198.6; GB/T 23885; GB 28480; QB/T 1689
Adopted Standard ISO 9202-1991, MOD
Drafting Organization National Jewelry Quality Supervision and Inspection Center
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee jewelry
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Bulletin No. 28 of 2012
Proposing organization China Light Industry Association
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the scope of the purity of precious metal jewelry, stamp, measuring methods and precious metal jewelry naming method. This standard applies to the jewelry industry and domestic production and sale of precious metal jewelry.

Standard ID GB 11887-2008 (GB11887-2008)
Description (Translated English) Jewellery - Fineness of precious metal alloys and designation
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Y88
Classification of International Standard 39.060
Word Count Estimation 9,941
Date of Issue 2008-12-31
Date of Implementation 2009-11-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 11887-2002
Quoted Standard GB/T 9288; GB/T 16552; GB/T 16553; GB/T 16554; GB/T 18781; GB/T 17832; GB/T 19719; GB/T 19720; GB/T 21198.6; QB/T 1689; SN/T 2004.3-2005
Adopted Standard ISO 9202-1991, MOD
Drafting Organization National Jewelry Quality Supervision and Inspection Center
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee jewelry
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 23 of 2008 (Total No. 136)National Standards Bulletin No. 28 of 2012
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the scope of the purity of precious metal jewelry, jewelry product identification, measurement methods and precious metal jewelry naming method. This standard applies to the jewelry industry and domestic production and sales of jewelry.

Standard ID GB 11887-2002 (GB11887-2002)
Description (Translated English) Jewellery--Fineness of precious metal alloys and designation (eqv ISO 9202: 1991 Jewellery--Fineness of precious metal alloys)
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard Y88
Classification of International Standard 39.06
Word Count Estimation 7,779
Date of Issue 2002/3/5
Date of Implementation 2002/9/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 11887-2000
Quoted Standard GB/T 9288; GB/T 11886; GB/T 16552; GB/T 16553; GB/T 16554; QB/T 1656; QB/T 1689
Adopted Standard ISO 9202-1991, NEQ
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2008 No. 23 (No. 136 overall)
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China

GB/T 11887-2012 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 39. 060 Y 88 Replacing GB/T 11887-2008 Jewellery – Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys and Designation (ISO 9202.1991, Jewellery - Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys, MOD) ISSUED ON. NOVEMBER 5, 2012 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 1, 2013 Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative References... 5  3 Terms and Definitions ... 6  4 Fineness Range ... 6  5 Marks of Jewellery Products ... 7  6 Determination Method ... 8  7 Designation Rules ... 8  Appendix A (Informative) Comparison of Chapters and Articles’ Numbers between This Standard and ISO 9202.1991 ... 9  Appendix B (Informative) Technical Differences between This Standard and ISO 9202.1991, and Reasons ... 10  No.1 Amendment of GB 11887-2012 ... 11  Foreword Chapters 4, 5 and 7 of this Standard are compulsory. The rest are recommendatory. This Standard is drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009. This Standard replaces GB 11887-2008 "Jewellery — Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys and Designation". Compared with GB 11887-2008, the main differences are as follows. — Introduction is deleted (Introduction of 2008 edition); — Amend the relevant recently-issued standards into the normative references (see Chapter 2); — Delete the specific requirements on harmful elements. It is revised as “shall meet the requirements of GB 28480” (see 4.3 of this edition, 4.3 of 2008 edition); — Delete the relevant contents of determination of harmful elements (see 6.2 of 2008 edition). Using re-drafting method, this Standard modifies and adopts ISO 9202.1991(E) "Jewellery — Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys". Compared with ISO 9202.1991, this Standard adjusts the structure significantly. Appendix A lists out the article-section comparison between this Standard and ISO 9202.1991. There are technical differences between ISO 9202.1991 and this Standard. The technical differences are marked with vertical single line on the page margin of the involved articles. Appendix B gives the list of these technical difference and their reasons. This Standard was proposed by the China National Light Industry Council. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Jewellery of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 256). Drafting organization of this Standard. National Jewellery Quality Supervision and Inspection Centre. Chief drafting staffs of this Standard. Duan Tiyu, Li Suqing, Wang Chunsheng, Li Yukun, and Li Wujun. The previous editions replaced by this Standard are as follows. Jewellery – Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys and Designation 1 Scope This Standard specifies the precious metals’ fineness range1), mark, test method, and the designation method of precious metal jewellery. This Standard is applicable to jewellery industry and the precious metal jewelleries that are produced and marketed in domestic market. For precious metal ornaments, it shall refer to this Standard. 2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including all corrigendum) apply. GB/T 9288 Gold Jewellery Alloys — Determination of Gold — Cupellation Method (Fire Assay) (GB/T 9288-2006, ISO 11426.1997, MOD) GB/T 16552 Gems — Nomenclature GB/T 16553 Gems — Testing GB/T 16554 Diamond Grading GB/T 17832 Silver Jewellery Alloys — Determination of Silver — Volumedtric (Potentionmetric) Method Using Potassium Bromide (GB/T 17832-2008, ISO 11427.1993, MOD) GB/T 18781 Cultured Pearl Grading GB/T 19720 Platinum Jewellery Alloys — Determination of Platinum and Palladium — Gravimetric Method after Precipitation of Diammonium Hexachloroplatinate and Dimethylglyoxime (GB/T 19720-2005, ISO 11210. 1995, MOD) GB/T 21198.6 Determination of Precious Metals in Precious Metals Jewellery Alloys — Method Using ICP Spectrometry — Part 6. Difference Method GB/T 23885 Jadeite Grading GB/T 28480 Adornment — Provision for Limit of Baneful Elements 1) It excludes welding powder. However, the content of the finished product (except accessories) must not be lower than the specified fineness range. (999) (Thousand-pure palladium, thousand-pure palladium gold) Silver and its alloy (999) (Pure silver) (Thousand-pure silver) Note 1. The values and representation which are not in brackets are preferable. Note 2. The theoretical fineness of 24K is 1000‰. 4.2 The material fineness of jewellery accessories shall be consistent with the jewellery main body. If it is needed by strength and elasticity, the accessory material shall conform to the following requirements. a) For gold jewellery of which the gold content is not lower than 916‰ (22K), the gold content of their accessories shall not be lower than 900‰. b) For platinum jewellery of which the platinum content is not lower than 950‰, the platinum content of their accessories shall not be lower than 900‰. c) For palladium jewellery of which the palladium content is not lower than 950‰, the palladium content of their accessories shall not be lower than 900‰. d) For pure silver and thousand-pure silver jewelleries, the silver content of their accessories shall not be lower than 925‰. 4.3 Precious metals and the elements contained in alloy jewelleries must not be harmful to human health. The contained harmful elements shall meet the requirements of GB 28480. 5 Marks of Jewellery Products 5.1 Marking 5.1.1 Content of marking The content of marking shall include. manufacturer code, material, fineness, and the mass of the main diamond (above 0.10 karat) for diamond-inlay jewellery. Example. jewellery of 18 K gold, 0.45 karat diamond-inlay, made by a certain company (manufacturer code. ABC) is marked as. ABC 18K Gold 0.45 ct D. 5.1.2 Representation of fineness and material marking The main body is marked according to the specifications in Table 1. The accessories are marked according to the requirements in 4.2. Gold jewellery. Combination of “thousand-fineness (K value)”, "Gold", "Au" or "G". For example. Gold 750 (18K Gold), Au750 (Au18K), G750 (G18K). Appendix A (Informative) Comparison of Chapters and Articles’ Numbers between This Standard and ISO 9202.1991 Table A.1 gives the comparison list of chapters and articles’ numbers between this Standard and ISO 9202.1991. Table A.1 Comparison List of Chapters and Articles’ Numbers between This Standard and ISO 9202.1991 Numbers of chapters and articles in this Standard Numbers of corresponding chapters and articles in the international Standard 2 — 3.1 2.1 3.2 — 4.1 3 4.2 — 4.3 — 5 — 7 — Note 1. The theoretical value of 24K is 1000 ‰. Note 2. "Pure (platinum, platinum, palladium, silver)" is the highest fineness of jewellery products specified in this standard; it means that the precious metal content is not less than 990 ‰. 4.2 The fineness of jewellery accessories shall be consistent with the main-body. Due to the needs of strength and elasticity, the accessory’s materials shall meet the following requirements. 4.2.1 For gold jewellery of which the gold content is not less than 916 ‰ (22K), the accessory’s gold content shall not be less than 900 ‰. 4.2.2 For platinum jewellery of which the gold content is not less than 950 ‰ (22K), the accessory’s platinum content shall not be less than 900 ‰. 4.2.3 For palladium jewellery of which the gold content is not less than 950 ‰ (22K), the accessory’s palladium content shall not be less than 900 ‰. 4.2.4 For pure silver jewellery, the accessory’s silver content shall not be less than 925 ‰. 4.3 The elements contained in precious metals and their alloys must not be harmful to human health. The contained elements shall meet the provisions of GB 28480. II. Chapter 7 is changed as. 7.1 Designation content of precious metal jewellery content can only include fineness, material, gem’s name and jewellery varieties. There must not have other content before or after the designation. Example 1. 18K Gold Ruby Ring Example 2. Pt900 Diamond Ring 7.2 The designation of precious metal’s material and fineness shall be based on the provisions of Table 1. 7.3 The designation of the precious metal’s jewellery shall be based on the provisions of QB/T 1689. 7.4 Inlaid gem’s identification and designation shall be in accordance with GB/T 16552, GB/T 16553, GB/T 16554, GB/T 18781, GB/T 23885. For the gem on ... ......

GB/T  11887‐2008  GB  ICS 39.060 Y 88 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA P GB 11887-2008 Replacing GB 11887-2002 Jewellery - Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys and Designation (ISO 9202. 1991, Jewellery - Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys, MOD) Important Note.  This standard is obsolete and replaced by GB/T 11887‐2012  Issued on. December 31, 2008 Implemented on November 1, 2009 Jointly issued by. General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ); Standardization  Administration  Committee  of  the  People's  Republic of China.  Table of Contents  Foreword ...3  Introduction ...1  1 Scope ...2  2 Normative References ...2  3 Term and Definition ...3  4 Fineness Range ...3  5 Jewellery Mark ...5  6 Determination Method ...6  7 Designation Rules ...7  Appendix A ...8  Appendix B ...9  Foreword  The provisions in chapters 4, 5 and 7 are compulsory, and the others are recommended in this Standard. This Standard is modified in relation to ISO 9202. 1991(E) "Jewellery - Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys" (English edition). This Standard is redrafted on the base of ISO 9202. 1991; Appendix A gives the list of comparison between the provisions of this National Standard and the International Standard for ease of comparison. This Standard adopts the International Standard by revision according to the actual conditions of jewellery production and marketing in China. The technical differences are marked with perpendicular single line on the page margin of involved articles or items. Appendix B gives the list of these technical difference and the reasons hereof for reference. This Standard replaces GB 11887-2002 "Jewellery - Fineness 0f Precious Metal Alloys and Designation". Compared with GB 11887-2002, the major differences hereof are as follows. — Supplement the relevant recently-issued standards into the normative references; — Add fineness scope of silver, platinum and palladium jewelleries and revise the methods for designation and marking according to the actual conditions of the jewellery production and marketing in China; — Revise the requirements on nickeliferous and add the requirements in harmful elements according to "Directive (2005) (new edition) on Nickel" issued by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union; and — Add the requirements on accessories to silver, platinum and palladium jewelleries. Appendixes A and B are informative in this Standard. This Standard was proposed by the China National Light Industry Council. This Standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee 256 on Jewelry of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 256). Drafting organization. National Jewelry Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. Chief drafting staffs. Shen Feng, Duan Tiyu, Li Yuou, Li Suqing, and Li Wujun. All previously replaced editions hereof are as. — GB/T 11887-1989, and GB 11887-2002. Introduction  GB/T 11887-1989 "Jewellery - Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys and Designation" was firstly issued and implemented in 1989. It is the third revision to GB/T 11887-1989 "Designation Method for Fineness of Precious Metal Jewellery". GB 11887-2008 "Jewellery - Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys and Designation", an important primary standard to the jewellery industry, promotes the development of the jewellery industry in China and pays a major role in guaranteeing quality of jewellery products. The former standard was revised in order to perfect the standard and make it more operable and favourable to promote the development of the jewellery industry and regulate the jewellery market. In this revision hereof, the requirements on nickeliferous are revised and the requirements in harmful elements are added according to "Directive (2005) (new edition) on Nickel" issued by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union; in addition, the requirements on accessories to precious metal jewellery are revised. The content revised above are implemented by two-year transition, i.e. all products relevant must be completely in conformity with the requirements of the Standard from the issuing date hereof to two years later. The specific transition period is as blow. From the issuing date hereof to half a year later after it — the production enterprise and all dealers take clearance for the products not conforming to the requirements of this Standard; From the issuing date hereof to a year later after it — the production enterprise and all dealers give the deadline of the products not conforming to the requirements of this Standard; Two years after the issuing date hereof — the deadline of the products not conforming to the requirements of this Standard that all dealers sell. Jewellery - Fineness of Precious Metal Alloys and Designation 1    Scope  This Standard specifies fineness range 1) of noble metals in jewellery, mark for jewellery, test method and designation method for precious metal jewellery. This Standard is applicable to jewelleries produced and distributed in jewellery industry and at home (China). 2    Normative References  Provisions of the following documents, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding correction contents) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest edition of these documents is applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to these specifications. GB/T 9288 Gold Jewellery Alloys - Determination of Gold - Cupellation Method (Fire Assay) (GB/T 9288-2006, ISO 11426. 1997, MOD) GB/T 16552 Gems - Nomenclature GB/T 16553 Gems - Testing GB/T 16554 Diamond Grading GB/T 18781 Cultured Pearl Grading GB/T 17832 Silver Jewellery Alloys - Determination of Silver - Volumedtric (Potentionmetric) Method Using Potassium Bromide (GB/T 17832-2008, ISO 11427. 1993, MOD) GB/T 19719 Jewellery - Determination of the Release of Nickel - Method of Spectrometry (GB/T 19719-2005, EN 1811. 1998, MOD) GB/T 19720 Platinum Jewellery Alloys - Determination of Platinum and Palladium - Gravimetric Method after Precipitation of Diammonium Hexachloroplatinate and Dimethylglyoxime (GB/T 19720-2005, ISO 11210. 1995, MOD) 5.2.1 Gold jewellery. combination of fineness thousandths (K value) and "Gold", "Au" or "G". For example. Gold 750 (18K), Au750 (Au18k), G750 (G18k). 5.2.2 Platinum jewellery. combination of "fineness thousandths" and platinum (platinum gold, white gold) or Pt. For example. platinum (platinum gold, white gold) 900, Pt900. 5.2.3 Palladium jewellery. combination of "fineness thousandths" and palladium (palladium gold) or Pd. For example. palladium (palladium gold) 950, Pd950. 5.2.4 Silver jewellery. combination of "fineness thousandths" and silver, Ag or S. For example. silver 925, Ag925, S925. 5.2.5 Where jewellery is made of precious metals with different material and/or fineness, its materials and fineness shall be denoted out respectively. 5.2.6 Where jewellery cannot be printed with marks because it is too meticulous or small, the marks containing marking content shall be accompanied. 5.3 Labeling Product labelling shall be in Chinese language, for example, 铂 950 (platinum 950), 铂 Pt950 (platinum Pt950). 6    Determination Method  6.1 Determination for fineness of precious metal jewellery The approved method shall be used for determining contents of precious metals; in case of any divergence, the methods specified in GB/T 9288, GB/T 17832, GB/T 19720 and GB/T 21198.6 shall be used for arbitration determination. gold content of gold jewellery, silver content of silver jewellery, platinum content of platinum jewellery, and palladium content of palladium jewellery. 6.2 Determination of harmful elements 6.2.1 The approved method shall be used for determining contents of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chrome, arsenic and so on in the tested jewellery. The determination of lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic in jewellery may reference GB/T 21198.6, and the determination of hexavalent chrome may reference 5... ......

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