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GB 11174-2011 English PDF (GB 11174-1997, GB 11174-1989)

GB 11174-2011_English: PDF (GB11174-2011)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB 11174-2011English190 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery Liquefied petroleum gases Valid GB 11174-2011
GB 11174-1997English239 Add to Cart 2 days [Need to translate] Liquefied petroleum gases Obsolete GB 11174-1997
GB 11174-1989EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] Liquefied petroleum gases Obsolete GB 11174-1989

Standard ID GB 11174-2011 (GB11174-2011)
Description (Translated English) Liquefied petroleum gases
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard E46
Classification of International Standard 75.160.30
Word Count Estimation 10,196
Date of Issue 2011-12-30
Date of Implementation 2012-07-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 11174-1997; GB 9052.1-1998
Quoted Standard GB 150; GB 190; GB 5842; GB 12268; GB/T 12576; GB 13690; GB 14193; GB 18180; GB 50016; GB 50028; SH/T 0125; SH/T 0221; SH/T 0222; SH/T 0230; SH/T 0231; SH/T 0233; SY/T 7509; SH/T 0232; " cylinders safety Supervision" Zhijijianju pan hair [ 2000 ] No. 250; " liquefied gas tanker railway safety Supervision" (87)metaplasia Zi No. 1174; " LPG tank Car safety Supervision" Ministry of Labor (1994)262; "Pressure vessel Safety Technology Supervision" Zhijijianju pan fat (1999)154
Adopted Standard ASTM D1835-2005, MOD
Drafting Organization China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Research Institute of Petroleum
Administrative Organization National Petroleum Products and Lubricants Standardization Technical Committee petroleum fuels and lubricants at the Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 23 of 2011
Proposing organization National Standardization Technical Committee on products and lubricant oil (SAC/TC 280)
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the liquefied petroleum products, classification and marking, requirements and test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transport and storage, delivery, acceptance and security. This standard applies to fuel for industrial and domestic liquefied petroleum gas.

Standard ID GB 11174-1997 (GB11174-1997)
Description (Translated English) Liquefied petroleum gases
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard E24
Classification of International Standard 75.160.30
Word Count Estimation 6,694
Date of Issue 1997/10/14
Date of Implementation 1998/4/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 11174-1989
Quoted Standard GB 5842; GB 6602; GB 11518; GB/T 12576; GB 14193; GB 15380
Adopted Standard ASTM D1835-1991, NEQ
Drafting Organization China Petrochemical Corporation Petroleum Acedemy
Administrative Organization China Petrochemical Corporation Petroleum Acedemy
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2011 No. 23
Proposing organization China Petrochemical Corporation
Issuing agency(ies) State Bureau of Technical Supervision
Summary This Standard specifies the production of oil refinery LPG technical conditions. The LPG suitable for industrial and domestic fuel.

Standard ID GB 11174-1989 (GB11174-1989)
Description (Translated English) Liquefied petroleum gases
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard E46
Classification of International Standard 75.160.30
Date of Issue 1989/3/31
Summary This Standard specifies LPG product classification and marking requirements and test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transport and storage, delivery, acceptance and security. This Standard is applicable to fuel for industrial and domestic LPG.

GB 11174-2011 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 75.160.30 E 46 Replacing GB 11174-1997, GB 9052.1-1998 Liquefied petroleum gases 液化石油气 ISSUED ON: DECEMBER 30, 2011 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 2012 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of PRC; Standardization Administration of PRC. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 6  2 Normative references ... 6  3 Classification and marking ... 7  4 Requirements and test methods ... 8  5 Inspection rules ... 9  6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 10  7 Handover acceptance ... 11  8 Safety ... 11  References ... 12  Liquefied petroleum gases Warning: If proper precautions are not followed, the products covered by this standard may be dangerous in the process of production, storage, transportation, use. This standard is not intended to make recommendations on all safety issues related to this product. It is the user's responsibility, to establish appropriate safety and protective measures AND to determine the applicability of relevant regulatory restrictions, before using this standard. 1 Scope This standard specifies the classification and marking, requirements and test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, handover acceptance, safety of liquefied petroleum gas products. This standard applies to liquefied petroleum gas, which is used as industrial and civil fuel. 2 Normative references The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. For the dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard; however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB 150 Steel pressure vessels GB 190 Packing symbol of dangerous goods GB 5842 Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders (GB 5842-2006, ISO 4706:1989, NEQ) GB 12268 List of dangerous goods GB/T 12576 Liquefied petroleum gases - Calculation of vapor pressure and relative density GB 13690 General rule for classification and hazard communication of chemicals GB 14193 Rules for filling of liquefied gas cylinders GB 18180 The requirements for the safety operation of gas carrier GB 50016 Code of design on building fire protection and prevention GB 50028 Code for design of city gas engineering SH/T 0125 Test method for hydrogen sulfide in liquefied petroleum gas (lead acetate method) (SH/T 0125-1992, eqv ISO 8819-1987) SH/T 0221 Determination method for density or relative density of liquefied petroleum gas (pressure hydrometer method) (SH/T 0221-1992, eqv ISO 3993-1984) SH/T 0222 Determination method for total sulphur content of liquefied petroleum gas (coulometric method) SH/T 0230 Determination method for composition of liquefied petroleum gas (chromatography method) SH/T 0231 Determination method for hydrogen sulfide of liquefied petroleum gas (chromatography method) SH/T 0232 Determination method for copper strip corrosion of liquefied petroleum gas (SH/T 0232-1992, eqv ISO 6251:1982) SH/T 0233 Sampling method for liquefied petroleum gas SY/T 7509 Determination of LPG residues "Regulations on Safety Technology Supervision of Pressure Vessel " (ZJJJGF [1999] No.154) "Regulations on Safety Supervision of Cylinder" (ZJJJGF [2000] No.250) "Regulations on Safety Supervision of Liquefied Gas Railway Tank Car" ((87) HSZ No.1174) "Regulations on Safety Supervision of Liquefied Gas Tanker" (LBF [1994[ No.262) 3 Classification and marking 3.1 Product classification This standard is divided into 3 varieties, according to the composition and volatility of LPG: Commercial propane (used when high volatility is required), commercial butane (used when low volatility is required), commercial propane-butane mixture (used when medium volatility is required). Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with SH/T 0233. The sampling amount shall meet the required quantity for the exit-factory inspection or type inspection items. 5.4 Judgment rules If the exit-factory inspection results meet the technical requirements in Chapter 4, the batch of products is judged to be qualified. 5.5 Re-inspection rules If the exit-factory inspection results do not meet the technical requirements in Table 1, re-take double amount of sample from the same batch of products, according to SH/T 0233, to carry out re-inspection of the unqualified items. If the re-inspection results still do not meet the technical requirements of Table 1, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage 6.1 According to GB 12268, liquefied petroleum gas belongs to the flammable gas of category 2, item 2.1 of hazardous chemicals; its hazard marking is carried out according to GB 13690 and GB 190. 6.2 The liquefied petroleum gas storage tank shall be located in the storage tank area. Liquefied petroleum gas storage sites shall meet the requirements of GB 50016 and GB 50028. It shall be equipped with eye-catching signs, such as "flammable products, no fire". 6.3 LPG shall be stored in LPG storage tanks or special cylinders for LPG. The design, manufacture, use, maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas storage tanks shall comply with the provisions of GB 150, meanwhile meet the requirements of the "Regulations on Safety Technical Supervision of Stationary Pressure Vessel". The storage of liquefied petroleum gas shall comply with the requirements of the "Regulations on Safety Supervision of Gas Cylinder" and the requirements of GB 5842. Fill cylinders according to the requirements of GB 14193; overfilling is strictly prohibited. 6.4 When liquefied petroleum gas is transported by railway tanker, car tanker or special ship, in addition to the implementation of the "Regulations on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment", railway tanker transportation shall comply with the requirements of the "Regulations on Safety Management for Liquefied Gas Railway Tanker"; car tanker transportation shall comply with the requirements of the "Regulations on Safety Supervision of Liquefied Gas Car Tankers"; the transportation of steel cylinders shall comply with the requirements of the "Regulations on Safety Supervision of Gas Cylinders". Ship transportation shall comply with the provisions of GB 18180. 7 Handover acceptance 7.1 Handover 7.1.1 The receiving and delivery organizations or transportation department shall ensure the supply of clean and compliant car tankers, railway tankers or ships; conduct inspections in accordance with specifications. If the requirements are not met, the car tanker provider shall be responsible for cleaning or replacing qualified car tankers and ships. If there is any objection to the qualification of the vessel, it will not be filled. 7.1.2 The delivery organization shall determine the quality, according to the test results of the delivered product. If it is qualified, it will deliver the product AND give the product quality certificate. 7.2 Sample retention 7.2.1 When the liquefied petroleum gas is handed over for acceptance, the retained samples and the amount of retained samples, for arbitration inspection, shall be determined, through negotiation between the handover parties. 7.2.2 The cylinder for sample retention must be clean. The label should indicate the manufacturer, delivery address, delivery organization, sample name, sample certificate number, sampling location, date, name of the sampler. 7.2.3 The sample retention cylinder shall be kept in a cool, dry, dark room. The retention period is generally one month. The seal must be kept intact, during the retention period. 7.3 Acceptance When receiving the goods, the buyer has the right to sample the quality of the products received. If the products are found not to meet the quality specified in the standard, they will entrust the organization, which is agreed by both parties, OR the arbitration organization, to make a ruling on the analysis of the reserved samples in 7.2. 8 Safety Liquefied petroleum gas is a flammable gas. The safety issues involved shall comply with relevant laws, regulations, standards. ......

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