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GB 10344-2005 English PDF (GB 10344-1989)

GB 10344-2005_English: PDF (GB10344-2005)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB 10344-2005English250 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery General standard for the labeling of prepackaged alcoholic beverage Obsolete GB 10344-2005
GB 10344-1989English279 Add to Cart 3 days [Need to translate] Standard for the labelling wines Obsolete GB 10344-1989

Standard ID GB 10344-2005 (GB10344-2005)
Description (Translated English) General standard for the labeling of prepackaged alcoholic beverage
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard X60
Classification of International Standard 67.160.10
Word Count Estimation 7,778
Date of Issue 2005-09-15
Date of Implementation 2006-10-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 10344-1989
Quoted Standard GB 2760; GB 4927-2001; GB 7718-2004; GB/T 12493; GB/T 17204-1998
Drafting Organization Chinese Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries
Administrative Organization National Standardization Center of Food and Fermentation
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 13 of 2005 (No. 87 overall)
Proposing organization China Light Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the labeling of prepackaged alcoholic beverage terms and definitions, basic requirements, mandatory labeling, mandatory labeling exemptions, non- mandatory labeling information. This standard applies to consumers all pre- packaged alcoholic beverage labels.

Standard ID GB 10344-1989 (GB10344-1989)
Description (Translated English) Standard for the labelling wines
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard X60
Classification of International Standard 67.160.10
Word Count Estimation 7,727
Date of Issue 1989/2/22
Date of Implementation 1989/9/1
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards 2005 No. 13 (No. 87 overall)
Proposing organization National Food Industry Standardization Technical Committee and Ministry of Light Industry
Issuing agency(ies) State Bureau of Technical Supervision
Summary This Standard specifies drink wine labels basic content and requirements. This Standard is applicable to domestic sales of prepackaged alcoholic beverage labels.

GB 10344-2005 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 67.160.10 X 60 Replacing GB 10344-1989 General Standard for the Labelling of Pre-Packaged Alcoholic Beverage ISSUED ON: SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 IMPLEMENTED ON: OCTOBER 01, 2006 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine; Standardization Administration of PRC. Abolished Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative References ... 5 3 Terms and Definitions ... 6 4 Basic Requirements ... 6 5 Labelling Content ... 8 General Standard for the Labelling of Pre-Packaged Alcoholic Beverage 1 Scope This Standard specifies: --- terms and definitions for the labelling of prepacked alcoholic beverage (see Clause 3); --- basic requirements for the labelling of pre-packaged alcoholic beverage (see Clause 4); --- mandatory marking content for the labelling of pre-packaged alcoholic beverage (see 5.1); --- exemption of mandatory marking content for the labelling of pre-packaged alcoholic beverage (see 5.2); --- non-mandatory marking content for the labelling of pre-packaged alcoholic beverage (see 5.3). This Standard is applicable to the labelling of all pre-packaged alcoholic beverage provided to the consumers. 2 Normative References The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard through reference in this Standard. For dated references, the subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions do not apply to this Standard, however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies. GB 2760 Hygienic Standards for Uses of Food Additives GB 4927-2001 Beer GB 7718-2004 General Standard for the Labelling of Pre-Packaged Foods GB/T 12493 The Classification and Numbering of Food Additives GB/T 17204-1998 Classification of Alcoholic Beverages corresponding product standards. 4.2 All the contents of the label of pre-packaged alcoholic beverages shall be clear, eye-catching and durable; it shall be easy for consumers to identify and read when purchasing. 4.3 All contents of the label of pre-packaged alcoholic beverages shall be easy to understand, accurate, and scientifically based. No feudal superstition, pornographic, depreciating contents of other alcoholic beverages, or content that violates scientific and nutritional knowledge shall be indicated. 4.4 All the contents of the label of pre-packaged alcoholic beverages shall not be used to introduce the alcoholic beverages with false, misleading or deceptive text, graphics, etc.; neither the font size or colour difference shall be used to mislead the consumers. 4.5 All contents of the label of pre-packaged alcoholic beverages shall not use direct or indirect suggestive language, graphics, and symbols to cause consumers to confuse the purchased alcoholic beverages or a certain nature of the alcoholic beverages with another product. 4.6 The label of pre-packaged alcoholic beverages shall not be separated from the packaging (container). 4.7 The label content of pre-packaged alcoholic beverages shall use standard Chinese characters, but exclude the registered trademarks. 4.7.1 Pinyin or minority languages can be used at the same time, but no larger than the corresponding Chinese characters. 4.7.2 Foreign languages can be used at the same time, but there shall be a corresponding relationship with Chinese characters (except for the manufacturer and address of the imported alcoholic beverage; the name, address and website of the foreign distributor). All foreign languages shall be no larger than the corresponding Chinese characters (except for foreign registered trademarks). 4.8 When the maximum surface area of the packaging or packaging container is greater than 20cm2, the height of the words, symbols, and numbers in the mandatory label content shall be no less than 1.8mm. 4.9 If all or part of the mandatory labelling content on the inner packaging or container can be clearly identified through the outer packaging, the corresponding content may not be repeated on the outer packaging. 4.10 Each smallest package (sales unit) shall have the labelling content specified in 5.1. If there is another package (box) on the outside of the inner packaging container (bottle) that is directly delivered to the consumer, it can only mark the mandatory labelling contents on the package (box). The outer packaging (or large packaging) shall indicated; other food additives may be indicated the specific names and category names specified in accordance with GB 2760. When two or more "colorants" are added to a wine, the category name (colorant) can be indicated, followed by brackets to indicate the code specified in GB/T 12493. The processing aids used in the production and processing of alcoholic beverages do not need to be indicated in the "raw materials" or "raw materials and auxiliary materials". 5.1.3 Alcoholic strength All alcoholic beverages shall be marked with alcoholic strength. When labelling the alcoholic strength, "alcoholic strength" shall be used as the title. 5.1.4 The content of raw wort and raw juice Beer shall be labelled "original wort concentration". The labelling method is represented by the "Plato degree" with symbol of "°P"; before the revision of GB/T 17204-1998, the symbol "°" can be used to indicate the original wort concentration, such as "original wort concentration: 12°". Fruit wine (except wine) shall be marked with the original juice content. The labelling method: In the "Raw materials and auxiliary materials”, it is indicated by “X X %”. 5.1.5 The name and address of the manufacturer and distributor The same as 5.1.5 in GB 7718-2004. 5.1.6 Date marking and storage instructions The packaging (filling) date and shelf life of pre-packaged alcoholic beverages shall be clearly marked, and the storage life may be additionally marked. If the date labelling adopts the method of "see a certain part of the package", the specific part of the package shall be indicated. The date shall be marked in the order of year, month, and day; the year number shall generally be marked with 4 digits; small packages of wine that are difficult to be marked with 4 digits can be marked with the last 2 digits. EXAMPLE 1: Packaging (filling) date: The wine filled on January 15, 2004 can be marked as: "2004 01 15" (year, month and day are separated by separators); Or "20040115" (year, month and day are not separated by separators); Or "2004-01-15" (year, month and day are separated by hyphens); Or "January 15, 2004". EXAMPLE 2: Shelf life: can be marked as: "Best to drink before July 15, 2004" Or "shelf life is until 2004-07-15"; Or "shelf life is 6 months (or 180 days)". If the shelf life (or storage life) of the alcoholic beverage is related to the storage conditions, the specific storage conditions of the alcoholic beverage shall be indicated, which shall be specifically implemented in accordance with the relevant product standards. 5.1.7 Net content The labelling of net content shall consist of net content, numbers and legal measurement units. The net content of alcoholic beverage is generally expressed by volume, in millilitre or mL (ml), litre or L (l). Large jar of yellow wine can be expressed by mass, unit: in kilogram or kg. The measurement unit of net content and the minimum height requirements of characters are the same as and in GB 7718-2004. The net content shall be placed on the same display page of the package or container as the name of the wine. If there are several identical small packages that are independent of each other in the same pre-package, the net content of the small package shall be marked together with the quantities or number of pieces. 5.1.8 Product standard number The same as 5.1.7 in GB 7718-2004. 5.1.9 Quality level The same as 5.1.8 in GB 7718-2004. 5.1.10 Warning ......

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