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CNCA C12-01-2015 English PDF (CNCAC12-01-2014)

CNCA C12-01-2015_English: PDF (CNCAC12-01-2015)
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CNCA C12-01-2015English155 Add to Cart 0--9 seconds. Auto-delivery China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Motor vehicle tires CNCA C12-01-2015
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Standard ID CNCA C12-01-2015 (CNCA-C12-01-2015)
Description (Translated English) China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Motor vehicle tires
Sector / Industry China Compulsory Certification (CCC) Implementation Rules
Classification of Chinese Standard CNC
Word Count Estimation 29,249
Date of Issue 2015-09-08
Date of Implementation 2016-01-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) CNCA 03C-027-2013
Administrative Organization China National Certification and Accreditation Administration Committee
Regulation (derived from) Notice of the State Administration of Accreditation Administration No.27 of 2015
Summary This standard applies to new motor vehicle pneumatic tires, including car tires, truck tires, motorcycle tires, the original design of the purpose is in the M, N, O and L class of motor vehicles used in motor vehicle tires (vehicle category Definition see GB/T15089). This standard does not apply to refurbished tires and tires designed for competition. As the laws and regulations or related product standards, technology, industrial policy and other factors caused by changes in the scope of the adjustment should be issued by the State Commission issued the notice shall prevail.

Standard ID CNCA C12-01-2014 (CNCA-C12-01-2014)
Description (Translated English) China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Motor vehicle tires
Sector / Industry China Compulsory Certification (CCC) Implementation Rules
Classification of Chinese Standard CNC
Classification of International Standard CNCA 2014 No. 23 Announcement
Date of Issue 2014/7/16
Date of Implementation 2014/9/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) CNCA 03C-027-2013
Drafting Organization Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China
Administrative Organization Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA)
Regulation (derived from) CNCA 2014 No. 23 Announcement
Summary This standard specifies the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) implementation rules for Motor vehicle tires. This standard defines the Motor vehicle tires's certification unit; certification entrusting; document requirements; sample requirements; certif

CNCA-C12-01:2015 Serial No.: CNCA-C12-01:2015 CNCA-C12-01-2015 China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Motor Vehicle Tires Issued on: September 8, 2015                              Effective on: January 1, 2016  Issued by: Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) Table of Contents 0 Introduction ... 4  1 Application scope ... 4  2 Terms and definitions ... 4  3 Certification basis ... 4  3.1 Standards for certification ... 5  3.2 Requirements when standards for certification change ... 5  4 Certification modes ... 5  5 Classification of certification units ... 5  6 Certification entrusting ... 6  6.1 Application and acceptance of certification entrusting ... 6  6.2 Application materials ... 6  6.3 Implementation arrangement ... 7  7 Certification implementation ... 7  7.1 Type test ... 7  7.2 Initial factory inspection ... 8  7.3 Certification evaluation and decision ... 10  7.4 Time limit of the certification ... 10  8 After-certification supervision ... 10  8.1 After-certification follow-up inspection ... 10  8.2 Factory on-site sampling test ... 11  8.3 Market sampling test ... 11  8.4 Frequency of after-certification supervision ... 12  8.5 Records of after-certification supervision ... 12  8.6 Evaluation of after-certification supervision ... 12  9 Certificate ... 12  9.1 Valid period of the certificate ... 12  9.2 Contents of the certificate ... 12  9.3 Change of the certificate ... 13  9.4 Certificate’s suspension, cancellation and withdrawal ... 13  9.5 Use of the certificate ... 13  10 Certification marks ... 13  10.1 Mark style ... 13  10.2 Use requirements ... 14  11 Certification responsibility ... 14  12 Certification implementation detailed-rules ... 14  Attachment 1: Compulsory certification unit classification for motor vehicle tire products ... 16  Attachment 2: Technical parameter table of motor vehicle tire products ... 18  Attachment 3: Production conformity inspection requirements ... 20  Attachment 4: Type test items and testing methods for motor vehicle tire products ... 23  0  Introduction  This Rules is established based on the safety risk and certification risk of motor vehicle tires. It stipulates the basic principles and requirements for the implementation of China Compulsory Certification for motor vehicle tires. This Rules can be used with other general rules issued by Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA), such as “China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Manufacturing Enterprise Classification Management, Certification Mode Selection and Determination”, “China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Utilization of Manufacturing Enterprise Test Resource and Other Certification Results”, “China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Factory Inspection General Requirements”. The certification body shall make principles for certification according to the general implementation rules and this Rules and implement them accordingly. The certification client shall be able to bear the related quality and legal responsibilities such as the recall, three guarantees of the certification entrusted product. Manufacturing enterprise and importer shall ensure that their certified products produced or imported are capable of sustaining the compliance with the certification and are compatible with the requirements of the standards. For China Compulsory Certification activities implemented in the ODM mode, it shall also comply with the relevant requirements of “Supplementary Provisions on the ODM Mode Involved in China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules”. 1 Application scope  This Rules applies to new pneumatic tires for motor vehicles, including passenger car tires, truck tires, and motorcycle tires. Its original design is intended for motor vehicle tires used on motor vehicles of the M, N, O, and L categories (see GB/T15089 for the definition of vehicle category). This Rules does not apply to retreaded tires and tires specifically designed for racing. Due to the changes in the laws, regulations or related product standards, technology, industry policies and other causes which may change the applicable scope, the announcement released by CNCA shall be final and conclusive. 2 Terms and definitions  This Rules adopts the terms and definitions in relevant regulations for China Compulsory Certification. 3 Certification basis  In principle, products of the same producer (manufacturer), the same manufacturing enterprise (location), the same category [Note 1], the same structure [Note 2], and the same series [Note 3] are one certification unit. The certification client shall put forward the certification entrusting based on the principle of unit classification. For the principle classification of certification units, see “Compulsory certification unit classification for motor vehicle tire products” (Attachment 1). Note 1: Category: passenger car tire, truck tire, motorcycle tire. Note 2: Structure: radial, bias, bias belted. Note 3: Series: Refer to product series specified by standards “Size designation, dimensions, inflation pressure and load capacity for passenger car tyres” (GB/T 2978), “Size designation, dimensions, inflation pressure and load capacity for truck tyres” (GB/T 2977), and “Series of motorcycle tyres” (GB/T 2983). 6 Certification entrusting  6.1 Application and acceptance of certification entrusting The certification client shall be able to bear the relevant quality and legal responsibilities such as recall, three guarantees. The certification client must put forward the certification entrusting to the certification body, in an appropriate way. Certification body shall process the certification entrusting; and feedback the acceptance or rejection according to the time limit in the certification implementation detailed-rules. The certification client shall be able to bear the relevant quality and legal responsibilities such as recall, three guarantees. When it does not comply with national laws and regulations and relevant industry policies, the certification body must not accept the certification entrusting. 6.2 Application materials The certification body shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations, standards and other requirements, specify the checklist of application materials in the implementation detailed-rules. It shall at least include certification application form or contract, registration certificates of certification client/producer/manufacturing enterprise, “Technical parameter table of motor vehicle tire products” (Attachment 2), “Production conformity control document” (compile according to Attachment 3), etc. The certification client shall provide the required materials according to the requirements of application material checklist in certification implementation detailed-rules. Certification body is responsible for auditing, managing, The factory inspection time shall be performed by the certification body in accordance with the relevant national regulations and shall be specified in the certification implementation detailed-rules. The initial factory inspection time is 4- 6 man-days/production location. 7.3 Certification evaluation and decision Certification body shall make a comprehensive evaluation to the type test conclusion, initial factory inspection conclusion, and relevant information/materials and make a certification decision. Those who meet the certification requirements shall be issued with a certification certificate. If there is an unqualified conclusion, the certification body will not approve the certification entrusting; the certification will be terminated. 7.4 Time limit of the certification Certification body shall make specific provisions on the time limit of each step of the certification in the certification implementation detailed-rules and ensure that all relevant work is done within the time limit. The certification client must actively cooperate with the certification activity. In general, certificate will be granted to certification client within 90 days, since the certification entrusting is accepted. 8 After‐certification supervision  After-certification supervision refers to the supervision of the certification body on the certified product and its manufacturing enterprise. Certification body shall consider the classified management and actual situation of the manufacturing enterprise and clarify the specific requirements for selecting the method of after-certification supervision in certification implementation detailed-rules. The total number of man-days for after-certification supervision must not exceed 4 man-days/production location. 8.1 After-certification follow-up inspection 8.1.1 Principles for after-certification follow-up inspection Based on manufacturing enterprise classified management, certification body shall implement the effective follow-up inspection to the certified product and its manufacturing enterprise, so as to validate that the production conformity control system of the manufacturing enterprise has the ability to continuously ensure the consistency of mass-produced tire products and approved products. The after-certification follow-up inspection shall be carried out during the normal production of the manufacturing enterprise. For those products that are not continuously manufactured, the certification client shall provide the production plan to certification body so that the follow-up inspection can be conducted in an effective way. Certification body shall formulate the contents and requirements of market sampling test in the certification implementation detailed-rules. Certification body shall formulate the sampling test plan according to the product characteristics. Designated personnel will take samples from certified products in market (including at whole-vehicle factory or at user-site etc.) according to sampling test plan. 8.4 Frequency of after-certification supervision Based on manufacturing enterprise classified management, certification body shall adopt different frequency of after-certification supervision to different types of manufacturing enterprises. Detailed principles shall be specified in the certification implementation detailed-rules. 8.5 Records of after-certification supervision Certification body shall appropriately record and archive the whole process of after-certification supervision, so that the certification process and results are traceable. 8.6 Evaluation of after-certification supervision Certification body shall comprehensively evaluate the conclusion of after- certification follow-up inspection, conclusion of sampling test, and relevant materials/information. If the evaluation is PASS, it may continue to maintain the certificate and use of certification mark. If the evaluation is Not-PASS, certification body shall cancel/suspend/revoke the certificate according to the corresponding situations; and announce it publicly. 9 Certificate  9.1 Valid period of the certificate This Rules covers the 5 year valid period of product certificate. Within the valid period, the validity of the certificate is maintained by depending on the “after- certification supervision” of the certification body. Before the certification is expired, if it needs to continue to use, the certification client shall put forward the certification entrusting within 90 days before the expiry date. If the newest “after-certification supervision”, within the certificate validity, is PASS, then certification body shall directly renew the certificate. 9.2 Contents of the certificate The contents of the certification certificate shall comply with the items and contents required by “China Compulsory Certification Management Regulations”; shall include the tire specification mark, load index/level, and speed symbol. For change of certificate, it shall indicate the version of change so as to clearly display the number of change for this certificate. Attachment 3: Production conformity inspection requirements  Factory shall ensure that the certified products in mass production are consistently in accordance with the requirements of this Rules and relevant laws and regulations. Note: Factory in this Rules involves certification client, producer, and manufacturing enterprise. 1 Production conformity inspection is to, through production conformity control document auditing and factory on-site inspection (initial inspection and supervision), confirm the consistency of mass-produced certified products and type test samples, as well as compliance with certification standards. Among which, the audit of product conformity shall include at least the following: a. Conformity check of the certified product’s mark with “Technical parameter table of motor vehicle tire products”; b. Certified product on-site designated test (selected from the items specified in the production conformity document plan submitted by the factory). During the initial factory inspection, the production conformity control documents are audited first; then the on-site inspection is performed. 2 The production conformity control document is a documented regulation formed by the factory to ensure the production conformity of the mass-produced certified products. It shall include the following: 2.1 Responsibility Factory shall specify the duties and relationships of various personnel related to compulsory product certification activities. The manufacturing enterprise shall be within the organization. DESIGNATE a person in charge of quality (or the corresponding organization or person), regardless of the member’s other duties. It shall have the following duties and authorities: a. BE responsible for establishing a quality system that meets the requirements of China Compulsory Certification and ensure its implementation and maintenance; b. Ensure that products with the compulsory certification mark meet the requirements of certification standards; c. Establish a documented procedure, to ensure proper storage and use of certification marks; Initial factory inspection is the inspection that is targeted to the factory and audited by certification body to determine the implementation situation of production conformity control document. 4 Performance report of production conformity control document Performance report of production conformity control document is the file description about the performance of production conformity control document by the factory every year. The report shall describe item-by-item the efforts and important changes of production conformity control. For production inconformity, it needs to emphasize and describe the reasons, handling and traceable results, and the adopted corrections and preventive measures. 5 Supervision inspection of production conformity Factory inspection team shall examine the implementation report and situation of production conformity control document, on site of the production conformity control, and according to requirements of certification body. 5.1 During the supervision inspection, factory shall guarantee that: 5.1.1 Inspectors shall be able to obtain the experiment record and production record, during supervision inspection every time. 5.1.2 If the experiment condition is appropriate, inspector can choose samples randomly and make test in factory’s laboratory. The experiment items and minimum quantity of samples can be made based on factory’s self-inspection requirements. 5.1.3 If the level of control is unsatisfactory, or if the validity of the test contained in the production conformity control document independently performed by the manufacturing enterprise needs to be verified, after the approval of certification body, the inspectors shall take samples and send them to the testing body for test. 5.1.4 If production non-conformity is found, certification body shall take all necessary steps to urge factory to recover its conformity. 6 When factory production conformity control document is changed, factory shall put forward the change description to the certification body. Then, certification body determines if it needs to immediately conduct on-site inspection according to the influence degree of the change on production conformity. 7 Conditions to be met by production conformity inspectors Production conformity inspection shall be performed by a technical expert who has the qualifications of an inspector of the manufacturing enterprise and is familiar with the certification standards and its testing methods. ......

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