GB 50254-2014 English PDF (GB 50254-1996)

GB 50254-2014_English: PDF (GB50254-2014)
Standard IDUSDBUY PDFLead-DaysStandard Title (Description)Status
GB 50254-201485 Add to Cart Auto, < 3 mins Code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage apparatus -- Electric equipment installation engineering Valid
GB 50254-1996RFQ ASK 11 days Code for construction and acceptance of cow-voltage apparatus electric equipment installation engineering Obsolete

Standard ID GB 50254-2014 (GB50254-2014)
Description (Translated English) Code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage apparatus - Electric equipment installation engineering
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard P91
Classification of International Standard 29.020
Word Count Estimation 37,391
Date of Issue 2014/3/31
Date of Implementation 2014/12/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 50254-1996
Quoted Standard GB 50150; GB 50300
Drafting Organization China Electricity Council
Administrative Organization Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
Regulation (derived from) Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bulletin No. 368
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China; Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard applies to AC 50Hz or 60Hz, rated voltage of 1000V and below, DC rated voltage is 1500V and the following general low-voltage electrical installation and acceptance. Does not apply to: 1 without fixed installation household appliances, elect

Standard ID GB 50254-1996 (GB50254-1996)
Description (Translated English) Code for construction and acceptance of cow-voltage apparatus electric equipment installation engineering
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard P91
Word Count Estimation 51,577
Date of Issue 1996/6/5
Date of Implementation 1996/12/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GBJ 232-1982
Drafting Organization Electric Power Construction Research Institute Ministry of Power Industry
Administrative Organization Ministry of Power Industry
Summary This standard applies to the rated voltage 1200V AC 50Hz and below, rated voltage of 1500V DC and below and universal low-voltage electrical installation under normal conditions and adjust the test. Does not apply to appliances without a fixed installation, protection of electrical power systems, electrical instrumentation, transmitters, computer systems and complete sets of plates, cabinets, electrical boxes on the installation and acceptance.

GB 50254-2014 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA UDC P GB 50254-2014 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Low-Voltage Apparatus Electric Equipment Installation Engineering ISSUED ON. MARCH 31, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON. DECEMBER 1, 2014 Issued by. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China; General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China. National Standard of the People's Republic of China Code for Construction and Acceptance of Low-Voltage Apparatus Electric Equipment Installation Engineering Chief Development Department. China Electricity Council Approval Department. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China Implementation Date. December 1, 2014 China Planning Press 2014 Beijing Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China No. 368 MOHURD Announcement on Publishing the National Standard "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Low-voltage Apparatus - Electric Equipment Installation Engineering" "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Low-voltage Apparatus - Electric Equipment Installation Engineering” has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of GB 50254-2014 and shall be implemented on December 1, 2014. Articles 3.0.16 and 9.0.2 in this code are compulsory and must be enforced strictly. The former "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Low-voltage Apparatus - Electric Equipment Installation Engineering" (GB 50254-96) shall be abolished simultaneously. Organized by the Research Institute of Standards and Norms (RISN) of our Ministry, this code is published by China Planning Press. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China March 31, 2014 Table of Contents Foreword ... 5  2 Terms ... 7  3 Basic Requirement... 9  4 Low-Voltage Circuit-Breaker ... 13  5 Switch, Disconnector, Switch-Disconnector and Fuse-combination Unit ... 15  6 Residual Current Device and Surge Protective Device ... 16  7 Contactor, Motor Starter and Frequency Converter ... 17  8 Control Switch ... 19  9 Low-voltage Fuse ... 20  10 Resistor, Rheostat and Electromagnet ... 21  11 Test ... 23  12 Check and Acceptance of Work ... 24  Appendix A Tightening Torques of Screw-type Terminals ... 26  Appendix B Temperature-rise Limits of Terminals ... 27  Appendix C Temperature-rise Limits of Accessible Parts ... 28  Appendix D Temperature-rise Limits of Terminals and Accessible Parts for Low-voltage Circuit-breakers ... 29  Explanation of Wording in This Code ... 30  List of Quoted Standards ... 31  Foreword According to the requirements of Document "Notice on Printing 'Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards and Codes (Batch 1) in 2009'" (Jian Biao [2009] No. 88) issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the former "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Low-voltage Apparatus - Electric Equipment Installation Engineering" (GB 50254-96) was revised jointly by China Electricity Council, Beijing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd and organizations concerned. The drafting group examined and finalized this code by conducting extensive investigation and study, summarizing practical experiences during the preparation of this code and on the basis of extensively soliciting for opinions. This code consists of 12 chapters and 4 appendixes with the main contents as follows. General Provisions; Terms; Basic Requirement; Low-Voltage Circuit-Breaker; Switch, Disconnector, Switch-disconnector and Fuse-combination Unit; Residual Current Device and Surge Protective Device; Contactor, Motor Starter and Frequency Converter; Control Switch; Low-voltage Fuse; Resistor, Rheostat and Electromagnetic; Test; Check and Acceptance of Work, etc. Compared with the former code, this revision mainly includes the following contents. 1. Two chapters -- "Terms" and "Test" were added. 2. Chapter 4 "Low-voltage Switch-disconnector, Knife Switch, Change-over Switch and Fuse-combination Unit” of the former code was revised into "Switch, Disconnector, Switch-disconnector and Fuse-combination Unit". 3. Chapter 5 "Household Electric Apparatus, Leakage Protector and Fire-fighting Electrical Equipment” of the former code was revised into "Residual Current Device and Surge Protective Device". 4. Chapter 6 "Low-voltage Contactor and Motor Starter” of the former code was revised into "Contactor, Motor Starter and Frequency Converter". 5. Chapter 7 "Controller, Relay and Travel Switch” of the former code was revised into "Control Switch". 6. Chapter 8 "Resistor and Rheostat” and Chapter 9 "Electromagnetic" in the former code are combined into Chapter 10 of this code "Resistor, Rheostat and Electromagnetic". 7. Appendix A "Tightening Torques of Screw-Type Terminals", Appendix B "Temperature-Rise Limits of Terminals", Appendix C "Temperature-Rise Limits of Accessible Parts", Appendix D "Temperature-Rise Limits of Terminals and Accessible Parts for Low-Voltage Circuit-Breakers" were added. Provisions printed in bold type in this code are compulsory and must be enforced strictly. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is in charge of the administration of this code and the explanation of the compulsory provisions, China Electricity Council of routine management and China Electricity Council of the explanation of specific technical contents. During the process of implementing this code, the relevant opinions and advice, whenever necessary, can be posted or passed on to China Electricity Council (address. No.1, 2nd Lane, Baiguang Road, Xicheng District, Beijing; postal code. 100761) for reference during future update. Chief development organizations, participating development organizations, chief drafting staff and chief examiners of this code. Chief development organizations. China Electricity Council Beijing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. Participating development organizations. China Electric Power Research Institute Guangdong Power Engineering Corporation Henan No.2 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. Gezhouba Group Electricity Co., Ltd. Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Chint Electrics Co., Ltd. Changshu Switch Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Chief drafting staff. Zhou Weixin, Jing Jin, Yan Yong, Zeng Hongbing, Chai Xuefeng, Liu Shihua, Zhou Jigang, Xiao Hongwei, Tang Chunchao, Tian Xiao Chief examiners. Fu Ciying, Chen Fayu, Wang Zhensheng, Sun Guanfu, Xie Zhenmiao, Liu Wenshan, Xiao Hong, Wu Yuehua, Liu Yeyu, Zheng Weihong, Wang Yuming 1 General Provisions 1.0.1 This code is prepared with a view to guaranteeing the installation quality of low-voltage apparatus, to promoting technical progress of construction and installation and to ensuring the safe operation of installed equipment. 1.0.2 This code is applicable to the installation and acceptance of universal low-voltage apparatus for AC 50Hz or 60Hz and rated voltage of 1000V or below, and for DC rated voltage of 1500V or below. 1 Installation and acceptance of the household appliances and electrotechnical instrumentation of which permanent installation is not required and of complete set of electrical devices on panel, cabinet and case; 2 Installation and acceptance of the low-voltage apparatus in specific environments. 1.0.3 The construction and acceptance of low-voltage apparatus shall comply with not only this code but also those in the current relevant standards of the nation. 2 Terms 2.0.1 Low-voltage apparatus The electrical device in circuit at AC 50Hz or 60Hz and rated voltage of 1000V or below, and at DC rated voltage of 1500V or below, which functions for on-off, protection, control or regulation. 2.0.2 Circuit-breaker A mechanical switching device which can connect, carry and disconnect current under normal circuit condition as well as in the abnormal circuit specified. 2.0.3 Switch A mechanical switching device which can connect, carry and disconnect current under normal circuit condition as well as in the specified abnormal circuit within the stipulated time limit. 2.0.4 Disconnector A mechanical switching device which meets the specified functional requirement for disconnection in disconnected mode. 2.0.5 Switch-disconnector A switch capable of dis... ......

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