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YY/T 1768.2-2021: PDF in English (YYT 1768.2-2021)

YY/T 1768.2-2021 YY PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 11.040.20 C 31 YY/T 1768.2-2021 Needle-based injection systems for medical use - Requirements and test methods - Part 2: Needles (ISO 11608-2:2012, NEQ) ISSUED ON: MARCH 09, 2021 IMPLEMENTED ON: APRIL 01, 2022 Issued by: National Medical Products Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 6  4 Material requirements ... 7  5 Physical requirements ... 7  5.1 Size ... 7  5.2 Needle flow ... 8  5.3 Connection between needle seat and needle tube ... 8  5.4 Needle tip ... 8  5.5 Straight ... 9  5.6 Lubricant ... 9  5.7 Patient end measurement ... 9  5.8 Functional compatibility with needle-based injection system ... 9  5.9 Easy to assemble and disassemble ... 9  6 Chemical requirements ... 10  6.1 Test solution preparation ... 10  6.2 pH ... 10  6.3 Heavy metal content (metal ions) ... 10  7 Biological requirements ... 10  7.1 Sterility... 10  7.2 Bacterial endotoxin ... 10  7.3 Biocompatibility ... 10  8 Packaging ... 11  9 Information provided by the manufacturer ... 11  9.1 General ... 11  9.2 Marks ... 12  9.3 Instructions for use ... 13  Annex A (normative) Standard atmosphere and test apparatus ... 15  Annex B (normative) Pretreatment of needles ... 17  Annex C (normative) Radial runout determination method at patient end measurement point ... 18  Annex D (normative) Determination of the flow through the needle ... 20  Annex E (normative) Method for determination of connection between needle seat and needle tube ... 22  Annex F (normative) Test method for confirming the suitability of needles and injection systems ... 23  Bibliography ... 26  Needle-based injection systems for medical use - Requirements and test methods - Part 2: Needles 1 Scope This Part of YY/T 1768 specifies the requirements and test methods for single-use double-ended sterile needles. This Part applies to needles used in conjunction with the needle-based injection system (NIS) of YY/T 1768.1. This Part does not apply to dental needles, prefilled injection needles, needles pre- assembled by the manufacturer, and needles that do not require assembly or connection to the NIS. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 2423.4-2008, Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test method - Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle) (IEC 60068-2- 30:2005, IDT) GB/T 6682, Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods (GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696:1987, MOD) GB/T 14233.1-2008, Test methods for infusion, transfusion, injection equipment for medical use - Part 1: Chemical analysis methods GB/T 14233.2-2005, Test methods for infusion, transfusion, injection equipment for medical use - Part 2: Biological test methods GB/T 16886.1, Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process (GB/T 16886.1-2011, ISO 10993-1:2009, IDT) GB/T 18457-2015, Stainless steel needle tubing for the manufacture of medical devices (ISO 9626:1991, MOD) YY/T 0466.1, Medical devices - Symbols to be used with medical device labels, 6 - Needle tube; 7 - Binder (if used). NOTE 1: The needle container can be used as a needle sheath. NOTE 2: The illustrated right end of the needle is the patient end. The left end is the cartridge end for puncturing the cartridge. Figure 1 -- Example of needle assembly for NIS 3.3 seal A removable barrier expected to keep the needle sterile within the needle container. 3.4 unit packaging The needle container and seal together make up this device packaging, so as to keep the needle sterile. 3.5 user packaging A package used by the manufacturer to provide the user with one or more identical devices (in their single package) from the same production batch. 4 Material requirements The needle tube used to manufacture the needle shall meet the requirements of GB/T 18457-2015. 5 Physical requirements 5.1 Size 5.1.1 General The size of the connecting part of the needle assembly shall be such that the needle can be used in conjunction with the NIS specified in YY/T 1768.1. 5.1.2 Needle size Use the test apparatus that complies with A.1 in Annex A. In the standard atmosphere specified in A.2, when testing needles without pretreatment in Annex B, it shall be adapted to the test gauge specified in Annex C. The size shall meet the requirements of Table 1. 6 Chemical requirements 6.1 Test solution preparation Immerse 25 needles with the sheath removed into 250mL of freshly prepared grade two water that meets the requirements of GB/T 6682. Keep temperature constant for 1h at (37±1)℃. Take out the needle to get the test solution. At the same time, prepare the blank control solution according to the same method as above without putting the needle. 6.2 pH When tested according to the method specified in GB/T 14233.1-2008, the pH difference between the test solution prepared in 6.1 and the blank control solution shall not be greater than 1. 6.3 Heavy metal content (metal ions) When measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) or an equivalent method, the total content of barium, chromium, copper, lead and tin in the test solution shall not exceed 5μg/mL. The content of cadmium shall not exceed 0.1μg/mL. When tested according to the method specified in 5.6.1 of GB/T 14233.1-2008, the color of the test solution shall not exceed the color of the standard control solution with a concentration of 5μg/mL. 7 Biological requirements 7.1 Sterility The needles in the unit packaging shall meet the requirements of YY/T 0615.1. 7.2 Bacterial endotoxin When tested according to the method specified in GB/T 14233.2-2005, the bacterial endotoxin content shall be less than 20EU/piece. 7.3 Biocompatibility Carry out the biological evaluation of materials and/or final products on the basis of material characterization according to the evaluation procedures specified in GB/T 16886.1. NOTE: For the consideration of animal protection, the evaluation procedure given in GB/T 16886.1 is recommended for biological evaluation. When using such an evaluation procedure, if it can be confirmed that the material of the needle tube under evaluation is equivalent to the material specified in GB/T 18457-2015, and the production process of the product is equivalent to the production process of similar products on the market; if the human intake in clinical use is lower than the tolerable limit (TI) of the substance, it can confirm that the product has good biocompatibility without the need for corresponding biological tests. 8 Packaging Each needle shall be sealed in a unit packaging. One or more unit packaging shall be placed in the user packaging. Materials used in the unit packaging shall not adversely affect the contents. The material and design of this packaging shall ensure that: a) Maintain the sterility of the contents during normal handling and storage; b) The risk of contamination of contents during removal from packaging is minimal; c) When the seal is removed, it will not affect the subsequent assembly of the needle and NIS; d) Conduct appropriate protection of the contents during normal handling, transport and storage; e) Once opened, the package shows signs that the package has been opened and the package cannot be resealed. 9 Information provided by the manufacturer 9.1 General The needles shall be accompanied by information sufficient for safe use. It shall also consider the training and knowledge of potential users. This information shall include the manufacturer's identification. The instructions for use shall be included in the user packaging unless the needle is safe to use without instructions. The flow rate determined in accordance with 5.2 shall be provided on the label. Annex B (normative) Pretreatment of needles B.1 Pretreatment in hot, dry atmosphere Put the needles in the unit packaging into the test chamber under the following conditions for at least 96h: - Temperature: (70±2)℃; - Relative humidity: (50±10)%. B.2 Pretreatment in a refrigerated environment Put the needles in the unit packaging into the test chamber under the following conditions for at least 96h: - Temperature: (-40±3)℃. B.3 Pretreatment in periodic atmospheric environment Place the needles in the unit packaging into the test chamber. Process according to GB/T 2423.4-2008 and the following requirements: - Change 1 [see Figure 2a) in GB/T 2423.4-2008]; - Lower limit of temperature: (25±3)℃ (no humidity requirement); - Upper limit of temperature: (55±2)℃; - 6 cycles. NOTE: The corresponding chapters in GB/T 2423.4-2008 are Chapter 4 (Test chamber), Chapter 7 (Conditional test) and Chapter 9 (Recovery). Distilled water. D.3 Instruments D.3.1 Test fixture The sample needle is mounted on it. D.3.2 Water tank Connect to the test fixture. It is pressurized with (1.1±0.01) bar compressed air. NOTE: 1bar=100kPa. A pressure of 1.1 bar is considered to best simulate the average situation of the user. D.4 Steps Add (23±2)℃ water to the water tank. Connect or screw the test needle into the test fixture attached to the tank. Make water flow through the needle for at least (15±0.25)s. Collect the effluent in a suitable container. Convert the effluent to its volume by weighing the effluent. The density of water is assumed to be equal to 1.000g/mL. NOTE: Tolerances for temperature, pressure and time have been chosen to consider what is usually achievable, although they are believed to have different effects on the overall tolerance. D.5 Result expression Test results are reported in milliliters per minute (mL/min). The water temperature in the fluid path shall not exceed 25°C. Annex F (normative) Test method for confirming the suitability of needles and injection systems F.1 Principle Apply the specified torque to the needle and connect it to the NIS for at least 10s. Use dose test to determine the integrity of clinically relevant fluid pathways. (In the settings of NIS Vhigh and Vlow, where Vlow is less than or equal to 10% of NIS maximum dose, and Vhigh is greater than or equal to 90% of NIS maximum dose.) Finally, measure and record the removal torque of the needle seat. F.2 Instruments and devices F.2.1 Torque tester It is capable of holding needles and NIS securely (for threaded needles). The instrument shall be able to apply (0.07±0.01) N·m of assembly torque (clockwise). The resolution is ±0.001N·m. This instrument shall also be able to apply disassembly torque (counter- clockwise) and record the peak results. If the needle has no thread, the relevant assembly and disassembly tests shall meet the relevant requirements. F.2.2 Timer It is capable of timing 10s with ±1s resolution. F.2.3 Dose accuracy instrument It is capable of collecting and weighing NIS liquids from tests. The resolution is 0.0001g. The instrument shall include a laboratory balance with a protective frame and weighing pan (for information on the accuracy of dose determination, see YY/T 1768.1). F.3 Steps F.3.1 Needle seat - Assembly NOTE: This is a prerequisite for the torque teardown test. F.3.1.1 Fill the applicable cartridge into the reusable NIS (if applicable). For injection devices with integral containers and non-replaceable containers, cartridges are not used because NIS itself contains liquid. F.3.1.2 Prime NIS with an additional needle as needed until a stream of fluid emerges from the needle tip. This is to ensure that the pusher assembly of the NIS is in contact with the piston, that is, the NIS is pre-drained. Remove the additional needle. F.3.1.3 Insert the NIS into the needle seat torque tester. F.3.1.4 Connect the test needle to the NIS. Apply a torque of (0.07±0.01) N·m. Record the peak assembly torque (twist on) measurement result. F.3.1.5 Start a 10s timer. Let the assembly hold for at least 10s. Carefully remove the pen assembly from the torque tester. F.3.2 Needle dose accuracy F.3.2.1 Perfuse the NIS (if not already perfused) according to the manufacturer's instructions for use. F.3.2.2 Select and set the first target dose of the NIS. This is Vlow or Vhigh set in random or alternating dose order. F.3.2.3 Zero the balance. F.3.2.4 Apply and maintain pressure on the NIS propulsion unit, so as to deliver the liquid dose to the measuring equipment. F.3.2.5 Deliver the dose according to the manufacturer's instructions for use. F.3.2.6 Stabilize the mass on the balance. Observe and record the first stable mass value within 5s after the holding time specified in the instructions for use. Make sure the balance is zeroed before each dose. When a new weighing pan is required, add a portion of the liquid. Put it on the balance and tare it. F.3.3 Needle seat removal torque F.3.3.1 Carefully replace the NIS in the torque test apparatus. Unscrew the needle thread holder from the NIS test gauge described in D.1. Record the peak disassembly torque (twist down). F.3.3.2 Repeat the above steps (from F.3.1.4) with the new needle for the second target dose of NIS. This is another dose (Vlow or Vhigh) set in a random or alternating dose order. F.3.3.3 Repeat the above steps (starting from F.3.1.4) with the same syringe and cartridge (needle syringe with replaceable container) or needle injection device with integral non-replaceable container. Complete another required parallel test. F.4 Acceptance criteria F.4.1 Needle seat - Assembly guidelines ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.