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YY/T 0506.8-2019: PDF in English (YYT 0506.8-2019)

YY/T 0506.8-2019 YY PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 11.040 C 46 Surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits for patients, clinical staff and equipment - Part 8: Special requirements for products ISSUED ON: JULY 24, 2019 IMPLEMENTED ON: AUGUST 01, 2020 Issued by: State Drug Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  Introduction ... 4  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and definitions ... 6  4 General requirements ... 7  4.1 Sterilization requirements ... 7  4.2 Biological requirements ... 7  5 Design requirements for surgical drapes ... 8  5.1 Equipment surgical drapes ... 8  5.2 Patient surgical drapes ... 8  6 Surgical gown ... 12  6.1 Division of key areas ... 12  6.2 Performance ... 13  6.3 Specifications ... 13  6.4 Air permeability ... 14  6.5 Folding ... 14  6.6 Tightness of strap connection... 14  6.7 Anti-washing life of reusable surgical gowns ... 14  7 Clean air suits ) ... 14  7.1 Type ... 14  7.2 Performance ... 15  8 Sampling ... 15  Appendix A (Informative) Example of surgical drape marking ... 16  Appendix B (Informative) Common types and recommended specifications of surgical gowns ... 18  Appendix C (Informative) Recommended folding method of surgical gown ... 19  Appendix D (Informative) Rules for cutting test samples on products ... 20  References ... 22  Surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits for patients, clinical staff and equipment - Part 8: Special requirements for products 1 Scope This part of YY/T 0506 specifies the special requirements for surgical drapes, surgical gowns and clean air suits for patients, medical staff and equipment. This part is applicable to surgical drapes, surgical gowns and clean air suits that require high levels of cleanliness and need to cover the entire body of the patient. Note: The surgical drapes specified in this part do not include disposable and reusable surgical drapes for minor operations with small wound openings and low level of surgical cleanliness. The clinical requirements of surgical drapes, surgical gowns and clean air suits used in operating rooms depend on the degree of openness of the surgical wound and the cleanliness level of the clean operating room. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable to this standard. GB/T 16886.1 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process GB/T 16886.7 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 7: Ethylene oxide sterilization residuals YY/T 0506.1-2005 Surgical drapes gowns and clean air suits for patients, clinical staff and equipment - Part 1: General requirements for manufacturers processors and products YY/T 0506.2-2016 Surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits for patients, clinical staff and equipment - Part 2: Performance requirements and test Operating hole One or more holes on the surgical drape which are used to perform surgery on the surgical location. 3.6 Liquid absorption layer The material used to absorb body fluid or irrigation fluid around the operating hole of surgical drape. 3.7 Liquid collection bag A bag that is wrapped around the opening of the surgical drape to collect exudate or irrigation fluid from the surgical location. 4 General requirements 4.1 Sterilization requirements 4.1.1 Sterility assurance If the product is provided aseptically, it shall meet the requirements of YY/T 0615.1. 4.1.2 Residual ethylene oxide If ethylene oxide is used for sterilization, when testing in accordance with the method specified in GB/T 16886.7 or an equivalent method, the residual amount of ethylene oxide in the product shall not be greater than 5 μg/g. Note: GB/T 16886.7 also specifies the control method for the release of residual ethylene oxide. 4.2 Biological requirements It shall follow the requirements of GB/T 16886.1 to carry out biological evaluation of the product. 5.2.4 Related components of operating hole Fixing and sealing device The operating hole of the surgical drape shall be provided with a device (such as double-sided tape, elastic material, etc.) that fixes and effectively seals around the surgical location to prevent the surgical drape from shifting during the operation or the surgical exudate from flowing to part of the patient which is expected to be covered by the surgical drape. Note: See also Appendix B of YY/T 0506.1-2005. Surgical film If the operating hole of the surgical drape is equipped with a surgical film, the surgical film shall be able to cover the periphery of the operating hole; its performance shall meet the requirements of Chapter 5 in YY 0852-2011. Liquid control components There shall be one or two of the following liquid control components around the operating hole of the surgical drape: a) A liquid-absorbing layer that can absorb surgical exudate in time (see 5.2.5); b) A liquid collection bag that can collect surgical exudate in time and is integrated with the surgical drape (see 5.2.6). Note: The liquid collection bag is suitable for operations with a large amount of surgical exudate or more irrigation fluid, such as bone and joint replacement surgery, caesarean part surgery, etc. 5.2.5 Liquid control components-liquid absorption layer (if any) Liquid absorption layer The area where the liquid absorbing layer is located shall meet the requirements of the key area. A large liquid-absorbing layer should be provided in the direction of high sagging around the operating hole of the surgical drape under the working conditions of normal-use. Liquid retention requirements of the absorbing layer According to B.1 of YY/T 0506.2-2016, when testing the liquid absorbing layer, the liquid retention rate should not be less than 15%. minutes without breaking. The structure of these fixing devices shall not reduce the performance requirements of the area (see 5.2.2). Fixing devices intended for fixing equipment contaminated by blood or body fluids shall be located in key areas. 5.2.8 Folding requirements The surgical drape shall have signs that indicate the correct direction of opening and covering. The manufacturer shall confirm the folding form of the surgical drape, to ensure that it achieves the working conditions of normal-use in a manner that minimizes pollution and facilitates aseptic operation (see 3.1). 5.2.9 Air permeability If the manufacturer claims that the product has air permeability, perform the test in accordance with the method specified in B.2 of YY/T 0506.2-2016; the air permeability of the non-key area shall not be less than 150 mm/s. Note: The air-permeable surgical drape is suitable for operations with a long operation time and high comfort requirements. 6 Surgical gown 6.1 Division of key areas The front chest and sleeves of the surgical gown shall have at least key areas (Areas A and B as shown in Figure 2). The distance between the upper edge of the key area of the front chest of the surgical gown and the neckline shall not be more than 10 cm. The length of the key area shall be no less than 70 cm. The width of the key area shall not be less than 45 cm. The key area of the sleeve of the surgical gown is at least the arm-wrapping area from the doctor’s wrist joint (excluding the cuff) to the elbow joint. Note: Some special operations, such as orthopedic surgery, may require full sleeves to be key areas. the size and specifications of the surgical gown for users to choose. Note: See Appendix B for examples of specifications of commonly used surgical gowns. 6.4 Air permeability If the manufacturer claims that the product has high air permeability, perform the test in accordance with the method specified in B.2 of YY/T 0506.2-2016; the air permeability of its non-key areas shall not be less than 150 mm/s. Note: High-permeability surgical gowns are suitable for operations where the operation time is long and medical staff have high requirements for the comfort of surgical gowns. 6.5 Folding The manufacturer shall confirm the folding form of the surgical gown, to ensure that it is worn on the surgeon's body in a manner that minimizes pollution and facilitates aseptic operation. Note: Refer to Appendix C for the recommended folding method of surgical gown. 6.6 Tightness of strap connection The neck and waist straps of the surgical gown shall be able to withstand an axial static tension of 10 N for 1 min without breaking or falling off. 6.7 Anti-washing life of reusable surgical gowns The manufacturer shall recommend to the user the applicable washing and disinfection procedures and the maximum number of washings that still meet the performance requirements of 6.2. 7 Clean air suits1) 7.1 Type Figure 3 shows a typical clean suit type. 1 The term "clean air suits" is a new term created with the introduction of air purification systems to the operating room. This series of standards expects to replace the traditional terms "handwashing clothes" or "hand brushing clothes" with this term. Clean air suits that meet the performance requirements of YY/T 0506.2-2016 can effectively improve the purification effect of clean operating rooms. Appendix D (Informative) Rules for cutting test samples on products D.1 Consideration of test products The test samples shall be cut from representative products. D.2 Consideration of the joint Sampling shall include joints (if any); the cut specimen shall make the joints as much as possible to withstand the greatest challenge. D.3 Consideration of key areas and non-key areas D.3.1 When the key area and non-key area of the sample cannot be clearly distinguished, the key area and non-key area shall be divided first according to the provisions of 5.2.1 or 6.1; then the key area test sample shall be cut from the key area, the non-key area test sample shall be cut from the non-key area. D.3.2 The test samples in key areas shall be taken from: - Do not exceed the key area; - Any joints (if any) including the key area, unless otherwise specified. D.3.3 Test samples in non-key areas shall be taken from: - Any joints (if any) including the non-key areas, unless otherwise specified; - Joints including the key areas and non-key areas, unless otherwise specified. D.4 Considerations of direction D.4.1 The breaking strength shall be sampled from both longitudinal and transverse directions. D.4.2 The test sample including the joint which is used for breaking strength test shall be cut from the joint perpendicular to the length direction of the specimen. D.5 Consideration of orientation D.5.1 The test sample of the equipment surgical drape does not consider the ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.