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YY 0763-2009: PDF in English

YY 0763-2009 ICS11.040 C 40 PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA YY 0763–2009 Medical endoscopes Fibre optical cables for lighting ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 30, 2009 IMPLEMENTED ON. JUNE 01, 2011 Issued by. State Food and Drug Administration of the People’s Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 4 2 Normative references ... 4 3 Terms and definitions ... 4 4 Requirements ... 5 5 Test method ... 7 References and Original Chinese Documents ... 17 Foreword This standard was proposed by and under jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of Optics & Optical Instruments of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC103/SC1). The drafting organization of this standard is State Food and Drug Administration Hangzhou Centre for Medical Devices Quality Supervision and Testing. Chief drafting staffs of this standard include Yan Qinglai, Jia Xiaohang, Ma Jun and Zhang Qinyuan. Medical endoscopes — Fibre optical cables for lighting 1 Scope This standard specifies the scope, terms and definitions, requirements, and test methods of fibre optical cables for lighting of the medical endoscopes. This standard applies to fibre optical cables, which may be used as independent products, used for normal lighting of examination and operation together with medical endoscopes. NOTE Normal fibre optical cables refer to those not for special purpose of application. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding any correction) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties who mutually agree to this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the respective normative document is applicable to this standard. GB 9706.1 – 2007 Medical electrical equipment — Part 1. General requirements for safety (idt IEC 60601-1. 1988 + A1. 1991 + A2. 1995) 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 light input surface the effective light transmission surface of the joint between fibre optical cable and cool light-illuminator. 3.2 exceed 10% of the whole spherical area inside the sphere. Cosine radiation panel A transmission-type cosine radiation panel shall be used. The luminance unevenness at each point and in any direction shall not be greater than 5%. Those opening holes, their area bigger than the integrating sphere, shall be placed at the light output opening of the integrating sphere; closely against the light input surface; and perpendicular to the mechanically positioning axis of the light input surface of the fibre optical cable. Output and testing device The luminance meter and the other linear light detectors shall be designed with accuracy within 1%. The detector dimensions shall satisfy that the included angle to the centerline of the light output surface of the fibre optical cable is not greater than 6 degrees. A device is so set up as to fix the end of the light output surface of the fibre optical cable, able to clip the probe of the luminance meter, and able to let the probe of the luminance meter continuously moving on the spherical surface (as the spherical surface P), with the center of the light output surface of the fibre cable as the center of the sphere (as Point O); and with a fixed value, R, as the radius. During movement, the probe surface is always kept tangent with this spherical surface. 5.2.2 Ambient conditions Under the testing environment, the dark luminance shall be controlled not greater than 1 lx. 5.2.3 Steps Fix the end of the light input surface of the fibre optical cable. Let the cosine radiation panel be placed against the light input surface of the fibre optical cable. Adjust the illuminator to appropriate light intensity. Continuously move the probe of the Aperture It shall be a round and black aperture, with diameter less than that of the light input surface of the tested fibre optical cable. 5.3.2 Steps Select and set the spectrophotometer wavelength step to be 5 nm. As shown in Figure 2, place the aperture at the light output opening to make measurement of reference line. As shown in Figure 3, keep the position of the aperture as shown in Figure 2. Adjust the position of the light input surface of the measured fibre optical cable. Let the aperture positioned at the center of the light input surface of the measured fibre optical cable. Measure the spectral transmission rate, t (λ) (where λ is arithmetic sequence of ranging from 380 to 780, in nm, with tolerance of 5). 5.3.3 Calculation Ranging from 420 nm to 720 nm, the absolute difference of the inconsistency of the spectral transmission rate, Δt, is determined according to Equation (2). minmax )()(t λλ tt −=∆ ... (2) Where λ is arithmetic sequence of ranging from 420 to 720, in nm, with tolerance of 5. 5.4 Calculation of light transmission rate Ranging from 380 nm to 780 nm, the light transmission rate, T, corresponding to D65 Standard Illuminant is determined according to Equation (3). )()()( )()()()( λλλ λλλλ ∆⋅⋅ ∆⋅⋅⋅ VD VtD T ... (3) Where λ is arithmetic sequence of ranging from 380 to 780, in nm, with tolerance of 5. D65 (λ) is the relatively spectral radiance of D65 Standard Illuminant. The specific value may be referred to ISO 10526. 1999 CIE S 005 “CIE Standard Illuminants for Colorimetry”; t (λ) is the spectral transmission rate of the measured fibre optical cable, measured and obtained according to sub-clause 5.3.2; V (λ) is the spectral luminous efficiency function of human eyes. Flat steel base plate It shall allow that the fibre optical cable to be measured may be placed naturally, horizontal and straightly. Moveable steel flat plate The plate dimensions shall ensure that forces are evenly applied onto a fibre cable of 100 mm long segment. Both edges in contact with the fibre optical cable being measured shall be chamfered by a radius about 5 mm. The angle of chamfer is not part of the 100 mm segment of the flat plate. Load The gross weight of the moveable flat plate and the load shall be 50 N. The load is placed at the center of the moveable flat plate. 5.6.2 Steps First, the fibre optical cable is placed naturally, horizontally and straightly. Then, the moveable steel flat plate and load are gently and slowly placed onto the central segment of the fibre optical cable, preventing it from being transversely moved. Let the fibre optical cable to be pressed between the flat steel base plate and the moveable flat plate. Under this condition for 1 minute, measure the luminous flux output in accordance with those specified in sub-clause 5.5.1. Compare it to the measured value from sub-clause 5.5.2. 5.7 Tensile test Gradually apply pulling force up to 20N at direction of fibre axis. Held for 5 min and then release the force. Let the fibre optical cable restore to the natural, horizontal and straight condition. Measure the luminous flux output in accordance with those specified in sub-clause 5.5.1. Compare it to the measured value from sub-clause 5.5.2. 5.8 Minimum bendable radius test 5.8.1 Device It is a cylindrical spindle with smooth surface, with a diameter equal to the minimal bendable radius, given by the manufacturer, of the fibre optical cable. 5.8.2 Steps The central segment of the fibre optical cable is tightly wrapped on the spindle by one turn, hold for 1 min. If it is necessary to apply a force, observe whether the fibre optical cable’s natural minimal bending radius is greater than the given minimal bendable radius after the external force is released. Let the fibre optical cable restore to natural, horizontal and straight condition. Measure the luminous flux output in accordance with those specified in sub-clause 5.5.1. Compare it to the measured value from sub-clause 5.5.2. References and Original Chinese Documents [1] YY 0763-2009 Medical endoscopes Fibre optical cables for lighting. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.