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TSG R7004-2013: PDF in English

TSG R7004-2013 TSG Special Equipment Safety Technical Regulation Regulation on Supervision Inspection for Pressure Vessel Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China December 31, 2013 Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  Chapter 1 General Provisions ... 9  Chapter 2 General Requirements for Supervision-inspection of Pressure-vessels 13  Chapter 3 Basic Requirements for Manufacture Supervision-inspection of Pressure-vessels ... 17  Chapter 4 Basic Requirements for Supervision-inspection on Installation, Alteration and Significant Repair of Pressure-vessel ... 28  Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions ... 29  Appendix A Special Requirements for Manufacture Supervision-inspection on Nonmetal and Nonmetal-lined Pressure-vessels ... 31  Appendix B Special Requirements for Supervision-inspection of Medical Oxygen Chamber ... 40  Appendix C Special Requirements on Supervision-inspection for Underground Gas Storage Well ... 45  Appendix D Special Requirements on Supervision-inspection for Imported Pressure-vessel ... 48  Appendix E Supervision-inspection Method for Batch-manufactured Products ... 52  Appendix F Evaluation on Implementation for Quality Assurance System of Pressure-vessel Manufacturer ... 55  Appendix G Supervision Inspection Certificate of Special Equipment (Sample-Pattern) ... 57  Appendix H Contact List for Supervision-inspection of Special Equipment ... 62  Appendix J Notice of Opinions on Supervision-inspection of Special Equipment .. 63  Historical Development (Revision) of Relevant Regulations and Specifications ... 64  Foreword In October, 2009, the Bureau of Special Equipment Supervision (hereinafter abbreviated as Bureau of Special Equipment) of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter abbreviated as AQSIQ) proposed the intention of drafting "Regulation on Supervision inspection for Pressure Vessel". In November, 2009, the Bureau of Special Equipment formally assigned it to China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute (hereinafter abbreviated as CSEI) to draft this Regulation. In January, 2010, CSEI organized relevant experts in accordance with the requirements of the Assignment to form a drafting team and convened the first working conference in Beijing. In May, 2010, the drafting team convened the second working conference in Nanjing, Jiangsu to discuss and modify the draft. In August, 2010, the “Request for opinion” version of this Regulation was formed; and the Bureau of Special Equipment solicited opinions of relevant organizations and experts by virtue of Inspection Special Letter [2010] Document number. 41. In June, 2011, the drafting team convened a meeting again in Beijing to modify the draft, and formed the draft for examination. In December, 2012, the Bureau of Special Equipment submitted the draft for examination to the Special Equipment Safety Technology Committee under the AQSIQ for discussion; the drafting team formed the “draft for approval” version through alteration according to opinions of experts; on December 31, 2013, AQSIQ approved to issue the regulation. Manufacturing supervision inspection system for pressure vessels has almost 30-year-long history; during which each inspection agency has accumulated abundant experience over supervision inspection. In recent years, the ability and technical level of pressure vessel manufacturers in China have improved significantly, while the quality awareness and management level of those organizations differ a lot. High-parameter, large-scale, complicated pressure vessels and those applying new materials and new structures have been the development tendency in this industry, and in particular, revisions to "Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel" (TSG R0004) and "Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Transportable Pressure Vessel" (TSG R0005) have raised higher requirements over the supervision inspection for pressure vessels. To adapt the trends of new circumstance, relevant contents on supervision inspection for pressure vessels in "Supervisory Inspection Rule for Safety Performance of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Products" (GUOZHIJIANGUO [2003], No. 194) needs revision. In the process of revising this Regulation, according to basic national requirements for safety performance of pressure vessels, the concept that the manufacturing, installation, alteration and repairing organizations are the main body of quality responsibility was embodied, previous experience was sufficiently absorbed and international general practices were referenced, and basic principles are as follows. 1. Principle of legal inspection. Supervision inspection for pressure vessels is a legal inspection. It embodies that China performs mandatory safety supervision for pressure vessels, and this complies with international practice. Through the mode of supervision inspection, the nation guarantees the implementation of relevant safety technical regulations for pressure vessels; the arrangement of all supervision inspection items (points), inspection contents and requirements are proposed based on relevant safety technical regulations. 2. The principle that manufacturers are the main body of quality responsibility. Product quality depends on the process of manufacturing, installation, alteration and repairing. The manufacturing, installation, alteration and repairing organizations of pressure vessels must strictly implement quality control and be responsible for product quality. Supervision inspection is the process supervision carried out on the basis of acceptable quality inspection, check and test through the manufacturing, installation, alteration and repairing organizations of pressure vessels, and is the conformance verification over manufacturers that their behaviors and products meet the basic safety requirements. However, supervision inspection can never take the place of self-inspection of those manufacturing, installation, alteration and repairing organizations. 3. The principle that supervision inspection items are based on the product quality plan (or inspection plan, the same below). The quality plan is a document of the manufacturer. It stipulates special quality measures, resources and activity sequence in allusion to specific product, service, contract or project. The basis of preparing the quality plan includes product drawing, relevant regulations, standards and contracts. Quality plan for pressure vessels may sufficiently embodies the manufacturing process and inspection requirements. It may differ with various structures, technological complexity and manufacturing difficulty; it may also reasonably set the controlling links and control points (including break points, witness points and check points) according to the requirements of quality assurance system to meet different construction requirements for pressure vessels and to effectively control the safety performance of pressure vessels; it is an indispensable technical document for the manufacturing process of pressure vessels. Safety technical regulations such as "Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel" (TSG R0004), clearly require that manufacturers shall provide the quality plan or inspection plan to users when delivering pressure vessels. Determination of supervision inspection items on the basis of product quality plan may tightly combine the supervision inspection work of pressure vessels with the manufacturing process, improve the pertinence and allow the supervision inspection to play an role in improving the safety performance of pressure vessels. This complies with international practice. During this revision, the thought of determining supervision inspection items according to the product quality plan was proposed; it emphasized that supervision inspection personnel shall base on safety technical regulations and Regulation on Supervision inspection for Pressure Vessel Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 This Regulation is formulated according to "Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Regulations on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment" to standardize the supervision inspection [Translator note. hereafter supervision-inspection] for pressure vessels. Article 2 This Regulation stipulates the following safety technical regulations. It requires carrying out the supervision-inspection work (hereinafter abbreviated as supervision-inspection) for the pressure vessel manufacturing, installation, alteration and significant repairing. (I) "Supervision Regulations on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure V... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.