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TB/T 3074-2017 PDF English

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TB/T 3074-2017English145 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Technical Specification for Protection against Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse on Railway Signaling Equipment Valid
TB/T 3074-2003English719 Add to Cart 3 days Technical specification for protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse on railway signaling equipments Obsolete
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TB/T 3074-2017: PDF in English (TBT 3074-2017)

TB/T 3074-2017 TB RAILWAY INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 45.020 S 60 Replacing TB/T 3074-2003 Technical specification for protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse on railway signaling equipment ISSUED ON. JUNE 05, 2017 IMPLEMENTED ON. JANUARY 01, 2018 Issued by. State Railway Administration Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 5  2 Normative references ... 5  3 Terms and abbreviations ... 5  4 Basic requirements for the lightning electromagnetic pulse protection of signaling machine room ... 11  5 Synthetical lightning protection of signal room ... 15  6 Other related requirements... 28  Appendix A (Normative) Determination of Lightning rod protection scope ... 30  References ... 37  Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard replaces TB/T 3074-2003 “Technical specification for protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse on railway signaling equipment”. In addition to editorial changes, as compared with TB/T 3074-2003, the main technical changes of this standard are as follows. - MODIFY various factors of the lightning hazard risk to railway signaling equipment (SEE 5.1; chapter 4 of the 2003 version); - MODIFY the “Principles of lightning electromagnetic pulse protection for signaling equipment system” into “Basic requirements of lightning electromagnetic pulse protection for signaling equipment system” (SEE chapter 4; chapter 5 of 2003 version); - MODIFY the division of lightning protection zone (SEE chapter 4; chapter 6 of 2003 version); - DELETE the improvement of the lightning electromagnetic pulse of signaling equipment (SEE chapter 6 of 2003 version); - ADD the external protection and internal protection of the signaling equipment room (SEE 4.3, 4.5); - ADD specific requirements and implementation methods for external and internal protection of signaling equipment rooms (SEE 5.4.1); - ADD the direct-attached continuous screening requirements for electronic equipment rooms (SEE; - MODIFY the requirements for the installation of coordinated SPD system (SEE 5.4.3; chapter 8 of 2003 version); - DELETE the “Test of protection level of lightning electromagnetic pulse of signaling equipment” (SEE chapter 9 of 2003 version); - MODIFY grounding requirements and technical parameters (SEE,; chapter 10 of 2003 version); - MODIFY “Division of lightning protection zones and making of conformance earth potential connections” (SEE 4.4, Figure 2; Appendix A of 2003 version); - ADD “Determination of the scope of lightning protection” (SEE Appendix A); Technical specification for protection against lightning electromagnetic impulse on railway signaling equipment 1 Scope This standard specifies the basic principles and protective technical requirements for the railway signaling equipment for over-voltage and over- current protection induced by lightning electromagnetic pulse. This standard applies to the design, construction, manufacture and maintenance of the integrated lightning protection system for the newly built railway and for the reconstruction and expansion of existing railway signaling equipment. The integrated lightning protection measures for the other electronic equipment system can refer to this standard. This standard does not consider the protection of the signaling equipment under direct lightning. 2 Normative references The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) are applicable to this standard. TB/T 2311 Surge protective devices for railway signal system 3 Terms and abbreviations 3.1 Terms The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1.1 Lightning electromagnetic impulse 3.1.13 Cable entrance earthing bar A dedicated earthing bar connecting the cable steel jacket entering into the machine room to the general earthing bar or ring grounding electrode at the entrance. 3.1.14 Lightning equipotential bonding To reduce the potential difference created by lightning current, a lightning protection measure that connects the isolated conductive components directly to the lightning protection system either directly or through a surge protector. 3.1.15 Lightning protection device Equipment used to limit lightning transient overvoltage AND to shunt lightning surge currents. 3.1.16 SPD surge protective device A lightning protection device to limit transient overvoltage AND to discharge surge current, which contains at least one non-linear element. Note 1. Surge protective device is also known as power protection cable, lightning protection device, lightning protector, lightning arrester and so on. Note 2. The surge protective device is divided into single port SPD and dual port SPD. 3.1.17 Maximum continuous operating voltage UC The maximum AC voltage r.m.s. or dc voltage value that can be permanently applied on the SPD of various protection modes. 3.1.18 3.1.23 Railway integrated earthing technology A grounding system which connects the traction power supply, power supply, signal and communication systems, buildings, road beds, platforms, bridges, tunnels, sound barriers, etc., along the railway which require grounding through the common earthing system. 3.1.24 Through-railway grounding wire Grounding electrode laid along the railway to connect all kinds of equipment and facilities, AND used as the auxiliary passage for the traction backflow. 3.2 Abbreviations The following abbreviations apply to this standard. CEEB. Cable Entrance Earthing Bar EMC. Electro Magnetic Compatibility ERP. Earthing Reference Point LEMP. Lightning Electromagnetic impulse LP. Lightning Protection LPS. Lightning Protection System LPZ. Lightning Protection Zone PE. Protective Earthing SPD. Surge Protection Device SPM. Surge Protection Measure a) External areas (the area outside the building in which the machine room is directly exposed to the threat of thunder and lightning). LPZ0. In this zone, the threat comes from an un-attenuated lightning electromagnetic field. The system inside the machine room may suffer the risk of all or part of the lightning surge current. LPZ0 is further divided into the following two categories. LPZ0A. Direct lightning non-protection zone, it is the space that can withstand the direct lightning and the entire lightning electromagnetic field, the internal system may suffer all the lightning surge current hazards. LPZ0B. Direct lightning protection zone, it is a space that protects the direct lightning BUT still can suffer all the lightning electromagnetic field. Internal systems may suffer the hazards of some lightning surge currents. b) Internal area (the area inside the building in which the machine room is not directly exposed to the threat of thunder and lightning), there may be multi-layer zoning. LPZ1. The lightning surge current in this zone is limited by the on-boundary shunt and SPD. Space shielding can attenuate lightning electromagnetic field. LPZ2 ... n. The lightning surge in the circuit is further shunted at the boundary and limited by the SPD on the boundary, the lightning electromagnetic field is further attenuated by the boundary space shielding. 4.5 The signal room shall be integrated into the machine room building synthetical protection system. As for the signaling equipment in the interval and station which is exposed to the lightning environment, it shall take the following lightning protection measures. a) The signaling equipment shall be placed in the chamber and box with the shield grounded; b) The cable shielding leading into the machine room shall be grounded; c) Cable and equipment interface are reasonably equipped with SPD or other lightning protection equipment; d) The conventional arresting device is provided at the location where the signaling equipment is concentrated, to include the signaling equipment into the direct lightning protection scope. 5 Synthetical lightning protection of signal room 5.1 Lightning risk factors of signaling equipment The lightning risk of railway signaling equipment is related to the following factors. a) The meteorological conditions such as lightning parameters along the railway line and the location of the station and machine room; b) Topography and geology of the area where the protected building is located; c) Characteristics and surroundings of signal room buildings or groups of buildings, structures (brick, reinforced concrete, steel frame, metal facade, etc.), building dimensions (length, width, height and location distribution), types of roofing materials, height of the adjacent building; d) Distribution of electronic information system equipment on all floors in the building; e) The type, function and performance parameters (such as working frequency, power, working level, transmission rate, characteristic impedance, transmission medium and interface type) of the protected equipment in the signal room, the structure of the communication network, the electrical connection and signal transmission method between different equipment, lightning withstanding capacity Uw at each port, etc.; f) Power supply and distribution, AND the grounding type of power distribution system. The above factors shall be considered before taking the synthetical lightning protection measures for railway signaling equipment. 5.2 Signal room location selection 5.2.1 When the signal room is set up separately, the signal r... ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.