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SN/T 0736.1-2012 (SN/T 0736.10-2013 Newer Version) PDF English

Search result: SN/T 0736.1-2012 (SN/T 0736.10-2013 Newer Version)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inName of Chinese StandardStatus
SN/T 0736.10-2013English189 Add to Cart 3 days Test method of import and export fertilizers. Part 10: Determination of free acid Valid
SN/T 0736.15-2013English239 Add to Cart 3 days Test method of import and export fertilizers. Part 15: Simultaneous determination of arsenic and mercury content by microwave-assisted digestion-atomic fluorescence spectrometry Valid
SN/T 0736.1-2012English180 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Inspection for import and export fertilizers - Part 1: Sampling and sample preparation Valid
SN/T 0736.13-2011English189 Add to Cart 3 days Test method of import and export fertilizers. Part 13: Determination of copper, zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium, cobalt and nickel. Atomic absorption spectrometer method Valid
SN/T 0736.14-2011English209 Add to Cart 3 days Test method of import and export fertilizers. Part 14: Determination of trace inorganic anions by ion chromatography method Valid
SN/T 0736.12-2009English209 Add to Cart 3 days Chemical analysis of fertilizers for import and export-Determination of arsenic, chromium, cadimium, mercury and lead-Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) Valid
SN/T 0736.11-2002English319 Add to Cart 3 days Chemical analysis of fertilizers for import and export. Determination of nitrogen content by auto analyzer Obsolete
SN/T 0736.10-1999English239 Add to Cart 2 days Chemical analysis of fertilizers for import and export. Determination of free acid content Obsolete
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SN/T 0736.1-2012: PDF in English (SNT 0736.1-2012)

SN/T 0736.1-2012 SN ENTRY-EXIT INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA SN/T 0736.1-2012 Replacing SN/T 0736.1-1997 Inspection for import and export fertilizers - Part 1: Sampling and sample preparation ISSUED ON: MAY 07, 2012 IMPLEMENTED ON: NOVEMBER 16, 2012 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 5 4 Sampling ... 7 5 Sample preparation ... 10 Inspection for import and export fertilizers - Part 1: Sampling and sample preparation 1 Scope This Part of SN/T 0736 specifies the sampling and sample preparation methods for samples used for inspection of import and export fertilizers. This Part applies to the sampling and sample preparation of bagged or bulk goods of import and export fertilizers. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 1992 Freight container vocabulary GB/T 4549.1 Railway vehicle vocabulary - Part 1: Basic vocabulary 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 consignment and amount of consignment Products with the same mark and the same specification delivered at one time are considered a consignment; the quantity constituting a consignment of fertilizers is the amount of consignment; bulk fertilizers are measured in tons (t), and bagged fertilizers are measured in pieces. 3.2 basic amount of consignment The basic quantity to sample from a consignment of bulk or bagged fertilizers is the basic amount of consignment. 3.3 increment Each sample of a specified weight taken from a bag in a consignment of fertilizers or from a specified part of bulk fertilizers. 3.4 sub-sample A sample consisting of several increments from a consignment of fertilizers. 3.5 gross sample A sample consisting of all increments or all sub-samples of a consignment of fertilizers. 3.6 sample for assaying A sample taken by reduction from a gross sample or a sub-sample for composition analysis. 3.7 moisture sample A sample taken by reduction from a gross sample or a sub-sample for determination of moisture content. 3.8 particle size sample A sample taken by reduction from a gross sample or a sub-sample for particle size screening. 3.9 universal sample A sample taken by reduction and can be used for determination of more than two items, such as a moisture sample and a sample for assaying. 3.10 freight container An equipment for transporting goods, which shall meet the following conditions: a) It has sufficient strength and stiffness and can be used repeatedly for a long time; b) It is suitable for carriage by one or more modes of transportation, and the goods in the container do not need to be repacked during transshipment; c) It has devices to facilitate rapid loading, unloading and handling, especially transferring from one mode of transportation to another; d) It facilitates filling and emptying of goods; e) It has a volume of 1 m3 and above; f) It is a freight tool designed to ensure safety and has the ability to prevent unauthorized persons from easily entering. See GB/T 1992 for details. 3.11 wagon; freight car A vehicle intended for the transport of goods and used for this purpose or in principle grouped in goods trains. According to usage, it can be divided into general-purpose wagons and special-purpose wagons. See GB/T 4549.1 for details. 4 Sampling 4.1 Sampling tools 4.1.1 Stainless steel sample skewer: Generally, it can be made of a stainless steel tube with a length of about 550 mm and an outer diameter of about 10 mm. A wooden handle is installed at one end. At a distance of 50 mm from the end of the wooden handle, a 10 mm wide groove is opened along the length of the tube to the stainless steel end. Grind this end to a tip with an angle of about 30° (see Figure 1). Figure 1 -- Stainless steel sample skewer (Translator’s note: Please ignore the watermark in GREEN) 4.1.2 Stainless steel sample shovel: Generally, it can be made of a stainless steel plate with a length of 120 mm and a width of 50 mm, and a handle of 100 mm can be installed (see Figure 2). The number of increments need to be taken from each freight container (wagon) is calculated according to formula (4): where: Ni - the number of increments that need to be taken from each freight container (wagon). If there are decimals in the number of increments need to be taken from each freight container (wagon), round them up to an integer; A - the number of increments need to be taken from this consignment of goods; B - the total number of freight containers (or wagons) of this consignment of goods. If the number of freight containers (or wagons) of a consignment of goods exceeds the number of increments that need to be taken, take at least one increment from each freight container (or wagon). If the loading capacity of the freight containers (wagons) is different, the distribution of the number of increments is proportional to the loading capacity. Sampling operation: Insert the back of the stainless steel sample skewer (4.1.1) into the bag at an upward angle, rotate it 180° to fill the skewer slot with the goods, then pull it out and quickly pour it into the plastic sample bag. 4.4.2 Bulk fertilizers If the goods are in the cabin, the number of increments that need to be taken shall be calculated according to the arrived amount of consignment. During the unloading process, the samples are taken with a stainless steel sample shovel (4.1.2) from points distributed on three layers, or the increments are taken at time intervals on the conveyor belt. If the goods are in a freight container or wagon, the number of increments need to be taken per freight container (or number of wagons) shall be the same as, and the sampling method shall be the same as 5 Sample preparation 5.1 After all the increments have been taken, mix the obtained increments thoroughly and divide them into parts using the cone quartering method or the bisection method. Take out about 2 000 g and divide it into three parts: one part is the particle size sample, which is about 1000 g; one part is the sample for assaying, which is about 500 g; one part is the moisture sample, which is about 500 g. Put them into well-sealed containers, seal and label them for inspection. ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.