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QC/T 647-2013 PDF English

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QC/T 647-2013English145 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. Motor vehicles. Steering universal joint. Performance requirements and test methods Valid
QC/T 647-2000English199 Add to Cart 2 days Automobile steering universal joint assembly performance requirements and test methods Obsolete
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QC/T 647-2013: PDF in English (QCT 647-2013)

QC/T 647-2013 AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 43.040.50 T 23 Replacing QC/T 647-2000 Motor vehicles - Steering universal joint - Performance requirements and test methods ISSUED ON: APRIL 25, 2013 IMPLEMENTED ON: SEPTEMBER 01, 2013 Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 8 2 Normative references ... 8 3 Terms and definitions ... 8 4 Test samples ... 9 5 Performance requirements ... 9 6 Test conditions ... 10 7 Test methods ... 10 Announcement Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China No.23 2013 The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has approved 948 industry standards (see Attachment 1 for standard No., standard name, main content and implementation date) such as "Electromagnetic pulse valve for bag filters", etc. and 6 non-ferrous metal industry standard specimens (see Attachment 2 and Attachment 3 for standard specimens catalogue and composition content table), including: 377 industry standards of machinery industry, 8 industry standards of pharmaceutical equipment industry, 98 industry standards of ship industry, 71 industry standards of auto industry, 34 industry standards of aviation industry, 3 industry standards of chemical industry, 49 industry standards of metallurgical industry, 45 industry standards of non-ferrous metal industry, 64 industry standards of building materials industry, 5 industry standards of rare earth industry, 6 industry standards of gold industry, 5 industry standards of packaging industry, 4 industry standards of electronic industry and 179 industry standards of communication industry, which are issued now. The above-mentioned industry standards of machinery industry are published by China Machine Press; industry standards of pharmaceutical equipment, automotive and packaging industries are published by China Planning Press; industry standards of ship industry are organized-published by China Institute of Marine Technology & Economy; industry standards of aviation industry are organized to be published by AVIC China Aero-polytechnology Research Institute; industry standards of chemical industry are published by Chemical Industry Press; industry standards of metallurgical industry are published by Metallurgical Industry Press; industry standards of non-ferrous metal, rare earth and gold industries are published by China Standards Press; industry standards of building materials industry are published by China Building Materials Press; industry standards of electronic industry are organized to be published by China Electronic Standardization Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; and industry standards of communication industry are published by Post & Telecom Press. Attachment: standard No., standard name and implementation date of 71 industry standards of automotive industry. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of P. R. China April 25, 2013 requirements and test methods 494 QC/T 647-2013 Motor vehicles - Steering universal joint - Performance requirements and test methods QC/T 647-2000 2013-09-01 495 QC/T 905-2013 Protecting facility for automotive 2013-09-01 496 QC/T 47-2013 Automobile seat terminology QC/T 47-1992 2013-09-01 497 QC/T 906-2013 Technical Requirements And Test Methods of Hemp Fiber Board For Automobile Interior Trim 2013-09-01 498 QC/T 907-2013 Methods of testing performance of radiators for automobile 2013-09-01 499 QC/T 29061-2013 Engineering specification for auto engine wax thermostat QC/T 29061- 1992 2013-09-01 500 QC/T 908-2013 Horse vehicle 2013-09-01 501 QC/T 909-2013 Mobile mixing semi-trailer for bitumen-cement-mortar 2013-09-01 502 QC/T 910-2013 Glass transport semi-trailer 2013-09-01 503 QC/T 911-2013 Power supply vehicle 2013-09-01 504 QC/T 912-2013 Technical requirements for matching of towing vehicle and semi-trailer 2013-09-01 505 QC/T 913-2013 General technical specifications for platform trailer with hydraulic suspension 2013-09-01 506 QC/T 914-2013 Engineering approval evaluation program of dimethyl ether vehicle 2013-09-01 507 QC/T 915-2013 DME steel cylinder multivalve for vehicle 2013-09-01 508 QC/T 916-2013 Specifications for mono-fuel DME engines of heavy-duty vehicles 2013-09-01 509 QC/T 917-2013 Manual valve for gas vehicle 2013-09-01 510 QC/T 918-2013 Test methods of petrol filter for automobiles 2013-09-01 511 QC/T 48-2013 Specifications of petrol filter assembly for automotive engines with electronically controlled petrol injection system QC/T 48-1992 2013-09-01 512 QC/T 919-2013 Test methods of luboil for automobiles 2013-09-01 513 QC/T 920-2013 Specifications of full-flow luboil filter assembly for automobiles 2013-09-01 514 QC/T 921-2013 Specification and test methods of by-pass centrifugal luboil filters for automobiles 2013-09-01 515 QC/T 922-2013 Specifications of paper element for automobile air filters 2013-09-01 516 QC/T 923-2013 Specifications of fuel prefilter assembly for automotive diesels 2013-09-01 517 QC/T 287-2013 Dimensions of fuel filter paper element for vehicles QC/T 287-1999 2013-09-01 518 QC/T 625-2013 Metallic coatings and conversion coatings for automobile QC/T 625-1999 2013-09-01 519 QC/T 721-2013 Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings for automobile QC/T 721-2004 2013-09-01 520 QC/T 927-2013 Flange coupling connectors 2013-09-01 521 QC/T 518-2013 Tightening torque for automotive threaded fasteners QC/T 518-2007 2013-09-01 522 QC/T 401-2013 24° cone connectors - Male elbow - Body QC/T 401-1999 2013-09-01 523 QC/T 369-2013 Pipe clips - Fasten multipipe QC/T 369-1999 2013-09-01 524 QC/T 370-2013 Pipe clips - Fasten one pipe QC/T 370-1999 2013-09-01 Foreword This Standard is a revised version of QC/T 647-2000 “Motor vehicles - Steering universal joint - Performance requirements and test methods”. The main revisions of this Standard to QC/T 647-2000 are as follows: - ADD the static torsional strength and endurance test; - REVISE some performance requirements. This Standard replaces QC/T 647-2000 from the date of implementation. This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (SAC/TC 114). Responsible drafting organization of this Standard: FAW Haima Automobile Co., Ltd. Participating drafting organizations of this Standard: China Automotive Engineering Research Institute, Sichuan Mianyang Sanli Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Wanda Auto Steering Co., Ltd., Nanjing Chili Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Golden Transmission Shaft Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Shibao Auto Steering Co., Ltd., Nanjing Chuangqi Auto Parts Co., Ltd., Tsinghua University, Jingzhou Henglong Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Nanjing Donghua Auto Steering Co., Ltd. Main drafters of this Standard: Cai Feng, Qin Quanquan, Zhou Daohui, Liu Shengyang, Xu Chengmo, Xing Liwei. Participating drafters of this Standard: Xia Xiaojun, Yang Hongbin, Chen Wei, Cai Gongqing, Wang Jianming, Zhou Long, Zhu Yongjian, Ji Xuewu, Chen Shaoyu, Chen Chunhua. 3.3 clearance in turning direction The clearance of the universal joint in turning direction. 3.4 clearance of universal joint pin in axial direction The clearance between the end face of the universal joint pin and the bearing or adjusting washer. 3.5 extruding force of bearing The force required to extrude the bearing when the bearing is fixed in the bearing hole of the universal joint fork to prevent the bearing from sliding out of the bearing hole of the universal joint fork. 4 Test samples The test samples shall be made in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved by the specified procedures. The materials, dimensions, heat treatment and assembly conditions shall comply with the drawings and technical documents. There shall be at least 1 test sample for the endurance test, at least 1 test sample for the static torsional strength test, and at least 3 test samples for other test items. 5 Performance requirements Unless otherwise specified, steering universal joints of motor vehicles shall meet the following requirements. 5.1 Maximum working angle The maximum working angle meets the design requirements. 5.2 Swing moment The maximum swing moment is 0.39 N • m. 5.3 Clearance in turning direction The clearance in turning direction shall not be greater than 15’. 5.4 Clearance of universal joint pin in axial direction The clearance in axial direction meets the design requirements. 5.5 Tension-compression strength of universal joint and shaft There is no damage, shedding or sliding of the universal joint. 5.6 Extruding force of bearing The extruding force of the bearing shall be greater than 1960 N. 5.7 Static torsional strength The universal joint has no yield. 5.8 Endurance test The universal joint is not damaged. 6 Test conditions On the clamp-fixed universal joint fork used in each test item, the corresponding shaft used on the vehicle shall be assembled, and the bolts shall be tightened to the minimum specified moment. Only in the swing moment test, the bolts of the clamp-fixed universal joint fork are required to be tightened to the maximum specified moment value. 7 Test methods 7.1 Maximum working angle SWING one universal joint fork of around the other universal joint fork, while continuously turning the universal joint, see Figure 1. MEASURE the maximum possible working angle of turning αmax. The measurement error shall be within ±1° range. 7.2 Swing moment FIX one universal joint fork, and SWING the other universal joint fork around the universal joint pin. In the same way, EXCHANGE the fixing of the universal joint forks, and MEASURE the maximum swing moment of the two universal joint forks respectively. The measurement error is not greater than 2 %. 7.3 Clearance in turning direction ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.