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QC/T 484-1999 PDF English

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QC/T 484-1999: PDF in English (QCT 484-1999)

QC/T 484-1999 (Renamed from JB/Z 111-86) GUIDING TECHNICAL DOCUMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF MACHINERY INDUSTRY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA QC/T 484-1999 Replacing JB/Z 111-74 Automobile -- Paint Coating Issued on: February 06, 1986 Issued by: Ministry of Machinery Industry Table of Contents Note on transfer of standard number ... 3  1 Provisions on paint coating codes ... 4  2 Technical requirements ... 4  3 Marks ... 12  4 Inspection ... 12  Additional information: ... 14  Note on transfer of standard number According to the requirements of Standard Letter [1998] No. 216 of National Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau as well as the Reply No. 126 [1999] of State Bureau of Machine Building Industry, the original standard code JB/Z 111-86 is now converted to the industry standard code QC/T 484-1999. The content is temporarily unchanged. Please use the new standard code when quoting. Automobile -- Paint Coating This Standard applies to automobile paint coatings, not apply to paint coating for automobile electrical and instrument products. 1 Provisions on paint coating codes According to the different use conditions of automobile parts and paint quality requirements, the paint coating is divided into 10 groups and several levels, according to the provisions of Table 1. Table 1 Coating code Group name Level Paint coating name Note TQ1 Vehicle body A High-quality decorative protective coating B General decorative protective coating TQ2 Car body A Advanced decorative coating Suitable for luxury cars B High-quality decorative protective coating Suitable for intermediate car coating TQ3 Car box A Corrosion-resistant, decorative coating Suitable for iron car box B Anticorrosive, decorative coating Suitable for wooden wagons and iron wooden wagons TQ4 Frame, wheel fender High-quality anti-corrosion coating TQ5 Engine Protective coating (quick drying) TQ6 Chassis TQ7 Blank, semi- finished stamping, spring A General anti-corrosion coating B Anti-corrosion coating TQ8 Special coating A Acid resistant coating Suitable for battery box and its bracket B Gasoline-resistant coating Suitable for inner surface of gasoline tank C Heat-resistant coating Suitable for muffler exhaust pipe D Soundproof, heat-insulating, wear-resistant coating TQ9 Water tank, steel plate, spring Waterproof and antirust coating TQ10 Interior decoration Suitable for interior parts of cars and passenger cars 2 Technical requirements 2.1 The main quality indicators of paint coatings are specified in Table 2 according to the group and level of paint coating codes. Table 2 Coating code Level Coating characteristics Main quality indicators of coating Examples of uses Note TQ1 A It is a high-quality, decorative protective coating, with excellent weather resistance, water resistance, decoration and mechanical strength, suitable for wet tropical climate regions. 1. Paint film appearance: Flat and smooth. No particles are allowed on the appearance surface, but slight "orange peel" is allowed. Uniform light color without scratched face. Gloss: for the one with lights, not less than 90; for the one with plain light, not greater than 30. 2. Coating thickness: Primer layer: not less than 15 microns. Topcoat: not less than 40 microns. Total thickness: not less than 55 microns. 3. Mechanical strength: With plain light With light Impact 40 kgꞏcm 30 kgꞏcm Elasticity 3mm 5mm Hardness ≥0.4 ≥0.5 Adhesion Level 1 Level 1 4. Weather resistance: In Guangzhou and Hainan Island, the coating is still intact for two years of solarization or four years of use (that is, no foam, no powdering, no rust, no cracking), and the loss of light is not allowed to be greater than 30% or it is obviously discolored. 5. Corrosion resistance ○1 Pass the salt spray test for 700 hours according to 4.1.11 a method. ○2 In the south of the Yangtze River, if it is used for five years (200,000 kilometers), there shall be no perforation corrosion or structural damage due to rust. 6. Water resistance: When immersed in 50°C water for 20 cycles, it is allowed to thicken, but it shall not foam. 7. Alkali resistance: It is not blushing according to 4.1.8 b method for 4 hours, but slight discoloration is allowed. 8. Acid resistance: It is not blushing within 24 hours. No spots but slight discoloration is allowed. 9. Gasoline resistance: When immersed in RQ-70 gasoline, there shall be no change in 4 hours. 10. Engine oil resistance: Cabs and covering parts for cargo trucks, coach compartments, off-road vehicles, jeep bodywork, and the above-mentioned assemblies that use small and medium-sized parts with the same weather resistance and decorative requirements. 1. The outer surface of the underbody and the inner surface of the fender shall be coated with soundproof, wear-resistant, and heat-insulating paint after primer (see TQ8-T), and the joint of the weld shall be coated with sealant. 2. Aluminum products use zinc yellow pure phenolic or epoxy primer. 3. The covered part of the inner surface of the car body may not be painted. 4. In order to improve the corrosion resistance of the car body, the interior cavity of the painted car body and the internal cavity of the unpainted structure shall be sprayed with anti-rust wax. a. Immerse the painted sample plate in 80 ± 2°C 2% Na2CO3 aqueous solution. After 10 minutes, check how the paint film is dissolved. b. Immerse the painted sample plate in an aqueous solution that contains 0.1 NNaOH at 55 ± 1°C. After 4 hours, check the change of paint film. 4.1.9 Acid resistance: drop 0.1 NH2SO4 solution onto the sample plate. Observe the change of paint film after 24 hours at 20°C. 4.1.10 Water resistance: immerse the sample plate in a constant temperature water bath at 50 ± 1°C. Observe the change of paint film. Heat at 50 ± 1°C for 8 hours then stop heating. Naturally cool in a heat-insulated device for 16 hours as a cycle. 4.1.11 Corrosion resistance: Use the three inspection methods to determine the corrosion resistance of paint film. a. Salt spray resistance test: conduct in a salt spray test box. The sample plate is required to use scotch tape or refined wax to seal the edges, sharp blade for the center part. Draw two cross-cutting cuts at an angle of 60°. And place it in the salt spray box at an angle of 30° to the vertical. It is required that the sample plates cannot be blocked and contacted with each other. When the temperature in the control box is 36 ± 0.1~ 0.7°C, continuously spray. In NaCl solution with a saltwater concentration of 5±1%, in a salt spray box with PH value of 6.5~7.2, in an area with an amount of salt spray is 80cm2, at 1~2ml per hour (according to the average of at least 16 hours), continuously test and check once every 48 hours. After two checks, check once every 72 hours. Change the sample plate position after each check. Check according to product-specified standard and time. Observe the spread of corrosion under the paint film along the cutting line. (The indicators specified in this Standard are based on the one-sided corrosion spread not exceeding 2mm). Saltwater is not recycled. b. Salt solution resistance test: immerse the painted sample plate in a solution that contains 3% NaCl at a temperature of 25 ± 1°C. Check the damage and corrosion of paint film every 24 hours. c. Assessment of actual service life: expressed in years (or mileage) due to corrosion perforation or structural damage due to corrosion. 4.1.12 Gasoline resistance: determine according to GB 1734-79 “Determination of resistance to petrol of films”. 4.1.13 Engine oil resistance: determine according to chemical temporary 2017-57 “Determination of resistance to lubricating oil”. 4.1.14 Weather resistance: assess the ability of paint film to resist natural damage. a. Atmospheric exposure test: determine according to GB 1767-79 “Method for ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.