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QC/T 288.2-2001 PDF English

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QC/T 288.2-2001: PDF in English (QCT 288.2-2001)

QC/T 288.2-2001 QC AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Automobile engine cooling water pump test method ISSUED ON. DECEMBER 30, 2001 IMPLEMENTED ON. MAY 01, 2002 Approved by. China Machinery Industry Association Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Definitions ... 4  4 Test items ... 4  5 Test conditions ... 5  6 Test requirements ... 7  7 Data test and performance parameters calculation ... 8  8 Test report ... 13  Annex A ... 15  Foreword This Standard is developed to meet the needs of engine cooling water pump industry for development and facilitate the product supervision and inspection by technical supervision department. Annex A of this Standard is informative. This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization. Drafting organization of this Standard. Dongfeng Motor Pump Co., Ltd. Main drafter of this Standard. Ren Shengqun. Automobile engine cooling water pump test method 1 Scope This Standard specifies the measurement and calculation of test items, test conditions, test requirements and performance parameters of automobile engine cooling water pump. This Standard applies to automobile engine cooling water pump (hereinafter referred to as water pump). 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain the provisions, which through reference in this text, constitute the provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision; the parties who enter into agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest editions of the standards indicated below. GB/T 3214-1991 Methods for measurement of capacity of pump 3 Definitions This Standard adopts the following definitions. 3.1 Lift H (m). Referring to the energy increment per unit weight when the liquid delivered by water pump from inlet to outlet. 3.2 Flow Q (L/min) . Referring to the volume of liquid discharged by water pump in unit time. 3.3 Shaft power P (kW). Referring to the power that water pump requires. 3.4 Net positive suction head NPSH (m). Referring to the affluent flow that is owned by a unit-weight of water, at water pump inlet and exceeding vapor pressure. 3.5 Water pump failure. It means that the main components of water pump have abnormal wear and damage, due to which the performances cannot meet specified requirements. 4 Test items 4.1 Exit-factory inspection Exit-factory inspection items are as follows. Sealing test. 4.2 Type inspection Type test items include. a) Cavitation test; b) Reliability test; c) Sealing test; d) Performance test. 5 Test conditions 5.1 Test media a) Performance test and cavitation test. Clear water; b) Reliability test. Cooling liquid that is used by the installed engine; c) Sealing test. Air. 5.2 Test medium temperature a) Performance test and cavitation test. Water temperature 80°C ± 2°C; b) Reliability test. The maximum temperature of cooling liquid when engine works continuously (90°C ± 2°C when the maximum temperature is unknown); c) Sealing test. Air temperature is ambient temperature. 5.3 Test bench a) Performance test may be carried out on open or closed test bench, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2; 5.4.1 Pressure sensor and digital instruments. The precision is not lower than grade 0.5. 5.4.2 Flow. Instrument precision shall not be lower than grade 1. 5.4.3 Revolving speed. Instrument precision shall not be lower than grade 0.2. 5.4.4 Instrument precision shall not be lower than grade 0.5. 5.4.5 Torque. Instrument precision shall not be lower than grade 0.5. 5.5 Performance test shall be carried out under non-cavitation working conditions of water pump; water tank pressurization may be used to eliminate if cavitation occurs. 6 Test requirements 6.1 Performance test 6.1.1 TEST the water pump flow, shaft power of water pump at different revolving speeds and shaft power; DRAW the graph of relation among its lift, shaft power, pump efficiency and flow. 6.1.2 For rated revolving speed of which the range of speed is about 40%~120%, select 4 or more different revolving speeds with the same intervals for test; or select revolving speeds according to typical working conditions of engine. 6.1.3 Select at least 8 flow points at the same internals from maximum flow value to minimum stabilization measured value, under each kind of test revolving speed for test. 6.1.4 During data measurement, all instruments shall be read at the same time. 6.2 Cavitation test Measure the relation among flow, lift and NPSH, within water pump working range; draw corresponding curve chart. 6.2.1 Test the calibrated flow point or required flow points at rated revolving speed for test. Measure revolving speed, flow, lift, inlet pressure and water temperature. 6.2.2 During cavitation test, the changes of lift are divided into two stages. a) The phase that lift H does not change with net positive suction head (NPSH); b) The phase that lift H dramatically changes with net positive suction head (NPSH), i.e. fracture stage. 6.2.3 During test for each flow, select at least 10 different net positive suction head (NPSH) to draw cavitation performance curve. Net positive suction head (NPSH) interval shall be liquid; its calculation formula is as follows. Where, Pu — Output power of water pump, kW; Q — Flow, L/min. 7.5.2 Calculation formula of water pump efficiency η. 7.6 Determination of NPSH 7.6.1 Calculation formula of NPSH. Where, (NPSH) — Net positive suction head, m; H1 — Inlet gross head, m; P0 — Atmospheric pressure during test, kPa; Pv — Vapor pressure of water at test temperature, kPa, see Annex A1. When inlet pressure is measured through pressure sensor. Where, Z1 — Vertical distance from pressure sensor to water pump center, m. When pressure sensor is higher than pump center, Z1 is a positive value; on the contrary, Z1 is a negative value; P1 — Inlet pressure reading, kPa. P1 is a positive value when P1>P0; P1 is a negative value when P1< P0. 7.6.2 Critical net positive suction head (NPSH) c refers to the NPSH when lift H decreases by 2% on the performance curve of lift and NPSH. Annex A (Standard Annex) Physical Properties of Water under Standard Atmospheric Pressure Physical properties of water under standard atmospheric pressure are shown in Table A1. Table A1 Physical properties of water under standard atmospheric pressure Temperature °C Density Kg/m3 Vapor pressure kPa Temperature °C Density Kg/m3 Vapor pressure kPa 0 999.8 0.611 31 995.3 4.496 1 999.9 0.656 32 995.0 4.763 2 1 000.0 0.705 33 994.7 5.030 3 1 000.0 0.757 34 994.4 5.323 4 1 000.0 0.812 35 994.0 5.630 5 1 000.0 0.817 36 993.7 5.951 6 999.9 0.934 37 993.3 6.284 7 999.9 0.999 38 993.0 6.631 8 999.8 1.070 39 992.6 7.005 9 999.8 1.145 40 992.2 7.379 10 999.7 1.229 41 991.6 7.791 11 999.6 1.313 42 991.4 8.250 12 999.5 1.403 43 991.0 6.646 13 999.4 1.498 44 990.6 9.112 14 999.3 1.599 45 990.2 9.593 15 999.1 1.706 46 989.8 10.10 16 998.9 1.820 47 988.4 10.62 17 998.8 1.935 48 988.9 11.17 18 998.6 2.068 49 988.5 11.74 19 998.4 2.202 50 988.0 12.34 20 998.2 2.335 51 987.6 12.94 21 998.0 2.482 52 987.1 13.61 22 997.8 2.642 53 986.7 11.29 23 997.5 2.815 54 986.2 14.99 24 997.3 2.989 55 985.7 15.74 25 997.0 3.175 56 985.2 16.50 26 996.8 3.362 57 984.7 17.31 27 996.5 3.563 58 984.2 18.14 28 996.2 3.775 59 983.7 19.02 29 995.9 4.003 60 983.2 19.92 30 995.6 4.242 61 982.7 20.86 Table A1 (continued) Temperature °C Density Kg/m3 Vapor pressure kPa Temperature °C Density Kg/m3 Vapor pressure kPa 62 982.2 21.84 83 969.9 53.42 63 981.6 22.85 84 969.3 55.57 64 981.1 24.40 85 968.6 57.80 65 980.6 25.01 86 968.0 60.10 66 980.0 26.14 87 967.3 62.49 67 979.5 27.33 88 966.7 64.95 68 978.9 26.56 89 966.0 67.49 69 978.4 29.83 90 965.3 70.11 70 977.8 31.16 91 964.6 72.81 71 977.2 32.53 92 964.0 75.61 72 976.6 33.96 93 963.3 78.49 73 976.0 35.43 94 962.6 81.46 74 975.5 36.96 95 961.9 84.52 75 974.9 38.55 96 961.2 87.69 76 974.3 40.19 97 960.5 90.95 77 973.7 41.89 98 959.8 94.30 78 973.0 43.65 99 959.1 97.76 79 972.4 45.47 100 958.4 101.3 80 971.8 47.36 110 951.0 143.3 81 971.2 49.31 120 943.1 198.5 82 970.5 51.33 130 934.8 270.1 ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.