QC/T 243-2018 PDF English
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Flatness requirements and test methods of wheel attachment face
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QC/T 243-2004 | English | 199 |
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Performance requirements and test methods of automobile wheeldisc base planeness
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QC/T 243-1997 | English | 199 |
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(Wheel mounting surface flatness requirements and test methods)
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QC/T 243-2018: PDF in English (QCT 243-2018) QC/T 243-2018
ICS 43.040.50
T 22
Replacing QC/T 243-2004
Flatness requirements and test methods of wheel
attachment face
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
Announcement ... 4
Foreword ... 7
1 Scope ... 9
2 Normative references ... 9
3 Terms and definitions ... 9
4 Requirements ... 9
5 Sample ... 10
6 Test methods ... 10
7 Determination of acceptance ... 14
Formulation explanation for QC/T 243-2018 “Flatness requirements and test
methods of wheel attachment face” ... 15
1 Job profile ... 15
2 Standard revision principles ... 17
3 Main revision contents ... 18
4 Analysis on main test situation ... 19
5 Expected social benefits and effects on industrial development ... 19
6 Adoption of international standards and advanced foreign standards... 20
7 Explanation on wheel standard system ... 20
8 Process and basis for major disagreements ... 20
9 Suggested description of the standard nature ... 20
10 Requirements for standard implementation and suggestions on measures
... 20
11 Proposal to abolish existing relevant standards ... 21
12 Other matters that shall be explained ... 21
of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People's Republic of China
No. 23, 2018
It is hereby announced that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
approved 594 industry standards (see the annex for standard references,
names, main content and dates of implementation) such as "Medical film
printer", including 33 chemical industry standards, 10 petrochemical industry
standards, 11 metallurgical industry standards, 69 non-ferrous metal industry
standards, 47 building materials industry standards, 1 gold industry standard,
247 mechanical industry standards, 8 automotive industry standards, 1 aviation
industry standard, 7 ship industry standards, 66 light industry standards, 48
textile industry standards, 4 packaging industry standards, 6 civil explosive
industry standards, 24 electronic industry standards, 12 communication
industry standards. It approved 63 Industry measurement technical
specifications such as “Calibration specification for pump comprehensive
performance test bench”, including 19 mechanical engineering technical
specifications, 6 petrochemical industry measurement technical specifications,
9 textile industry measurement technical specifications, 13 communication
technology measurement technical specifications, and 16 electronic industry
measurement technical specifications.
The above chemical industry product standards are published by Chemical
Industry Press. The chemical industry engineering construction, automotive
industry standards are published by the Science and Technology Literature
Publishing House. The petrochemical industry standards are published by
Sinopec Publishing House. The metallurgical and non-ferrous metal industry
standards are published by the Metallurgical Industry Press. The gold, textile
and packaging industry standards are published by China Standard Press. The
building materials industry standards are published by Building Materials
Industry Press. The mechanical industry standards are published by the
Machinery Industry Press. The light industry standards are published by China
Light Industry Press. The aviation industry standards are published by China
Aviation Integrated Technology Research Institute. The ship industry standards
are published by China Shipbuilding Industry Comprehensive Technology
Research Institute. The civil explosion industry standards are published by the
China Ordnance Industry Standardization Institute. The electronic industry
standards are published by the China Electronics Standardization Institute. The
communication industry standards are published by the People's Posts and
Telecommunications Press.
The above technical specifications for machinery industry are published by the
Machinery Industry Press. The technical specifications for petrochemical and
textile industries are published by China Quality Inspection Press. The
communication Industry metrology technical specifications are published by
China Institute of Information and Communications. The electronic industry
metrology technical specifications are published by China Electronics
Technology Standardization Institute.
Annex: References, names and dates of implementation of 8 automotive
industry standards.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of
April 30, 2018
References, names and dates of implementation of 42 automotive
industry standards
No. Standard reference Standard name
reference being
Date of
419 QC/T 243-2018
requirements and test
methods of wheel
attachment face
QC/T 243-2004 2018-09-01
420 QC/T 1092-2018
Static stiffness test
methods for 15° drop
center commercial
vehicle steel wheels
421 QC/T 932-2018
Emergency shutoff
valve of road tanker
for dangerous liquid
goods transportation
QC/T 932-2012 2018-09-01
422 QC/T 456-2018 Bulk vehicles for particle grain QC/T 456-1999 2018-09-01
423 QC/T 790-2018
requirements and
bench test methods
of brake chamber for
automotive vehicle
and trailer
QC/T 790-2007 2018-09-01
424 QC/T 1093-2018
Side impact tube
beam for passenger
425 QC/T 696-2018
The centralized
lubrication system of
automotive chassis
QC/T 696-2011 2018-09-01
426 QC/T 695-2018 Automotive relay QC/T 695-2002 QC/T 419-1999 2018-09-01
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009
“Directives for standardization - Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards”.
This Standard replaces QC/T 243-2004 “Performance requirements and test
methods of automobile wheels disc base planeness”.
Compared with QC/T 243-2004, the main technical changes in this Standard
are as follows:
- modified the standard name to: “Flatness requirements and test methods
of wheel attachment face”;
- added normative references (see Clause 2);
- added terms and definitions (see Clause 3);
- added flatness requirements for light alloy wheel attachment face of
commercial vehicle: ≤0.20 mm (see Clause 4);
- modified flatness requirements for outer attachment face of commercial
vehicle steel wheel: the original one was ≤0.50 mm; now it is unified as:
the flatness requirements of inner, outer attachment faces are ≤0.40 mm
(see Clause 4 of this Edition, Clause 2 of QC/T 243-2004);
- modified measuring area requirements for attachment face of commercial
vehicle wheel (see Clause 4 of this Edition, Annex A of QC/T 243-2004);
- modified flatness requirements for attachment face of passenger vehicle
steel wheel: the original one was ≤0.20 mm; now it is ≤0.15 mm (see
Clause 4 of this Edition, Clause 2 of QC/T 243-2004);
- deleted Annex A (Annex A of QC/T 243-2004).
This Standard also made the following editorial modification to test methods:
- divided the test method in QC/T 243-2004 into gap method and indicator
method; described measuring steps in detail.
This Standard does not involve patents.
This Standard was proposed by and shall be under the jurisdiction of National
Technical Committee on Automobiles of Standardization Administration of
China (SAC/TC 114).
The drafting organizations of this Standard: Shanghai Baosteel Wheel Co., Ltd.,
Jiangsu Daya Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Jiaxing Fengpai Wheel Co., Ltd.,
Zhejiang Ouxing Huanmei Parts Co., Ltd.
Main drafters of this Standard: Xiang Bingzhi, Cai Jianzhong, Hao Shengfei, Li
Wenjian, Jiang Yindi, Xiong Hongbing, Li Dong.
Versions of standard substituted by this Standard are:
- QC/T 243-2004;
- QC/T 243-1997.
Flatness requirements and test methods
of wheel attachment face
1 Scope
1.1 This Standard specifies flatness requirements and test methods of wheel
attachment face.
1.2 This Standard is applicable to automobile wheel.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 2933, Wheels/rims for pneumatic tyres - Nomenclature, designation
and marking
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T
2933 apply.
4 Requirements
4.1 Flatness requirements for attachment face of commercial vehicle
See Table 1 for flatness requirements of commercial vehicle wheel attachment
face. See Table 2 for measuring area requirements of attachment face.
Table 1 -- Flatness requirements of commercial vehicle wheel
attachment face
Material Flatness requirements
Steel ≤0.40
Light alloy ≤0.20
Table 2 -- Measuring area requirements of commercial vehicle wheel
attachment face
4.2 Flatness requirements for attachment face of passenger vehicle wheel
See Table 3 for flatness requirements for attachment face of passenger vehicle
Table 3 -- Flatness requirements for attachment face of passenger
vehicle wheel
Material Flatness requirements
Steel ≤0.15
Light alloy ≤0.10 (center concave)
5 Sample
The sample to be tested shall be a new wheel that has completed all machining
processes, that is not tested and used.
6 Test methods
6.1 Gap method I
6.1.1 Measuring gauge for testing
The measuring gauge consists of flat plate (circular or cross-shaped) and feeler
gauge. The flat plate shall be able to cover measuring area. Its flatness shall be
Number of bolt holes
Diameter of bolt hole
distribution circle
Minimum diameter of
measuring area (inner)
Minimum diameter of
measuring area (outer)
less than or equal to 0.02 mm. The flat plate’s roughness does not exceed .
6.1.2 Test method
This test method is to use feeler gauge to measure the gaps BETWEEN some
positions within the measuring area of attachment face AND flat plate, then take
the maximum value as the flatness. Measure according to the following steps:
a) Put the flat plate on the wheel attachment face to make the flat plate cover
the measuring area, see Figure 1;
b) Use feeler gauge to measure the gaps between the flat plate and the
measuring area of attachment face. Measure at least 8 gaps for
commercial vehicle wheel, 4 for outer ring and 4 for inner ring. For
passenger vehicle, it shall measure each facet. Record the maximum gap;
NOTE: When cross-shaped flat plate is used, the number of flat plate rotation shall
not be less than twice.
c) Take the maximum gap as the flatness of wheel attachment face.
1 - flat plate or cross-shaped flat plate; 2 - wheel
a) Commercial vehicle wheel
1 - flat plate; 2 - wheel
b) Passenger vehicle wheel
Figure 1 -- Testing diagram of gap method I
6.2 Gap method II
6.2.1 Testing device
Testing gauge consists of flat plate (circular ring shape) and dial indicator. The
flat plate shall be able to cover measuring area. Its flatness shall be less than
or equal to 0.02 mm.
6.2.2 Test method
This test method is to use dial indicator to measure the gaps BETWEEN some
positions within the measuring area of attachment face AND flat plate, then take
the maximum value as the flatness. Measure according to the following steps:
a) Place the flat plate that is equipped with dial indicator on base plane for
b) Place the flat plate on the wheel attachment face. Put the dial indicator
within the measuring area of attachment face. Record the difference
between dial indicator hand and zero position, see Figure 2;
c) Move the flat plate. Repeat the above step b). For commercial vehicle
wheel, it shall select not less than 20 points in a scattering way within the
measuring area of attachment face. Not less than 2 points are selected
within each facet of passenger vehicle wheel. For passenger vehicle
wheel, it shall select not less than 20 points in a scattering way within the
measuring area of attachment face;
d) Take the maximum difference hmax between dial indicator hand and zero
position as the flatness of attachment face.
1 - dial indicator; 2 - pull handle; 3 - carry handle; 4 - wheel; 5 - flat plate; 6 -
sliding block
a) Commercial vehicle wheel
1 - dial indicator; 2 - flat plate; 3 - wheel
b) Passenger vehicle wheel
Figure 2 – Testing diagram of gap method II
6.3 Indicator method
6.3.1 Testing device
Coordinate measuring machine.
6.3.2 Test method
This test method is to use coordinate measuring machine to measure the
amount of deviation between the measuring area of attachment face and the
measuring base plane so as to evaluate the flatness. Measure according to the
following steps:
a) Put the wheel on the workbench of coordinate measuring machine;
b) Within the measuring area of attachment face, randomly take three far
points to fit the base plane;
c) Move the measuring pointer. Measure the data of other points. Record the
reading of each point hi. It is positive when it is higher than the base plane,
negative when lower than the base plane. The points to be taken shall be
scattered as much as possible. Take not less than 20 points for
commercial vehicle wheel. Not less than 2 points shall be selected within
each facet for passenger vehicle wheel. For light alloy wheel of passenger
vehicle, it shall select not less than 20 points in a scattering way within
attachment face;
d) Take the difference between the maximum reading hmax and the minimum
reading hmin as the flatness of wheel attachment face.
7 Determination of acceptance
When the measuring results meet the requirements of 4.1 or 4.2, the flatness
of the wheel attachment face to be tested shall be accepted.
Formulation explanation for QC/T 243-2018 “Flatness
requirements and test methods of wheel attachment
1 Job profile
1.1 Task source
The preparation and revision plan of this Standard was proposed on the sixth
session of the fourth meeting of the Subcommittee on Wheels of National
Technical Committee on Automobiles of Standardization Administration of
China (hereinafter referred to as the Subcommittee) (held in Changsha), based
on the requirements for the “Twelfth Five-Year” automotive wheel industry
standard system. In accordance with “The plans for the third batch of
automobile industry standard projects issued by the Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology (MIIT)”, the project approval number is MIIT [2014] No.
628; the plan number is 2014-1630T-QC; the project name is “Flatness
requirements and test methods of wheel attachment face”; the plan drafting
organizations are Shanghai Baosteel Wheel Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Daya Wheel
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
1.2 Main working process
In October 2011, on the meeting held in Changsha by the Subcommittee, it was
determined that Shanghai Baosteel Wheel Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Daya Wheel
Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Jiaxing Fengpai Wheel Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ouxing
Huanmei Parts Co., Ltd. would be responsible for the revision of QC/T 243
“Performance requirements and test methods of automobile wheels disc base
planeness”. It also determined that the revision principle was to non-
equivalently adopt JASO C614:2004 “Chassis and Brake - Automobile Parts -
Disc Wheels”. Shanghai Baosteel Wheel Co., Ltd., in accordance with the
standard of the Subcommittee Secretariat, made the revision plan and
established the standard revision working group. Through the research on
national, industry and international relevant standards, it translated JASO
C614:2004 “Chassis and Brake - Automobile Parts - Disc Wheels”. During
2012~2013, the drafting group completed the first revision draft by researching
and collecting the flatness test methods used by many wheel manufacturing
companies. On September 2014, it submitted to the standard reviewing
meeting held in Changzhou. On the meeting, the flatness requirements for steel
and light alloy wheels of commercial vehicle and passenger vehicle were
discussed and determined. See the table below.
Vehicle type Vehicle wheel mounting type and measuring position
Flatness requirements /
Commercial vehicle
Steel Outer attachment face ≤0.40 Inner attachment face ≤0.30
Light alloy Outer attachment face ≤0.20 Inner attachment face ≤0.20
Passenger vehicle Steel Attachment face ≤0.15 Light alloy ≤0.10
In October 2015, on the second session of the fifth meeting held in Hefei, the
drafting group submitted the standard draft to participating experts and
committee members. After discussion clause by clause, article by article, three
comments were proposed: to modify the standard’s English name, be
consistent with the terminology of GB/T 2933; to unify the flatness requirements
for inner, outer attachment faces of commercial vehicle wheel as ≤0.40 mm,
adding flatness requirements for attachment face of commercial vehicle light
alloy wheel as ≤0.20 mm; to re-edit the gap method and the indicator method.
The drafting group, based on the meeting comments, modified and improved
the draft, formed a draft for comments and instructions for preparation. In
September 2016, it asked for public consultation from the industry. 7 comments
were received from 5 organizations. The drafting group collected and dealt with
the feedbacks. 3 were accepted, and 1 was rejected; the rest 3 comments that
could not be determined were submitted to all committee members to review
and determine. The review draft that had been modified and improved was
submitted to the standard reviewing meeting in November 2016 held in
Chongqing to review. On the meeting, each member discussed the submitted
standard draft article by article. 6 comments on revision were proposed:
1) Foreword: deleted “adding requirements for measuring area of passenger
vehicle wheel attachment face”, added the releasement of previous
2) Normative references: deleted GB/T 11337, GB/T 16857.1;
3) Table 2 in 4.1: divided the flatness measuring area of commercial vehicle
wheel attachment face according to inner side, outer side; modified the
measuring range of outer attachment face; added measuring area
requirements for 8 bolt holes, wheels of which the diameter of distribution
circle is Φ285 mm;
4) in 4.2: deleted flatness measuring area requirements for passenger
vehicle wheel attachment face; in Table 3, modified the flatness
requirements for passenger vehicle steel wheel as ≤0.15 mm; the flatness
measuring area of attachment face was not divided into inner side, outer
5) Clause 6: added plane roughness requirements for measuring gauge for
testing in 6.1.1; added testing diagram for passenger vehicle wheel in gap
method I; in measuring steps of gap method II, added measuring point
requirements for commercial vehicle wheel and passenger vehicle wheel;
modified measuring step c) as “Move the flat plate. Repeat the above step
b). For commercial vehicle wheel, it shall select not less than 20 points in
a scattering way within the measuring area of attachment face. Not less
than 2 points are selected within each facet of passenger vehicle wheel.
For passenger vehicle wheel, it shall select not less than 20 points in a
scattering way within the measuring area of attachment face;”;
6) Clause 7: modified as “When the measuring results meet the requirements
of 4.1 or 4.2, the flatness of the wheel attachment face to be tested shall
be accepted.”.
1.3 Members of working group and their jobs
Xiang Bingzhi: responsible for the collection, translation of standard information,
collection of feedbacks and standard writing;
Cai Jianzhong: responsible for the test and writing of flatness test method of
passenger vehicle wheel;
Hao Shengfei: responsible for the test and writing of flatness test method of
aluminum alloy wheel;
Li Wenjian: responsible for the test and writing of flatness test method of
aluminum alloy wheel;
Jiang Yindi: responsible for the preparation, collection, reorganizing of
commercial vehicle’s technical requirements and standard writing;
Xiong Hongbing: responsible for the verification of wheel flatness test method;
Li Dong: responsible for the verification of wheel flatness test method.
2 Standard revision principles
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009
“Directives for standardization - Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards”. It
meets the requirements in standard frame, structure and content.
This Standard non-equivalently adopted JASO C614:2004 “Chassis and Brake
- Automobile Parts - Disc Wheels”. At the same time, it also referred to GB/T
11337-2004 “Measurement of departures from flatness” and GB/T 16857
“Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification
tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM)”. The test methods in QC/T
243-2004 were divided into the gap method and the indicator method. The
measuring steps were described in detail to make the testing during production
more maneuverable.
3 Main revision contents
3.1 Application scope
This Standard is applicable to automobile wheel.
3.2 Normative references
Added normative reference: GB/T 2933 “Wheels/rims for pneumatic tyres -
Nomenclature, designation and marking”.
3.3 Technical differences with QC/T 243-2004
- modified the standard name to: “Flatness requirements and test methods
of wheel attachment face”;
- added normative references (see Clause 2);
- added terms and definitions (see Clause 3);
- added flatness requirements for light alloy wheel attachment face of
commercial vehicle: ≤0.20 mm (see Clause 4);
- modified flatness requirements for outer attachment face of commercial
vehicle steel wheel: the original one was ≤0.50 mm; now it is unified as:
the flatness requirements of inner, outer attachment faces are ≤0.40 mm
(see Clause 4 of this Edition, Clause 2 of QC/T 243-2004);
- modified measuring area requirements for attachment face of commercial
vehicle wheel (see Clause 4 of this Edition, Annex A of QC/T 243-2004);
- modified flatness requirements for attachment face of passenger vehicle
steel wheel: the original one was ≤0.20 mm; now it is ≤0.15 mm (see
Clause 4 of this Edition, Clause 2 of QC/T 243-2004);
- deleted Annex A (Annex A of QC/T 243-2004).
This Standard also made the following editorial modification to test methods:
- divided the test method in QC/T 243-2004 into the gap method and the
indicator method; described measuring steps in detail.
4 Analysis on main test situation
For steel wheel and light alloy wheel, due to different manufacturing processes,
the dimensional accuracy varies greatly. Steel wheels are generally stamped
from steels. Light alloy wheels are generally cast and machined from billets.
The dimensional accuracy of light alloy wheel is better than steel wheel.
Therefore, the flatness requirements for steel wheels and light alloy wheels are
different. At the same time, the structure of commercial vehicle wheel is different
from that of passenger vehicle wheel, so the flatness requirements of the two
are different.
The standard preparation group analyzed the flatness of various wheels
produced by Shanghai Baosteel Wheel Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Daya Wheel
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the past two years. It also referred to QC/T 243-2004
and foreign standard parameters. Based on the comparison with the testing
results of productions and tests of several large domestic wheel manufacturers,
it proposed bounce requirements in Table 1 and Table 2, which were discussed
and approved on the meeting held in Hefei.
Table 1 -- Flatness requirements of commercial vehicle wheel
attachment face
Material Flatness requirements
Steel ≤0.40
Light alloy ≤0.20
Table 2 -- Flatness requirements of passenger vehicle wheel attachment
Material Flatness requirements
Steel ≤0.15
Light alloy ≤0.10 (center concave)
5 Expected social benefits and effects on industrial
The flatness of wheel attachment face is one important safety indicator for
vehicle. According to the research on attenuation to wheel mounting nut torque
caused by flatness of wheel attachment face as well as the jitter effects when
vehicle brakes, this Standard improved the technical requirements for flatness
indicator in QC/T 243-2004. Meanwhile, it re-edited the gap method and the
indicator method to make the test methods during production more operational
and practical. It also played a guiding role in the improvement of wheel
manufacturing technology.
6 Adoption of international standards and advanced
foreign standards
This Standard non-equivalently adopted the contents of sub-clause 6.3 in JASO
C614:2004 “Chassis and Brake - Automobile Parts - Disc Wheels”.
7 Explanation on wheel standard system
This Standard belongs to the third category of vehicle wheel standard system -
- Dimensions and detection methods. The number of this Standard in the
system is QC-102-202-302-403-503-008.
During the revision process, this Standard referred to GB/T 11337-2004
“Measurement of departures from flatness” and GB/T 16857 “Geometrical
Product Specification (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate
measuring machines”. It divided the test method in QC/T 243-2004 into the gap
method and the indicator method. It described the measuring steps of dial
indicator method and three-coordinate method in details.
This Standard has nothing to run counter to current regulations, current
standards, and established standards.
8 Process and basis for major disagreements
During the preparation of this Standard, there were no major disagreements.
9 Suggested description of the standard nature
This Standard is an automotive industry standard. It is recommended as a
recommendatory standard to promote in the wheel industry.
10 Requirements for standard implementation and
suggestions on measures
After the publication of this Standard, it is recommended to organize and
implement it through the National Technical Committee on Automobiles of
Standardization Administration of China.
11 Proposal to abolish existing relevant standards
Since the implementation of this Standard, QC/T 243-2004 “Performance
requirements and test methods of automobile wheels disc base planeness” is
recommended to be repealed simultaneously.
12 Other matters that shall be explained
__________ END __________
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.