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QC/T 238-1997 PDF English

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QC/T 238-1997: PDF in English (QCT 238-1997)

QC/T 238-1997 AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Storage and preservation for automotive parts ISSUED ON: NOVEMBER 12, 1997 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 01, 1998 Issued by: Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Table of Contents Foreword ... 3  1 Scope ... 4  2 Normative references ... 4  3 Definitions ... 4  4 Storage location and conditions ... 5  5 Storage and preservation requirements ... 6  6 Inspection during storage period ... 7  Storage and preservation for automotive parts 1 Scope This Standard specifies the storage location and conditions, storage and preservation requirements as well as inspection during storage period for automotive (including motorcycle) parts. This Standard is applicable to storage and preservation for automotive parts in circulation field. The production field and transport, maintenance enterprises can refer to this Standard for implementation. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated are valid. All standards are subject to revision. The parties who are using this Standard shall explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. ZB T 08001-90, Merchandise acceptance specification for automotive parts 3 Definitions For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply. 3.1 Warehouse: a building that is specially for material storage and preservation. 3.2 Storage bin: a small unit for goods placement in storage place. 3.3 Stacking: neat arrangement, stacking and piling of products. 3.4 Stacking type: type of product stacking. 3.5 Stacking bottom: bottom area of product stacking. 3.6 Straw cushion: waterproof material, skid placed at the stacking bottom. 3.7 Straw cover: cover of waterproof material to product. 3.8 Inverse stacking: move the stacking that the inventory is large, the bottom has been backlogged for the long time to another location. 4.3 Storage in open freight yard 4.3.1 The parts stored in open air shall have protective measures such as straw cushion, straw cover, sealed scaffolding that are 20 cm from ground. 4.3.2 For the open freight yard, the ground shall be flat and firm, the carrying pressure is 30~50 kPa. There shall be drains, passages that loading-unloading equipment such as forklifts and cranes can enter and exit. 4.3.3 The straw cover material or sealed scaffolding material used for open freight yard shall meet the fire safety requirements. 5 Storage and preservation requirements 5.1 The commodity’s storage and preservation shall ensure the commodity’s quality and safety for easy tallying, carrying, earth-moving, hoisting and delivery. 5.2 The commodity storage shall reasonably use the warehouse capacity. Fully improve the storage efficiency per unit area. Keep the storage space neat and tidy. 5.3 Classify and stack according to different physical properties, chemical properties, categories, structures of the storage items. The stacking, piling shall be neat, stable, horizontally-vertically in line. The lines or stacks (piles) of commodities that are counted in weight shall be obviously separated. The quantity or weight shall be indicated. In all stacking types of same variety goods, it is only allowed to have one incomplete stacking. The quantity shall be clear in vision inspection, easy to be tallied. 5.4 The main and auxiliary passages inside the warehouse shall be straight, smooth. Between the stackings, between the stacking (or shelf) and wall, column, top, top light, there shall be spacing reserved. The main passage width is not less than 1.5 m. The auxiliary passage width is not less than 0.9 m. For the warehouse that is equipped with elevator, on the left and right of the elevator landing opening, 2 m space shall be reserved separately so as to make the loading-unloading, temporary stacking easy. The stacking spacing inside the warehouse shall not be less than 0.5 m. The stacking space in the open air shall not be less than 1 m. The distance between stacking position and inner wall inside the warehouse shall not be less than 0.3 m. The distance from open-air stacking to warehouse enclosing wall shall be 0.8~1.3 m. The distance from stacking to ceiling shall not be less than 0.5 m. The herringbone warehouse freight yard shall be 0.5~1.0m lower than balance wooden cable. The distance from stacking top and lighting device shall not be less than 0.5 m. The distance from shelf to column in the warehouse shall not be less than 0.1 m. 5.5 The fire distance between flammable combustible object and building shall meet the requirements of architectural design code for fire protection. 5.6 During carrying, stacking, delivery, it shall carry stably, handle with care. Do not throw, roll, impact and invert. When performing stacking job, the marks on the commodity packaging shall be always facing outward. Do not invert. Treat without delay when packaging damage is found. For light foam items, it shall appropriately control the stacking height. Do not apply heavy pressure for fragile and easily-deformed items. 5.7 For commodities that are arrived in multi-batches, that are of same product name, model, specification, store in classification; combine the account, the card. For commodities with different places of origin, the account, the goods, the card shall be separated. 6 Inspection during storage period 6.1 The commodity warehousing shall be accepted according to the provisions of ZB T08001. During the preservation period, it shall perform regular quality inspection and maintenance. 6.2 The commodities that have strict retention period shall be indicated in the account book and on the finished goods card. Make special marks on the storage position. Note the expiration time. Timely notify relevant departments to deal with. 6.3 The commodities inside the warehouse shall set finished goods card. The card shall contain commodity number, product name, specification, unit, place of origin, sale price, packing quantity and delivery date, ticket number, stock quantity. 6.4 The commodities in the warehouse shall be shipped out of the warehouse by bill of lading. Maintain the account, the card and the object coincide. The commodities that are not included in the final account are not allowed to be shipped. They shall be separately stored. 6.5 Perform inverse stacking. For commodity shipping, it shall insist a principle of in-first-and-out-first, shipping old products first, and storing new products. 6.6 The one-time maintenance (such as anti-rust, applying anti-rust grease, ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.